IVF/ICSI Support Group


Thanks. I'm 2ww and BT this fri. I was kinda concerned cos read on the net that it shd not be used when pregnant or suspected pregnant. So wondering why then being prescribed utrogestan. It's a relief to know that u've used it and BFP.

Sunnie, trust yr doctor. Whatever they gave u it meant to be good for u de. I had spotting in my early stage so was prescribe utrogestan to be oral till 16 weeks and am now in my 33 weeks. So just relax and enjoy yr 2 weeks.

Btw, Hope283 congrats on yr BFP
Have a smooth 9 mths ahead!
Hope283, congratsn! Always happy to hear and receive baby dust.

Btw, anyone buy eys pdts eg chicken essence regularly? Today groupon deal is 40% off ... $18 for $30 voucher. So can grab if u use.
Sunnie Gal, dont worry, i think our doctors know best. KK has been using utrogestran for years so it must be ok. Maybe its the dosage that must change once pregnant or something which otherwise is ok to use.
Hi Enigmays, I actually bought the dried longon to boil with red dates but because of my sore throat, I didn't manage to take it till now.
Hi Noy, I heard that removing the pits of the red dates can reduce heatiness and I have also been reminding myself to take more water everyday...
Hi hope283 congrats
Care to share what to take, what not to take and what to look out for. I will be starting my 1st inj on 28 Sep. Thank you
Hi hope, congrats! *gets baby dust!*

Heartbeat, they said 4 are useable and 3 still monitoring so will only know how many they freeze ltr during BT. So amazing to see the pic of the embryos! my embryos are grade 4. Let's hops they do well!

Now I'm officially in the 2ww!
Hi pinpanter, rest rest. Maybe it's just the tiredness... Or aching fr paying with ur boy! Well, pple say dreams are the opp of reality, maybe it's a gd sign afterall!

Hi Jane, all the best for today!

Woke up at 615, prep and brought my boy to sch, feeling so tired now.. Going back to bed...
How old is ur boy ? I reali wish can add a sibling for my boy too. Sometimes no choice still got to carry him, reali hope won't affect the implantation.
My boy tis few days so cute been kissing my fat tummy hehe

Hang on, few more days only, jia you
Hi Linda, my boy's 2yrs, 27 mths to be exact. I resisted carrying him for the last 2 wks, I feel so bad... Luckily he's really close to daddy... I told him to stroke my bloated tummy too, he likes it!
Earlier during the jabbing at home, he'd help me with tissue, clean my blood fr e jabs, gets worried when he sees the blood and screams for daddy to help!! Daddy's so afraid of blood, daddy has never seen me jab! My little boy has grown up... Very sweet... I wish I'd be able to tell him there's a bb in the tummy!
He's been asking for me to carry but I told him let's do sth 'new' & he'll forget all abt asking to be carried.. Yah, it's for him tt hubby & I r working so hard for a little. I hope gd news will come soon!
thx girls.

Jane- All the best.

Girls: This is wat i did during my 2ww.

* Complete bedrest for 3 days, jst woke up for food and loo.
* Drank around 3 ltrs of water per day. 2 to 4 servings of fruits. eating dal, two veg &rice for lunch and two dal,veg& roti for dinner and pulses(dal). Iam a vegetarian, so i had to tk dal for protien. Was taking greens (spinach) during lunch.

* Was taking brazil nuts, peacans and walnuts throughout the 2ww. Ard 2 of each.
* Took chicken essences. One bottle in the first week and another in the 2nd week.
* Took Cereal and milk for breakfast, sometimes took milk in the night before sleep also.
* Took medicines on time. And rested as much as possible.
* Be on positive thoughts, i know its bit difficult as worry keeps comg, but still try to overcome as much as possible, i ws remindg myself that as long as af does'nt come, i still got chances. if this helps u to stay positive, u can do it.
* Did hpt from day 9, jst with an attitude that if i can see postv soon, i can stay relaxed until bt. however i ws not able to see postv until day 13. so for this few days, i sometimes used to become sad. So jst mk sure, u make up an attitude if u wnt to do hpt.
* Staying stress free is very important, always talk to people who can motivate you and give u confidence. If something or someone is going to upset u, jst avoid them immedtly.
*Last but not least, as soon as you bfp, u take equal care as in 2ww. This might help in hvg a healthy pregnancy.
Hi there,

I just failed my 1st ivf cycle with KKH...in the process, i discovered i have many other problems i wasn't aware...

