IVF/ICSI Support Group

Mc 007, heee...I think it's me. So you were in the opposite bed
I think other 2 beds were empty. Yah....I'm so puzzled about so many things, luckily can get advice fr here and dr zou

What stage are you now?

Tromso, all the best for your upcoming ER and ET!!
Jia You!

So, in 2ww, we can take cordyceps as well as TCM and chicken essence?
Yes, I was shocked when I heard the nurse said March! I then asked her if I change to dr.tan will it be earlier but the answer is no. I really dun want to wait for so long la....

Anyway, I hv an appt with dr.tan next week... Will try to Chk whether can do earlier or not...
Ching, he told me as a visiting consultant, he can come bk if his patients have complications. But, does not mean he can go KKH as & when he likes. U can try writing to him n ask for his views. Then again, u need a gd dr to hv the skills to fit the issue too coz dr will be touching the womb again! If he is not good enough can worsen the scar or create more scar.

I hv a no of scars on my arms n legs from falls & cuts. My scars form keloids. I showed dr loh before he did any invasive procedure ESP on my womb coz I can't afford to hv my womb to scar.

My gf scar badly from episiotomy from natural delivery. So bad until years later, sex is still painful to her. I know I m high risk to that too so, I will hv to discuss with him nearer to my EDD. Episiotomy is an Asian thing. In UK n USA, the drs encourage perineum massage to stretch the muscles down there to prevent a cut. Either done by the patients themselves or drs from 36 wks onwards. That is why, I feel safer following him to tmc.
Hi December, hope your 2WW is going smoothly, thanks for your wishes
Yes, can take all those during 2WW but if you don't like TCM, I think can drink red dates+wolfberries+longan+ginseng daily, helps with blood circulation.

Are you taking anything else? Just wondering if I should add anything else to the list....egg whites and brazil nuts too I think...
Ching, if i'm not wrong, the fresh cycle schedule is subject to the quota of cases the lab can handle, not so much on the doctors' side.

Anyone knows if FET cycles are on the same quota system?
Tromso, haha.. i am on the bed behind you. aiya.. didnt get to meet you. I am not at any stage now.. waiting to do BT and SIS when AF come this month..

Ching, pls ask and let me know any chance of doing it ealier.. aiyo.. i so old liao cant wait.. wait some more not dragon lor..lol
Hi Ching, I think no harm taking more red dates as it's not as heaty like longan. I'm currently taking 10 a day, drink twice, eat the mushy stuffs too. If your uterus is quite liang kind, no harm taking more I think.

Wow 20 red dates....do you eat the residues too Zion?
Mc 007, you are not the lady who's taking Lucrin and dr Zou asked if have any headache? Hmm...thought I saw 2 other beds were empty, must be my imagination then, recently very very blur and forgetful....

I'm sure we'll bump into each other again
Ladies who take red dates, do you just throw them in the water and boil them? Or u add sthg else too? Me not much of a cook, heh... Any advice appreciated.
Tromso, I am almost done when u came in..

LuvNHope: I jus throw the red dates and wolfberry to boil. Actually can soak in hot water if you dun hv time to boil them like in office. But boil is much faster..
LuvNHope, you can also preboil them the night before (30 mins or more) and keep in thermal flask or warm again next morning or add hot water to the cold brew. Can further add longan, ginseng slices to get more Bu, about 10 pieces (don't buy the cheaper ginseng slices cos they are more liang kind). Advice to me was to eat it all up, first day, I got heaty, then subsequently, I reduced the longan, it was then ok. I drink twice a day.

I think some ladies here taking EYS chicken essence with red dates, that sounds like a gd option too. EYS also has chicken essence with ginseng, cordyceps and huai san. Maybe can instead take a diff one each day and save all the boiling...hee...
I think maybe it's because I was in the resting lounge for so long, the lab results came back in time. You left very early ... result may not be out then. My 2 good ones are the 2 already told to me by Dr Viardot after the 3rd scan and they are the ones >17mm.

How many do you have above >16mm? Anyway your ET is tomorrow!! *excited* ..... All the best to u!!

Yeah, that's us. There's no waiting time outside for ER. I barely sat down 30 seconds & I was brought to the OT area. Wow .. just 1 scan is enough for you! Congrats!! That's a very nice number!! It's all going very well for you!!

And darling, don't worry too much about the hurdles in front. Just take a day at time, a hurdle at a time, enjoy your process & don't stress. Have fun along the way.

