IVF/ICSI Support Group

Enig, that's terrible. Luckily, it's over and glad that you are fine. Take care of yourself and rest well.

Thanks to the other gals for your encouragement. My menses came full flow this morning with very horrible cramps. I got up this morning to go for my BT, felt like vomitting and almost black out when I was preparing milk for my gal. Broke out in cold sweat too. Any sistas have that experience after failed ivf?

My BT due next Thursday.
Actually I also experienced spotting when I was in my 13weeks when I was preggy with my son. That time reali upset keep blaming myself why I go and do night shift ( I work shift duty btw). When I reached kk24hrs then a female dr scan me and luckily baby was ok. Fr there I requested no more night shift for me for e entire pregnancy. After one week when I see dr Loh, he also commented could b due to another embryo didn't implanted, and warned me not to squat and carry heavy things. V scary

Jia you jia you. Me still praying to my embies inside me must b strong n stay comfortably.
Baby, yes, going for medicated FET. Dr prescribed me with Progynova and Asprin. Other than that, I'm taking Conceive Well Gold, Folic Acid and TCM Medicine. I'm doing acupuncture twice a week. My TCM Dr told me to drink red dates and wolfberry every day to have good blood flow and I add black dates in. If I feel heaty, I will drink a teaspoon of honey and mix with water. When are you going for your first U/S for FET? Are you on natural/ medicated FET? I'm not sure if can drink Ginseng but I know honey is a bit cooling. Guess you drink moderate or check with your TCM Dr cos' for KKH nurse/ DR will not advise TCM Medicine to be taken during IVF procedure.

Heartbeats, you are welcome and hope it's useful for you. I've constipation during my fresh cycle for 2WW. It's quite miserable unable to let go my tools that I use to every day without fail. I push quite hard when I had the feel after taking prune juice or soften tool liquid, and afraid my embryos would be pushed out. All kinds of funny thoughts during 2ww. Come to think about it now, it's like a comedy.

Yes, I'm started with progynova and will be going for my U/S next Mon morning. Looks like FET will be late this round (predicted from the scan time). I guess priority will be given to fresh cycle ladies.

Cravings is one of the symptoms for preggy. I had a total change with my taste bud. Take moderate on your tidbits because they are high in salt content and preservatives that are bad for your health.

Splw18, cool down gal. A warm hug to you. As what Heartbeats has suggested you to go to KKH for a detail check and fix the need. Technology nowadays is very advanced, so no worries. You can try TCM to strengthen your body and do exercise. Be positive and move on.

BBB, sorry to know it doesn't good. The result is not out yet so don't worry too much.

Jaded, yes taking TCM medicine every morning and night. If taking western medicine, has to be at least 2 hours apart. Are you on medicated / natural FET?

Enigmaysl, take care and rest well. Glad you are under a good hands with your DR.

Sugary, welcome in. When is your first U/S? Are you on medicated/ natural FET? Mine is next Monday and with Dr Loh, KKH, too.
Vyvy, before u rule out pregnancy, wait for BT and then u can decide. Heavy flow is usually due to high levels of progesterone and estrogen level associated with IVF medication. Its normal menses is much heavier but if it got to the point where u can't take the pain or excessive bleeding, pls go A&E. I was lucky cos I did not hesitate else my condition will be detrimental. Hope u feel better soon! Hugsss!!!
Hi heartbeats
How your constipation and ohss? I thinking I having mild diarrhea usually after my food intaking. I think is one of the side effect of my pregnyl jab.
hello girls, KKH called to confirm that I am not pregnant. So my 50-day IVF journey has officially come to an end. i can now go back to my normal life. till the next fresh cycle. I wonder when that would be. I am ready to try again but not sure about my body.

thanks heartbeat and sista! i am feeling better already by now. even though I BFN, i still feel joy when i see other babies around me. i really hope i can be those mothers one day wheeling my own cute baby in the trendy stroller and me looking sane and not aunty. haha
BBB, big hugs and take care of your body. Do a mini confinement to build up your body and try again. Treat yourself something before embark the next journey.
2 days ago had my 2nd scan..doing natural.

Sorry to hear the news. I'm sure one day u would be able to push the trendy stroller with the cutest baby
Hi Sugary, i just did fresh cycle, now in 2ww.

Thanks JoynFaith! I released my 'boms' already haha

Piglet, constipation problem now resolved. OHSS getting better in fact dont feel uncomfortable anymore.

BBB, you will one. Time will fly and you be wheeling your strollers before you even knew it!

Sistas, my TCM dr said something to me recently that etched in my heart till this day i still feel teary whenever recall. She said "<myname>,顺顺利利哦,老天会感动哦 ... ", means "heavens will be moved, all will be fine" ... So touching and i feel its so much so for us all here. God knows our journey, someday we all will succeed one. Lets JY regardless of what circumstances we face now!
Sugary, what's your lining at your 2nd scan? When can do ET?

