IVF/ICSI Support Group

But I don't have bloatedness. So no need egg whites?

Take 8 egg white every day? Geez that's a lot of eggs ....
I can do it the half boiled style right? Can put soy sauce and pepper not? Like those in Yakun? kekee

Mama Leen,
I had very high dosage but completely no side effects. No nauseating or vomiting at all.

You literally poured boiling water over the egg white? Erh ... doesn't it taste funny? Like egg white water but slimy slimy?

I am already on TCM and been actively taking the brewed chinese herbs for more than a month already. I'm also taking it during this stage 1 & 2. Maybe without it, I'll have NO eggs?

Who's your TCM DR? I'm seeing San Shu in Bukit Merah.
You mentioned you consulted Dr Zuo last night? Can he/she speak English? I have problems communicating such medical terms in mandarin. Darn .... my lining less than 8mm, follicles less than 10, size less than 10 ..... doesn't bode well isn't it? Do you think I shd go see Dr Zou too?


I only started being a bit bloated, the few days before ER, the night after ER, i was so bloated up to my abdomen i couldn't move without hurting. That night was the worst, i have been bloated since then. I refuse to believe i put on weight from fats... haha...

Perhaps your next scan doctor will review your dosage? Everyone reacts differently so dun worry for now.


I was making half boiled egg today, somehow, they weren't very cooked so i followed your method and pour hot water. But, ehm.. sorry, i couldnt do it.. haha... i poured it away....
That sounds really bad ... bloated till you couldn't move without hurting. My next scan is tomorrow ... I'm expecting doc to increase my dosage (525) already ....

THanks so much!
Hi Dee, despite no bloatedness, perhaps you can take egg whites too, dr zou says help with follicles and lining leh....no harm trying, cos I think most sisters do that right??

Yep, pour the boiled water over egg whites, then cover. quite slimy still after 5-10mins, I think no yakun style half boil eggs for me for a loooong loooong time....

Dr zou speaks mandarin, from shanghai I think. But can understand English terms like follicles, ovulation, hCG, FSH, etc. I have this Mandarin-English translation app in my hp, so each time before I visit her,I will try to find out the Chinese terms, just in case she doesn't understand my English terms. But so far, she's quite English proficient I think. Wow...ang mo kio quite far for you...you live in the west right? You can try if you like, like these TCM dr always say 把死马当活马医...crude right? Says that to me today again...lol...dunno angry or be amused, I'm a horse actually hee...

Actually you don't have to feel despair with the number of follicles, as long as have good quality ones, it's workable, cos it's like a marathon, the fast runners at the start doesn't mean will score at finishing line, have faith in yourself ok. Btw, you can tell your current TCM your condition, see if can adjust your herbs to catch up.

My TCM is at Chinatown, dr Tan Siew Boey - Chen Xiu Mei, she's treated mark lee's wife, delivered 2 kids. My SIL goes to her for treatment too, delivered 2 kids too, conceived natural. But I'm unsure if dr tan is really better than others, she is just quite popular.
Genie...yah, the whites are very slimy...I just swallow the entire thing down in a gulp
Is this how the other sisters prepare their whites too?

I think as long as not in direct heat (fire), the useful substance amino-something isn't destroy...pls correct me if I'm wrong sisters.... Thanks!!
Wow, I just realized so many sisters are in 2ww now.. just nice wif long weekend ahead to rest. My ET day has been changed to 9th Nov. I wasn't convinced tt I've ovulated on 31st Oct coz urine test was kinda faint and I had no cervical mucus. Also, my cycle is ard 31 days. Urine test on 1st Nov showed -ve too. Anyway, I continued testing @ home wif cheapo sticks and observed LH surge on 3rd Nov. I went to KK, asked them to scan, did urine test, then doc concluded I haven't ovulated. D3 would fall on Mon, public holiday, so I opted for D5. I'll be on standby for ET from Mon, hopefully my embryos will swee swee survive..

