IVF/ICSI Support Group

Chrisl, LookingForward, Joanne, Booboolina, Ganie,
Thank you so much! Let's jia you tog!

Ya ... thanks to Dr Loh's last min intervention to change my med. I believed that had helped a great deal. Plus that few acupuncture (thanks for your referral)

Oh my medical histories?
I'm 37 now. Been TTC for 5 years already.
- I had Hogskin's Lymphoma (Cancer of the Lymph Nodes) when I was 14, and went though Chemo.
- I had Thyroid Cancer 6 years ago, had my whole thyroid gland removed, had radioactive iodine treatment, and am on lifelong med now.
- I had endometrosis and adenomyosis 2 years ago. DId a laparoscopy but recent scans showed the endometrosis and adenomyosis is back >> No cure. Laparoscopy can't remove the adenomyosis.
- I have high prolactic too >> On med to bring down prolactic level.

All the above will affect fertility. Whats more now with my thyroid medication: doc had to give high dosage to suppress the TSH (Thyroid stimulating hormones) to way way below normal, so that my cancer won't come back. But at this TSH level, it's harder to get pregnant. Doc refused and is not willing to allow my TSH to go up for fear of relapse. So I'm also stuck. It's like I have to choose between my life and having a baby.

Probably that's why my ovarian reserve is very low. (My AMH only 0.3!!) Because of this, Dr Loh said my chances with IVF is very slim too and other doctors & hospital will not allow me to go through IVF so that I won't tarnish their record. lol

Dr Zou also shake head and said my case complicated by my histories and my current med. My current meds trying to suppress the various levels, whereas my IVF med is trying to bring up some my other levels.

But you are right " a happy heart will sure yield happy results". Regardless the outcome, I know I must give it a try. With every try, there is a hope. I don't want to live past 40 or 50 and regret not even trying. Must exhaust all means while maintaining the positive thinking and keeping the faith. Always believing, never wavering. So for all of us TTC, never never give up!!

Oh, my ER is at 830am but I will be there at 8am because hubby has to submit a fresh specimen. I will be alone after that cuz he has to go to work. And yes, I will be at the standard IVF waiting area first. Maybe we can meet & say hi??

You said yours is a problem case too? Wanna share if it's ok?
Hello Ladies,
Long time no chat. I have been a silent reader on n off since i removed the polyps on 28 Oct. Just report back to work ytd and I had fever last nite and this mrng I hvg headache and giddyness. Not sure isit due to the hormone pills or work :p hehehe

JoynFaith, I have updated my status. I will be seeing Dr Loh next week, see if I can start soon or he will pass me to Dr Tan HH and do my IVF next year liao...

Sisters on 2WW, jia you... rest well and be happy...

Shirley, congrats. Catching your babydust.

Dr Zou is closed on wednesday and open half day on Sunday.
Why don't you go buy the herbal pot? It's very easy to brew the herbs with that. Just filled the pot with water, throw the herbs in and bingo 1.5 hours later, it's ready. It's available in the chinese medical halls.

Thanks for your info. That may have explained why Liyan's case has to be aborted. Wow, you have 28 follicles?! And out of 25, only 15 fertilized? I have only 6 now. I have to pray hard, cross fingers cross toes already.

My doc did casually mentioned even with the 2 good size follicles, there's always a chance it might be empty or it may not fertilized. And from my experience, I think it's crucial that the doc reviews the medication and its dosage and make changes along the way if necessary. The doctors who reviewed our scan don't seems to make changes to our med. I just happened to bump into Dr Loh after the 2nd scan (which was not ideal as well), and he added in Menopur for my last 3 days of jab.

You are in NUH as private? Got govt subsidy there? If no, then you may wanna consider seeing Dr Loh as he is moving to TMC.

Most importantly, you must not lose heart now. All is not lost as long as you try. WHy don't you take this time go "tiao" your body?
Go try acupuncture, TCM, drink longan red dates, raspberry tea, red bean soup, brazil nuts. egg wgite etc etc .. skip all cold drinks. That's what I have been doing for the last 1 to 2 months. Just don't dismal and don't give up k?

You are back early? I thought they said we have to stay there for observation for few hours? 16 is a good number! Mine can count with 1 hand only!!

I have just started to see Dr Zou 4 days ago. She's good. Very patient, very encouraging and full of empathy. She knows the TCM gynecological aspects which helps a great deal when we are going through IVF and TTC. It was a comfort talking to her, so no harm checking her out.