Jaded, I must have miss you so much that I key in your name instead of Sugary's in the previous message. Sorry about that.

6.5.. This morning 's 8mm. Ready now.. Just wait for follicle to pop. Urs is medicated ? Do u Noe how many days of mc will they give for fet ? Last time they gave 7days. Now I heard only one day. Can ask for more?
Sugary, what do you mean to wait for follicle to pop? Do you mean ovulation? What's the next step? Envy you to do natural FET that I can't afford to do it cos' I've only 2 snowbabies left. How many snowbabies do you have? And how many are you going to thaw this round? Do you plan to do ET on the same day your snowbabies thaw?
all the best to your BT coming up

hmm, wat is snowbabies? embbies? y u cant do natural FET with 2 embbies? natural or medicated can still transfer 2, depending the thawing survival.
ya, am waiting for ovulation..only when i ovulate, then i can do ET. i'm transferring 2. how bout u?
siblinghopes, sorry on your bfn. Big hugs! Build your body first before going for another round.

Sugary, one of the gals here name frozen embryos as snowbabies. I find it interesting so I use it. DR advise me to do medicated FET and at that point didn't know there is natural FET. Since I've only two snowbabies, I better go medicated FET in case my body can't tune back to normal from my failed fresh cycle. If my snowbabies can survive thaw, I will transfer two. People who go for natural FET must have regular menses, you must be one of them. All the best and hope we can be cycle buddies.
Me no frozen.. Made a big boo boo this round... Jabbed my trigger jab 1 day late, went ahead with op, dr cld not retrieve/suck fr rt side, stopped the procedure, called hubby then realised the mistake. Went back the next day to re do ER, only left with 2 on the left...

I'm fine! Will need to discuss with hubby next step.. Whether to try again our be happy with little boy now...

Sistas, any idea how many mths before I embark in fresh cycle again?
siblinghopes, 3 months later to embark fresh cycle. Take these 3 months to tune your body and can try natural conceive. Some gals got pregnant during these period. Good luck!
siblinghopes - Sorry to hear that.. big hugz. You still have a sweet little boy
"bu bu" health and like what JoynFaith said.. concieve naturally! Take care...
ok, will try to ask uncle loh for HL.

hope we can be cycle buddies.. i dont have regular menses. but i went for my review check up with dr loh at day11..he scanned and say follicle is developing well, lining is ok, so ask me to proceed with natural instead of medicated. i prefer medicated thou..since i can do natural this mth , might as well dont waste.. if doesnt ovulate, then proceed next cycle for medicated.
So u mean ur tis round is fresh cycle ah?
Meanwhile try to tiao ur body n compensate ur little boy n meet up with dr to decide again the next step.
Ya try to ask him hehe, He is quite flexible.
That time dr Loh offered me natural also, I said can I choose medicated instead he said up to me lor
that's y he is my fav dr
Yesterday I jus bot 2 pregnancy kits fr guardian, may I know when I can start test for hpt? My Fet was on sept 20.
Fr my last fresh left 3frozen, I thaw 2 and transfer 2. Now left one frozen. I didn't ask wats e grading after thawing actually. But fr my last fresh all my 5 embryos were grade 4.
Sibling hopes: once our body is ready, we can always do round of hope again although I m not sure if my husband will allow after what happened last night...
Linda: if urs is a three day embryo, then by right today will be D11 of ur embebbies. Some sister reported that only D14 will they see faint line... Wait a while so u won't scare itself if test not accurate? All the best!
Hi Linda: by God's grace, my stats has gone back to normal level... Bleeding slight but no longer heavy... A lesson I learnt is to really free ur mind about the final result. It's hard but it takes the pressure off ur body I feel... Suddenly I just feel that everything will be alright. My poor hubby has to get over the crime scene yesterday. Lol
Siblinghopes: doc shook head with the mat of blood I lost. He is just akin a conservative approach in think and d/c may increase my risk of blood lost... Thanks for ur concern. Me still feel grogy from op.
Linda: thanks I will try my best... I did get warded and stayed a night at GlenE.. Doc say I can go bi and rest today...
Hi Enig, great to see that you are recovering fast. Ur experience last night is so scary! Reminded me of my miscarriage last October cos the experience is so similar.

Congrats Hope and Jane on ur BFP!

Hi JoynFaith, I went to see Dr Loh for my review le. The moment he saw me, he shook his head and said mine was no gd, didn't even implant and he even said he expected me to succeed cos I am still young. He added that before me, he was so happy cos he just seen a few who succeeded and some even had twins. He said some lao kok lok (so bad of him to use these words) liao still able to succeed. Made me feel so demoralised.