- rt ovary not working. not sure when it shut down but suspected it was damaged when i did a lapro to remove endo cysts 6 yrs ago.

- fallopian tubes loculated...meaning probably a lot of adhesions around the fallopian tubes, that y so hard to conceive naturally.

- add to above 2, i have egg factor problem. IVF cycle with 400iu puregon, only 6 embryos picked up from left ovary. 3 matured, 3 not. Not a single one fertilised...sigh..(happy went for ET but got told no ET will be done

- Dr suggested endo may be back. Gave option to try another cycle after 3 mths rest, or go for another lapro to clear inside up.

Am planning to get a TCM to boost egg quality while I wait it out and consider next steps...any recommendation for TCM good with treating poor egg quality associated with Endometriosis?
Hi Marble, sorry to hear that but hey this is just the begining and with the preparation work to boost yourself up, the next journey will be a successful one! I personally think that TCM can help thicken the womb lining and improving egg quality especially acupuncture for it also relaxes you. I have done my regime with EYS at Paragon with Dr Zhong. A lot of sisters her also consult Dr Zhou @ AMK. My sis in law has severe endo but she ended up with 2 beautiful kids thru IVF and her embryos were not very good grade but she succeeded too. She advised me to do acupuncture. Hope this will help...
siblinghopes, your son is soooo sweet!!! Warms my heart

My hubby is very afraid of injections too but I made him help me with the preparation and cleaning up after injection. He must know the pain we girls go through! hehe..

Marble - You may want to try Dr Zou or Dr Xia. Both of them are from the same clinic. Dr Xia was featured on Channel 8 infertility show last week. She is from Eu Yan Sang but goes to Dr Zou's clinic once a month. I was recommended to her by my mum's friend whose daughter did manage to conceive naturally after taking medication.

Any girls has Dr Zou's contact? My medicine pack is at home.. Don't have her contact and address now.
Silblinghopes: thank. Later going for shopping. Cannot stay at hOme. My son also 27 mths! Now they are in the cutesy moments!

Good luck for tmr bt!!

Linda: yes few more days to go. Feel like going for massage. ;)
Siblinghopes, so sweet of ur son! I have a gal coming 4 too and not easy to have her ard during this time. Have to ask my mum to help look aft. Good luck for ur BT tmr and u get a sibling for ur son!

piglet, I have to jab pregnyl for support during this 2ww but not everyday. so weird to have to jab on my own.
Hi ladies, great to know that I'm not the only one working hard for sibling... Was reluctant to mention coz I was worried tt sistas may think that I'm greedy, asking for 2 kids...

Let's all work hard & rest well this period!
Heartbeats, you can drink pure prune juice up to a glass per day to help you clear your constipation.

hope283, congratulations on your BFP!

Marble, sorry about your news. You can try Dr Zou Yumin that Jane has suggested. I'm seeing her right now in preparing for my FET after my failed IVF from fresh cycle. She is at Blk 505, Ang Mo Kio Ave 8, #01-2670, Singapore 560505. Tel: 64560833. Her clinic is closed on Wed. You can call her to fix your appointment from 9am onwards. Note that she will not do acupunture during your heavy menses flow.

Some gals are seeing Mr Ban Choon Chen at Blk 81, #01-636, Marine Parade Central. Tel: 6344 6718. Open at 8.30am and close on Tuesday.
Hi pierced after the jab do u feel crampy? Yesterday was my 2nd jab and also my d5. Today having pulling pain. Is this the side effect or my implantion hopefully.
Hi all

thanks for the encouragement and recommendations.. I've seen Dr Xia Rong years back but reacted badly to her med...ended up in hospital even for severe allergic reaction..so not keen to go back EYS again.

thinking of going back to my previous tcm dr, velonka toh, but her meds very troublesome got to brew and extremely yucky
anyone seeing this tcm?