Operating hours:
Mon to Thur: 9am-1pm, 3pm-5pm, 6pm-830pm
Fri: 3pm-830pm
Sat: 9am-1pm, 3pm-6pm
Sun: 9am-1pm
Thanks Whitetiger, I'll check with dr Zou during my next visit

Hi Emily, Dr Zou is a lovely lady, very caring and shares a lot about health and wellbeing. She is happy to answer any questions that you and I may have and provides good advice. Hope you'll have a good experience with her.

Hi Dee....hmm...looks like you have gone through a lot, really really hoping that you'll succeed this round. It's your kind of fighting spirits that inspires us and keeps us hanging on. Thanks so much for sharing
gee...my case is really nothing compared to yours. I started going for fertility advice last year cos couldn't get pregnant and has made many rounds from KKH to a few pte clinics getting second opinions about fertility, endometriosis, laproscopy, etc. Then decided to start with clomid, luckily wasn't working then cos I have very severe reactions from the hormone pills, def no way I could work. And then like many sisters here, the next step was HSG test (tube test). When I started seeing SF Loh, he discovered my uterus and ovaries were in a mess (PCOS and lotsa polys grew in the uterus, had non of these in the past) due to the hormone pills taken earlier, so went on to have laproscopy done. And then here I am but migraine, dizziness and nausea have stayed with me since those days, health has definitely taken a big hit, quite upset. So I started to go gym more often before IVF and has fortunately gotten better. Now I'm just hoping the growths don't come back with the ivf jabs.

Hey, I'll email you a pix of me, so perhaps if you spot me tmr morning, can come get me. Ok, I'll aim to get clinic about 8am
Hi Joanne, thanks!
Will take it now. Dunno whether is it a bit too late? Now is 7dpt. Which day is implantation happening? So far no sign no symptoms nothing. Feel normal like never do any transfer.

Hi Dee, you are very strong Gal. We will never never give up, just like you
. I had thyroid history too, years ago, but didn't choose to remove as I was very young then and scared of all the surgery things. So I chose medication way. Took for two years. It's okay now, but still got to check once a while. It was scariest moment in my life and turned my life upside down.
Good luck for your ER tomorrow. Jia you!
Dee, there is always hope in life. My colleague has thyroid cancer in her early 20s after graduation. She went thru what u hv gone thru n on life long medication. She didn't intend to hv kids after marriage. But her thinking changed a few yrs into marriage. She went on to have 2 daughters Naturally! I couldn't understand how that is possible. BUT it really happened to her!

So, u can do it too!
Dee, amazed to read your story. Your fighting spirit is an inspiration!

Booboolina, you sound more optimistic now. Great to see that!

Tromso, hope your migraine hasn't been acting up recently?

Ling, haven't heard from you in a while. How's everything?

Looking forward, when's your BT?

Gosh, this long protocol is really longgggg....
Thanks LuvNHope
it really helps to know that others are in the same boat, holding hands with me, reassuring each other and inspiring each other.. really helped to pick up my spirit
Hi Tromso, thanks, i drink eu yang sang chicken essance daily until i see yi si, i was told by KKIVF nurse that stage 1 & 2, no chinese herbal allow.

Hi Dee, thanks, u have went through a lot, jia yu, we will all success.
Looking forward,
Hahah.. and I'm hoping to get to the "boring" 2ww part soon ;p

Think of this 2ww as an opportunity to catch up on the activities that you didn't have time to do b4? Like reading or watching your fave shows?
Hi Looking forward, hope you have starhub or mio channels at home
if I get to 2WW, I intend to convert all my paper university photos into those photo books, should keep occupied for a while. Any such things you can do meanwhile? How's your tingkat meals, still ok, not getting boring?

I'm not taking Chinese herbs now, hence decided to take chicken essence instead.

Hi LoveNhope, thanks. The migraine only came once at start of Gonal F, after that I was extra careful, been staying home unless have to go for acupuncture sessions. Did you get anymore headache since? You should be starting stage 2 next week right?

Hi Baby, if yours is 3 day transfer, implantation will start at 5dpt completes on 7dpt; if 5 day transfer - 3dpt to 5 dpt.
Hi Baby, if you are talking about chicken essence, I think it's good to take since it's Bu. If you have access to protein powder, it's great too, cos protein helps with cell, blood, muscles growth. I think fetus should start developing soon, for 3 day transfer, it's 9dpt, 5 day transfer is 7 dpt
Hi Dee~ u r such a fighter!!

