IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Fatefully, nah the latter one is same hehe. I also feel hungry more often n eat quite often hehe. I just had my hokkien mee at 4.30pm, now I feel hungry already. How ah?
Tromso, I hope I'm clear of PCOS. Will call up KKIVF next Tue to check on my Feb BT result. Dr Loh didn't ask further question and no other request BT to be done when I ask him if I've PCOS. He just asked if I've regular menses. Maybe he had run through my Feb BT report to give me the answer. Aiya... forgot to get the rest of the result except my AMH figure since he couldn't print the report for me. So tired after seeing him at late and long waiting hours on the recent visit.

Fatefully, your core temperature is higher at this stage so you will feel hot. I felt easy hungry during my FET too, guess it's due to the cyclogest insert. And not sure the body is creating ownself progesterone. If yes, more work for body so will feel hungry faster.
Hi FaithnJoy, don't worry about it. If dr didn't mention, should be no PCOS, cos PCOS sorta more serious-ish tricky case and will usually be highlighted. But if you wish to double triple confirm, can just call clinic D or IVF nurse, they can access your data on computer instantly, I've done that couple of times. Will be bit mission impossible to get SF Loh I think. Don't worry about it ok, no mention is gd news
Oops, realised my careless typo in my previous msg. Had meant to say...

Tromso, feel more assured to know that i'm NOT the only one who experiences redness. Yeah, i meant to call KK this morning but forgot. Alamak...
Joyandfaith, why are u so worried about PCOS? PCOS ladies have a nest of eggs and the biggest problem is cannot ovulate, that's all. Nothing to worry about. Like what SF Loh told me, it's better to have nest of eggs than no eggs at all.

I conceived my girl through IUI (converted to IVF, due to over stimulation of eggs). She's 10+ months now.

Stay positive. PCOS is really nothing.........
Yes most of the times my feet gets cold despite no matter what i wear..btw, i wear wool socks at home here. We wear socks all the time..autumn will be fleece socks then summer cotton socks or i go bare foot hehe but mostly the feet still feels cold
I got a tip from my hb, a tub of warm water with essential oils or some mild soap to soak the feet helps very very much! it really warms one's body..

i recommend warm wheat bags..well cos as compared to water bags, i feel i get more paranoid with having water bags..i feel that they will leak or they'll burst and water will flow out hahaha so i got this wheat heater bags filled with organic wheat to warm up cold body areas
it is a good buy as it can be heated up in micro wave or conventional ovens
Tromso, thanks.

Just Faith, I'm just suspecting since my previous gynae told me I am those who don't ovulate every month after he saw my BT result. He did one BT during one of my normal menses and the other BT after I took clomid. And he concluded that.
hi JoynFaith, thanks

hi Booboolina, sorry to hear that, do take care

hi Fatefully, me too plus thirsty

Hi Baby, we can eat hokkien mee? i thought no seafood according to mtb forum, i am craving for it too plus fried kway teow

Hi bb, dont might me asking about Tan SB on 'an tai yao'and your 1st cycle. To be taken during 2ww or before ET? There are 2 blood test for ET, how your 1st one? Did the incresed the dose? i am in my 1ww of 2ww, recently encounter a bit of 'qi chuan' if i walk too much. thinking of whether should i see her? scare embryos cant suffer due to not enough oxygen
Hi Booboolina, take care & try again. I also tested BFN on 31Oct. I'm meeting Dr Tan HH on 15Nov to plan for next cycle. Jia You.
Happy to report that I think I might have finally gotten the hang of the dreaded injections. Needle went in quick and came out fast, heheh... Really much less pain and no tugging at the skin. I see the light at the end of the tunnel!

Thanks to all the advice from everyone here!
I think my hubby is super stressed too but I more stressed than him. He's not able to produce via "self-help". It has to be via intercourse. So we had to buy the Male Factor (condom without the spermicide) and produce via intercourse into the condom. We did this 4x just to submit for 2 sperm analysis.