When he read out the embryo report, he commented that fertilisation seem to be a problem for us but he did not give us a solution. Requested for a copy and saw a comment don't know written by the embryologist or Dr Loh that some eggs have little or no elasticity. Did some research but didn't manage to find much info. Anyone ladies have such issues and able to advise what to do to improve?

JoynFaith, whether natural or medicated FET is not determined by the number of frozen embryos left cos they will only thaw the embryos once we are ready for the transfer. I check with Dr Loh and the nurse on the thawing process. I still have 3 so they will thaw 2 first. If the 2 survive, they will be those to be transferred. If one doesn't survive (touch wood), then they will thaw the other one. The nurse said normally within hours, they will be able to determine whether the embryo can survive the thaw. So there won't be too big a lapse in timing of the thaw process for the 2 embryos.
Did Dr Loh ask u not to take chinese medicine?
I asked him whether I can go for acupuncture and he said ok but emphasized that I don't take chinese medicine cos it will affect.
Tt time shortly after my failed cycle, I checked with Dr Zou natural or medicated FET is better and she encouraged me to go for natural cos in a way, if the body ovulates naturally, it shows that it has recovered from the 'trauma' of the medications used and is more receptive to the embryos to be transferred to the uterus.
Am scheduled to do natural FET in Nov although I ovulated one week late this month. Yet to have my first menses after the failed cycle so hope that my body will go back to normal by ovulating on time next month.
Hi lookingforward, reg soya, I heard from many sisters here that it's not good and will thicken the egg shell. So I completely avoided it.
Hi Enig,

Sorrie to hear what u go thru. Pls take good care n rest well. Most importantly dun give up hope. I m oso waiting for my menses to come to prepare for FET. yeah somehow health is important.

Yeah Fatefully, how are u huh? Jus wan to say after two miscarriages I still believe I can have a smooth sailing pregnancy .

Yeah jus thinking why menses late huh? Haha hope menses come this weekend.
Ok rest well

Re egg less elasticity, I can only think abt the egg shell maybe too " stiff " n loss of elastic. I m using tis concept from lung tissue, for those ppl suffer fr lung injury, their lung tissue very stiffed n loss of elasticity. I could be wrong if compared with egg shell, jus my guess.
JoynFaith, yeah me thinking to take conceive well too. I think will stop the ginseng, but dunno if still can continue to drink honey or not. My first AF just finished today, will wait till 2nd AF in Oct then make appt with kkh for the scan. So most probably by end Oct or early Nov then can start again. Dr Loh asked me to do Natural FET. When is your FET?

Sugary, since you are also on natural FET, when is the ET day from your first day of AF? I'm thinking to apply leaves for 2weeks starting from ET day as I don't want to take anymore HL. Nobody in office know that I'm on IVF so not intend to tell anyone there too.
Hi Sunbelle,

I am fine. I am back to work since Mon. But somehow I will think back of the fail cycle and I will feel moody and sad even when I am on my way to work or going home. As long as my brain is free... I will think. I see preggie woman around, I will think, why is it so hard for us?

Btw ladies, I wa to ask after my failed ivf, I had AF on D13 after ET. AF came out alot and blood clot. Is it normal?

I had pain on my left side ovary during my 3rd day of AF and went to KK to check, she say everything look fine and I was arrange for my DI Scan on 5th Oct (same day to see my gyna after my 1st fail IVF) to check anything wrong with my ovaries.

Now my AF was clear and no pain whatsoever. Life is normal. But my emotional is still feeling down. I feel like crying but I told myself to be strong and hold back my tears and cover myself with works and talk to colleagues.

I intending to get a branded bag for myself for the lose and the courage I have gone thru.

What else can we do? We need time and luck to make things work.

Btw, how u gals check when we ovulate? I have a calendar that can tell me when I will ovulate but not every mth we do rite, then how we check?
Sisters who r under dr loh n doing ER/ET in oct, dr wld be away for overseas conference for 2 wks.

sisters who failed, pls rest until the menses is bk till pre ivf time. Only then it means our hormones r bk to normal. My menses will go haywire, not just late, but worse. I took a break of 6 mths each for my 2 failed cyles for it to return to normal.. Ie I saw 2-3 mths of normal cycle.

Dr loh's views r different. He said as long as womb is clear can try again. But if my menses r still haywire n I dun see a few mths of normal cycles, it means my body has yet to recover from all these hormones.

For fet , cannot based on first day of AF leh. For natural , gota based on when u ovulate.. For medicated , gota make sure lining is optimal .. Both needs frequent scans to determine. Unless ur cycle is super regular, then u can do an estimate. For example on natural fet, if u have 30 days cycle, u likely to ovulate on day 16.. And day 15 u tested positive, the scan also shows ur follicle is on good size and lining meet a minimum of 8 mm.. Then ur ET is most likely on day 18. This is only an estimate.
