IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hopeful, yes rest well and remember to have a moderately full bladder for ET tmrw. All shall be well!

Sun belle, stay rested and stress free, keep warm and hydrated. Don't worry they won't fall out

Hi All, I m new with this thread. Juz done ER this morning n waiting for call fm SGH to perform ET. Can anyone advise what to eat aft the transfer? This is my 2nd ivf and very eager to know what kind of nutrient is needed.
Hi Peko n Hazel,

Thank you so much for your comforting words. Mi so happy n touched by my parents whom brought chicken soup for me. Let's BFP together so that we k contInue to chat

Hi Hopeful,

Mi will read books n watch my fav shows. Call frens for chit chat ESP frens whom I long long time never contact. Time to catch up.
hi snoopy - sorry to hear the bt came out negative. glad to hear u have plans on next step. take care & a hug
Hi mmfeen,

Laparoscopy is to check if there is a fallopian tube blockage. Not neccessary to do for ivf. I have done hsg test and mayhave a suspected blockage . Before your ivf, your doc will do some tests to see your fertility health. Eg blood test to see your reserve ...etc. A scan to see if there is any cysts or polyps..

Hi snoopy, hugs! I support you! Jia you!
Wendy, that was so sad really, you have been very strong. Admire you. Am sure you will see those little toes and sharp nose again soon, just be extra cautious next round.. My prayers are with you!

Snoopy, am sure it will be your time soon too.. I hope i can stay positive like you if i bfn too next week

Hopeful, good luck with ET tmrw!

Sunbelle, rest well and enjoy your books/fave shows. I've been slacking too during 2ww and time strangely passed by not too slowly afterall.. I also got some spotting after ET, during procedure doc said my cervix bled a bit.

Moomoo, rest well after your ET also

Adeline, hope BT yesterday gave happy news for you..

Other sisters who are already BFP, baby dust please for me and other girls who are still trying..

Good night everyone, enjoy your weekend with DH ;)
Dr sf Loh dun need full bladder. He is gd. For me, I just hv half full bladder only at most! If not if he is late we will suffer. So, i nv need to rush to toilet after ET. I drink one cup b4 I left home. This round, dun even Hv to wait! Nurse told me it was my turn the moment I arrived! I just quickly drink Another cup! :p
Hi Sisi.. I m with Dr Yu. Yup, 1st ivf.. Hopefully it will b my last too!! What abt u? Who r u wif?
Oh.. U r 1 day later than me. I think they only have max 2 ER a day.. By the time I left thr on Thurs, it was already 11ish. They will prob call u tom..

Ya, I m also trying to figure out what to eat in 2ww.
So far, my list is as follow
1. Fish
2. Egg white
3. Chicken essence
4. Red date, wolfberry n Logan drink

Do u ve any food listing to share?
Hi Hopeful, I am with Dr Yu also. My 1st ER only got 5 eggs and only 2 mature, however the embies doesn't stick. This time I tried to take lots of supplements. Eg Royal Jelly, multivitamin, maca which I bought fm a website.
Today manage to retrieve 6 eggs, don't know whether they will mature or not

Tml will b your ET, do rest well and don't think too much and remember we hv already done our best.
Gd luck and all the best!! Keep us posted on your 2ww so we can share our thoughts.
My current plans is to take chicken essence every morning and royal jelly at night. Hv heard fm forum that egg whites r gd n will tried it after the ET.
Hi hopeful..For PTe,It really depend on which gynae you go to..

I am with dr Roland from parkway east and in fact,his charges is relatively reasonable..As some of the friends here mention that DR SF loh is good as we do not have to keep full bladder.same for my dr here..

Dr roland is previously from SGH too..A very nice dr..He have quite a gd track records and his fees is very reasonable and much cheaper compare to other Pte Dr..Most impt,there is not much waiting if we go by apptment..

He make it possible for me for my 1st IVF..unfortunately,i got a MC..He really take gd care of me during this period of time..I hope he will make another miracle for me again for my coming up FET too..

I believe Dr Yu is also Dr roland Ex colleague..Since Dr roland is gd,i trust that dr yu is the same too..Jiayou..
Hi Tan SiSi,

Dun worry abt whether the eggs will mature or not. Yeah leave it open n relax.

Hi Hopeful, I love durians. My favorite. Eversince the durian stall no. 2 open , I have been eating cos they slashes the prices n is so cheap.

