IVF/ICSI Support Group

Tanny, <1 indicate no pregnancy and hence to implantation occur. Not too sure what is the value for pregnancy and MC. You can check with your DR on your next visit. What is the therapy session you have gone to that she energize your tummy?

Are you getting the government subsidy and pay through medisave for your FET? If not, the cashier will ask you to pay on the spot or maybe they have missed it. And you will be receive a reminder to pay up thereafter when they go through the unpaid list or you will be asked to pay on your bHCG day together with your bHCG BT cost.

Joanne03, thanks for your sharing your experience on preventation on OHSS. I will definitely note down for future use. How many packs of Immouncal do you drink during Puregon Stage?

Tea, I've added you to the online status spreadsheet. Please help yourself in updating your status. Sisters here share our status there.

Ching, thanks for your information. Any idea about NUH and Raffles' FET cost? How about SGH fresh cycle cost?

Heartbeats, if you plan to go through FET this round, do you think this is higher priority than your work? If it is, just go on MC that KKIVF will provide you. If you are not ready for FET, do it when you feel more comfortable. It's nice of your DH to be thoughtful. Weigh your priority and you will find your answer, dear.

Zion, you can start to take 2 egg whites now to prevent OHSS. Or can drink Immouncal/ protein drink now. Since protein is the main thing to prevent OHSS, ensure you can also take some protein food 3X per day that can fall into your 3 main meals.


let it natural, dont count any dates..nothing is firmed..every month is different.. for example, my FET took me 26days to get to 8mm for lining..cannot count based on previous cycles, anything can change on that month..just let it shui yuan ba..the more u wana stress, the more AF not going to come..
Hi Hazel, thanks for the info. I remembered the first time I did the nurse asked me to bring along but this time, they did not mention anything... so I'm bit puzzle.
Hi all, Just visited Dr Zou today with hubby. Price wise, is definitely more economical. Dr Zou also quite friendly. She ask me for report but SGH nor give me. Normally for KK, is the report automatically given or you all request for it? If so, I will have to purposely call in to request and go down SGH to get it le as my appt is next mth.

Dr Zou thought it was weird that I am on such high dosage of gonal f le but so few eggs fertilized. heart pain leh coz no frozen embryos to do FET. Anyway, I will take the tcm med first then go for 2nd round.

Heartbeats, i Know how u feel. Personally, since you spent so much, just heck care and rest la. I also fan. Assuming I rest 2 mths, the earliest I can start is feb/mar, which is also my co peak - budget period. Stress....
Gals, any idea what the fet is like? Do we still need suppression and stim? Shouldn't be right? Pls advise.
Dee and hope4bb, why dun u try the ivig drip in Nuh to increase chances of implantation for lupus and thyroid patients?
Sorry, I didn't asked abt the FET cost. I didn't call SGH to check either.
Are you thinking of changing hospital?
Hi ladies,

Went for first scan last wed... Dr saw 2 follicles but still too small n lining also not there... Dr in charge said its still early... Guess I will to go for a few more scans before I can do my fet.... after that went to buy some chicken essence n brazil nuts... hopefully can help with my lining...

Sometimes it's really hard to calculate n the more we plan the more things dun go the way we plan esp when it comes to conceiving. Initially I planned to do my fet in oct so went to see dr Loh in aug. did my papsmear at the same time but ended up I got an infection in the cervix n need to go for laser treatment n gotta wait 6-8 wks before I can do anything. Then thinking that I can do fet in dec cos that period is my holiday then news of dr Loh leaving came.... so at the end of the day nothing went as planned...
It depends whether u r on medicated or natural fet. I'm trying natural fet so basically just scan from day 10 after mense to check lining n test for ovulation n once ovulate can do ET. I'm not too sure abt medicated fet but I think need to inject puregon or gonal f to prepare lining n then once lining meet requirement can do transfer.
Joanne03, thanks for your information.

Ching, maybe but would like to compare the price first.

Heartbeat, do you know the fresh cycle cost at SGH? And FET cost?

Tub, medicated FET at KKIVF need to eat progynova for lining growth and asprin to prevent blood clot starting on Day 4. Will go for first scan at Day 10 to check whether lining reach optimal thickness (at least 8mm). If yes, can proceed for FET; otherwise scan again on other day as per instructed. Not sure will DR will prescribe asprin to patient. And unsure whether the protocol is the same at NUH.
Medicated FET in kkh only need to take oral medicine to build up lining. Once lining is ready, proceed to FET. It does not matter if u ovulate or didnt. Unlike natural FET, no medicine is taken. Lining is built up during ovulation, if no ovulation or lining not ideal, natural FET will be cancelled.

Aspirins r not precribed unless dr ask for it for patients who hv failed previously. Dr hopes to improve implantation n success rate with aspirins. BUT, is optional. Hope this is clearer.
anyone knows how to read the kkh bills huh? i received a stack of bills from my fresh cycle and now had some time to understand it. my total cost is $6,722 and i checked that the medisave was also deducted the same $6,722. So where is the 3K grant? strange... its my first fresh, so if its 50% cofunding then at least 50% of S$6,722 should be paid, up to max of $3K? hmmm am i missing something?
Hi Tub, I use room temperature water to mix with immunocal (stir hard - 1cup), and finish it instantly. Not sure if detailed instructions are on the box, I read on the immunocal website that important to not use warm/ hot water, drink within 15 mins I think, best on empty stomach or with light meals, avoid high protein consumption same time.

