IVF/ICSI Support Group

Chel, Cocoapops, if you gals are concerned that it may be preggy and lacking supports thats why spotting, then i would recommend go for early BT. Kiasu abit at this stage is better than complacent. But not too early, go on DPO14 or later. Tell the nurse you are spotting and would like to test early so that can get supports earlier, they should be able to accede as long as its DPO14 or later. Early supports can be progesterone jabs such as Proluton that is stronger than inserts and or doc will let you start Duphaston which is the usual support given to early pregnancies.

JoynFaith, mine is 375 gonalf with 150 menopur. No increase along the way but i guess it depends on each person's egg growth rate. Mine was fortunately quite close in sizes means growing about same rate so maybe thats why i didnt need step up or down to catch up any too lagging behind eggs. If back to my 1st fresh where the egg sizes were far apart and not uniformed, i guess back then doc should have step up, like what dr Tan is doing now for Tahope, to catch up grow the too far lagging behind eggs.

Mine is consider long cycle cos always irregular like 30 - 50 days menses.

I'm not sure what immunocal for. I think it contains high protein and whey and I'm taking herbalife shake and contents about the same. Maybe you can check with the sisters here

Do you take TCM? TCM medicine and acupunture can helps in lining. I am taking TCM and acupunture and despite my previous D&C, I was commented by Dr Loh that my lining is consider good. Maybe you can give a try.
Thanks Heartbeats for ur advice. Will the blood test be accurate if done earlier as I understand that the hormones we are taking may also affect the results? May I ask what was your HCG level then?

Chel: I will call the hospital tomorrow and ask them. Just not sure if its implantation bleeding or due to early menses as am not quite sure what to expect!! Hope your spotting has ceased by now!
Hi ladies... need some advise from you... i have been TTC for the last 3 years. Tried IUI for 4 times but all failed... so last month started my stimulation for IVf. i was on suprefact and gonal F. i think i am on the long protocol. but eventually stopped by Dr as my follicules are too small (although there were 16 but biggest 2 were only 14 and 15 at day 10). i was advised to start the cetrotide short protocol when my next AF comes..

my AF has always been regular (28-30 days). but this month instead of expecting it to come by the 23rd of this month.. it decided to come yesterday.. have anyone of you have the same experience? did ur AF comes earlier? is it because of all the injection? Thanks in advance..
Phew... BBT has gone up again.

Ocean, maybe that's why you are prescribed with the medicine to help regulate your menses while you're cycling.

cocoapops, if at least 14dpt3 will be accurate enough because some private hospital did that instead of KKH do at Day 17.

Haze, there are some ladies here mentioned previously that their AF came earlier. Hence, is due to the body reacting to the jabs. Are you on superfact while waiting for your next AF?
Gd am.. Done my 3rd scan. My lining didn't grow still at 5mm. But my follicles are ready for extraction. Will b doing injection tonite & ER on wed.

I asked team doc - doc Veronica any medication to thicken & she says NO. Told mi to discuss with doc tan on wed b4 ER. Why I have so many problems!!
i failed my 1st cycle of IVF in Sept2010; SGH Dr Yu has reviewed that i have a very thick lining which therefore suggested for an endometriosis procedure to remove the extra thick lining.

i went under the knife in Feb2011 and rested for 6 months before my 2nd trial of IVF with my frozen embryos in last month. but result was negative. i was extremely sad and cried hard like the rest of you sisters. when i went back for my review with Dr Yu in last Friday, she said my uterus is too big and ever recommended me to undergo the endometriosis procedure. my husband and i were so shocked as i have under went the surgery with her and she has forgotten about it!
and then she goes on to cover up by saying that i have quit a high quality eggs and yet i have bad uterus which i shouldn't have much hope about having baby, but i should fight for miracle.

i am sad.