Btw, KK asked me to start cyclogest support from 7th Nov, altho my ET is planned on 9th Nov. Is this normal? Anyone did D5 FET before?
Tromso, read the link you posted. It said "Cooking the eggs even for a short while over the stove destroys the albumin protein which we need." This sentence seems to controdict itself. Don't we need the albumin protein? If yes, why cook over the stove to destroy it? clipart{kao_confused2}
Hi Sherlyn, from what I know 250 is safe but above 100 is considered pregnant at KK. Did they give you oral progesterone? If not yet, pls ask from them asap. All the best! Dun worry so much
Hi sunstillshines, yep, the link suggests cooking eggs over stove destroys the albumin thing, hence cannot cook over stove, thus have to pour boiling water. u try read it again.

Dr Tan Siew Boey consultation is $25, 1 pack of herbs is $8-15 (for 2 days consumption) depending on cycle. I'll usually pay betw $50-$80 for slightly less than 2 weeks dosage. Yes it's brew herbs in original form but can use this specialized pot ($90-$120 depending where you buy it fr), no need to monitor brewing, about 45 mins, actually makes house quite smelly. But I'm not certain if original herbs is better than powder form, just that FIL doesn't allow powder form.
Hi moo3moo, I'm just curious why need to test for ovulation? Does this determine when to do the scans? What sorta indication does ovu test has? Hee...I also have those cheap strips bought online....
I intend to do blastocyst transfer too. Dr Loh say they will thaw 5 n then try to culture to blastocyst. But the risk is might end up with nothing to transfer :/
Hi Moo, thanks for ur info...yes, I hv got mixed feeling cos I understand that technically it is consider positive but not at the safe level n thus worry if it will go up the safe level by next Tuesday. So at tis stage instead of a big fat positive, it is a medium thin positive for me hehe :p
Joynfaith n Ganie,
Thks for sharing ur knowledge.

Wow, so many ladies in later stages liao. Me still so far behind.

Btw, when u all do the jabs n extract the needle, do u feel it tugging at ur skin? How to overcome this? Pull out faster? I think I ge kiang tried to hold the skin at the injec site while I pull out n ended up getting the med on my skin. Skin turned a little red n itchy afterwards.
Thanks eskimobaby. Didnt know they are for FET. I previously used them to determine when if I ovulate and when to 'start work' but results sometimes accurate sometimes not, cos at times I'll test clear blue too and blood test at KKH. I see, looks like fresh cycle and FET procedure is quite diff, thanks for sharing
Hi LuvNHope, my hubby does the jabbing for me, no leakage so far. I related to him your problem (his vocation in NS is medic officer), he suspects the needles may not be inserted in 100%. Or did you count 5s before pulling out? Once the needle goes in, you should release the pinch, did you do that?
Ok, hubby says the tugging feel is probably due to pulling out slowly, maybe you can try fast fast tomorrow

Btw I tried to numb my skin with ice pack for longer today and couldn't feel a thing when the Gonal F needle goes in
Yah I counted. I suspect it's the outside of the needle cos it might still have traces of med from being inserted into the vial?

So shld I pull out fast or slow in order not to feel the tugging as the needle comes out? Thanks!

Lucky u have medic hubby
Hi LuvNhope, actually getting your DH do it for you will be better, at least u don't need to look at the needle and Poke...Done...very fast. Just like Ants biting hehe. Try to pinch harder till that pinch of meat (sorry hehe even skinny ppl when pinched also looked like bunch of meat hehe) become slightly harder. So once you poke, no feeling at all. Only can feel when u r injecting the med. Then hold for 5 sec then pull out fast one. Use the given tissue to press hard on that part for few mnts. Everything should be okay.
Hi baby, thanks for the tips! Ya, I got my hubby to do it b4. Really easier. But he comes home late from work sometimes so might not be back in time to help. Gotta DIY lor.
LuvNHope, come go think of it, I see slight redness in the area of jabbing too...but not itchy, maybe super super slight itch. Redness goes away after a while.

You are very brave girl, I don't even dare to look at the needles
Hi moo3moo, cyclogest apparently starts 2 days before the ET.. Mine was Day 4 transfer and they started it 2 days before.

