IVF/ICSI Support Group

As i mentioned earlier my AF is still not here yesterday, (should hv been last week) so called the clinic and asked for directions on monday. Was told to do monitor and see if AF comes on tuesday and tonday morning otherwise, test HPT today and see..if negative, then have to prolong stage 1.

So yes, test was negative and i have to extend my stage 1 suppression until next week then start stage 2-(cos they calculated that by next week my AF would have come) .. my cycle is so haywired!
i was asking clinic if i should wait til a few cycles to be stable but then doc didn't give me choice & said it'll be better that the treatment is concurrent for a higher chance of conceiving..dunno true or not..

miracle happens,
I understand how you feel because our circumstances are similar. I'm about the same age as you at 27... also unprotected sex throughout marriage. I've seen 2 pte gynaes and 1 tcm doctor before going to KKH but no success. When people ask me why no kids yet, I'll always try to come up with some reason or another, such as waiting for house or intending to further studies, but deep down it always hurts.
Sherlyn, congrats!!
Everyone's grabbing your baby dust..sprinkle some more; i need some too

Btw, i read some sistas mentioned about low ovarian reserve. How can we (or the doctors) know that we have low ovarian reserve? Any indications?
miracle_happens & TriciaT...

Me too. Unprotected sex throughout marriage and still, no success. *sigh* It's worse when ppl just can't stop asking. I've come to a point where i'm getting used to it. There was once, i got the worst experience ever. This auntie said to me "Haiyah, why no baby yet? You both don't know how to do it ah?" and my mother was there to witness it too. She was mad at her but she kept her cool. And me? I was furious and extremely sad but because i respect her as an elderly (an insensitive one, that is!), i simply smiled and walked away. Only God knows how I kept on trying not to burst out crying in front of everyone throughout the whole event that day. I remembered controlling myself until i got into the car otw back home. I burst out crying non-stop. Glad to have my hubby for comfort.
Imel & Jasmine, you are added to the online spreadsheet. You may update your staus there since sistas here share their status there. Imel, are you on medicated/ natural FET?

Mama Leen, ovarian reserve is tested through blood test. It's tested on day 2/3 of AF.

Zion, are you on Gonal-F or Puregon and what is the jab amount? Saw that you are on Menopur too, what is the amount you inject?

Ladies, you can add new members to the online spreadsheet since you are given edit access.
Guiliana and Bill is a little depressing but it really identifies with all that we go through and feel. She seems to speak our words.. "we are good people, why are we not given children to raise"

Miracle happens, good luck for your exam and test

Zion, Good Luck for your scan

Mama Leen, I know the feeling.. It's the old ladies who are the meanest. They think they can bully us into giving birth.. I've had them scold me and accuse me of trying to protect my body shape and thus avoiding childbirth.. one even insisted that she would buy some sleazy lacy lingerie for me to use... Some said that i never pray hard enough... The best way these people can help us is to just shut up and mind their own business instead of upsetting us with their 'advice'. Try to avoid these bullies. If all else fails and you are faced with that heart-breaking question: WHY NO GOOD NEWS YET?
do what i do nowadays: I jokingly say, "Aiyah, you have not given me your blessings, that's why!" Usually they will laugh and bless and leave..
Hi ..morning everyone..wish you all have a good day today

Hi Tromso, thanks for the spreadsheet. Yeah, didn't have 2 day transfer indicated hehe. I just assume lor

Yeah, Giuliana had breast cancer, lucky it's detected early. I don't think is because of the IVF ba. Last night only showed her go in to the clinic in Denver then ended. Maybe during season 5 then will know whether she if bfp or not. I like it when she said : baby, today is the day we conceive you. Hehe..
Scv channel 441 - when is it showing? The national geo channel right? I seen dr jin Tcm and she asked me to get baby aspirin from doc loh..
Hi Jasmine, how many frozen embbies you have? You might want to just use them first because you will never know if they are the ones which will be your babies.

Hi Dee, glad that you are still positive in this journey. Mine was hyper. Yeah, check up twice a year. It was nightmare that time because I was still in my secondary school.
Hi Tanny12, it's E! Entertainment channel. I think last night was finale of season 4. If not wrong, there is a repeat tonight at 7.40pm.
joynfaith...i've done such blood test before. Which part of the report should i see to determine this one?

booboolina...that's a good suggestion. Must use your reply next time. At least, that will shut them out...hehhe.
mama_leen: I think there are at least 2 types of hormonal blood test give an indication of ovarian reserves, AMH and FSH, taken around d2/d3. Some clinics test both, some test one. They are indicative. I don't know the difference between the 2 and both have different types of readings to determine low/high/average ovarian reserves. You can ask more to your doc or read up online.

The other non-Blood test include doing a base-line vaginal scan (as usually can see roughly the number of follicles for this month's "batch" of eggs.

The best indicator of ovarian reserve is of coz ER.