i am planning for my 2nd fresh cycle of IVF to bet for my miracle luck. but i have lost faith in SGH.....
Hope, not sure if u know, endometrosis will recur again even after op. Usu within 6 mths of op. Is better to clear it before Ivf to increase chance of pregnancy success. N shouldnt wait so long like 6 mths after op too coz the condition will most likely come bk by then n it gets worse with all the stimulation drugs.
Tahope, did you eat red bean everyday before today's scan? It might help, so continue to eat. I went for TCM Med and acupuncture before my FET and lining is growing well, so you might try before your ET. My TCM DR will do a 5 day continuous acupuncture before ET so you might want to check with your TCM Dr whether you can do so and do highlight to her you are doing HCG injection tonight. A little tip for your injection to jab at buttock because if you do it at your thigh, you will feel more pain and later might walk in limp. Keke... I did it on my thigh this round to experience it despite last time I did on my buttock, hence I know the difference. By ER day, the slight pain went off on my thigh.
Hope, what's your lining measurement and where are you doing your 2nd fresh cycle? Don't give up hope but try to find a solution to your issue and give it your best.
Hi Ladies

Need your advise if any gals here are a subsidized patience of KK? I am torn between going in as a subsidize patience vs. private patience. I think cost will be cheaper but the offset is that I don't have a regular gynae and I don't know if the wait will be longer than private patience?

Hi joy, my bt is on 21 oct but I hold no hopes whatsoever because my Pre af symptoms are appearing...but I have a gd feeling about you
btw, are you measuring your bbt every day? What's bbt temp now?
Hi ladies, fyi, doing a fresh cycle at thomson costs about 15-20k...I remembered the last time I visited one of the drs at Thomson, it cost us at least $200 - $300 plus per visit (consultation plus scan)
Hi, Jaded. You are so quiet these days. Was wondering how you are. Are you very busy at work? Take it easy if so and lower your stress level. So coincident that both of our BT are on the same day. 11 more days to go. Haha... we might run into each other. Find it coincident and maybe faith to meet Sugary and you during this cycle here and physical but I had walked pass Sugary on her ET without knowing it's her and maybe might bump into you on BT day. What time do you plan to go down? Sugary advises me to go down before 10am.

What's pre AF symptoms are you experiencing? Maybe it's due to implantation or medication? The big day has yet to come so don't give up hopes. Hold on to your hopes and be more positive, dear friend. Don't give yourself too much stress. Be happy and no worry. So weird you have good feeling on me, you should feel good for yourself too. We should be proud about our snowbabies whom they have survived thaw. Try to talk to them and ask them to stay as strong like they did during thaw and stick hard to you.

BBT is Basal Body Temperature. Yes, I measure it everyday before getting up from bed and has been doing so for years while TTC. It can be stressful at times measuring it but I'm just curious and want to justify on its effectiveness. You might think this gal is doing things weird even knowing it might create stress. Keke... funny me hor. BTW, I'm not using Basal Body Theremometer that has 2 decimal point. Today's measurement is 37.1 whereby Saturday and yesterday was 37.0 and 36.8 respectively. Hence, yesterday's measurement stress me and glad it gone up this morning.
Hi joynfaith, i still not too sure should i continue my fresh cycle with SGH or not? I have been with them for the past years, they keep all my record; but i have lost faith w the doctor.
I wish to continue hoping one day i could hold my baby in my arms n luv him/her....
But sometime it's hard to move on w all this complication.
Hope, I believe in faith. Do you? Many of us here have many stories within us, but all of us have the same goal. Don't give up and try to overcome whatever obstacles that come in front of you. You ought to feel comfortable with your Dr in order to have confident in yourself during the procedure. If you don't find comfortable doing your fresh with SGH, you can change to NUH/ KKH if you are looking into government hospital. Remember to get as much records as possible from SGH before you move on to another hospital.

I wonder if TCM will help you. It does for me after my failed fresh and boost up my energy and strengthen my body in preparing for my current FET.
I was reading your posts and some of you went for accupuncture before ET and after ET. Would u mind recommending to me your TCM doctor?

I am starting Lucrin jab this friday.
Hi Hope,

Jus wan to encourage u that u are not alone. Joy n faith is right. Each of us got our own story to share but most importantly is not to give up. Yeah mi also has endometrosis n adeyomosis. I have two miscarriages n jus failed a ivf in august. My menses is late now n really wondering what happen. Dr Loh see it positively that it will help to shrink the womb. Do u also have adeyomosis when u say uterus is big?