I support you following Dr Loh to TMC. He's a great doctor and is indeed very committed and dedicated. My gynae at TPS ever commented that he had referred a lot of patients to Dr Loh for IVF and most of them stick to him after the successful IVF, instead of going back to him. lol .....

I would have love to follow him to but I need KKH's facilities just in case of any complications along the way.

Dr Yong Tze Tein is it? How you find her? I used to be under her but transferred to KKH after my laparoscopy 2 years ago.
Ching, tromso
I don't eat the residue. The 20 red dates last me a day. I just treat it like drinking water. Top up with hot water until not much taste.
Hi gals, my period came. Meaning I just failed my first ivf. Any advice how long should I rest before starting on a second fresh? If I used up all 3 fresh and all fail, does tt mean no chance? I dont have any frozen embroys. Thanks. Very sad n cried over it.
Dee, thyroglobulin acts as markers for cancer but I hv anti thyroglobulin. It destroys the thyroid gland. I believe cancer patients are also monitored for anti thyroglobulin because it affects the thyroglobulin level. Now I'm wondering if I should see the endocrine to hv my thyroid checked. Anti RO and la are present in Lupus patients. But I hv no symptoms so far. The only why i m diagnosed is because my daughter is born with neonatal lupus. A cutaneous issue when she was born.
The reasons I want to start my ivf asap is bcoz I really dun want to wait anymore as I have already married for 7yrs.. and also, I wish to have a dragon baby ... hehe

So, the ivf start period is all depend on the ivf center to arrange? There's nothing much the doc can do? Can I call them to check if someone cancel the program?
Dee, I had a talk with him yesterday. I hv the same concerns as u. But he assured me that it wld be fine when I follow him in Jan as I will be in my 33-34 wks already. He will keep my file in KKH active too, in case of emergency I can still get myself admitted n he can see me as a visiting consultant. Well, I trust his words.

My previous gynae was also from KKH. He also referred me to dr loh.
Hi ladies ,

Quite worried now. I am on medicated FET, just had my ET on tuesday , 2 blastocyst transferred. I started to have brownish discharge yesterday . Today there are more and darker brown discharge .

Can I ask if this is normal? I emailed Dr Loh but there is no replies from him yet.

I am currently on 2 cyclogest, 6 mg of progynova and 1 aspirin.

Could it be that the period is coming? Shouldn't be so fast right?

Thanks in advance
Ching, mainly up to kkivf to schedule. Doc can prob request but not sure who has final say. Guess u cld ask whether anyone cancel?

BabyP, could b implantation spotting? If not bright red then prob ok. Call KK if u want reassurance?
Ching, my gf, dr loh's patient queued to see him when KKIVF told her feb/march then can do fresh cycle when she is supposed to do this mth. Dr loh wrote a memo to KKIVF but he said leave it to KKIVF to decide ultimately. Anyway, KKIVF received the memo n let my gf do this mth. Expected, his memo is very powerful, KKIVF will sure give him face.
We can feel & understand your disappointment & sadness.
Have a good cry but don't ever lose your hope. Pick yourself up and try again. All is not lost. Many sisters here tried a few times before succeeding. Remember to "bu" and "tiao" your body while waiting for your next cycle to start. Jia You!! HUggzzzz

Are you on any medication since the antibodies is destroying the thyroid gland? Yes you may want to visit your endocrine doctor. Oh btw, were you diagnose with this after the birth of your daughter?

Who's your previous gynae? Mine's Dr Khoo Chong Kiat.
Any idea what's the cost over at TMC like? How much more expensive than KK's private suite cost?
Dee, how long did u stay after the ET?? How r u feeling now? I recall correctly.. I have two 17mm, the rest were 13-15mm. Dunno whether the rest catch up anot..
So excited for tml's ET!!
Usage, so sorry to hear about that. You take good care there and rest well for your next attempt. Jia you...

LuvNHope, cordycep yes, its very good throughout, especially if sight spotting. But I'm unsure about huai san, I know it's quite common in soup. Let me check with dr Zou tomorrow and get back to you...

Hi BabyPenguine, brown discharge sounds like old blood, could it be from ER, cos the poking during ER can cause slight bleeding.
Miracle, all the best for ur ET tmw! Wish I could get to ET soon! Haha...

Usagi, stay strong. We're here to lend support.

