IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi sunshine- cheerup, everything shd be alright. Stay postv.

Ron- thx Ron, I tested postv on hpt. Going for bt tomorrow. Until I saw postv on hpt, Ivf was looking like a myth for me. Thx to the technology and the drs helping us to fulfill our dreams nd yeah God's blessings too.
Girls- don't leave ur hopes, everyone will attain success one day. Jst hv faith and build up postv energy.

Hi sunstillshines
Dr cannot explain. This time change medication and tcm only said my womb too cold so got implant but no grow.
pinpanter, do you intend to test early? Do you have any symptom?

My bt is at the same timing with you. I intend to remove all progestrone support earlier...
Hi ladies, dr Xia Rong is Dr Zou's cousin!

All ladies having BT this week, please dust us here with your BFP dusts! Hehe

Piglet, we should be at DPT5 today, embryo should be at blastocyst stage or at best hatching out. I am having jitters, dont know whether they are still developing or '...'
Siblinghopes: all the best to u this Wednesday!!! Like you I am getting really bored during this last lap of 2WW... No symptoms whatsoever.... But I try not to read too much into it... Idle mind is dangerous lol... How r u feeling? To all the sisters who are due for their BT... Dun give up till the very last end... Am sure good news await all of us
Hope283 n sisters due BT tis week
Pls pour as many baby dust as possible
Waiting for each one of u to share good news soon
Hi Piglet, how nice! I m dying to go out too! I feel sluggish, keep taking naps despite i actually want to get off bed and do more things. Getting lazy i guess, hehe but like JoynFaith says, just rest whenever need. I also have constipation, have poo since ER! Sigh~ how? I drink yakult daily still dont help. Hows your cramps?
Me getting better. Only very slight cramp is I sit too long or lie down. Maybe we r taking alot of heaty stuff so cause constipation. For constipation, u may want to take papaya. I also tried to take more veg but veg like bai cai and carrot are Liang and Also barley water. Don't take them. Advise by my tcm. U may try red bean soup. Those 2 days can't eat much. Only eat like mice try too take many meals. Have a lot of craving. Heehee
Hi pinpanter
Last time when i tested hpt positive during my second fresh was at day 14, hopefully tis time round god will grant my wish again
we must jia you oh
Morning ladies, this morning over breakfast, hubby was telling me that he read on some other forum by women doing ivf- apparently the side effects og progesterone support quite similar to symptoms of preg- including positive result on HPT. Then I went to google 'utrogestan' (the progesterone support I'm using now) and found that it is NOT to be used when suspected pregnancy! So why are we prescribed it?
I googled and found this on website.


Q: Can fertility drugs or medication interfere with pregnancy test results?

The only medications that can cause a false positive on a home pregnancy test are those than contain hCG itself. If you are taking fertility medications with hCG - e.g. Novarel, Profasi, Pregnyl - please consult your doctor regarding appropriate times and circumstances for testing. Other fertility drugs and medications that do not contain hCG will not precipitate false positive results. Similarly, progesterone will not cause a false positive as well.
linda - yes, the wait is too long. I wasn't having any symptons for the 1st week and almost gave up so decided to do a hpt last tues (10dp2dt)to prep myself for the worst. In the end, i got a very faint vertical line. So I went and bot 7 hpt and do it everyday. *Just to keep myself busy. LOL. The veritical line gets a little more visible every day and I take pics of it. Today the result was not as clear as yesterday

Do you think it can be false positive? Did you get bfp first time you did ivf? How many times did you do hpt?
Think positive . I got bfp on my 1st Ivf but loss after one week. 2nd Ivf I got a precious son now is 15mths old.
Congrats Hope283!!!!! *grabbing a bag of bb dust for myself*

Hi Enig, me lazing at home... Was out for dnr yday & breakfast with some friends today. Symptoms? Not too sure if these are coz dun wanna pin too high hopes.. I've been having leh cramps every night (think coz been lying down too much), lots of gas (think coz of the medication), spotted last wk, fuller busts (but that's sign of AF too) very bloated
thnk u girls.

Ron / Hazel - plz can u confirm if i can continue conceive well gold now? becoz my next visit to dr is only after two weeks. so not sure if i need to continue or call up dr to advise.
Hi hope283
On the packing of convcieve well state that once fall pregnant should change to pregnancy & breast feeding gold. Did u check with the nurse when they called?
hi Piglet, yeah i did see that. but nurse at kk cannot confirm on multivitamins. maybe hv to ask the dr. but not sure by when i can get the reply, thatswy checking with the experienced ladies.
Hi for those sisters using Crinone pesseries insert, do you gals experience irritation and having clumps of white + coloured discharge (sorry for too much information). I am very prone to yeast infection and with the antibiotics after ER and daily 'irritation' with this insert, i am begining to feel an onset of yeast infection... hope this will not affect the chances of BFP
Hope283- congrats on the official results. No need to buy the pregnancy & breastfeeding version, can just continue & finish up your Conceive Well until you see doctor for scan & he can advise further. I asked my doc before.
Enigma - it's crinone residue, normal to get lumpy discharge like dry cheese
as long as no smell, it's not yeast infection.
thx ron. I ws jst checking with nurse at kkh. She ws asking me to stop conceive well gold until dr's advise. but thats too late (11th oct), i ws worried stopg multivitamins might cause any issue. thx for confirming.i think i hv the tablets for anther 10 days. i fill finish them then.
Thanks Ron... I have managed to steer clear of yeast infection for a long time by avoiding antibiotics but can't help this time round after ER and made worse with Crinone suppositories.... It's a phobia
