IVF/ICSI Support Group

Line will slowly darken day by day. Usually, it is turns dark the day before bhcg test. Faint test band = positive too. Dun read into faint line = low bhcg hor. It does not work that way.

Hi Hazel, thanks!!

Hi Ron, thanks for the website!! It's good!!

Hi Moo3moo, will you ask to do an early BT if ur HPT is showing +ve? DH is worried that I m thinking too much n is wondering if we cam go for early BT..
Hi all sister here, thanks for all the support n suggestion here. My AF shown up few hours ago, I know it is AF n not bleeding anymore. I hv also tested with HPT and is BFN.
Cldnt understd why AF comes so early n can't even allow me to enjoy my 2ww till next week. I m really hopeless now.
Nurse told me that my 3 embies r all very gd, my hubby n myself strongly believe that we can make it this time round, now it breaks our heart.
Why why why ????
Hi, sisi,
**hugs hugs***
Reading ur post got me reminded of wat hppd to me abt 3 mths ago...
My af came 5 days bef my BT which is not very usual... & yes, juz like u, my embbies r of the best grade...
I was tinking y thgs turn out so cruel, tt I didn't even hv a chance to make it till BT...
Yet, my fellow ivf fren comforted me.. Tat if the cycle is meant to fail, it may actuali b beta to end it early than hving false hopes all the way til BT..
I took a step back & agreed tt wat she said, does make sense.. & the early ending of the 2ww allow me to book a last min short trip w dh while I was stil on hl...
It is painful I understand fully..
Have a good cry, pamper urself, spend a day drinking all the cold drinks / food tt u avoided cos of cycling..
Give urself a pat on ur back, knowing how strong a woman u hv been, & how much u r willing to do for ur baby dream..
Thereafter, pick urself up & fight on.. We ll sure reach our dream one day..
Have faith & best of luck.. Jiayou!!!
Hi Everyone, I can't slp these few days as it's been sad days for me, expecially now. I just want to pour out my sad story and hope u all don't mind.

I was tested bfp with hcg 351. I was so happy n try to live a healthy life everyday, while waiting for my 6wk scan. But my happiness ends one day before the scan. I had brown discharged. It's quite a lot. I went to O&G that very night. Dr gave me a scan n said can't see anything in there. My heart dropped. She didn't want to explain further, might be afraid will hurt me, so she just said 'wait for tmr scan as the equipment is much better n your dr will explain to u'.
Ok...so I might still have chance I thought.

The next day, I went for scan with a heavy heart, I was really really afraid n just try to prepare myself for any outcome.
After the scan, I peeped at the result, it's written 'no fetal pole, no bla bla bla'. Everything is 'no'. Ahh my heart dropped again.

And when the time I saw dr, he only said 'no good no good no good' so many times till I dunno what to say. Felt like crying, but I hold it. He said there is sac, but inside empty. But he gave me chance, he asked me to go bk in a wk time n do scanning again, but chances is very low. Ok, so it's another chance for me, at least I feel slightly better n just hope miracle will happen.

But it's all end last night as I had heavy bleeding. i think that's it. My chance is gone I cried in front of my dh. He said don't be sad, we still can try again.

I just dun understand, why must happen now, why not beginning so didn't gv me any false hope. My embies are good grade too, but dr said it will not guarantee good result.

I just hope that my balance 9 embies will survive thawing.
Hi Baby ,

My heart goes out to you as your event reminded me of my miscarriage in march this year. Same as your case is an empty sac. It is a natural pregnancy. What is amazing is the HCG level is very high n keep multiplying by double each day. Plus my morning sickness n vomit get worse. yeah mine stay til more than week 8 n finally heavy menses. Did a D n C to clean up. Pls do a mini confinement , bath in chinese herb water n no cold food like green tea, herbal tea etc.

Hi SiSi,

I can understand how you feel. For me, I did a HPT using the first urine which they say to contain the highest level of HCG level to test. Is still negative. Guess I really have to prepare for the bad news Liao. Having gone thru two miscarriages n so many attempts, IVF is regarded as the most time spent, effort n Money spent.