You should be able to get all info in the homepage. It's quite a nice read
Puregon / gonal f are expensive stimulation drugs to stimulate the follicles to produce eggs. Incidentally, lining will build up during the process. clomid is to make a woman ovulate n hence lining will grow. For medicated FET, there is no need for a woman to ovulate. The scan is just to check for lining growth which will happen from taking oral medicine, progynova. Natural FET, as no medicine is taken, scan is to monitor thickness n when it is thick enough, need to use opk to test ovulation from urine. Opk shows positive, it means ovulating soon n hence lining thickness is achieved. FET will take plc. For medicated FET, no need to use opk n no need to test for ovulation.

Thus, FET in KKH is cheap. $1k plus only.
Hi eskimobabies, Dr Zou also said to me that egg whites can improve follicles quality and lining, you may like to take more too. Another one is protein as in fish and/ or protein powder, she reminded me to up these too. All the best to your follicles growth
Tanny, u need to add the individual bills to total cost of the fresh cycle process. The amt paid by medisave or cash after govt grant will be shown every bill. Eg the bill that shows the cost of Lucrin which u paid in cash will hv no medisave or grant on it. Still dun understand, show it to someone who is finance trained to go thru with u. Is hard to help u read the stack of bills here.
Tromoso, esikmobaby is doing FET not fresh cycle. Quality of follicles (hence eggs) are not important at all. That goes rye same for protein in take. So, dun hv to take egg white. That is for fresh cycle only.
joynfaith : for fet, im using cash. guess they will bill me during the beta BT in 2ww time.

tub : i take it with yakult. i take yakult out to cool down first. or i mix it with honey. the original immonunocal is horrid right? today my hubby finally drink immunocal.. haha.. he has been feeling sick/ sometimes giddy dunno why. i think immunocal build up our immune system so after many weeks of persuasion he finally drinks his first pack - he said yucks too.

what is the usual aspirin dosage? i asked for it this time round and dr gave me 100mg starting from ET day.
hazel : ya lor, i did up all the individual bills that they sent by post - which is the puregon, ganiflex, HCG injects, ER charged and ET charges - I look at the total charges plus 7% GST and add up all the bills. It gives me S$6,722 amount. I did not add those that are incurred prior to the stimulation stage - such as those I paid by cash like for FSH test, HSG tests, Hep A.B. C tests etc. Correct right?

Alemark no finance trained person. My hubby cant be bothered with such things.. and nobody else knows I go thru this except my mom (she dunno finance).

If I go to kkh, who should I ask? The KKIVF counter cashier there? Nowadays their cashier shifted to Clinic D.
Hi Usagi, at KKH, I would request for a print out of previous diagnosis during each visit. I have also called and requested for printouts and they gave me the option to mail to my home/ collect at clinic reception. No charges is involved. But I'm unsure about printing out entire medical history (I collected mine slowly throughout the years), perhaps you can call up sgh to enquire, I'm sure they'll be able to assist.
Tanny, I suspect the govt grant is already taken out. Can't be so cheap at 6k plus. 2nd fresh cycle, I only inject gonal-f for 7 days. If I take out the expensive assisted hatching which embyrologist did, My bill still come up to 7k plus including govt grant. Yes, u can ask clinic d nurse. If not, u scan the last page of each bill to me I help u see?
oops sorry eskimobaby, didn't realise that, reading your post, I thought you are also going through the growing follicles and lining stage for ER, hence suggested proteins and egg whites. Pls ignore my comments.
Tub, u hv not been storing your Lucrin in fridge? *faint* now, I dunno if it is still effective. If not, I dunno of ur hormones r suppress?! U better bring bk to KKH n tell them. U may need a new bottle.
may i know if we can eat dishes cooked with red wine. like salmon with red wine sauce? i just did this dish and my hubby said i cant eat it.

how abt things like drunken chicken, eg those confinement dishes. he says confinement can eat but at this stage (2ww and when preggie) i cant eat.
tub : u can go youtube to google - they teach how to mix immounocal. i view it there too when i just started on it.


hazel : hmm, ok, i dont hv access to scanner until next few days when i return to office but use co scanner v "dangerous"... i will attempt if circumstances allow..

i only inject 150 purgeon for 9 days, so i guess tats the reason for so cheap. i rem kimmy says hers also abt there. hmmm if the grant is deducted, then this means our "amount payable after tax as stated" on the bill is after deduction? there is no where on my bill that says govt grant.
Hi Tanny, can try call up and ask nurse too, they can access the records in the system and explain the details, I've done that before cos invoices were confusing
Thanks ladies for offering me your perspectives! It helps loads cos otherwise i will just be facing this alone with nobody to tell to. With your inputs, i really feel comforted.
Hi JoynFaith, for SGH, i was told about 10k minimum for the same protocol (long) and drugs (375 gonalf and 150 menopur) i used at KKH. SGH is alittle more expensive than KKH even if all things equal.
Hi Chrisl, I usually take my egg whites in the morning After the 'essentials' like chicken essence and Bu cos these are best to be taken on empty stomach.

