IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi all, I'm also doing ivf with KKH. I didn't complete my fresh cycle due to OHSS and got admitted to hospital. After that I straight away start FET but failed twice. Very disappointed and demoralise after failed the 2nd time. So I took 1 mth break and decided to try accupucture with Dr zou. However I only do 3-4 times and I gave up because quite inconvenient for me.

So I'm currently on my third FET, after menses I start to drink red dates with dried Logan n gou qi zi. Plus eat 3-4 full boiled egg white. I'm doing this from after menses to 2ww. I'm doing my bt tomolo.

During the 2ww, I had some light spotting on day 4 and 5 after ET. I feel tired, bodyache, cramps and sore breast.

I use hpt yesterday and today. There is faint line showing on the hpt. Hopefully tomolo bt will be positive!

Hi Joanne, ok.. I feel better now..

And yes.. U will be given another day of leave if Sat is a non working day for u. Otherwise, it will be a public holiday n u do not need to work for the presidential election day!! Yohoo!!
And agree we ve such miserable holidays. Hong kong has so much more than us. And they r also off when thr is typhoon. Singapore should consider giving us off when there is flooding!! Hehehe..
Hi Tzac - looking good. happy testing & congrats!

Hi J03 & BNB - haha.. ya, so qiao. Today is d7 past ER. Didn't post much this round since same old story from me. Just hanging around forum since no one else can understand this journey we are going through. Have done all that I can, so whatever will be, will be.

I hope we all BPF soon and we then can all be kiasu mamas fighting to get our kids into P1 the same time
Thx all for the well wishes but will hold on to bbdust till i get my BT results.

Thanks Hazel n we think alike as tomolo going to buy the guardian brand n test again and again....till BT. Dun understd y my hubby still so cool n not kan cheong like me....now worrird whether its false positive.... Test worry n no test osso worry.... Haha

Snoopy69, u cool leh can ren till fri :)
congrats tzac and ariel!

for my BT on 1aug, it was a BFN for my FET. Only have 1 frozen embie left, so am discussing with gynae if i shd do a fresh cycle in October after my holidays in Singapore.
Congrats Tzac. Have a good pregnancy.

Hi PauLe, have a good rest before TTC again.

Mi have some soreness at the abdominal area after ER yesterdae morning. No vommiting n nausea . Felt my belly swell up. yeah is this normal huh? Afraid of getting OHSS. ET is tmrw morning.
Thx thx for all the congrats as nothing confirm till BT, keeping fingers cross as casually mention to nurse while going down for daily progesterone jab abt my positive hpt n she told me to wait for another 3 days to test again as she said scared the trigger jab i did on 20jul still in body. Dampen my mood but will try test again

Pau le, dun b discouraged. tiao ur body n try again. We will succeed.....
Morning everyone!

Hello Bbliss - how r you? Am wondering if should set up new thread for you/ariel/tzac and those est edd in apr 2012? or for mtb from this support group so that we can continue to encourage this journey .... any thoughts? went down to buy preggy skincare range from my gynae ytd and he told me can see sac liao. so we saw one sac so far and he said looks like its one, if 2 then maybe can see next week. I'm really looking forward to kk's appointment on 16 aug!
Ron - wow so fast you're in 2ww? :D Jiayou jiayou! I like your example of all of us here chionging to register our 'long bao bao'! hehehehehehe. Can you imagine while doing so, us mothers are already friends (via mummy group) and our kids by default are already acquainted (via playgroup). So cool.

All the best to those having ET tomorrow and taking BT tomorrow!!!
Hi Kimmy, been havin muscle pulling these 2 days but still tahan-able. Hw abt u?

Well...ii tot is good to set a new thread for those mtb in this support since we have been supporting one another this while

U went to c ur own gynae? Tot u following dr Loh. Hehe... So hw ur blood test? So far can see sac Liao ah. Hw come one n two sac oni been seen at diff day? U must be real excited seeing tat, rite!
Hi everyone, hope you all won't mind to have me join the discussion as well
was so happy to find this support group 3days ago! think the messages are so encouraging and i can finally find sisters that have gone through the same process! Thanks Hazel and other girls for all the useful info!