Today I mus be nuts. Tot of goin back to office after next week even though have told bosses that will be away for the next two weeks. Maybe I shld not do anything to sabo my chances I guess. In fact, I m also thinking of replacing the 12 days which I m away from office with my own leave instead so as not to affect my bonus. My previous two miscarriages where I was on hospitalization leave for few weeks has really lowered my performance grading n lower my performance bonus for sure. Which means I left with few days of leave if I do that. I also noes that we k get back our career in later part of our life but not the amount of time where we k have baby. guess I m used to busy lifestyle suddenly jus feel free. haha in fact, i will be taking no pay leave once I m preggie.

Any one WANs to work few days after ET huh? My current boss is quite demanding. Think if is my previous boss, she will be more relax n not work people up to their necks. do miss my ex branch where culture is more relaxed.
Hi Snoopy, sorry to hear ur bt. Glad tt u r positive abt it. I'm sure u'll be successful soon, jia you!

Hi Ashley, Tzac, good luck w BT next week! Tzac, since u r bfp, why dun u bring the BT day earlier? After BFP, will hospital give more support for the pregnancy, which is better?

Hi Ziah, sorry to hear abt ur ovary. I hope u'll have enuff healthy embryos to grow into healthy babies! Dun lose hope!

Hi Wendy, sorry to hear abt ur MC. What abt TCM or acupuncture, will tt be able to help weak cervix issue? Better make ur body stronger b4 ur next cycle. My gf gave birth to 2 premmies @ 25 wk, went thru hard times, even until now. Do make sure ur body is strong enuff to last until 10 mths.. take care.
Hi Hopeful, Sunbelle, heard implantation will occur 6-10 days after ER. Eat durian moderately ok! I got sore throat for the past few days.. was worried it'd affect my ET.

Sunbelle, mebbe u can take shorter hospitalization leave, eg until next Sun. I plan to do tt too
Sunbelle : dont sabo yr chances. After all work is work. Give it yr best shot.... At least u tried yr best u see. Since yr work is so hectic, yr boss still ok to allow u no-pay leave if preggy?

My side also very hectic... I'm due to start mine in a week time but still so buzy with work. I want to tAke my leave few days before the 1st jab.. After that if I need to rest I go n take mc...If no mc left then auto charge to unpaid leave.
For those sisters who hsf come so far to e et stage, pls ensure u take adequate rest n nutrition during e period of 2ww. Read thru this thread n realized few sisters have wanted to go bk wk few days aft et. Perhaps u may have a lot of wks to do but seriously think abt it, if u r to make a choice bet ur wk n bb, which would u choose? Sometimes at point of life, sacrifices would nid to be make n it really depend on one which choice to make.

Nevertheless, all e best to sisters in e upcoming journey !
Sunbelle, tks and today nurse call n said I got 3 eggs fertilize n ET will b tml. Now we hv to decide whether to forgo the govt cold funding n transfer 3 embies instead of 2.
I am workaholic as well, I returned to wk aft my 3rd day of ET previously, guess Wat?? my staff was suffer fm a heavy flu n he sneeze every secs. I do not know whether it was the caused of my failed ivf. Btw I do not want to put the blame on him.
Come to think of it, we hv a 2ww ahead of us n instead of lying n boring ard at home, goin bk to work is probably the best solutn to kill times.
Again by staying n rest at home doesn't guaranteed us a success ivf, so why not take it easy, do whatever we want.
I went back to work on the 3rd of ET as well..because my immediate boss said to me:" so and so went to ivf and didnt take so many hospitalisation leave." i was telling her that i hope to take 1 week off...

My big boss is better . Thou he will scold me at work, but he is extremely supportive and pro family He asked me about my next try and he told me to stay at home with full bed rest. He has made arrangements nd he says i can work fom home...
Hi ladies, do what you feel is best for you and your embbies but a low-stress environment is obviously better. If you find going back to work less stressful than staying at home, go with your heart, some sisters do go back to work. In "real" life, other women also go back 2 work. Follow your heart & no regrets later. That said, if your work environment is stressful, what is the value to you of missed bonus & missed promotion?
Hugz snoopy
U will succeed next time k as long as no give up..