SGH is good in the sense we can go to the room provided, do it & submit on the spot. But KK does not allow sexual intercourse in the room provided, meaning men can only go there & masturbate. We didn't know cuz we came from SGH. The girl in charge of accepting the specimen told us bluntly and unfeelingly "No sex allowed in the room". I tried explaining to her our predicament (it's embarrassing trying to explain your hubby doesn't masturbate in front of your hubby to 3rd party) but she just continued with a straight face, no emotions, wagger her finger at us & repeated "no sex allowed in the room". She asked us to go home have intercourse & come back submit (we lived in Woodlands!) or reschedule another day. Not to mention, the man has to clear sperm on D1, then abstain from sex, and produce on D5. Very bad experience ...

So now that I'm going through IVF, I fear the sperm production part. I was worried due to anxiety or the condom, my hubby cannot produce on day of ER, then chiat lat, all effort down the drain. So decided to go for sperm storage. But we tried 2x last 2 weeks & he couldn't "perform". I was so stressed & frustrated that I broke down & cried. Because my tentative ER is next week, so time is running out. Tried 3rd time on Thursday, he couldn't as well, until I decided to rip off the condom, & do it via the withdrawal method. Thank God it worked.

Because of this, we decided to opt for the 1 year storage instead of 1 time. Meaning we paid $310 just to do it.

I called up Dr Tan SB clinic today and I was told the earliest appointment is 18 Nov. Told her I'm in stage 2 already but she said cannot squeeze me in. Is Dr Tan SB ok with us just messaging her like that?

Thanks for your encouragement. I feel the same way too ... a good sign, so I'm still hopeful .... trying positive thinking! kekee

Regarding the hot water bag, I used to use hot water bottle but always fear leaking and scalding. I always have excruciating pain during menses and the hot water bag helps to soothe the pain.

The rest of the hot pak needs to be microwaved to get the heat. I find it very troublesome. Until I discovered this "Bio Moist Heating Pad". It heats through elecriticity so it's very convenient. I could roll around, lie on the pad front down, turn to the side etc etc without worrying about spillage or heating it up via microwave.

Dee, I see. Can understand why you're stressed. Glad you managed to store the sperm in the end. That shld take the pressure and worry off your shoulders for now. So stay relaxed and stress-free for your ER, ET and 2ww!

Cheer up k? *hugs* We will definitely make it as long as we dun give up. Everyone here knows how you're feeling, and you're definitely not alone. Go easy on yourself, have a good cry, dun give up. IVF is all abt statistics.


Sounds like a good size to me...
i'm sure the rest of follies will catch up. You might be pleasantly surprised you might have more than 1 to transfer. Keep the faith!


I'm no expert on PCOS, but just to share, i have polycystic ovaries, but i dun have the syndrome. This is acty reassured by my doctor. My period is always like clockwork, LH surge almost always detected, by sometimes, i dun ovulate. And BT shows all my levels to be normal actually. So i guess, on certain months, i dun ovulate properly. I dun really get whats up, but at this point, i can't be bothered as long as i get my BFP.

Btw, just to update, my AF came today! 1 week after ER. Yay! 1 step nearer to FET.
Hi Tromso,
wish you bfp on your ivf cycle!

Hi looking forward,
I didn't take Dr Tan's an tai yao on my 1st cycle..coz I wasn't seeing her then.. she juz mentioned I should have come to see her and take the an tai yao when I tell her about my 1st failed cycle... ;) It's to be taken after your ET (but I forgotten don't know if it's taken right after ET or have to wait a few days after ET) all I know is if you're willingly to take an tai yao, she will prescribed for you to be taken after your ET and will advise you when to take it... since you are in your 1st wk of 2ww..why not try calling on mon to check? They are open on this mon (PH)and my appt is on this mon as well..My 1st BHCG show very low but 2nd BT double up.. but eventually I lost it coz I was bleeding.. Hope that you will be able to see her on this mon...
Thanks for all the tips for the wheat bag and hot pak sisters, will come in very handy

Chrisl, when I was living overseas, I constantly have icy cold fingers and feet during winters too
but for some reason socks (wear 2 layers wool socks during winter) and home slippers doesn't do much for me and also can't blast the central heating in the house all day long too, so I discovered that hot soup/ drinks help a lot
wonder why I've didn't try the feet in hot tube then....Do you use the electric blanket at night? What's the temp range now...am missing white winter

