IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Ron,
Yea I'm on pregnyl jabs and I get muscle pulling then sharp pains then it goes off then comes again. In midst I feel like puking too. It's horrible feeling... And can u imagine, Kkh called me (another nurse) who now tells me me and DH need to do blood retest cuz they can't seem to get a proper reading! I went for blood retest for thelessemia 2 mths back and yet they still say other things are low like now?! During 2ww?! And they tot I haven't started ivf yet.

Hi Su, bbliss,
Thanks for yr concern :D will monitor. I feel better now after my mil said a prayer over me and sil cooked some scrambled eggs and gv me warm milk. Hope it doesn't come back and affect my implantation !!!!!!

Ron, now I get it. My last jab was Sunday so could it be I'm only feeling the side effects today cuz yesterday till last night I was completely fine...even this morning until about 9.30am
dear kimmy
ya Monitor yourself more till tomorrow. Think of good things instead that the jabs works the effects on you. If you think too much you will get bad signs so don't think anymore and continue to be positive all the time (wat I am right now hehe).
I can feel my confidence and faith in God will increase a bit more each passing day.

So you must take care and try to get better hopefully by now.
Hi Su, e symptoms u experienced, I experienced those too expect bloating n constipation. These r due to e med we r taking. After few days, u b feeling better.

I used to drink ribena oso but stop aft e vomiting n stomach pain coz ribena tend to be acidic n tend to agitate e digestive system. Can try drinking some light fruit juices n 100plus. 100plus seems to b my frd when I in pain. Hehe...
Ok dh just called me and said it's ridiculous for Kkh to be asking me and dh down to do blood retest. He said on what basis? Because I already did a retest once when they called me for thalassemia. They mentioned our records not clear and even ask if im starting my ivf cycle soon. I told them I'm almost tail end of cycle. Then said no hurry, still need to go in for retest. Anyone experienced this? What purpose does it serve?
bbliss, thks. tink i wil feel better if doxycycline n pessaries r finished. i wil try 100plus. medicated oil has been w mi these few dae, can't do w/o it. it has becme my best fren.
Kimmy - so sorry to hear your bloatedness became so bad
Mine also, but its slightly better compared to yesterday. I think it might be quite common to feel super uncomfortable after the pregnyl jab. Hope that helps you feel better. If really get worse, go to 24 hr clinic soon, so that they can do a blood test to rule out OHSS. Think on the bright side! Maybe all these means your embryos implanted!

Su - yah, was missing you! Glad you're feeling better to respond!
How was your ET? How were your embbies? Manage to freeze any?
hi all, am just back from temple to give thanks and prayers. it's v hot outside! phew.

hazel: thks so much for the tips. I had bought 100 plus back along d way will drink that later to ease my bloat. how is ur oscar test? what is the test for?

kimmy: oh dear, can feel ur xin ku. hope u will feel better. if cannot endure must go down kk. why kkivf nurse so blur? haiz tell them and set d records right.

awt: hmm..now its ideal time to give ur gal a sibling age gap not too far, at her age now, she's more sensible and can even help u take care of the bb next time. keep us posted of ur progress yah.

Grace: pl take time to relax (take a short break), brace urself and get ready again ya. I am seeing doc zou for a while since i failed my soiui last yr, i also start visiting her after hearing many of the sistas here recommend her. u can consider giving her a try. At least i find after seeing her and doing accuputure i seldom fall sick. But needs time. I feel its just d timing. I also waited 4 yrs for this day to come. You will bless v soon wif a child. pl have faith.

ladies in 2ww: as what hazel mentioned, d more bloated u feel the better it is. though discomfort, but is a good sign, esp in 2nd week before beta test. tat time dr loh already warned me if i m preg my bloat will cont and swell. tat time i was so worried after his words, and i almost postpone my ET. jiayou!

U are doing FET right? If FET husband also must take essences? I'm not sure abt the mc but asked Dr Loh and he said could be chromosomes problem and it's the body natural way to reject. But I feel it's my body problem as I am also a pcos. Can cordcepys be taken before transfer? I'm so glad to know that u are preg. Hope I get ur babydust for bfp soon
Hi BNB - am ok. Taking it easy this cycle. Feeling nostalgic and wondering how some of the other sistas from earlier are doing (moomoo, dawndew, nadia, stickybpf, etc)... You starting lucrin this cycle or next?

Hi Grace - just saw your news. Sorry to hear & hugs. Take care.
Ron-Yap I miss them also.
Think Nadia doing in Aug, but not sure when she would start the jabs.
I be jabbing Suprefact on 2/8.
U started yr stim drugs already?
wongval, my ET is oki. i gt 17 freeze. duno wat grade coz nvr ask. haha. but i wil gt e rpt fm e embryologist tis fri. let u noe then.
ocean, aiyo.. your pm is not activated..
by the way, mine was fresh cycle. cordyceps before the cycle.. i don't know if it's advisable to take during the cycle cos of all the injections. let me know when activated, i have the list of items to eat..
kimmy, wongval and su, hang in there. i got better during the 2nd half of the 2ww. even bloated, MUST drink loads of water ie at least 2-3litres daily. I remembered vaguely that it's to help flush out something that is retained in the body due to ohss. forgot what was it.
F&F: i took both her medicine and did accuputure twice weekly. Dr Zou is v knowledgeable in ivf or iui. Coz many of her patients are gg thru this. For my case i felt i need both tcm and western to help me conceive. Its up to individual comfort level to take tcm anot. If u do need her contact can let me know.
I see my name mentioned!

