IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Kimmy, thks for asking. Mi ok. So normal till I scare. As n when haf some light pulls ard tat 'sister' area.

Aft reading e forum these few days, i realized tat sisters using inserts are having 3 digits reading whereas me ONI 2 digits (eve tho pass e passing level of 60). Sigh, Tink I muz be 凶多吉少.

U gals must be possibility pregnant that y reading can b so high.

Tink I may not go for e beta test nex week since it wun turn out well either.

This wait is making too stress n agony. Looking at my own blood test reading, feel damn sick n angry abt it.

Hi, I think I read earlier that someone mentioned no Bak kut teh during the 2ww? Why huh? And any idea if can eat during pregnancy?
Thinking about BKT now..
good to hear you feel better today. Did you manage to know your beta test at a same time? I not too sure if I am wrong. Some Sis admitted for ohss may be confirmed pregnant.
hope you are also the one too.
Hi Awt, according to Sinseh he says that there are usually herbs in BKT. So best to avoid..
But if you feel like eating I think just eat lah..
Hi girls. I saw that GnC got 1-1 promo for spirulina and royal jelly. Is it good? Which brand of Spirulina and Royal jelly is good?
Hi Bbliss - p bt during 2ww mainly to ensure lining able to support & not collapse too soon (AF). BPF all depends on the good embbie implanting itself to womb lining. My p bt was v high each time but embbies got lost (didn't implant).

Don't worry about the p level results - just need to pass. Key is embbies implant, bhcg increase, see sac, see hb, etc.

Your hero embbies will find it's way & dig hard & grow. Enjoy rest of your 2ww - PUPO!
(Please do consider going for your bhcg bt)
Wongval, Good to hear from you again. Really try to eat as many egg whites as u can. Best is soft boiled then u just swallow them. Try 4 first. It's not that hard. I hate soft eggs ut forced myself to do it daily and I find myself less bloated now. In fact I feel quite good except for the "traffic jam" below. Please try it!

Kimmy, thanks for your concern. I feel better, less bloated now. Like Bbliss, feel some pulling sensation at the womb area. Keep thinking of food leh... Even after I have eaten. How are you?

BBliss, don't be stressed pls.. It's really not abt the p level completely. Many factors play a part. My embryologist told me that she has seen perfect embryos, perfect conditions but ivf failed. Then she saw average to poor embryos in not ideal conditions and had successful pregnancy. In fact her words were " the blur blur ones get pregnant". So I told myself don't over-read and don't over analyze. Keep at rest mentally and be happy and grateful and it'll happen!
kimmy, thks for e encouragement.

bbliss, dun tink too much. juz b happi, dun stress n enjoy e 2nd wk. ur embbies wil feel u lose confidence in them. let jiayou.
Awt: I had craving for bkt too. Peppery kind one. But I dunno whether can eat anot. Wat I heard is those wif herbs bkt better not take coz dunno wat herbs goes into it. I guess those clear peppery soup base is fine. Btw I crave for Maggie mee curry jus had it feel so shiok. I hope it's not harmful to the embbies.

F&F: sorry to ask u so much. Did dr loh had any plans for u? If nt maybe u shld take a break first n then try on ur own naturally. Sometimes our body needs all tis medications to jumpstart d system. My colleague conceive naturally After failed cycles n she is 37. U nvr know wat god plan for u.
Hello Ariel!
Good to know u r feeling less bloated ;p I get the pulling muscles along with bloated. So bad that right after dinner earlier w friends I couldn't slouch or sit properly. Told dh that I needed to go home lie down. Super bloat and uncomfortable. Sigh. Diahorrea 4 time today. -faint-

When's yr BT btw? ;)
Kimmy, hope you are feeling better.

I seem to be the only on without the muscle pulling lei.. but have bloating.
sigh, are my embryos still there?

Any sisters not feel muscle pulling in their 2ww and still BFP?
Kimmy is it the jabs that you've been taking that causes this bloated feeling and diarrhea? 4x is quite a lot u know, did u chk with dr? Better drink tons of fluids as diarrhea can dehydrate u. My BT is 1 Aug. Yours?

Wongval, u feeling better? Up your protein k?
Dear all,

Thank you so much for all your advices. Yeah jus wondering do you all take raw egg white with Milo or is soft boiled egg white huh? Started puregon same as hopeful 3 days back on 20 July. Felt so sleepy n tired. Haha was also rushing thru work. yo, what is the procedure for 1st time follicle scan n subesequent scan? Do u need to see doctor? Cos if yes, I will have to take half day leave?

Advisable to take more leave before ER huh? How long do KKH gave MC after ET huh?
Hi Sunbelle, sisters here do take egg whites with Milo. I take soft boiled ones. During the first follicle scan, they will checkif the follicles has reached the ideal size, if so, doctor will give u the date for Et. If not she may increase the dosage and ask u to come for another scan. So half day leave will be better.

You will get Mc from the day of ur Et for 14 to 17 days.
Hi Hope,

Thank you so much for sharing with me. Yeah the information is very useful. I m now at dr zuo side doin acupuncture. So many people here. Is good to be on mc from ER stage. To properly rest. work k wait. TTC is more impt.