Hi LuvNhope, yes, this forum is great, hv leant so much. Also getting myself mentally prep reading about sisters experience for ER ET 2WW. Wonder why so many others can get preggy without any interventions, must be a blessing not having to know all these 'technicalities' heh...hope will be our time soon
Thanks bb. I'm sorry to hear about your previously loss but I'm sure it's gearing you up for success next, no other ways about it
You know I've learnt from my SIL that once see bleeding/ red discharge, to immediate go to clinic to check and get booster jab, if taking TCM, go get diagnosis and more Bu dosage too. She is the sort quite prone to miscarriage and has averted it (and also very early pre term, contraction at 27 weeks) by being extra super careful, sounds kiasu but works for her. Also aware that luck plays a big part, but let's try our best with early interventions if possible

Btw Dr tan SB says herbs to start on Day 3 of 2WW cos doesn't wish to interrupt with jabs for implantation prior. Also says can take herbs during stage 2 if need a booster. But if you are SF Loh patient, she may say no (cos evrytime I mention I'm SF Loh patient, she'll pause a while, then say ok lah, if really stage 2 lousy, come to me immediately, no appointments required). Once I didn't mention I'm SF Loh patient, she happily said yes to herbs in stage 2, cos understand from her, she has spoken with SF Loh and he prefers to not disrupt with his jabs. But since SF Loh recommends Tan SB to his patients (I think he recommends 1 or 2 other TCM but I'm unsure which), should be ok to go with Tan SB's prescriptions.
Hi Dee, I've replied your email. All the very best!!

Dee, thanks for sharing about your hubby's dilemma. How about porn (eww...sorry to suggest)? I know some TTC very hard friends hubbies use that as stimulation cos sometimes after a hard day's work, hubby really cannot 'perform' and it worked for them.
Just wish to say, not trying to encourage TCM here, no stress for sisters not already on it. Realistically TTC shouldn't be such a headache, so sisters, just go with your gut feelings and hearts. Unfortunately there no sure fire method (be it TCM or no TCM), so really hoping some new kick-arse IVF technology/ drugs can come out real fast and seriously up the odds here
Whitetiger: 热水袋 is used to put on our stomach to warm the womb.

Tromso: U wake up so late for BBT...haha.. i took at 6.30am during wkday cos need to go to work.. I wake up later during wkend.. so took the bbt at diff timing..
Hi Tromso,
Yes, I have learnt the hard way.. that once see red must faster go down to clinic for support jab.. It's my first time bfp..so was very blur and naive.. I'm glad now the sisters here shared more info so that the others (esp 1st-timers) can learn from their experiences... Ya must be super kiasu coz we are having the hard time trying to get preggy.. so everything little thing must chiong de.. ;)
Hmm..so it's on D3 of 2ww.. I have a nudging in my mind that it might be a few days after ET to take the an tai yao from Dr Tan... Glad you've provided the info
Ladies, my 2nd AF (after last FET) arrived 24th day after the 1st AF. It has been 12 days and the AF is still flowing... This is my first time to experience such a long AF. Anyone experience that? Could this be a sign of Fibroid? or Cysts? I am so worried now.
Sunstillshines, go see your gynae for a scan if it does not stop in a few days time. Sometimes, Hormones go haywire after failed cycles. I encountered that every failure cycles. Got once, suddenly got a 5cm ovary cyst that went away on its own 1-2 mths layer. The cyst was caused by haywire ovulation caused by haywire hormones!
Hi bb, thanks, tomorrow open @ NTU or chinatown, which one better?

Hi ladies, questions on Tan SB at NTU, normally is the student who takes pulse reading? will Dr retake again? If no, what if the student takes wrongly? thanks

Hi Tromso, thanks
Hi LookingForward, I hv requested the hokkien mee without seafood, and replaced them with meat instead. As for fried kway teow, better not first, bcos it's very oily. Yeah, me drink lots of water too, always feel thirsty even when sleeping, feel very dry.

Hi Tahope, big hug Gal, jia you for your next cycle. How long are you going to rest. Relax and enjoy yourself first

Hi LuvNhope, glad that you are good on it now, you will use to it soon hehe.

Hi Dee, now you have settled on the sperm problem, right? Try to relax yourself and jia you for your next stage. Yippy!
Hi Ganie, when will be your FET? Good luck to you!