I was the 2nd to go for ER this morning.. Was sleeping throughout the procedure, when I woke up I was already at resting lounge. Didn't feel any extreme pain or vomiting, so they gave me Milo and I left at 10:30.
Now I feel cramps every now & then..like menstrual cramps.

Good luck for ur ER tml!! Don't worry!
Hi Tromso, mine is 2 days transfer, so is it implantation on 10dpt? Sorry, me get confused hehe

The BRAND'S chicken essence, is that okay? My MIL didn't allow me to drink this. Didn't ask why. But feel like drinking it hehe.

Hi Looking Forward, which tingkat are you taking? I need to get one for next week. Any recommendation? Is the food can be taken during our 2ww? Can order for one person only? Sorry for so many questions hehe. TIA.
Tromso, Joanne, Baby, thanks! No grading for the embryos but they are at "EC" stage, dunno what it means. Maybe Morula stage? 1 is good, the other has some dark spots, anyway I just hope for the best
I took 2 days of leave for ET, been sleeping all day long. Think progesterone is making me feel sleepy. Beta test is on 23rd Nov, must wait for so long.. maybe I'll use hpt ard 19th Nov.

Tromso, Eskimobaby, all the best for ur scan tomorrow!

Dee, wow, u're really a fighter. Wish u all the best for ur ER tomorrow
Keep up the spirit gal!

JoynFaith, a bit late but thanks for creating & maintaining the worksheet. It's really easy to keep track of everyone's status.. otherwise always gets mixed-up.
Anybody watching Giuliana & Bill on chl 441? Tonight is season finale. She is going for 3rd IVF. Not sure is she is bfp or not. So excited.....
Hi Moo3moo, is it EC for Early Cleavage? I heard it has higher chance of implantation and getting bfp. Your beta test is 2 days after mine, I'm thinking to use hpt too next week hehe. Nervous...nervous...
Hi moo3moo
Oh i see.. So how many u thaw and how many make it? U mean u r going back to work tomorow? Only rest 2 days? Take care ya..
Thromso, the ER is painless.. Maybe the part which might hurt just a little is the insertion of the ..'dunno call what' into ur hand so tht they can inject anaestatic into u. It's just a prick, so not to worry.
I saw some ladies awake when they r out of the Operating theatre, the nurse said tht they r awake but groggy. As for me, she said I was knockout completely.
I will continue taking chicken essence,conceive
well supplements, brazil nuts & start taking egg whites.
How's ur scan so far??
LuvNHope, what stage r in now??

Looking forward, maybe u can watch dramas online to past time. I already plan to revise for exams for the 1st week, then 2nd week enjoy watching Korean dramas. Haha! No need to work for 19 days, of coz must enjoy.
Miracle happens, good to hear ER is quite pain free
my first scan is tomorrow, feeling quite unsettling... Chicken essence I thought can take during 2ww, ok let me confirm this...

Baby, If yours is 2 day transfer, implantation should start on 6dpt, my guess cos the spreadsheet only shows progress for 3 and 5 day transfers

Yes!! I've been following Giuliana & Bill since season 1...cried my hearts out watching her 2 failed IVF cycles (hubby thought I was crazy...sigh). Maybe won't watch tonight then, set on record mode already
Ladies, may i know what is hpt test?

After ET, before the BT, besides falling BBT and red discharge, just wondering what else can be used as indication for 'trouble'....
Yes LuvNhope, infeel that time passes by very slowly too...my mum has stopped asking cos can't keep track of the progress...heee... My stage 2 so far only felt like AF day 1 bloatedness, very manageable, just tired very easily and light headedness, I'm sure you'll feel ok too

I see...quite wide age range here...
All the best ladies.

Mi jus away from the office a few days n started receiving SMS asking me how am I. Was down with flu few days back.

Sometimes I felt concern SMS are good but too many k prove to be tired n tiring to reply hahaha .. I decided to choose to ignore those not important ones hahaha

How u ladies deal with those that are asking u what happened
When u are away from office ? Haha
Hi Tromso, what spreadsheet is that? Hpt is home pregnancy test. Yeah, been following her show and cried too when saw she got miscarriage and bfn on 2nd IVF till my DH asked me not to watch anymore. Saw her IVF journey, all the injections, OHSS, reminded me of all of us here. Very encouraging.
Updated my status on the spreadsheet... nothing so far, waiting for AF by end of this week. Not even thinking of HPT..