I started my ivf journey 25jul. Am on 2ww now, BT next mon 8aug and so kan cheong now cos i only got to know so many things after i read all the discussions here. For example, i never took egg whites or brazil nuts.. No wonder i only got 3 precious embbies left, after ET, haiz. Now i'm too lazy to prepare the chicken juice, will chicken essence be good enough during 2ww? Hee..

And do you all rest in bed during 2ww? My mum kept saying i'd even better not walk so much, and walk slowly. Wonder if you are all like that too. Actually i have even taken an extreme decision to quit my work so i can rest after ET. Apart from the fact that i also think it's time to change job.. Am just so scared that i will fail my ivf;( my tummy was all bruised after all the jabs, and i really don't want to repeat all over again. Sigh.

I have mild OHSS too, my doc gave me medicine(dostinex) from the day of ER but i've finished the course after 1wk and just hope it won't get too severe. My tummy is still swollen now, like i'm 2-3mths pregnant

Wendy/eskimobaby: what were your symptoms when you finally thought your OHSS was very serious and finally went hospitalised?

Ariel, kimmy, bbliss, hazel: congrats on your bfp! Pls give me bbdust ***

Sunbelle, moomoo: good luck with ET tmrw!

Snoopy: good luck with BT tmrw!

Peko: how's your beta BT yesterday? Hope the number's ok..

Adeline: how's your BT today?

Tsac: good luck with BT next wed.. So far so good with your hpt, congrats.. I hv no gut to test, shall just wait for my BT next mon..

Ocean: not too sure about the cells too, mine were 8cells.. Rest and eat well during your 2ww.. I have no special diet, just eat everything but try to eat more vege n fruits as other girls have said also..

JC: to get started, i would suggest to consult with gynae first.. In my case, hubby also went for check up;) eventually gynae recommended ivf for us. Actually 1yr is not too long compared to me, i'm TTC close to 5yrs ;( some sisters here like ariel/joanne 7yrs!
hi ashley - hope you will have bfp on 8 aug. I been resting at home during the 2ww. Just rest on bed, eat, surf net lah and relax lor. We same lah, no guts to test. hahah.
snoopy69, yup keeping fingers and legs crossed. gd luck fr your BT tomolo....so excited....

beaniesgalore, yeah lor so dunno whether it is false positive or not since its only D12

kimmy, letme know if u really create the new thread so that i can join if i really confirm strike :)

ashley, ur ET 25jul? if yes, its same as mine but i will only do BT on 10 aug. r u with kkh?
Alamak i put wrongly, i started my ivf journey 29jun actually;) 25jul was my ER!

Snoopy: yes haha we are very coward ;) good luck to u too!
Hello Bbliss,
wow u still experience pulling ah? For me, not so much leh. My sil did comment can see my tummy growing but i don't really feel discomfort. Yeah I'm following dr loh but because I had already paid for hcg blood tests on mon so just take ytd to see how my numbers are multiplying and gynae was like ooh can see sac u wanna see? then I was like its okay I can wait, then he said its okay, there's no harm to see esp when its early stage to monitor. SO i saw the beautiful sac ;) One only. hehehe. He said looks good, its attached in the uterus (he was worried might be etopic) but I got 2 cysts left remnants from my stimulant jabs but he said that one no need to worry so okay ...

Bbliss, tzac- sure! more than happy to create new thread as a 'continuation' from here for next hurdles... just a question, wld you prefer me to put the word 'ivf' in the thread or just a generic mtbs?
Hi Asley, welcome!

I very blur, the repeated blood test is not yesterday. It is today. I just got the result and it is doubling. 229 from 114. 229 seem low but the nurse said is ok as long as it is doubling. now waiting for wk 6 scan on 16 Aug. Hope at least can see sac with yolk and even the HB. pray hard!!!

Now I can officially sprinkle my baby dust to all sister who are in this jornery. it will soon be your turn. Jia You!!
Tzac: my ER was on 25jul and ET was on 28jul. So we are 3days apart?! Wish you luck too ;)Am not with kkh.. Looks like different doctors = different schedule for BT?
Kimmy! congrats! another hurdle passed. as long as beta above 1000 usually can check that the sac is in the right position. I think I still need to wait at least for another wk.
Peko, at least e nos is doubling. Wat i read from google, e nos double every 2 days. So by 16 Aug, ur nos will be much higher ya.