Thinking how u gals come consecutively for acupuncture huh? What if one of the day falls on wed which is their closing day huh?

What food do u all avoid during the stimulating stage huh?
Morning sisters!
Wanna ask nausea feeling is it feel like puking but possibly nothing comes out but saliva? Ate some sour plums to curb it. Sharp pain is back, is it safe to put yu (fish) oil to keep it warm?

Ariel, yes it's the jabs. I wished I has flagged it out earlier to the doc. Feeling horrible now...

Wongval, feel ok on and off
how r u? Better now that there are no more jabs? ;)
Flowers & fruits- sorry about that. Strange that doctor said no advice. He should be the first one to give us confidence. Anycase please seek 2 nd opinion before starting next cycle, whether u want to consider changing the hospitL.
I have done my scan on last Friday to chk if ready for fet. I heard nurse saying " 8, 3 ". Does it mean lining thickness?if so, is It ideal?

My Et is on 28 th July. Doing Bc. Pray my embies stay strong and grow well. Where r my cycle buddies?
hope283, blessings,

He just started off saying he has no advice, then there was a long awkward silence. Then he said if i want to try a 3rd cycle, may be take DHEA for 4 mths and change to short protocol. So I ask him why short protocol and his reply was "Since u say that then long protocol lor" ... pengz
By the way, this time I got the rectal inserts, I am able to push only an inch deep. Sometime bk heard one sister sayg they use some tool to push the medicine in. Does anybody remem?
Hi All mums to be,

I'm new here. But I've been following this thread for quite sometimes. Silent reader *lol*. I'm in my 2ww too, I'm at KKH Dr.Loh. So glad to know that so many buddies here on the same boat err maybe same cruise. My big day, BT is on 29th July. Pray hard. Nervous...arhh.

After my ER, I hv same experiences, bloatedness, diarrhea, nausea, even gastric n constipation. Blacked out twice. Admitted to hospital once, due to gastric and low blood pressure after pregnyl.

Now feeling better, just sometimes feeling some pulling on stomach, just right above "there". Nurses said must drink more soup, bak kut and chicken will be good for lining.
Hi baby!
U have the same BT date as wongval & me! We must have been sitting in the same waiting area for ER. Hehe. Oh no! Looks like pregnyl jabs have also taken a toll on you. Blacking out is dangerous...were you swapped to pressaries/inserts like wongval after being admitted to hospital?
Hope you are feeling better now. I wished I saw the doc earlier for my side effects. This morning is really bad, my gastrics has also activated. Usually I won't have them but during this 2ww, it just came on so badly! Then I must eat something to help it..

Hopefully end of the day it pays off!!!

Hi flowers, are u with kkh dr loh? Just wondering.,. Yea would you consider switching docs or hospitals? I pray that it will all work out for you
Hello sunbelle,
Prior to your ET, dr zou may ask u to come back for 'intensive' sessions. So even on a wed, she will call you and open the 'back door' for you to get treatment if she thinks it's necessary ;)
Hope this information helps!
Hi Kimmy,

Thanks for asking. My ER was on 11 July. ET on 13 July. Funny thing is, once I reached hospital, I felt nothing, totally okay. So nurse didn't do much. Just asked me to rest more. Guess due to gastric and can't eat much after pregnyl. I only took porridge for at least 3 days after ET. That's why no "big business". After day 4 can't take it. Asked DH to buy western food for me hehe. Feel shiook, but only ate half.

Last nite felt slight pulling again, but after lied down, it was okay. Maybe the stomach is weighing down.

My gastric is okay this few days, maybe I tried to control the food I eat, not too much, but more often. Try not to eat too much chili. Drink more warm soup, really help.

Jia you everybody!!!
surprise to see those of you experience the continuous nausea,bloatness,muscle pulling etc.. i never experienced with my cycle and FET (I am now at). Maybe my thick skin can handle it. heheh. But I hope all of you got better soon so that you can enjoy your 10mth pregnancy journey. take care!

I hope you will not get upset with dr Loh. Maybe he has reason and may not like to hurt you with something like he did to me last time. You can try to seek 2nd opinion with the other hospital and see what they can help. Take time to improve your health first? take good care!
Miracle baby, tmr is yr BT right? ;) hehe I will get ready my bag!!! Yeah, agree w u that perhaps dr Loh does have his reason...
f&f, for each failed attempt, is there any way to analyze why it failed?
take time and think about your next step and maybe you might conceive naturally after this? I read the papers yesterday that stress seems to contribute a big part to this. Try to for a relaxing holiday during the ovulation period? and who knows you might hit jackpot? Take care and tiao both your body too.. Jia you!!
F&F: yea pl don b discouraged by his words. As we know tat is his way of answering. I recall in earlier thread some sistas who bfp were wif care. But of coz rates r higher but they say it provides more personalized service. If financially allow u n ur hb can consider changing hospital for 2nd opinion. Meanwhile also try relax set ur mind free n try naturally. cheer up ok!
Hi Sunbelle, nice to have someone who is on the exact same cycle as me! I am with SGH Care.. Are you having your first scan tom morning?