After that need go down for BT and SIS scan. Will only meet up with Dr Tan on Dec.

Currently trying to lose a few more Kg.. hope it help for better result..
I actually got the jitters last nite n I can't sleep till much later. Realized its been 2 yrs since my 1st try n now with fet being more simplified doesn't make it any less exciting :p

Too bad I won't be there so early for my scan. Gotta clear some work first. Realized we might end up to be in the same 2ww if everything goes well n my lining is gOod enuff for transfer soon
Hi Tromso, i on my tv once wake up, my house boss has given instruction to me, i can only eat, sleep, watch and read. i am ban from doing other things like general packaging, house chores, cleaning etc. i watch movie and drama everyday, that y my hubby say let u enjoy u also dont know how to, maybe i am born to be a slave.

Hi Baby, i order from lexin, find it so so, they have 10 day trial, can order for 1 person, can also request for no chilli, fried stuff, seafood etc, give me your email, i can send you their menu.

Hi miracle_happens, better dont study on 1st , i heard week 1 is important, implantaion takes 5 - 7 days, no stress
Whoa miracle happens, you are taking exams soon, hope everything will go smoothly for you...hang in there.

Looking Forward lol...your house boss is so understanding. Read novels, takes your mind away fr things and time flies...

Eskimobaby, so we are same day cycle buddies, it's great
Maybe will see you on 2nd or 3rd scan.
Hi Sunbelle, looks like they are just missing you
I guess can reply short and vague messages, so that they have nothing more to ask heee....

Chrisl, today is your day 1 stage 2 right? Feeling alright with the jab?
Thanks Whitetiger, I just googled. Cant believe breast cancer for her and the courage to come public about it, this is quite saddening. Can't help but wonder if anythg to do with her IVF drugs, maybe should get a mammogram done at some point too....

Hi Joanne, not sure where you can watch it leh...it's quite a real reality show, not as dramatized as say Kardashians. I found I've learnt quite a bit about marriage relationship through their examples.
Hi Ladies ^_^, Im back for my FET journey. I can see some familiar cycle frens.

Moo3Moo: How are you? You went for fresh cycle? Are u now in 2ww? I just went to see Dr. Loh yesterday and he bombed me with a news that he's leaving for pvt practise at Thomson. Iam planning to go for FET next mth, still having a bad flu now. I hope its gone on time.

i'm new to tis forum, but unfortunately i had a miscarriage when i was 5 weeks just last week. i've an assisted pregnancy through ivf and it was successful but i lost my baby. but i didnt give up hope, i intent to do the ivf again but i have some doubts...i've remaining frozen embryos but after thaw they might be damaged and success percentage is lower, so should i start the cycle all over or should i just use the frozen embryo? pls advise me, thanks.
Tromso, Baby, Booboolina, Hazel, LuvNhope, LookingForward, MiracleHappens, Moo3moo, Heartbeats:
Thanks for all your kind words. All of us are fighters inside. Always look on the positive side. I tell myself if this doesn't work, try again .. try until no more govt subsidy! lol .... Until right to the end, if all else fails, do like what one of the sisters earlier suggested ... enjoy your couplehood with hubby.

So don't give up ladies ... its a tough journey, filled with so much anticipations, questions, bewilderment, disappointments and delusions, but there's a reason why some things are happening to us and not others. There are many others who have it worse than us .... when we remember that, we'll begin to count our blessings.

But until we exhaust all methods humanly possibly, let's all hold hands & jia you together!!

The scans will be able to detect PCOS & Polys right? So you've been seeing Dr Loh even way before you start on IVF? Don't worry about the scan tomorrow. Everything will be fine.

You have thyroid problems too? Hyper or hypo or?
Glad you are ok ... but remember to go back for regular checkups ya.

Do you still feel nauseous now? Or it's only the cramps now?
You'll so young .... only 28? How long have you been TTC?

Dee, I dun feel nauseous throughout, just occasional cramps.
During my 4yrs of marriage,it has always been unprotected sex..but strictly ttc I think it's 2 yrs. I started to go for hsg,blood tests & hubby went for semen test. Did the bbt chart to detect my ovulation day.. Finally decided not to drag any longer, so might as well try IUI & IVF.
Getting sick of ppl askin when m I goin to hve kids.. It's like "is it ur business whether or not I'm goin to hve kids, r u gonna sponsor or take care of my kids?"
