IVF/ICSI Support Group

Babymaking, really? If urine is reduce I can admit myself to kkh? I can feel some swelling ard my tummy. So meaning I will go to 24hr o&g and just tell then my bloating is very bad? What else do I need to bring for them to check me in? Can I go alone?
Sorry for my many questions just that the bloat is really very uncomfortable and I don't know what to so. I just ate 2 scrambled eggs and I hope it helps...

Hi wongval,
Thanks for the detailed information, I was just wondering any that actually...what they will do..I actually thought they will put me on drip to 'flush' out the pregnyl so that my bloat stops. So since they are just going to monitor me, think I will just stay home and monitor myself till tmr then. The pregynal jab side effects often hit me on the 2nd day (which is today) so I guess I will wait it out. Will also heed your advice about water intake every 1/2 hour...hopefully swell and bloat deflates soon! My bloat feels so taut! Hehe
I called kkivf to ask abt seeing a doc but they told me regardless of time to go 24hr o&g instead.....
if urine output is reduced meaning little urine/darkened urine, it's a sign of dehydration, cos despite fluid intake, the fluid is accumulating in the abdomen and not circulating in the blood stream.

if during office hours, can check with kkh ivf, usually they still advise to go 24hr clinic. the doc can do a bloodtest to test for certain levels (i can't remb what they tested cos was in too much pain then to bother to ask), after reviewing the results, i was warded.

it's ok to go alone - cos you can request to rest in bed at the 24hr clinic.

take lots of egg whites, if scrambling the eggs, can do 4 egg whites to 1 egg yolk. dun drink too much water in short period of time.

unless the ohss is very bad, there's nothing much they can do in the ward, usually just put on drip, measure weight, girth, urine output, fluid intake and monitor over days. unless it's so bad that they need to a tap to remove the fluid, mine was so bad that i can't even breathe standing up and bloated till 4-5mths preggy. they removed like 5litres of fluid in the 1st tap and everyday about 3litres of fluid for about 2 weeks.
Awt, am here. Silently reading the posts. Ask dr for vit b6. It will help. Eat whatever u feel like eating. Depending on wat u can stomach n wat makes u feel better. By not eating, MS can get worse. For me, I need carbo. Cold orange juices help too. Take sips. Lots of fluids if u can't eat much. wheat biscuits help too. Put some at your bedside. Take a slice first thing u wake up in the morning. It will help u to feel better.
Hi babymaking,
Thanks for the information! It's really helpful! Wow ur bloat sounds quite bad. I still can stand and walk ard, just that the discomfort hits me on & off...I will continue to monitor then. Again appreciate the information & advice, currently my urine is not darken yet...hehe now whenever I'm faced with a situation, this forum is my first source of information. I haven't even told dh about this yet :p haha cuz I find he also won't know what to do...
Thks hazel! Will try these methods. I read ginger is supposed to help. Did u take before? Read it could be in the form of ginger tea, powder form, or sweets or even ginger ale made with real ginger.. Nuts and those fruit (dried apricot etc), does it help too?
Kimmy, Now I remembered too what the dr said after reading thru babymaking's post. Yes, pls monitor the color or your urine. If dark yellow, pls drink more water and don't stop your egg white intake. Take at least 4 egg whites a day ( no need to take the yolk) for a start la. Ya kun's soft boiled eggs are the best.. My dr told me too then to drink those full cream powder milk that pregnant mums drink. at least a cup plus the egg whites.
Awt, dun take too much ginger. Not very good for the womb. Nuts n dried fruits are good too. But make sure u take fluids. High fibers not enough fluid will get constipation. Btw, 100plus helps top. Eat fresh oranges also help. I dun take sour plums all those. Can't stand the after taste n lots of preservatives too. But if it helps u, can take bait lah. Everything in moderation. I find cheese slices help too. But pls buy only pressurized ones.

The rest is just endure for the little one. First tri will be over soon before u know it!
Hazel, why ginger is no good? It is supposed to warm the womb so that the embroyo has a good environment to grow. No? Sorry, I have missed the earlier posts.
Try not to take ginger ESP stuff made from raw ginger like tea it can cause contractions and bleeding.