Hi JoynFaith,

heard of Ban Choon Chan but a bit far from home and workplace..

Can I check, is resting 3 mths the norm between fresh cycles?
Heartbeats, take more fruits and vegetables will help to clear constipation too. If all do not work, you might want to try soften liquid medicine, Lactulose, prescribe by my DR during my past 2ww. Not sure Pharmacy from Guardian or Unity will sell.
Hey sisters, bad news from me.. I lost the battle. Started bleeding heavily and today is only 6dp5dt.. Sigh... Feel so disappointed but such is life... Good luck for the rest of you going for BT...
Hi all, me too failed my first fresh ivf. AF reported this morning when my BT is next Monday. Just called kkivf, was told to go down for BT tmr. I have only 2 frozen embryos, not sure whether they will survive the thaw for FET or not. Enigmaysl, how many frozen u have?
Hi enigmays and VyVy

Don't be upset. At least u still have frozen embryo. Discuss with your dr or tcm to see how to improve your chances. Jia you and rest well.
Marble, there's another TCM at Ying Chuan Chinese Medical Hall at Blk 202, Jurong East St.21, #01-111 Singapore 600202. Tel: 6897 5655. Ms Dr Huang does not do acupuncture except TCM Medicine in small black balls form. But her clinic need to get queue no. as early as 5am and later wait to see her from 7am onwards.

It's advisable to rest 3 months before starting another fresh cycle to let your ovary regain back to its normal menses cycle period. And also getting rid of the previous fresh cycle medication in the body. And also to let your body strengthen as well.

You will find your body a bit weak now so better to strengthen your body now before starting anything.

Enigmaysl and Vyvy, sorry about the news. Make an appointment with your Dr and discuss further.
When suppose ur BT should be? Hug n pls take care

Hav faith on ur embies, they r super strong that beyond we can expected. Take care too
Vyvy, I am sure they will survive the thawing as these days the technology is as such that they have better comdition to succeed. My gf tried blasro transfer for fresh and failed but did FET and got a son. I have 6 more frozen blasto and I hope they will survive the thaw well.... Meanwhile, have a good cry if u need to and we will pick ourself up again! It was not an easy process and I dread the idea of going thru another fresh but let's pray we'll do well for our FET.... hugs....
Hi Enig, I hope you are resting now. Called Prof? He'll be the best person to advise you now. U sure it's af? I had bleeding on my 1st fresh cycle too... In any case, rest rest. U've still got embbies, each if these comes with hope. Have faith!

Hi vyvy, fet is as gd. Rest & tiao now... When u r ready, ur embbies will be too!
tomorrow is my bloodtest at KK.

i have zero symptoms, bloating has subsided, dun feel pregnant at all, and will pee on the stick tonight to find out so i don't depend 100% on the nurse to deliver the bad/good news to me!

anywyas congrats to hope283! such wonderful news!

for the rest in waiting, continue to jiayou!
Just received call from KK.. BT: 694.8.
I'm so happy! Lots of baby dust for everyone!

Especially for Enig and Vyvy, hang in there. Take a good rest and prepare for the FET. Don't give up!

Also for Pinpanter n siblinghopes for their upcoming BT!
Enigmaysl and Vyvy - Hugs, tk care. You did ur best, result is not in ur hands, so don blame urself. tk rest and try agn.
Jane - congrats!
Pinpanter n siblinghopes & Sunshine - Best of luck!
Marble, sorry to know that ur 1st IVF cycle didn't go smoothly for u. Hopefully, since they can identify problems, u can then solve them before trying again the next round. A fren of mine got triplets after endo and 2nd ivf.

Enigma & VyVy,
Sorry to hear about the early end to ur 2ww. Cry and be strong again. You have gained precious experience for your next attempt. Jia You!