Hi Kimmy, the puking happened to me last Friday as well. i asked Dr Zou abt it as I was there last Sat. She says is prob I had eaten some sour food (I drank tom yum soup on Fri afternoon). So if you also had sour stuff, stop eating them for a while.

Hi F&F, in case you would like to seek 2nd opinion, I think you may waish to consider SGH. The nurses there are really nice. Cant say much abt the docs though cux I have only met her twice. Not sure if this is also the case for KKIVF. But so far, whatever questions I have they are very patient in answering them. When I had a breakdown during the intial stage of the program, they really gave me a lot of support.
F&F: I agree with the rest, maybe you can get a second opinion. Sometimes, a different perspective may help.

miracle baby: good luck for tmrw! you don't have the muscle pulling feeling too? cos I don't and everyone seems to have it. I will pray for you!

Kimmy, ariel: after I stop pregnyl, its a miracle. i'm peeing much mure and my bloatedness has gone down. Now almost back to normal, although tummy still distended.
Thanks for all your kind words and concern. Now I'm worried, does this mean I'm not pregnant? Haiz.. my husband said bloated I complain, then not bloated I worry... hahha

Baby: welcome! We're cycle buddies!
Great to have another friend.
Hi hopeful!
Oh I had Tom yam soup on Friday lunch too! Maybe that explains my diahorrea 3 times yesterday. Today no poop so far...haha

Hi wongval,
Wow! Glad to hear bloat has subsided. For me it's there pretty much and or has increased
dh brought me out to buy some loose, flare tops, shorts & dresses earlier bcuz he knew I cldnt fit into my clothes and I don't want people to start asking me questions about my very obvious bump. It's actually embarrassing because I really look 3-4 months and it's protruding out. I actuallly went home to change to a loose top for dinner ytd so that some loud mouths won't ask me any questions in front of too many people. Haha I very paranoid right?!

Flowers - no prob! Hope to hear some happy updates on next steps, or even better - that u strike naturally soon! Keep us posted k?!

Bbliss, Su, how's the weekend?
Good morning!
I feel like crap. Woke up with much discomfort again and force myself to the Loo and rub my tummy for a long time out of discomfort. It's horrible..,feel like admitting myself into kkh. Would that be silly?
Hi Su,
Able to work frm home? For me I specially quit to concentrate on ivf and turns out I need the bed rest for 2nd week more than the first. Really depends on whether your body can take it...but don't push yourself k. Maybe rest for another week? I know...work helps to occupy the mind...
Poor kimmy. Have you been taking lots of egg whites and drink lots of water? I guess if cannot tahan anymore and short of breath, then have to be on drip.. How long more to BT?

Su, for me, work made it easier to pass time and kept my mind from thinking too much during the 2ww. But if you do that, just be careful and walk slowly and sit down slowly ya.
Hazel dear, you there? I remembered you had morning sickness? Mine has reported since Friday. This round, it seems worse than my first. Did you had anything to curb this? I heard before to eat the su-da biscuit.
if urine output is reduced, then better to go KKH immediately.

it's ok for bloating to go away if you stop pregynl jabs, as bloating is worsen by presence of hcg. when hcg is produced by the body when pregnancy is confirmed, the bloating will come back and worsen till abt week 10.

speaking from experience from my 1st pregnancy when i was warded for ohss and subsequently tested positive, but had to go thru 2 taps to reduce fluid.
dr loh is not the most tactful of all doctors esp when he's in one of his moods, being one of his long time patients with poor success record - we went thru 3 fresh cycles and 6 unsucessful FETs with him - and only sucessful with the last 2 fresh cycles, it can be very hurtful and frustrating when he cannot provide a reason for failure or suggest alternatives. but despite eveerything we still stick to him because we are convinced by his medical and technical skills. it's just as frustrating for him as it is for us when we undergo a failed cycle as he puts it " everything is ok but it just didn't work" and whether a cycle is successful or not, he will say " he's not god".

so keep the end goal in mind, if it really bothers you - just switch to another doctor. dun let his comments deter you from competing your ttc journey.
Hi awt - actually I stopped taking egg whites but water intake is still there... Maybe I should go back to eating it. My bloat is like a balloon and feels very firm. Gosh. My chest hurts at times from the bloat... Still tempted to go admit myself to kkh....hope the discomfort from the bloat subsides

Thanks babymaking!ndefinitely makes me feel much better.

Kimmy, I'm so amazed you already tahan until this last jab!! To be honest, I think don't need to get admitted. When o got admitted, they didn't do anything, basically monitor to make sure the bloat does not get worse. So I think you try and tahan 1 more day. Usually by the 3rd day of the jab, it will die down. U need to drinkabout 1 cup of water ever half to 1 hr. Then your meals, take v slowly so your tummy can digest n you won't feel so bloated. For me, once I stopped pregnyl, the bloat subsided v quickly! So hang in there! I totally understand how you feel.. If u feel that bad, u can cone to ivf centre in the day for them to check. Don't follow me, goto 24 hr clinic. Hahah