Hi gals
Is depend on individual, for me, i go back to work after one wk aka after the implantation period too.. And had bfp that time.. As i want distract myself during 2nd wk since dun want too stress waiting at home for the result.. Of course u must take things easy when go back work too.. Try asks pp dabao lunch for u too to minimize walking.. Dun get too stress at work n u will be fine.. I took my own leave for the first wk as dun want collegue to suspect anything..
Hi Moo3Moo,

So u are planning to take own leave after the few days of hospitalization leaves next week huh? Yo, u also done your ET right huh?;) yo, mi been watching channel 855 shows til now
wow suddenly realise is a great blessing to do nuttin but jus watch tv haha

Hi Mumwannabe,

You are right that we should do all to ensure that we do not have regrets even if the outcome is not what we want. yeah cos i have previous records so my boss more lenient towards me. Guess the reason why I preempt my boss so early is so that covering can be done. At least right now I know all is well covered.

Is impt to have more rest so that the follicles will grow well. Rest helps a great deal ESP good beauty sleep

Bbliss, your words also very true
Tan SIsi,

Fully understand what you mean. yeah have more rest. All the best for ur ET.

Hi Ron,

U are right. I will not go for highly paid job then no work life balance.yeah time with family is more valuable than $$$.
Hi Sisi, is your ET ard 9 tom? Heard them mentioning abt a ET tom.. =)
At the end of the day, I only had 2 "functional" embryos. The rest cant be frozen.

Hi Wendy, thanks for the info. Will keep that in mind. Will utilised the govt grant first (since I pay taxes, must use back some.. hahahah)

Hi Sunbelle, what is durian stall no 2? I love durian too. Already told hubby to go get for me later.. ahahah
And these are my 2 cents thots/things that I am doing regarding the leave issue.
1) At the moment, I told my boss I have yet to decide if I am taking MC or leave for these 2 wks. If preggy, then i will take leave, cux since I wont b travelling when I preggy, no point hold onto the leave. But *touch wood*, it does not happen, then I will take MC. Cux I want to use the leave for 2nd round (if doc) permits me to do it within this yr again.

2. As what I told a friend: No matter how well u do in your job, your boss will only give u a pat on your shoulder and say "well done". But when you need them, are they always be thr for u? Will they appreciate what you have given up for the company?

3. Saying all these, i am not suggesting that you shd not go back to work during the 2ww. It really depends on your mood. If it makes ur mood happier by going back, do go back cux we need to keep our spirits high during this period. Do what you think will makes u happier..

Hi Moo3moo, you have started with durians? Thx for reminder. Will eat MODERATELY (if i can.. hahhaah)

Oh, anyone thinking of going see TCM during these 2 weeks? Me thinking of going Ban Choon Chan. I asked Dr Yu. She say no diff. But if it makes me feel better and happier, go ahead. She says I am too kan cheong spider already.. ahaha..
Hi all, I am back to normal liao. Life goes on and try harder.

Not easy to drop the work and then rest at home for 2 weeks, knowing that work would pile up and then colleagues asking why we are away from work. But something has to give way. Ya, whether 2 weeks or 1 week, most important is to stay happy lor during the 2ww.

All the best to sisters who are doing ET tmr!
All the best for all the sisters going for BT, ET or FET soon... I haven't been on this forum since last week and already I feel like I missed so much!!!

Anyways, I tested on 1 August and came back bpt - beta hcg number is 350...I only put 1 embryo in because I went thru laparotomy before, I had 2 doctors recommend I just put 1 in to be cautious as my uterus may be weak from that.. Now I am just waiting until week 6 for scan...am still on progesterone pressies twice a day plus 2 progynova twice a day...

Just wanted to ask if the numbers mean anything? Dr says number is good, and definitely it is better than when I tested positive the first time, which was 150... but that ended in w6 due to MC...

Also I had some very faint pink discharge, I usually get some as a result from the progesterone inserts...should I be worried? Am taking it very easy now as well... have basically stopped work to concentrate on ivf...

anyways wanted to spread some babydust to all those going thru BT, FET or ET, or cycles.... be strong and take care!!!! x
Hi baby me, No I am not at kk, am actually at ME. I am msian, so have no medicare subsidy etc..I know i have to pay thru the roof but when I first started this whole journey me & hubby went to see 5 drs, then we decided on dr we felt most comfortable with. Did wait for 3 hrs to see dr loh at kk though but I felt he was q negative abt my whole history (endometriosis, adenomyoma etc) but he felt v experienced. Was initially going to go with him but after awhile it was just so hard to communicate, get in touch, we eventually went for dr we first felt most comfortable with..
Do you mean Mt. E? I did try Mt.E too for IUI, 3x. Then decided for IVF at KKH under dr. Loh. But most impt is you are comfortable with the dr and can communicate easily.