Hi Ladies, about the wheat bag and hot pack, is it to place on tummy area? Will it be too hot or warm for our embryo? Sorry for my silly question, sometimes I feel like putting one, but scared too hot inside. I've got one chargeable type. Once it's warm can use up to 6-8 hours, actually meant for holiday to winter countries. But just scared to use it for tummy. So I only wrapped my tummy when sleeping using towel. The next morning, my tummy actually felt quite warm.
Hi mc 007, me don't need to do BBT now cos started jabs, blessing in disguise maybe hee....it's a torture getting up early on weekends to take temp

Hi bb, yes indeed, sometimes the best info/ advice is through word of mouth
....initially was a bit frightened by the encounters and stories, now just take them as precautions and not be too bothered...have learnt that in a weird way, anything can/ may happens, just have to do our job and try draw upon past experiences and others' advice, try our best and have minimal regrets. Live today, fight tomorrow.

Hazel, thanks for sharing about the cysts. When I heard fr dr zou about the lady who had 6 cysts growth after jabs and her was cycle terminated, was kinda discouraged cos I really don't wish to go through another laproscopy plus BFN. Good thing they can go away as easily as they come.

Hi sunstillshines, I know for ladies with monthly very painful periods, then a higher chance of cysts, can potentially be endometriosis too. But I'm not sure about after FET AF, good to check in with dr too...
Baby-me: hi *waves* am doing well, into 2nd tri and praying to get to the end of the road safely. U in your 2ww now? Was told try not to put too hot stuff on the tummy area during 2ww (after ET). Cant remember why, but ok to relieve ER discomfort before ET. Just keep body warm if you r the liang type, dr zou asked me to wear socks and try long pants at night. That keeps body quite warm already. Jia you
Hi Looking Forward, at NTU, when I was once there, student took my pulse and Tan SB didn't. I'm not sure if will have students there daily but can request Tan SB to personally take pulse I'd assume. I'm thinking from relating our conditions to her, she should be able to gather quite a bit fr it too. Preference is Chinatown but I recall a sister said in forum earlier that appointments are fully booked till mid Nov. If you don't mind just do a walk in and wait (I've done that before) can try this too. Have to convince the gate-keepers (the receptionist) your condition and usually she can arrange for something, I have witnessed others successfully doing this too cos my appointment got pushed back by sudden walk-ins.
Sunstillshines, I went to see him after abt 10 days when it didn't support coz i did d&c. Shldnt take so long. First failure, I took medicine for 1-2 wks, after that cycle reverted bk to normal. 2nd failure, medicine didn't work n ended with a cyst within 3-4 wks. Dr Loh said wait n see. Maybe just go away eventually. If not, then need to do an op. I bled for 2 wks. Not those kind that will soap up pad within 2 hrs. If it was, cannot let it bleeds for so long cox we r losing blood m hence iron. Actually, dr loh is v dedicated. He actually asked his nurse to call me n said he wanted to see me earlier to chebk the cyst as he wad worried that I was still bleeding for so long. But since, bleeding stopped already then I didn't go see him earlier until the next scheduled appt.

I'm a newbie in this forum. I would like to check after a failed ivf, when can i start FET? And how should I prepare myself for the FET?
Hi Ron, hi, hi, *waves *waves back. Wow time really flies fast. You are in 2nd tri and I'm in my 2ww now. Pray hard that everyone here will get to the end of the road safely. Hope to join you soon Gal

Aww then better don't put those hot stuff on tummy area. Been wearing socks at night and slippers at home. Thanks Gal. Jia you too!
Hi Baby, you've mentioned yesterday to avoid banana, is it cos it's 'liang' food. I have a list of food rated from very liang to normal to very heaty....not sure how much to trust/ follow how strictly.

Ron8129, thanks for the tip on keeing hubby healthy. Just curious if others 'load' hubby up with anything else? I saw online that zinc and folic acid helps too... For my case, when hubby had to produce sperm for testing last year, quantity was unusually little, he said due to fatigue (but results came back normal), so I'm just thinking if anything can help increase or maintain quantity, will be great help on ER day. I'm presuming more warriors are better...hee... Maybe should get hubby to take half day leave day before ER...hmm...
so insensitive the nurse..try to tell her that you both are not doing 'it' but just helping hb to produce the samples..cos ultimately it's the sample they want..and rebuke to her that's sperm cells dies outside the body and to what more? travel from woodland and back! Goodness..if i were you i'll tell her off! Grill her upside down! but anyway good that you've settled the matter now..you 2ww now then? take care and take it easy

Not advisable to have electrical blanket on the whole nite..well hehe im very paranoid ..always thinking of 'what if being electrocuted while sleeping' and furthermore cos hb's body is very warm by nature, so b4 i get into bed i'll ask hb to heat up my side of the bed haha it helps for now.