Tromso, thanks for helping to check wif Dr Zou!
Dee, Prof John Tee from TPS. He has clinic at clinic A too. Which cost r referring to in TMC? Consultant cost? That shld not be too far off from tps. I saw dr Paul tseng from Care a few times at his O&G clinic at TMC before. TMC pte clinic rates r v similar to KKH tps. May be cheaper somemore. Delivery charges r not far off too. The difference in cost comes in when we do fertility treatment or when there r complications. There will be no limit in TMC. KKH can always downgrade. Just do mean income proving. My friend with hub who is a dr also can downgrade after income proving. That is how ex the charges can go even in KKH. A pair of premature twins at KKH staying NICU for 2 mths cost 70k plus in cash min at C ward. b1 rate at 20% subsidy is double that cost. TMC is full private A class rate. U can image how big the bill will be.

If u talk abt Ivf cost, KKH less than 10k in total and there is 3k govt subsidy. After that medisave of 6k deduction, cash payout is minimum. At TMC, total cost 15k-20k estimated. No govt subsidy but can claim medisave. Also, if need hormones support continually, eg for multiples, they can be ex at TMC. I know of sisters easily spent 50-60k for multiples including weekly support to delivery BUT she gains a pair of triplets! So can say worth it also right?

End of the day, I think all of us are willing to spend as long as we succeed to be mummies. Money can b earned back. Children r priceless.
Hi Dee,

Yup is her. I used to be under dr cheng but he left sgh. Also, we drag quite long before deciding on ivf, thus come under her. So far, have u heard of success cases under her? Is she gd? Whats the reason u change to kkh?
Dee, I m On thyroxine. And yes I only knew about lupus antibodies after my girl's birth and anti thyroglobulin and anti tpo after my second miscarriage last yr. Ivig is a drip to prevent these antibodies from attacking the fetuses. It's a 4 hour drip done at Nuh. Quite a new thing.
Hi LuvNhope and Tromso, Thanks for your replies.

I am on Medicated FET this time. Thus couldn't be the ER left over blood. In fact during my last ER with Dr Loh, he extracted 56 eggs and there were no discharge at all.

The discharge this time is quite a bit. Somewhat like the brown discharge before my period arrives.

I monitor again before deciding to go KK. Not too sure if it is because I didn't have much rest after my ET. Went back to work the next day after ET and my job requires a lot of walking.

today when I blow my nose, got blood on tissue. Has anyone encountered before?

Am wondering if too heaty due to red dates and chicken essence OR shd go checkup.
JoynFaith, websites always say test only after day missed period due so i guess at least 14 days after ET? I always test mine earliest 12 days after ET.
But i think still safest test 14 days after ET better. My earlier bfp, at 13 days still negative, 14 days then bfp. So better dont test too early, get disappointed unnecessarily.
Hi Miracle happens, all the best tomorrow!!

BabyPenguine, cheer up. Have heard sisters here with such discharge then cleared off, maybe it's implantation spotting. TCM dr says cordycep is very good especially if sees spotting, if you like can get powdered ones from Chinese TCM shops or Metro etc. Hope you can get time off work and rest well, hang in there.
Hi gals,

Just now I wa to go do "business" and I found some brown mixed with white (cyclogest) discharge. My panty liner got some very very light yellow brownish stain. My heart sink.... I am in D8 after ET. Does it mean I fail again??
Baby, I dunno what EC is.. anyway, I just hope for the best.

Joanne, I thawed alll 6 embryos. Not sure how many survived coz the other 2 were still under observation during ET. I'll collect the summary report the next time I go to KK.

Hi Imel! I'm doing natural FET, now in 2ww. ET on Tue.
Are u planning for natural or medicated FET?

BabyPenguin, I also transferred same day as you, but only D4 embies. Today got plenty of CM discharge and one brownish spot. Tomorrow I take leave from work, total only work 1 day this wk, hopefully no more brownish discharge.. I think u better rest well too. I dun think AF spotting come so early right..
Hi Usagi, sorry to hear tt. Stay strong ok! Maybe wait for another 2 cycles before starting a fresh one. Anyway, consult ur doc first. Take care yar.
Sleeping early for my ET tomorrow. Let's chat tomorrow. For now my teacher will seal my snow babies with light power love for them to survive the thaw...I will be positive that they can make it - my 2 little ones....

Ops I forgot to insert 1 cyclogest yesterday. Can I put 3 today?

Hi moo3moo and Tromso, thanks I hope it is implantation bleeding too. But the discharge quite a lot. Keeping finger cross.

Fatefully, Jia you!