We are born with our ovarian reserves, so most of the time we cannot change the number of follicles for each month's batch. The number of follicles/eggs for each month's batch is already determined in our body when we are around 6-9 months gestation in mummy's womb.

IVF stimulation drugs do not increase the number of follicles/eggs for a particular month's batch. The drugs help to mature more than 1 egg for each batch, so that we have more changes of retrieving several mature eggs for fertilsation opportunity. IN natural cycle, all these eggs are released but only 1 will mature and ovulate (or 2 if you have natural unidentical twins!). The rest of immature ones wither away are absorbed into our bodies.

As IVFers, we try lots of herbal and TCM meds to try to improve the Quantity of eggs, it may or may not work but I think we all select our options to what we believe. No right or wrong answer. HOwever, what we eat (supplements, fresh food, veg and fruits, 8 cups of water, basic healthy living, etc) do help the Quality of the eggs retrieved. Our eggs apparently have a 90 day cycle so November month's batch of eggs were already "targeted" for release by our ovaries in Sep's AF. So start eating your fresh fruits now!

Hope this helps.
colinjas - sorry to hear abt the m/c, but one thing is at least you know that you can get passed the implantation hurdle and get pregnant, maybe just not the right embryo this time.

This is my personal opinion. I don't think FET have lower chance of success, and it doesn't actually "damage" the embroyos that will be transferred. The risk is that during thawing, the embryo will be damaged because it doesn't survive the thaw (in which case the embryo won't be allowed for transfer), or after successful thawing, the embryo doesn't continue to grow - could be a result of the freezing process or could just be that this embryo regardless frozen or fresh won't have made it to the next day of dividing/cleavage anyway.

but if the embryo survives thawing, and it continues to grow, it is like any normal embryo. I don't think there is a lower success rate with FET compared to fresh. (personal opinion, pls check with your doctor),

Best you speak with your doctor if you have a good number of snowbabies left as there is some attrition rate that some will not survive the thawing. Also, depending on what stage you did your freezing, the doctor may be able to give you an indication of the quality of the embroyos (early freezing not so much, late or blast freezing more indication).

No right decision, but say the sistas have said, each embryo is different, and deserves its chance - either now or later

take care and good luck.
Btw, any gals here hv thyroid or lupus? I hv anti thyroglobulin, anti tpo, anti RO and anti la. Basically thyroid and lupus antibodies which reject fetuses. I had 2 miscarriages, and 2 failed iuis. No symptoms of the diseases, only the antibodies. Currently on medication to calm the antibodies and will hv to do ivig drip at Nuh b4 Ivf and all throughout pregnancy.
Tub, welcome to the thread. You are added to the online spreadhsheet and you can update your status there. All the best in your coming IVF procedure.
joynfaith...thanks! i'll take a look at my results again.

ron8129...wow, tt's a very complete explanation. Thanks!
Just wondering, does that mean that if we keep going for ER, we would menopause faster since all the eggs are gone earlier? Is there any corelation?
My scan on 31st oct is 3mm thick
Today scan is 9mm thick

Previously on IUI it wont grow so fast, have to eat progynova

Scan doc said ok. But must continue to jab for 2 more days then go back scan again

I asked doc a very stupid question, in case anyone here has the same doubt, so just to share.
Question is will tthe eggs mature themselves and ovulated before my ER as i experience egg white mucus coming out.
She said no as long as i continue with the injection.
mamaleen - no, the decline rate of our ovarian reserves is already pre-determined. Even if don't do IVF, the eggs would still be released each month, just that they don't mature and only 1 egg out of the entire batch for the month wil mature enough to ovulate (burst out to fallopian tube). So IVF should not cause ovarian reserves to decline faster than our normal biological timing.
FSH &amp; AMH (Anti-Mullerian Hormone) measures the ovarian reserve. If AMH < 1.00 = low eggs/low ovarian reserve.

I thought thyroglobulin is like a cancer marker? What is anti tpo, anti RO and anti la? So what did doctor diagnosed you as having? (sorry a bit lost here). I had thyroid cancer before. I'm in remission now and thyroglobulin is low (if elevated means possible relapse).

Am on T3 &amp; T4 medication. You? I do understand the TSH level will affect your fertility. What's the ivig drip for?

I just left KKH at 2pm.Think they extracted all 6 follicles but confirmed only 2 that will be used. You have 16 good ones or 16 follicles extracted?

Sorry didn't get to see you this morning. Were you sitting on the first row, first seat to the right, reading papers?
How did your scan go?
No, thankfully no headache since that day. Thanks for asking!

Sorry to hear that you have to delay your stage 1. Any sign of AF?

I suppose that's why we have to continue the suppression drug taken in Stage 1 all the way till just before ER.

Regarding the ovarian reserve, the doc gave me impression that IVF will use up our eggs faster leh? Hmm... oh well, anyway, we can't prevent this unless we stop IVF, tho i believe all of us here are determined to go thru with, jabs and all.
That is a big improvement! Congratulates! hmm... I must start to drink it more frequently as my lining is always on the thin side...