Thankfully, it's not too cold now (7-10DegC) and i've been making hot drinks like longan&dates, ginseng and raspberry tea on every alternate days in my slow cooker. Yes hot drinks helped
But the forecast said that the next few days will be colder -1..and it has not started snowing yet..this year is late..not white yet

you missing white winter? in future if sisters here got chance come by and i'l be glad to open my doors

You are in stage 1 also right?

I think in Sg is kinda warm, so just as what a sister mentioned a towel to wrap around the tummy and also Ron suggested long pants and socks will do..main thing is not to get cold
*HUGS* you're not alone..a lot of my peers are already with young children or bb..my SIL giving birth 2nd child this dec too..i try not to go FB very often now as it's mostly pic's of very cute bbs! Esp most are mixed BBs & all very cutie one! So i try to think more positively and look on the brighter side of things...the time will come eventually de..don't fret..you have our support here
You cantonese? Me also! That song brings back memories! haha
Sunstillshines, may not be as bad as you think. So fix an appointment n see dr next wk. I understand how u feel. When I was told of a 5cm ovary cyst in 2nd failure, I cldnt accept it. I was frightened tt it wun go away n I need a lapascopy. I cried alot n asked why there r so many obstacles for me. I even went TMC to see care Ivf dr for 2nd opinion. Well, we shldnt give up hope though we may despair if we want our children.
Hi Baby, got your 'hugs'...thanks.
I'm scheduled to see Dr Tan HH on 15Nov & will check with him when can I start the next fresh.
Don't know will it be long protocol again? If yes, I would want to start in Feb. I don't want to wait for too long.
Meanwhile I'm seeing Dr Zou for accu & start taking her medicine.
It's pretty expensive..but no choice...
Sunstillshines, your nick is just that Sam Hui's song, although things get tough, the fighting spirit is even stronger

Chrisl, I'm in stage 2 now, starting to feel uncomfortable yesterday, just generally tired. Bloatedness starting to worsen today (still manageable kind) and I immediately went to down more egg whites, surprisingly the gassy tummy went away, as if I have taken Buscopan, very impressed

Wow 7-10 deg would be winter for where i was from, coldest about 3 deg at night only. I love winter for the sports - skiing, was a rather tough choice to relocate back to Sing. Do you have easy access to ski slopes there? Certainly, if hubby and I ever come by Viking land, will certainly go say hi to you and hubby, the fjords is high-ish on my list
you reckon when would be a better time to visit, so the days are not too short/ cold and same time can observe the aurora borealis?

At night, I use those small fleece blanket to cover tummy too cos I'm getting this slight hot flushes now so need to have the fan turned on in the air con room, ended up tummy getting gassy...haaa...how weird.

I see you are starting your stage 2 next week, all the best there!!
The nearest ski centre/hotel is like say 1 hr drive..think the best time to visit if you want to combine ski and festive season + not too cold is ard dec/ early jan. But hv to take note that most places closes during the christmas and new year holidays. Jan & feb are the coldest&darkest period and march there's still snow but getting lighter..So i would say maybe also in end feb/early march is ideal too..one thing abt aurora borealis is that it's not a sure thing one spot it..depends on luck. I've heard some who came specially to see it in their 5 days tour but no luck at all. And a friend's friend came on a week's trip and saw on the last night..lucky
Another thing to note is that the weather varies year to year..this time last year, it was snowing but little snow and very cold -10..so it all depends on luck too..

wow..the egg whites sounds like a miracle haha..i'll have to stock up eggs soon..stage 2 begins this wed for me. Im so not looking forward to ER! You remember to up your water intake?

do you know the gender of your bb yet? Excited for you! Is this your 1st or 2nd or 3 bb or? When is your EDD?