Hi LuvNHope, I think whenu inject, u r supposed to pinch your skin, poke in quick (like a stab, so that it is less painful) then after pushing in the syringe, must wait 3 seconds before retracting quickly. My hubby did the poking and retracting quick so it was less painful. one time, he tried to do it slow and iscreamed out and scared him
i think the red and itchy part can't be helped cos of the injection (puncturing of skin) but it should be gone in a few hours.
Haha.. Got to be brave in order to reach our goal. U r brave too to let yourself b jabbed when u r scared of needles!
Booboo, thanks! I din have the itchy problem b4. Only experienced it yesterday so I figure must b the way I pulled the needle out since that was the only difference I could think of from previous times. Shall try to retract faster as u all have advised.
Eskimobaby, yes I'm also worried got nothing left to transfer. But before tt happens I hope they'll call to transfer earlier le..
Tromso, the brew type of TCM is stronger compared to the powered form. May I know if Tan Siew Boey's clinic is very crowded? Can you let me know the address? Does she do any accupuncture?

Any idea if she is specialised to handle IVF patients?

The hurting from bloatedness is bearable, its like muscle ache feel. Once i lie on bed, cannot get up on my own as cannot bend abdomen. Can literally feel the fluid move whenever i move. Its not that bad actually, dun mean to scare anyone.

All the best for scan tmr!


Jabbing was quite easy for me, as i always numb area with ice, so most of the time, i dun feel much. There was once i jabbed a capillary and blood oozed out, but i just held on with the alcohol swap, then switch to tissue and help on until bleeding stopped. Abt the fast or slow, i think medium bah.. honestly, its so numbed already so fast or slow also no feel. Bleed also no feel. haha..
I have been v slack for my fet. I just realize for Kkh ET is done abt 3-4 days after 1st scan for a couple of sisters here. Oh no, I haven't been eating egg whites all this while... And my first scan is next mon - so fast.. Fet is so relaxed don't feel like even on ivf. Going for my therapatic session tomorrow... Din take any chicken essence at all too. Should I start now?
Hi Sunstillshines, Tan SB operates 2 clinics, 1 at NTU and 1 at Chinatown. Although the NTU one she's the trainer and the NTU students take pulse readings at times, not Tan SB.

I don't have the address as I just know how to get there now, you can find the adress n tel provided by another sister in a post earlier this week. Alternatively the Chinatown clinic (near mrt) tel is 6534 4131.

Tan SB specializes in fertility treatment, many hubbies take herbs from her too. For patients who have fewer follicles during stage 2 scan, she was able to help them growth the size/ numbers for ER finally despite their gynae earlier said may have to terminate cycle (this is what Tan SB tells me). Whilst Dr Zou (acupuncturist fr AMK) deems for this situation too late for herbs to take effect. Tan SB is certainly more renowed in Singapore for TCM fertility treatment. it's your call ok, good to check everything out

Yes, her appointments are usually full very fast esp the lunchtime hours and after work (may have to book 1 week in advance). No, she doesn't do accupuncture. I've read from this forum there is another fertility acupuncturists in Chinatown but I can't recall who and where but comparing to Dr Zou, Zou is the preferred dr.
btw, not sure if SF Loh has recommended TCM to any of the sisters here. Apparently, he recommends his patients to see Tan SB (those more tricky cases), cos Tan SB has mentioned this to me a couple of times and last month she mentioned that her patient showed her a note from SFLoh printed with Tan SB's contact, apparently SF Loh has been handing Tan's contact out to his patients. Sunstillshines, hope this makes you feel better about Tan SB. or you can contact SFLoh for assurance too
How long have you been seeing Dr Tan? I have seen her for 5mths now.. I enjoyed taking her brewed herbs now.. though there were many times when I almost puked out during the 1st few times... I just have to train my tastebuds to accept it coz it's for our own good sake..hee..

Are you doing ivf cycle now?
Regards about Dom, which some sistas mentioned earlier on.. don't take Dom when ttcing coz I have asked Dr Tan about it if I can continue to take 1 small cup of it every night.. she told me she prefer our baby to be free of alcohol.. not good...Lucky I stopped taking it since June..
Hi bb, yes, I'm in ivf stage 2 now. Yourself?