Hi Tanny, Hazel, Heartbeat, how have you been huh? It has been hard in facing a lunch khakis whom jus got preggie. Tis month is the month where I will deliver if I did not miscarriage in march. Sorrie for whining . P
Zion. at last you are starting your Lucrin. All the best in your cycling. You can try the following TCM Dr recommend by the gals here. I'm seeing Dr Zou Yumin.

Ms Zou Yumin
Blk 505, #01-2670, Ang Mo Kio Ave 8
Tel: 6456 0833
Closed on Wed and starts at 9am

Mr Ban Choon Chen
Blk 81, #01-636, Marine Parage Central
Tel: 6344 6718
Closed on Tue and opens at 8am.

Sunbelle, what are you with now? Take it easy and accept the facts. Slowly you will overcome it. Remember to love yourself since many people forgot about it.
Sunbelle, I m due after cny.. Keeping my finger really crossed this round.. We just hv to keep our goal in mind n believe we will get there one day. Dun keep looking back. We hv to be forward looking ok. JIA YOU.
Hi sunbelle, When the doctor reviewed my 1st ivf she told me that my uterus lining not given the support hence suggested to have the endometriosis procedure. i have endometriosis procedure in feb2011, cut off about 3-5mm lining also removed some fibroids.
Doctor says my uterus is big n bad even after the operation. But you are right, endometriosis procedure has reduced my extra thick lining not reduced my uterus size. Althought My menses pain has improve after the procedure.
Thanks joynfaith, i have just gave a called to ms zou TCM. Will dropby there after work tomorrow to visit her. I am keeping Faith in my heart. Cheers.
Hi joy, strange that ur bt is on the same day as me coz ur trf was a day later than me right? And yes, we might just bump into each other
I'll definitely go in the morning coz they need to send it to the lab thereafter in order for the results to be back in the afternoon. But I wonder if I shd still go for the test if my af arrives before that...

One very obvious Pre-af symptom is my boobs are sore n they almost always are before my af...and my boobs don't lie, haha...so I'm mentally preparing myself for the worst but really appreciate your encouragement anyhow. I've been really busy at work n have doin housework as per normal, so I'm not sure if it's the stress n lack of rest that's affecting my body...or the quality of my embbies...

I need to consult dr loh before he leaves n see if i'm able to do one more fet under his skillful hands. I judged his skillfulness based on the fact that when I opted to go for an xray of my tubes, 2 drs (1 young n 1 supposedly experienced) could get the tube into my uterus despite trying for half an hr n as a result left me feeling so traumatic...dr loh succeeed at transferring the embbies into me with only one try...no wonder he said quality not the same, haha. Btw, when are u seeing dr Loh next?
Hi JoynFaith, just wondering how do you count the 14dpt3? I read in on the internet that need to wait at least 3 days after implantation for the HCG levels to show in BT.

I just called the hospital this morning. They say that they usually do the BT on day 16/ 17 but I can do it either today or tomorrow. If the results are negative, they will ask me to redo the blood test again on my originally scheduled date just to be sure it's not a false negative.

Am scared of getting the results!!
Cocoapops what are the dates of your ER and ET?

KK usually does BT on 16/17 days.. I have previously requested them to do BT earlier but was rejected..
Sugary, just now when I was having my lunch, it reminded me to inform you not to eat too much carbohydrates food such as rice because it will make you feel sleepy. Rest well.

Jaded, yah, I feel strange that Sugary is one day before mine. That means her blood test is on Day 18 like you. Could the boobs be a pregnant symptom? Don't get engage too much with this because it might be a false alarm of your AF. Just now, I told DH I'm going to discard the recycle stuff and he was worried and ask where I am going. It's nice to go out after being in house for a couple of days. I went for a short shroll and enjoy the scenery. It made me feel good. So you can do something that will make you feel good. Try going to the garden if there is one near your house and a water running area. Water running make you feel relax, thus there is one therapy call water therapy. And you always feel good when at sea side. Or listen to soft music to make you relax. As for your housework, get your DH to do for you during this 2ww and don't get involve when he is doing so you won't feel stress. Try to sleep early or rest when you have the chance.