Jus wondering how much does a fresh cycle at KKH costs huh? I m given the understanding that with 3K government grant, 6K deducted from medisave, maybe pay a few K cash. Think jus now I saw a post of 8.2K.wow then how much is FET at KKH huh?
Hi Moo3Moo,

Is kinda of scary. I put on 9 kg of water n my tummy can be bloated til I cannot even feel the umbilical cord there. Then the last few days I lose all of it. Jus weigh myself back to normal weight alreadly. Think the whole experience is okie except this part.

Kinda of disappointed too as the two Embbies are good. I know that life goes on too. Jus thinking whether should use my own leave to cover the last two weeks HL so as not to affect PB? But if do that, I might not have enuff leave to do FET which I m planning too. hmmhmm ...any thots?

Thinking of going exercising n go for my regular tennis if everything is confirmed. Will close off n move on towards building a healthier body. Can we try naturally straight away huh? Doc jus say that might not ovulate naturally due to lucrin I took. any advice huh? When to see TCM?

Strange tin is that last time when I did SO-IUI, my AF came n I know game over. This time, I din even see it so tot is a good sign. Wish miracles can happen
Hi Kimmy, thanks

Hi Sunbelle, my hcg quite high too n doubled-up. I told dr Loh that my hcg quite high as I just tested that night. But he said no point keep checking hcg level now as it's always very high at this time. But I'm not sure if this is my AF, as only last night had heavy bleeding. Now has stopped. Maybe will wait till my appt next week to see when should I do the d&c.

May I know how long do I need to rest after d&c in order to do fet?
Kimmy >> I rem the nurse telling me the govt don't just give 6k grant at one go rather it's like they subsidy u up to 50% and up to 6k max. So if bill is 5k- so govt pay 2.5k and we pay 2.5k ; its not like govt will pay $5k and we no need to pay. hmmm something like that. Maybe other sisters can clarify those who got the bill before...

Baby And sisi > sorry to hear that... Please take this time to recover well and tiao for next try ok? Maybe 2-3 months? Bless u!

Kimmy - yr bill serve as a guide for me cos I'm almost same protocol as u same 150 purgeon. Now waiting for CD1 to come..... Like so slow.... I hope it don't come on Friday or sat Then sat or sun Kkh not open right? How to get medicine? Wonder what kkh think of me asking for dh sperm sample to be frozen first?

Saw news that Kelly Chen is pre vie again after artificial insemination with twins boy n girl. She also tried again.. I read abt her miscarriage abt few months back. So she also took like 2-3 months break?

Just for sharing - makes me teary and emotional reading it but she really has a lot of faith and positivity. She did ivf for all her 3 kids in 5-6 years... My guess is she's quite well to do.

Sunbelle - given me I will take HL and keep my AL for my Fet. Sometimes if u need to make a choice - I had considered for months before finally I know that baby can't wait. Jibs promotions money can wait. At least I have no regrets..For myself - I have tried my best.
Hi Tanny >> thanks for clarifying on bill part. I wished the nurses there were more detailed on this during the briefing session...haha. Yea we are on similar protocol, like u I was also concern what if my day 1 comes on a sat? I kept wondering then finally it came on a thur. Mm perhaps if cd 1 starts on sat for u, call kk and ask if can collect med early while u do scan? ;)

Hi sunbelle,
U passed week 8 then heavy menses
I'm so sorry to hear that...I woke up at 5am and vomit for 1st time but I suppose now ms doesn't mean safe also although I read having ms reduces chance of m/c. I hope it works out for u soon. I was the one with 8.2k bill but that's b4 medisave deduction and govt grant. I understand fet costs about $1k plus - $2k depending on how many embryos u wanna put inside and if u are on medicated or natural...
BNB - just wondering how you were this morning! have u gone for 1st scan? hope to be there for at least 9 months, and waiting for you
! <jia-you>.
Ron- went Liao on Mon, everything ok, baby follicles got 10 now. Start stimulation on tues. Going for scan on Sat.
This round I feel more activity at lower abdomen, maybe dose up to 225 ba.
I'm also tire easily, think have to slow down on work.
BNB - hope the follies respond well. If possible, do take it easy at work, it never ends anyway. chicken essence is good for general tired feeling too (I sound like Brands advertisement, hor?).