Which dr are you under?
Dee, the nurse told me it's 16 eggs retrieved from 18 follicles,tml during ET then they will let me one how many eggs usable. How come u noe 2 eggs usable tht fast?
Just finished my op review with Dr. He said that there are some scars on my uterus (might be caused by previous D&amp;C). Is there anyway to cure the scars?

Also, I am give a green light to start a fresh cycle. Dr suggested me to go for a long protocol with menopur. After checking with the ivf center, they put me on March 2012! A very long waiting period! Is there anyway I can ask for an ealier slot?
Hi Dee, yes I was sitting at the front row corner reading the papers. I think maybe I saw you and hubby too, hubby wearing light pink shirt and you were in demin short skirt?

Remember to take your antibiotics
and plenty egg whites in case bloatedness and etc.

My scan went alright, ER scheduled on Monday cos lining is thick enough and have 19 follicles. So no more scans. Then quickly rushed down to dr Zou earlier and booked daily appointments.
Ladies, I've also queried if royal jelly is good cos was thinking of taking it after it was brought up in the forum. Dr Zou's advice is royal jelly is not for everyone, especially those with cysts. So I think I won't take it. Just FYI.

Also queried if chicken essence ok to take throughout 2ww, even though on TCM. Dr Zou says it's good to take chicken essence, will not clash with TCM. Ginseng and cordyceps are great for 2WW too, esp if sees red discharge, to immediately take cordyceps. NO dang gui. Just FYI too.

I'm taking chicken essence with cordyceps now, but thinking to buy some cordyceps capsules just in case...Hee...kiasu a bit...

Ladies, if you have any special diets for 2WW, possible to share? Thank you
Ching, who is your dr? Dr loh will fix the scar in the womb before Ivf cycle. Scars will hinder implantation if embyro plants on the scar or Increases Risk of miscarriage when embyro plants on the scars. You cant tell embyro to implant where in the womb too. I scar easily. But dr loh is v gentle in doing d&amp;c for me. Still, he will send me for detailed check to ensure my womb didn't scar after each d&amp;c I went thru. He told me if got scarring he will fix it first before Ivf cycle. That means a day op.

Anyway, a gf ran into her cousin at KKIVF just now training to be an Ivf dr. She asked him after Dr loh leaves, who is the next equivalent. The ans was none. I had a talk with dr loh yesterday n I will be following him to TMC. I realized I only trust him coz he is really a v careful dr. I know I m in good hands. He joked that he wun 害我"by following him to TMC. He will still be a visiting consultant in KKH.
Luvnhope (love your nick, btw
) - don't think so, but I am not doctor hehe.. so best check with your doc next time you see him/her.

If IVF causes diminishing ovarian reserves, then I doubt they would let young candidates go for IVF before first trying IUI as no doc wants to cause menopause. Also, if IVF can cause resrves to diminish, that means the drugs should be able to increase the number of follicles/eggs availabe, but unfortunately it doesn't. In this age and time, if it is known that ivf brings forward menopause, I'm sure we have to sign some form saying tat we were all warned of this risk.

Maybe some sista can ask doc at next appmt to confirm and share.

But ya, oh well, what other choice do we IVFers have, right?
so up the Luv and keep our Hope alive!
I threw 20 red dates every time to drink. Make it thicker...
I am under Dr SF Loh

You can try the EYS bottled cordyceps... thick concentrates
LuvNhope, I just hope there are eggs inside...let's see...just realized first hurdle crossed but still so many to come...

Dee, I did ask if I'm PCOS, nurse says can't tell until ER stage, maybe afraid more follicles will emerge
But I don't dare to ask if any cysts or polyps pop out, thought better leave this kinda question for later....

Thanks Zion. I'm taking Brands chicken essence with cordyceps now, do you know any diff from EYS's? EYS more potent? Hee...sorry stupid question....but 1 costs $20, other costs $30. I think I'll still get powder cordyceps as back up cos I had spotting previously....
I m under team doctors, but so far is dr.jerry seeing me. My first visit to KK was in Sept. After my hormone bloodiest, I wanted to switched to dr.loh, but was told no more new patient for him. What shud I do now?

Visiting consultant? Means that he will be seeing patients in KK on certain days? Then will he take any new patient?

Do u think he will reply if I email him as I m not his patient?

Is anyone with dr yong fr sgh? I have a failed ivf in oct and planning for fet. Anyone can share when should i start fet? And hw shall i prepare my body for it?
Tromso, I am at Dr zou this morning and overheard a lady asking whether can drink chicken essence or cordyceps, is that you?

Whitetiger: I went to buy the tummy warmer at uniqlo liao.. feel quite warm after wearing it.. will see the result tonight when I on air-con

Ching, wow..yr slot already till Mar.. aiyo.. I am only seeing Dr next mth.. den mus wait TIlL....