Try vit b, sip fresh diluted orange juice, small meals, avoid spicy foods.

No worries, just passing on info just as many who pass on infO when I needed their helP thru all my cycles
thks kimmy n awt.
Sigh.. Back from 1st scan. But I think not good. Doc asked for a blood test. N may need to change into another injection. Starts with R. Dunno what is it. I am already at 450 iu of puregon. Now waiting for blood test result. Anyone has same experience?

don't worry so much. Did you ask about the lining and follicle size? If you don't mind, can I check whats your FSH level, cos 450iu rather high....

babymaking, when I was at OHSS, the doctor recommended me to make longan with ginger drink. Why it can cause contraction? Do we have to care about contraction during 2ww?
Hi ineedmiracle, I m going to ask abt follicle n lining later when they call. My fsh is ard 7-8 I think. Need to go back check my report. My estrogen level aft 2 wks of 20 iu Lucrin was 3800+ then they put me on another 1 wk of Lucrin day n night for 20 iu each time..

Is this ok?
Hi Amy, I read in some threads before that soya producst should be avoided. But no one said whats the reason... So perhaps you are right?
Info Soya products n ginger actually hv been shared many times. There should be an archive folder for sisters to refer to.

Soya products hinder implantation. Where 2ww or preg, the same rule apply as you could be pregnant already during 2 wks. Most Western Drs will say soy n ginger ok to take as this is believed on tcm.

They are much more things that pregnant mums cannot take. Even mayo cannot take as it is said to contain raw eggs. but most sandwiches have mayo. Just ask the shop to heat it up b4 taking. Sashimi was no no too. But I read in books that as long as they r frozen b4, they r safe. Some preg ladies I know also tAke a little. End of the day, we r just worried abt food posioning. Our pregnancies are v precious. That's why we are more careful. In SG, we r quite safe when comes to food we eat outside. We r told to a avoid cold drinks too. But if u r vomitting like crazy coz of MS n cold drinks r the only fluid u can take to keep hydrated. Then also must take right? It is worse to be warded n put on drip right? End of the day. Just judge yourself. As long as it is not excessive, it wun be too harmful.
hi all
here at home I still waiting for the call.. Rather wait than making call..
me gonna crazy holding tight with my hp. No guts already.
the nurse told me I would know between 1pm to 4pm. A few
mins left to exact 4pm. I think I lost hope :/
Yea maybe call & ask also. When I call them they will say oh no one call you? Arghhh... So yeah! Btw, did u test hpt? I no courage...haha!
Kimmy, feeling better? As long as you don't have dark urine and breathlessness you should be fine. Do keep eating as many egg whites as you can. I just take 1 yolk and 4-5 egg whites at once. It really helped me. Now I'm not bloated much anymore. The side effects of the pregynl quite bad huh? I'm just using pessaries 3x a day. Today I feel quite good. In fact I was wondering why I feel so normal..

Miracle, no matter what happens, stay strong and never give up

Wongval, how are you? When's your BT?

I trust sf loh's professional judgement which is why it is even more heartbreaking when he paints a negative picture.

Thanks for reminding me not to let his comments deter me from fulfilling my baby dreams. Thanks I need that
fsh level, below 9, is considered okie ah...maybe the doc worried that low dose cannot stimulate enough so that explains the high dosage. =)
As for estrogen, by right after suppression it should go down to below 50. Since yours was high, that's why they asked you to jab more.
let's wait for them to call you. If they don't, do call them before they close. Else you wont be able to rest well tonight...cos you be worrying.. =) ((hugss))

Regarding soya prdts, previously some sistas mentioned that it will harden the shell of our eggs, making fertilisation and hatching difficult. so will affect implantation. can take abit but not too much. soya sauce abit i tink it is fine bah...the rest avoid =)

**wave** My af just reported today. So i'm counting down the days to start my fresh. Looks like your ET be earlier than mine. We jiayou jiayou okie? =))
Miracle, are you going back to CARE? I think my FET maybe around the same timing as you. Becos once AF reports, I will be on OCP for about 20 days. On the last few days of the OCP, I will be starting Lucrin.