Looking at the posts here makes me feel teary but at the same time feel encourage. I just got my bfn news

Can I check I still left with 2 embbies can I go straight to fresh cycle or must use up the 2 embbies first? And will there be chance that my 2 embbies can't survive thawing?

And any subsidy for 2nd fresh cycle since I have 1 child?
Thank you
Hi Sunbelle, do you intend to do FET this year or next? If you are thinking of taking a break to strengthen your womb, and do the FET early next year, then take your own leave. But if you intend to do your FET this year, then take HL for this round.. Btw, BT is only tmrw.. There still maybe a chance that its BFP.

Hi Baby_me, sorry to hear what happened.. *hug hug* I am not sure if it helps at all. But I was seeing a TCM a couple of mths back when I overheard a a MTB who seems to be in her 1st trimester. Seems like she is also having some problem wif her baby. But sinseh seems to be quite positive abt her situation and prescribed some herbs for her to take. Not sure if you believe in TCM. But I feel that there is no harm in trying. If you are already seeing TCM, perhaps you can ask your current sinseh if anything can help...

I am in my D8 of Lurin and my AF came like 1 days early. Is it normal? Cos I heard Lurcin can delay AF but mine dont seem to delay infact it came 1 day early from my expected date. Pls advise....

no worries, lucrin not necessary delays AF. =) When are you going for your scan and bt? As long as lining is thin and hormones suppressed, you can proceed with stimulation =)
hello everyone!

Today is my day 8 of lucrin and period is already here! ha!

Fatefully we are on the same cycle!

I am not sure what is happening next except for my blood test and scan next Fri. Taking each day as it comes.
Hi Sisi, sorry to hear your AF has come. Sigh...Im preparing myself for BFN news tomorrow. Im just too tired nowadays, didn't sleep yesterday as my son still very sick. Spent half aday to go to doctors. One to paed and another to ENT. Anway Im planning to do FET in December, I hope we are in the same cycle again next time.

Hi Baby, Im sorry to hear your fail IVF *hugs*. This reminded me of my first IVF cycle. I had blighted ovum. But don't give up, who knows your next try is a success. My 2nd IVF I successfully in giving birth a baby boy. I hope to see you doing FET soon after you tiao hao your body.
Hi Ocean, sorry to hear BFN news. I, myself also preparing for BFN news tomorrow. I think you can do fresh cycle, its up to you. Last time I also left with 2 embies. But surprisingly I manage to get pregnant. But unfortunately my baby didn't develop quite well so need to abort it. But then the success in pregnancy shows me that FET actually can work.
When is your blood test and scan due? will you be calling KKIVF to inform them about your menses?

are you with KKH too?
Sisi, baby me, ocean, so sad to read about the bfn, take this time to tiao your body and try again, hopefully to strike next time *hugs*

Imel, don't lose hope. Update us tmrw ok.. Hope it's good news
Hi All Sisters, I went down to the hospital this morning and expected, the nurse has informed that mine is BFN.

Hi Queenie, what you said is right, at least now I can treat myself with my flavourite cold drinks, tea-o, ice cream and etc.... Hmmmm at least do not have to suffer for another 4 days Thanks for your msg, really make sense

Hi Baby, that's jiayou together and hope you won't gv up so easily, I feel much better now and looking forward for next ivf. Be strong!! Hugzz hugzz and let's start the game again OK?

Hopeful, I remember you visited one of the chinese doctor in Marine Parade right? Can you give me his contact as I wanted to tiow my body first before the next ivf. I have never visit any Chinese docs before so wanted to have a try.

Hi Sunbelle, Kimmy, Tanny, Ron, Bluenosebear, Imel and many sisters here, thanks to all of you, I feel you are great and much better than my hubby who doesn't even hug and "an wei" me. Don't worry I will be strong and flight against our fate.. Jia you. Ommm!
Imel-Don give up yet. Rooting for U here.
Sisi-Hugz. maybe yr hubby also very sad but don't know how to show &amp; 'an wei' U. Don;t take it too hard.
Take this 4 days to rest &amp; relax before start of work.
Hi blessings_beyond_babies,
At least I found who is same cycle as me. My Ultrascan and BT will be on 24.08. I took my 1st lurin jab on 11.08. Me too also blur blur going thru the cycle.