When is your next appointment with Dr Loh? My appointment card started 13 Dec as estimated. But the nurse should be able to insert us in. If BFP, the first scan will be 2 weeks later, so the nurse will reschedule for us. Dr Loh is a confident Dr and he reacts fast as he did on my transfer this round.
Hi cocoa, yup I'm in my 2ww now, but my sore boobs symptom is highly unlikely a preggy sign becoz I just did my et last tues n sore boobs don't kick in until much later in pregnancy or so I heard...but I appreciate your encouragement still

Hi joy, my next appt with dr loh is on 5 nov though I wanted it earlier but he's on leave...I will try listening to some instrumental music...but that's likely to make me sleepy haha..
Cocoapops, 14dpt3 means you are on Day 3 transfer that is ER is first day and ET on 3rd day. As for 14dpt means 14 days past ET. Maybe you can do your blood test at 24 hours O&G Clinic and get support if needed. But you will need to redo your BT again on your actual day since it's the hospital's protocol. If you want to know the result earlier, you can do a HPT and will help to ease your fear.

I am also a subsized patient at KKH. My 1st appt and 2nd were one month apart (was scheduled for SA, FSH, AMH and pelvic scan). I personally feel that is a bit long. During my second appt, the doctor have no idea of what's the next step (as my case is a bit tuff), then he has to go to next room to ask dr.loh. After that, I am schedule for a hysteroscopy on 24/10. Another 2 weeks wait! Sian...

Thus, I am thinking should I change to private, so that I can have one dedicated doctor and perhaps easier appt?? But the problem is I dunno which doctor should I choose...Dr.Sadhana or Dr. Tan HH... or should I consult Dr.Loh? (I believe that I would be able to do my ivf under dr.loh as he will be leaving soon)

Which doc will you go if you were to switch to private?
fuyutsuki01 - She is selling Amway products. I don't think she is giving you 'member price' bah. Sure markup abit. You want to give me your mobile no.? PM me? I ask her to SMS u lo..
Wonder if advisable to start fresh cycle from failed FET when AF comes? Can someone share what is in short protocol for fresh cycle?

What is the last visit timing to see gynae at KKH Clinic D?

Jaded, thanks for your reminder and I've just changed my appointment to 1 Nov. Aiyo... very kiasu hor... you can try changing to 1 Nov at 10.30am and hope the slot is still available. Good luck!

Also called IVF Centre and asked about your sore boobs. It's normal for some people and not a symptom of pregnancy yet because it's too early. The nurse told me generally if you have this symptom about 3 days before BT, it's pregnant symptom.
Hi Ching

Seems like it is not a good idea to go subsidized. I am not young liao..still wait n wait...lol. I think I will pay more to cut down the time and have a fixed Dr.. Should be still cheaper than going private hospital right?

I have just changed my status from subsidized to Private and will be seeing Dr Marianne Hendrick. My fren told me that she is Dr Loh's tu di.. so pray that she is good.

Any ladies here with Dr Marianne? can advise?

Ya ya, if we already decided to go for ivf, might as well cut down the waiting and get it started asap. You just called KKH to make appt with Dr.Marianne? When is your appt? Hv you done the BT oredi?

I just call KKH to make appt. Will be seeing her on 28 Oct. I have done some BT with my previous doctor at Mt E. Should be still valid as we just did it for my last failed IUI cycle. Will bring along all those reports and hopefully it will cut down more time. So are you switching to private too?
oh..forget to mention that this is my first time with KKH.. Ching, do you know the diff between the cost of subsidized vs. private?
ya, I will be switching to private patient too, but I need to confirm which doctor to choose 1st.. Dr.Sadhana, Dr. Tan HH or Dr. Marianne???? Headache...

28/10 is the earliest slot or it's chosen by u? U will be seeing her at clinic D?

I already made my appt with dr loh few days ago ..haha kiasu also.. But the earliest they gave me is mid nov leh.. I asked for clinic D , earliest is tomorrow or end nov.. I gave up. How come yours earlier than me?