Mi, Kimmy oso havin our scan on 16th. Wat time is urs?
Kimmy, sounds like a great idea. This is really a unique journey that no one will truly understand unless they go through it themselves. Wow you saw the sac already? Your gynae selling preggy skincare? Can tell me more?

I feel some slight pulling here and there but not consistent. Hungry all the time tho...

Hey my 6 wk scan is on 16 Aug too! Have a few of us on the same day ya?
Peko! Congrats to you! (big hug hug). Yes, Bbliss is right, as long as the nos is doubling, its good enough! Yeah you can see sac when it hits 1500 hcg so I was excited at 'passing that stage' although I'm very thrilled at 16 Aug appointment too! Yeah, what time is your appointment? Hehe you can join in the newly form thread to exchange and discuss early preggy info too since we're all new in this. Hehehe will let ya all know once thread is form okie?

Ooh btw there's another 'sister' whose a silent reader here who bfp last friday too! yay! keep the bb dust spreading ****~~~

I think mine is doubling every 3 days instead. I feel still very slow but since they said is ok. so I just take it as good loh.
I've not book the AMC appt yet. I'm from TPS so will make my booking there instead. dont have to go AMC for scanning. At TPS, Dr loh will do the scan in his consultation room.
Congrats Peko! Do ask your dr about p support. Mine just increased my p support to 4x a day from 3x a day. Any of u using uterogestan? My p lvel was 75 she says ok, going for BT again later
Ariel, yes absolutely. And because this is not an easy and unique journey all the more we need each other to make it way easier because others won't understand our random 'paranoia' and 'extreme excitement'. haha! yea saw the sac but im more keen on the hb, as with everyone else. Yes, my gynae sells preggy skincare. He formulates it in Italy and strips it of all the commercial skincare ingredients used that may be harmful and replaces it with vitamin c etc. I bought cleanser, serum, rejuvenating (for night), sunblock (impt) and eye creeam which can last me for about 4 months I think? Lemme know if u need more info, I will PM you otherwise will be spamming here I also paisay. :X Yes! Im hungry quite frequently too and do you feel like yr lower pelvic sometimes got some sensation? Hehe come 16 Aug we can all update each other again...

Hi Ashley,
Me and another sister I know whose on this journey also quit to start our ivf. So if you ever want any company, feel free to let me know and I can arrange something yah? You're not alone in this ya... all the best to your BT!!!
Ashley, bb dust to you!!! all the best to BFP!!

Kimmy, thanks! yup you let me know once the thread created. I might be able to share more since I'm a 2nd time mummy. My son is 5 years old now and he is conceived from a FET cycle.

To those who feel that FET has lower chance, please dont feel that way. I always believe that those embies who can survive the thaw are much stronger
Jia You!
Peko - You are very assuring to share that FET does not mean lower chances of conception. I have this impression. Wow, u already have a 5 yr old boy! That's a blessing!
Kimmy, Yes I'm interested, can u pls pm me? Thanks
Ya feel like pulling sensation at pelvic area. Tell u something that seems silly now. Last week before I went for beta test, I saw tiny brownish specks on my panty liner and I thought game over. started crying and dh just came home fr overseas biz trip and he had to comfort me. He was like "don't give up, u have 2 embbies put in rite? Still got hope." I was so
affected by every little thing.

Ashley, it'll all be worth it when bb in your arms. I respect those who quit their jobs cos their income is reduced and
yet their expenditure increases bcos of this process. But it's really giving yourselves the best possible chances of making this ivf process work.

Sun belle, take good care of yourself and all the best for ET tmrw
Back from ER n just woke up. Total eggs retrieved: 25!! Even doc was surprised.. Now need to wait till tom to know if they r gd ones..

But doc scared I will get ohss so gave me some medicine to start today. Dostinex and dydrogesterone. Besides egg white n h2o, what other food shd I eat or drink to prevent ohss?
Peko, ahhh 2nd time mummy! That's great! hehe you can share with us your tips ~ will let u know once its created.