I've started seeing Tan SB last year when she was still with Thong Cai Hospital. It was quite crazy then cos no appointment, first come first serve basis, so would have to get there just before 7am to get a number so can be seen by her first if not second when hospital opens at 8am, then rush to work. But as I was clomid then, she didn't prescribe herbs, just diagnosis. I only started her herbs May this year, about same time as you

I don't like the awful tasting herbs leh...esp the herbs after ovulation to sustain the egg or embryo. I usually just swallow it all within 10s haa... my SIL has been taking her herbs for many years now, 2 sons and trying for third. She says the preggy herbs are worse tasting, vomit many time
Actually I do quite admire Tan SB cos my SIL is the easy to miscarriage kind, twice already, so there were many times she almost pre-term, then quickly go take her herbs (plus jab fr kkh), managed to carry to full term
sometimes I think it's luck, sometimes I think it's also hardwork cos I see SIL madly rushing to hospital n Tan SB immediately she started to feel slight discomforts. it's really not easy this journey. SIL elder boy and few others actually appeared in U Weekly with Tan SB last year...lol...

How about you? how did you come to know Tan SB? (I was actually very very against TCM in the past but perhaps a total convert now hee...)
whitetiger : haha, my mistake. its next tue.

tan SB dont speak much right? she just say a few words, then give me medicine already. is the cost the same if see her at NTU or at chinatown?

NTU really far and deep in the jungle...

pity that she dont do acpuncture...

oh oh, i drink the youmeishu (a small cup) every night these few days, cos open already my hubby dont want to drink and i dont want to waste it. perhaps i should stop after ET..
yep Tan SB doesn't comment much, if ask what food to avoid during TTC, she'll say eat everythg, err...
politically correct answers usually...I once ask her how she can tell fr the BBT chart if it's a gd cycle, she just smiles back, haizzz...

I learnt much much more fr Dr Zou hee...doesn't hesitate to impart info
Hi Tromso,
I'm still trying my luck at conceiving naturally ;p but also think maybe it's time for me to start fet..maybe a medicated fet...I'm seeing her at chinatown..

Did you try rinsing your mouth and try "brushing" your tongue immediately after drinking it? I tried that and no smell liao.. ;p wow, your sil's story really a motivation...when I explained about my 1st failed cycle when my hcg was v low and bleeding.. she said to me, you should have come to find me, she will prescribe "an tai yao" and I won't miscarried.. the way she said really makes me feel really motivated..
what is the article featured in U weekly? I never read chinese mag de.. I get to know Dr Tan thru a friend... I have the mindset that brewed herbs is stronger than powdered one.. no offence to those taking powdered herbs ya.. it's only my view...
tromso: ya i agree!.. v quiet leh... and no answers to my questions... i ask what is the issue with me, or what does my pulse reading means, she just continuing writing or smile, and tell me take the medicine and see how... sigh!
she told me if already taking TCM herbs liao, normally no need to "bu" some more by taking Dom or youmeishu.. coz usually the prescribed herbs are already very good for our body. Furthemore she said alcohol no good for baby.. she said something like don't want the "presence of alcohol", not good for bb's brain...are you seeing Dr Tan too? Mayb you can try asking her that again.. I oso have to press on to ask why no good de.. den she roughly tell me that.. hee.. I always keep asking her when I'm unclear.. but I will back off when I see that she's keep smiling... ;p
Hi bb, hope you'll succeed conceiving naturally. Many people get preggy around year end I realise cos usually many bb showers sep oct period, so you'll never know

The article is about her 'miracles' haaa...featuring tough cases and her magic. Also recently was on FM95.8 talking about fertility but I don't understand much cos too many mandarin medical terms. She conducts fertility talks at the CC in Jurong too, heee...I'm not promoting her, just few people I know seeing her and filling me in with the gossips

You are right bb, she is very confident kind, kept telling me can help salvage poor stage 2 scan results, so I'm counting on her if my system gives up on me. but a lot depends on luck too I'm aware...

If I'm not wrong the ntu clinic consultation is same price and herbs cheaper cos subsidize by ntu (I've only been once and decided don't like pulse to be taken by students). but ntu clinic only operates on certain days and mornings only.
Tanny haaa...lol...I guess we've all experience hitting the wall
maybe that's how she remains in the league of her field..!! hmm...I usually just take it that she doesn't want us to worry too much so prefers to maintain silence.

agree with what Tanny says about Bu part and alcohol.

tanny, not sure what stage you are at now. instead of doubling up on Chinese herbs n Youmeishu, have you considered say Blackmores Conceive Well, Ensure milk powder (many preggy ladies takes this), milk (I watched an American doctors show says helps to conceive), nuts....haa...super kiasu, nvrmind, we are singaporeans, just don't mind the weight gain hee...