Hi Vyvy,
The nurse told me whether my AF come or dnt come still hv to jab. She nv mention that I need to call them. Do I have to call them??? Iam from KK with Dr. Marianne.
Hi Tanny,

Yes, I m more inclined to clock it as Hospitalisation leave rather than my annual leave. Reason is save my leave for FET. Yes nothing beats putting baby in the 1st priority.

Hi Hopeful,

Intend to do it this year. Yeah cos mi aging Liao so hope to get it done ASAP. Thinking of maybe trying naturally for few months then FET. maybe nov / Oct.
Mi hoping for a miracle tomorrow leh. Guess what? Strike $30 toto on mon night n last week exempted from staying in ward, wish all these good luck followed me n tmrw give me a BFP. That will be a great miracle for me hehee

Hi Queenie,
Thank you very much for the useful information. Yeah I din noe only 3 days MC. yeah I tot Is jus like the two weeks given for HL. How much does FET costs ? No more govt grant right huh?
Hi Baby,

Do a two weeks mini confinement like no aircon , wear slippers when stepping on the cold floor. From my fren experience, her gynae asks her to wait for two months. Rest well.
Hi Ocean,

Hugz. Can understand the kind of disappointment that you are facing. Mi also hope to quickly know n move on. Hope miracle is there for me tmrw. Praying for a positive.
Hi All, for those who BFN dun feel sad ok…be strong and try again. One day we all will success.

For me, I suppose to start my cycle last month but delay and delay again and I already plan everything to start the cycle next week. Unfortunately, my thyroid function test wasn’t good and have to test again next mth before Dr can let me proceed. I cant do any plan at this moment as I dunno when my thyroid function will back to normal level, so I just have to wait and wait…. At1st I was very sad n unhappy but I know this is beyond my control so I have to accept it with open heart and continue to be happy everyday. So for those BFN sisters, be positive and move on next step ok. We all will success one day as long as never give up. Jiayou everyone!
Hi SiSi,

Hug. Totally can understand how you feel. Mi also waiting n praying for a miracle tomorrow. Maybe your hubby also upset so he is not in the right mood to console u.

Dun give up. No matter what other say, I never give up. Yeah I will continue to fight on. Of cos will be sad for a while. go n vent out in whatever way u need to - eat sashimi, raw oysters, exercising, go short trips. Things that u cannot do.

I really hope all sisters here will quickly have their babies soon cos I know all are putting in so much effort n time in this baby project. My hubby asks me a cute question: why hospital cannot have an equipment that develops baby ? Like an incubator. Which means we k go KK to watch it grow each week hahaha interesting right ?
Hi Sunbelle, your hubby is so cute, if we have that machine, a man made machine, then we do not have to suffer so much.
Gd luck and all the best for your BT tml.
Hi Sunbelle,
Hahaha your husband is so creative. Ya how I wish there is such machine, but so scared if they clone so many of them without my knowledge. Well anyway I will try my IVF till Im reaching 40 (which is coming soon) and if still not success in getting one more, Im thinking of surrogation liao.
Hi Sarah,

Dun get discouraged. To me, everything happen for a reason. Jus that we dun noe it now. When we look back at other aspects, we are wealthy in having good family, frens n close siblings. All these are blessings.

After a trip to rural country, I really find is a bliss to live in Singapore with drinking water frm tap.
Hi Sisi,

Please have a good rest this time. Hope you and all of us will succeed one day - soon!

Hi Imel,

Where you planning to do surrogate? If we bring the child back to Singapore, is the baby considered adopted or our own biological child? A bit confusing legally.

Hi Blessings, plan to go to India and do. Dr. Loh has connections. He said he has few patients go there and successfully bring the baby here. I dunno about legal process, may be I ask Dr. Loh when I visit him. Well Im not a Singaporean, my legal procedures will be easier, since I can go by backdoor. But of course surrogation means more $$$$$ spent and no guarantee.