I'm waiting for my 6 weeks scan, very nervous hehe. I have tested hcg on 1 Aug too, 331.8.
Hi baby me, congratulations! Mine hcg was around there too, happy to know someone with same cycle..I'm nervous too for week 6 scan... But we got to try to stay calm & yhink happy thoughts...I'll be thinking & praying for u too x
Hi Sunbelle, oops sorry, what I meant 1 wk hosp leave after ET. So total only 10 days after ER. For me it doesn't matter whether hosp or own annual leave, I'm still away from work. But I try to minimize the leave, only until the impt implantation period

Hi Hopeful, not yet. Feeling bloated these days, esp after meals. Mebbe will start durian therapy tomorrow.. haha.

Hi Skyehope, Baby, congrats on ur BFP! Skyehope, one embryo.. wow.. well done! Take care of urself well.

Anyone exercised during the 2 wk probation? Is it a no no? Jogging mebbe no, what abt swimming? Wanna get rid of this heavy & bloated feeling..
Moo3moo - no swimming or anything that soaks lower part of body after et. Prefer no jogging once start stimming as ovaries v enlarged & risk entanglement (got some scientific name for this but I don't know what). After er, unlikely will be able to jog comfotably as ovaries will feel sore. But can go Light walking, helps blood circulation. Don't worry about the bloating, lots of water (2-3L/day) helps flush the drugs from our body.
Baby me - yes let's jia you together absolutely!

Moo3moo - thanks for your encouragement! I didn't do any exercise after ET apart from light walking as I was discouraged from doing so. After reading some books, most drs recommend to take it really easy for 3 days after transfer, & no extreme exercise either apart from gentle walking. Plus no lifting heavy stuff as well, basically anything that may strain stomach area. I ate lots of protein stuff to help with the bloatedness, egg whites really do help I find, plus I tried to eat oats & grains as well. Dont worry abt the bloatedness, drink lots of water (at least 2L) & that will help as well. Jia you!! x
Moo3moo, thanks. R u in your 2ww now? I hv started my durian therapy twice during 2ww and once after bfp hehe. Just feel so good ;) Pls no exercise during 2ww, dun walk too much n dun carry heavy things. Try to rest n relax more.

Hopeful, it's normal to hv the pulling feeling. After ER, the womb hv been enlarged n now the lining is recovering. So u will hv that pulling sensation. Just try to rest n drink more water.
Hi baby me, thanks. Was a bit worried cux for some strange reason, I needed to sh*t immediately aft ET n I very scared it's cux I used too much force when I was doing it (constipation).

I m trying to sleep n rest as much as I can.. But somehow it seems that I get more tired aft resting. Starting to get headaches. Usually I can sleep till 11ish on Sundays. Now I m awake at 8ish already.. Sigh.. 真是贱骨头!
Hopeful, it's normal to feel pulling/cramping after ER. In fact, I have staining on/off after ET. Many sisters who BFP also have all these symptoms. Nothing to worry about. Most importantly, is to have positive thoughts and stay as relax as possible. I am now a mummy of 7month old baby. I am going for FET for my remaining embryos. I am under Dr Loh.
Hi hopeful, don't worry i have researched online that constipate won't push out your embryos. Because i was worried too last week ;)

I also worried about coughing/sneezing if that can affect our precious embryo, apparently no effect either.

Skyehope, baby me , congrats on bfp. Pls give me baby dust!

Moomoo, coincidentally my DH bought back some durian yesterday so i just joined in your method too

I cannot be more scared to go blood test tmrw morning..
Hi Hopeful, I also felt constipated (stools felt harder) after my FET. Also in my 2 week of waiting, I had some bouts of headaches and temperature rise that almost felt like I had a fever. Headache & constipation can be caused by progesterone & oestrogen levels (I asked my dr this) so try to drink lots of water and take it really easy. When I started to increase my intake of oats and wholegrain foods in the morning (cereal, oats but not the instant kind etc) and also more vege, my constipated started getting better.
Hi ashley, gd luck for ur BT tomorrow. Can understd how u feel as wed is my turn n i m really really nervous....
Hopeful, I also had constipation n cough badly during 2ww. Everytime I cough, can feel the pain in the stomach. I was as scared much as you, so what I did is just try to rest well, eat well, drink more n take more soup. The last one was advised by a nurse in kk.

Ashley, thanks. Bbdust for u and all the sisters who is trying to get bfp here. Enjoy your durian and good luck for your BT tmr.

Hi Just Faith, thanks for ur reassurance!

Hi Ashley, same! I was controlling my sneeze so hard yesterday.. I m so scared of big movements now..
Trmw BT will b successful!! All the best!!