I usually feel bloatedness mid afternoon, so will take my second round egg whites late afternoon.

Also to not take egg whites and immunocal together cos will affect immunocal's effect...is it easy to get immunocal from where you are?
Hi Hazel, can ask you? Did you say your cycle went haywire before? Did Dr Loh then advise rest more cycles before trying again? My menses is very late, 1 week le and never like this before. I just failed a fresh cycle in Oct. With this haywire cycle, i worry if my body is ready to try again this month thought i am just doing medicated FET, not fresh cycle.
Hazel, haha no la... I was asking about the immunocal, not Lucrin. Haven't started on suppression yet. Starting 21 nov
Hi tub
Immouncal no need to put in fridge. U can try mix with some strawberry hl milk.. Totally cover up all the taste..;)

Hi chris
If u taking 8 eggs, u can take 4 in the morning and 4 at night.. For easy digestion..;)
Hi heartbeats

My menses also went haywire. Late for 4 days. And this week my stomach is bloated. Don't whether to Induce my menses anot to go for my SIS. Or should I wait. Dr Tan HH assistance change my appt from 22 nov to 6 dec. hai.....
Heartbeat, every failed cycle I hv to go thru d&amp;c. Yes, after that cycle went haywire everytime. For my case I will bleed non stop. First time i took medicine to reset. 2nd time medicine dun work, worse still, got 5cm ovary cyst suddently appear in 1 mth. Dr loh's will say after 2 normal cycles can try again. My cycle went bk to normal after 2-3 mths. Dr loh said I can start again. But I didn't. I rested longer. 1st d&amp;c in April 2010, preg from 1st fresh cycle. I did FET using aug 2010 menses. D&amp;c again in oct 2010. Did 2nd fresh cycle in April 2011 this yr. I wanted to let my body rest longer though dr loh said as long as cycle back to normal I can try again.

Is a personal choice how long u wan to rest.
A sister at mtb link shared that dr tan hh likes to reschedule patient's appointments to a later date. I already heard 2 instances here so far he did that.. 3 wks ago i saw him as dr loh was away, same thing happened to me. His assistant wanted to reschedule my appt to a few days later, reason was his schedule was packed tt morning i was supposed to see him. I told the assistant, cannot change as i applied leave already. So, i sticked to the orginial timing. I was no 4 patient at tps tt morning but i dun see alot of patients after me. When i saw him, he told me he was biz covering for dr loh doing ER &amp; ET. Well, dr loh is always so packed n biz but He rarely change patients appointment unless he has meetings or conference to attend to.
Hi tanny, I just received my bills too. The govt grant is listed as ' PR ivf cycle # '. The amount we pay is listed as 'medisave'. Add up all the figures and that will tally with 'net amount payable'. Check and see if this makes sense for yr bill.
Cindy : Oooh, did u check your CPF statements?

Mine goes like dat.
On Page 1 :
Net Amt Payable : 3,269.38
SG IVF cycle 1 : 1,634.69
Medisave : 1,634.69
Name XXX : 0.00

Payment :
SG IVF Cycle 1 : 0.00
Medisave (dd/mm/yy GIRO) : 1,634.69
Name XXX : 0.00

Amount Due from :
SG IVF Cycle 1 : 1,634.69
Medisave : 0.00
Name XXX : 0.00

Then on page 2 :
Put my husband name : Amount deducted : 1,634.69

To me it means, deduct 1,634.69 from my medisave and 1,634.69 from my hubby medisave? All the rest of the bills also similar. We share the bill 50% between us. So I duno where the grant goes to..let me check again..
Cindy :
I did use your method - when I add SG IVF Cycle # and Medisave, I get the total bill. But I dont understand the part why our CPF says each of us were deducted 50% of the total bill. When I checked our CPF statment, both of us got deducted $3,722.62 (per person).. so we paid the full bill from our medisave? Unless its what Hazel says, the grant is already deducted prior to my $6K bill, which means my bill should be $9K.

See the CPF statement
Name of Patient: XXX
Medical Institution: KKH
Hospitalisation Period: XXX
Total Bill: $6,722.62

MediShield/Integrated Shield Plan Payment*: $0.00
Medisave Payment: $3,722.62
Balance Amount: $0.00
Tanny, on end of page of each tax invoice, look at the 2 rows after NET AMOUNT PAYABLE.
SG IVF CYCLE 1 => Government Subsidy
MEDISAVE => Amount deduct from your Medisave Account
If you sum up all the SG IVF CYCLE 1, you will get $3000 that is the government subsidy.
Hope this example is helpful when you look at your fresh cycle bill.

No alcohol during 2WW for safety although I have read some article mention can but you ought to know the limit amount you can drink during this period. So, best is to keep away from drinking for now and even when you are pregnant.


6k+ is correct for dosage less than 200iu .. I have frens having this amount. U just need to read carefully where they stated the govt grant. If something is not right, call them to check.