Babymaking, Hazel, can you share why do we have to care about contraction when we are on IVF or during 2ww? TCM doctor told me that ginger is good for us and recommended me to add in ginger when cooking dishes. It warm the womb. Homemade ginger tea is made by cooking the ginger. Do you mean we should not take raw ginger but cooked ginger is fine?
Ariel, I'm feeling much better. Actually, althought my tummy is still big and slightly bloated, i don't feel any discomfort anymore. Which is great! But now... I'm wondering, everyone has that cramps thing, but I don't, does it mean anything? I did the progesterone test again this morning, because I changed meds. I barely passed it! Only about 40+! So worried now...

Kimmy, glad it works! Hope your discomfort subsides more tmrw and is gone by Wednesday!

miracle baby: Have you called yet? Pass us your baby dust k?
hazel,kimmy,wongval,Ariel,awt, blessing,b2mom and the rest,
Thank you for your great support and encouragement. You made my day happy!

Ya I want to send my babydusts to those of you waiting for your BCHG test, those preparing for your current cycles and also those esp F&F trying for your next cycle. yah!!

Really can't believe myself*crying*
Good to hear you are much better. You are using pessaries right? Does that make you feel slightly nauseous? Is it supposed to? I feel slightly but not so bad. My BT is 1 Aug. So we will hear your gd news first! Will they be increasing your p intake? How much are u currently taking?
.. the lesson for today is don't use & throw away hpts that are expired
Congrats, Miracle_baby. Made the Monday much happier.
found this article

# No safety issues seem to exist in the short-term use of ginger to treat the nausea and vomiting during a term of pregnancy. At the same time, the use of ginger as an herbal remedy in the long-term during the pregnancy is not advised as regular use can trigger side effects in the woman. Ginger may stimulate uterine contractions.

# Ginger is safe to consume in small amounts during pregnancy to alleviate morning sickness but you should consult your doctor first.

it's a website selling ginger tea and it even highlights the danger of ginger.

fresh ginger is most potent (strong) - so even cooked, boiled in water to make tea is very strong. where else things that contain ginger like ginger soda, candy only contains minimum amounts of ginger, or sometimes just the flavour of ginger, so should be quite safe in small quantities.

yeah we really should have an archive or blog, have to serach thru is a pain.
oh my gosh! miraclebaby! I'm sooo happy for you!
IT worked! Thanks for the babydust! Now you must take care and rest well! So do you feel any symptoms at all? the musclepulling? hahah... cos I still don't! Just will give me some hope!

Ariel - Hmm, is it utrogesteron? That's what I'm taking. I have to take 3 times a day, 2 inserted each time, then lie down for 1/2 hour. It doesn't make me nauseous. I'm not if its supposed to. You? Maybe your nauseous signs are preggy signs?

I have no signs at all. Feeling totally the same, which is making me worried
anyhows, hopefully I can spread the babydust too!
Hi Ron
Now you mention I almost forget.. now very paiseh!
yaya I now know the expired hpt no longer works.
Thank you for your good wishes and I too wish you all the best
Congrats miracle bb

Had my ET today n need to go for pogestrogen injection daily till BT. Does tat mean cant use hpt since it will give me false result?
dear wongval
right I don't feel any muscle pulling for my first and now 2nd even no symptoms at all like nausea or backache. But a bit different for FET. Only light cramps and bloated for only one day then no more.. More like non-pregnant ladies.
But every pregnancy is different. I feel the womb lining must be the most important that can help trapping embbies to implant and grow. I hope you will receive the good news on this Friday and we can share the joyous news.

And for kimmy too.. those on same beta test date also!
All the best!!
Thanks ineedmiracle
Thanks beaniesgalore
Thanks tzac

Thanks hazel I think I will expect singleton based on my bhcg is 293.4 iu/l. Is too low? Need to re-take a test? pls advise