Ariel - am sending you a PM right after this.
No not silly, I keep asking my sil what is spotting recently because i thought i saw some brown outline on my white discharged but sometimes i think im seeing things. wahahahah!

Hopeful - congrats, 25 eggs retrieved! Wow. Take care of yourself for ET

I got silly qn: can go for waxing during this stage? should be okay right??
Hmm...so hw many of us r having e scan on this cmg 16th ? Perharps let me do up a namelist here n we can have a mini update sub thread on e scan. Hehe....

1. Kimmy
2. Bbliss
3. Peko
4. Ariel

Pls add on to e list if I miss out anyone.

Upcoming BT sisters

1. Snoopy
2. Ashley
3. Tzac

Kimmy: congrats for having seen your sac!! Happy for you! And thanks, yeah i wouldn't mind a company, maybe after we all 'stabilise' ba ;)

Ariel: thanks.., i just pray all the times that it's going to work for me.., as much as i hope all of the girls here will be successful too!

Wow.., so many of you are scheduled for scan on 16aug;) i hope to follow your success path too!

I'm having stomach cramp sometimes (or is it pulling? Not sure, can't differentiate) i hope it's not a bad sign during 2ww.. ;(

And was it kimmy who mentioned about gas/fart.. I have that! Oops sorry so gross;)
Kimmy, I can't believe it, I have the very same question abt waxing too! not quite used to fuzz
but I think I'll ren until after 16 Aug. After all, wats a few more days compared to wat we've been thru?

Hopeful, rest well and recuperate for your ET. You're on the right track. Keep yourself warm, wear socks and cover your womb and lower body if you sleep in ac. Warm drinks and eat well.

Bbliss, how are you? Do any of you feel headache? Here and there I feel it tho I seldom get headaches when not preggy.
Ariel, for me, I tend to feel giddy in e morning but after a while ok. But wat I'm experiencing these few days r those pulling sensation ard my lower abdomen. Wonder any of you experience tat too coz Kimmy dun. Ha. For her is commonly bloating, rite Kimmy ? Keke...
kimmy. i too hv the question on waxing too :)

ashley, so ur BT is on D14 and mine is D19 I have to wait for 6 days....arggg....I too have stomach cramp, just like af coming rite? that's y wondering whether is this a good sign?

Me just went to buy 2 hpts and now wondering which 2 days should i test again...crazy hor....As i have been doing daily progesterone jabs, now my bump so painful and all bruises. Another 5 more days to go...wonder have any space to do the jabs or not....

flower, yeah lor so dunno whether it is false postive or not as its only D12 so am waiting to test the hpt again
Ariel & tzac, hi 5!!! yes like u I will 'ren' till after 16 Aug scan too. Meanwhile if really bueytahan, shave loh...or wear covered up clothes wahahahah. I do have headaches off and on. Yesterday have, today don't have...

Bbliss, yah loh..i got bloating the most after every mean but my pulling sensation i feel it most when i pee.

Ashley, yes, im the one that mentioned about fart/gas. hahahaha. Although these days not as bad liaos. Last week was worse!

Still thinking where to place the new thread: matters of the heart, pregnancies or year 2012 moms..... Mmmmmmmm
Hi sisters - so light hearted to talk abt the topic on waxing amidst sharing info on our ivf journeys. Haha. I supposed it's ok but not for IPL.

Kudos to sisters who quit their jobs to embark on the ivf journey and some of you are seeing the fruits of your sacrifices. It's worth it i am sure.

Hopeful - wow, 25 being retrieved! That's alot. All the best in your ET.
Hi sisters, it's so light hearted to talk about the topic on waxing amidst us sharing on our ivf journeys. I supposed waxing is ok but check with the therapist. IPL is no go for sure. On topic of grooming, preggers sisters should start using stretch mark cream liao.

Kudos to sisters who quit their jobs to embark on ivf. Some of you are seeing results and it's definitely worth it.

Hopeful - wow 25 eggs being retrieved! Can store many liao. Haha. Rest well!