Hi Ron and BNB,

I'm fine. Not embarked on another cycle yet. Still deciding. I switched to a different TCM (used to see Dr Xia Rong at EYS Paragon) but my hormones are still not balanced. High FSH, low LH.

Not been here much cause no activity on my end anyway so not much to update.
Hi Ron & Bluenosebear...

I am still here..not much on forum...Nothing to contribute like dawndew...On hormone jabs rite now..Most likely will know my IVF schedule ard mid week of Aug when I start my 3rd mth of ocp and hormone jabs..

Most likely u gerls will graduate 1st before me..hehehe...So i can standby to collect babydust from u gerls la...;-)

How's everything on your sides dearies?

thank you. I too her meds but it seems to work otherwise for me. I expect my self to kena from Dr Loh in the coming review 'cos he anti TCM but will just tell him that there are sisters who BFPed with TCM. :p
I'm still bloated and uncomfortable. Even the thought of drinking anything makes me feel soo soo full. I'm trying 100 plus. Hope it helps!
Finally aft 3 wks of Lucrin, I m starting on my purgeon tom..
To all sisters out there.. I think regardless of the outcome of each cycle, we should be very proud of ourselves for going through this.. I m having such a big emotional roller coaster now.. Just doing my best in this n the rest will be up to fate...
Hi kimmy, am at Dr Zou for another acupuncture. She says that for ohss patients she will normally aak them to eat uP to 20 Egg whites.. Not sure if this is relevant to u..
Hi dawndew & nadia - nice to hear from you both! Looks like we are all walking our journeys these few months. Hope the hormones will stabilise themselves out next few month. Stay around & give us support ya

Hi valteen - good to hear from you too. How are you,remembered you bpf in Apr/May FET? How many weeks now?

Hi BNB - yes, started stims on 16/7. The meds beginning to make me emotional.

Hi Sunshines - waves to you too!

Hi Hopeful - cycle buddy. Am on day5 stims tom.
Hi hopeful, thanks for enquiring. Wow! Up to 20 egg whites?!?! I only ate 2 today for bfast and felt better. Now is just back to bloating. Tmr last pregnyl jab! Woohoo! Mm my
Bloated tummy looks like a watermelon
hi all

my ET is supposed to be tomorrow. so nervous, hopes my embies wld survive the thawing!

i did my first FET in jun but the cycle was abandoned coz i ovaluated too fast. and i did another FET straightaway in july. the reason i did the second FET so fast is because the clinic wld be closed for august, so basically i dun noe if it is advisable to restart so soon. but this second FET, i felt very tired and somehow more tedious then the previous FET and also my first IVF. i guess it's because my body didnt get to rest before all the medicines and injections.
Hi Ron & Bluenosebear...

Good Morning..

Yup all of us moving towards our journey to have our lil' ones soon...I will be ard cheering u gerls...We have gone a long way together...Hope all will be well this time round...Jia You Jia You Gerls...All the best...;-)
Hi kimmy, so egg white works!! Eat more then.. Protein shd be good for us ( I think).. Hahahah... :p

Hi Ron, are you with KKIVF? I m wif SGH.. But happy to ve someone in the same cycle!! Lets jia you together!! Gambatte!!
Hehe yea just down 2 egg whites for just in case...

Oh btw my bowel movement has graduated from constipation to smooth! Yay for no pain but should I be concerned? Thought constipation was a good thing!

Good morning everyone, hope yr week is working out well ;))))
awt: thanks. do pm me on the things to eat.

ron: thanks. i'm feeling better now. :p

blessing: thanks.
yap, will be going to KL for a short trip this weekend, since boss already planned for someone to cover me.
might as well take longer leave then. :p
can pm me the contact/address for dr zou?
ermm... 3 months treatment enough time or not?

sigh... while u are talking abt being guilty, i'm worse.
my MIL is staying nearer so she has been delivering lunch to me, am grateful to her.
but have to deliver the bad news to my in-laws and those whom loved me makes me feel sad.

then my hubby was telling me if so sad, then dont try. how can, right?
like toto got buy, got chance mah. ;P

feel hopeful again after seeing dr loh yest.
he recommended to try FET in 2 to 3 months time.
also going for medicated ovaluation as my cycle is normally v short so need to prevent me from ovalating too early.
so... i will be back v soon!

paule: good luck to your ET.

hopeful: i guess emo roller coaster is not avoidable. come chat with us more often.

su: wah! 17 embroyos to freeze. shiok!

flower: what's yr plan? my AF also v light. and dr loh says next AF may be delayed.

gals in 2ww / in the cycle, jia you!
opps... sorry for the long message. :p
Hi grace!
Sorry to hear (hugs) & hope fet will strike ok!!!!
Meanwhile u tk care & rest well. Most impt, be positive when u r ready! Jiayou!!!
Wave, Nadia, dawn, Valteen & ineedmiracle.
So happy to hear from U.
Dawn-take the time now to tiao yr body.
Nadia-Don worry I would give U tons & tons of babydust for U.
Grace-enjoy yr short trip.
Take the time to tiao yr body.
I like yr way of using TOTO as example.
Jiayou, & prepare to cheong again once U are ready
grace, have a good trip! btw, made a boo boo, to clarify, i realised what i have is the diet for pcos.. pm-ed you anyway.
Hi Ron, i saw my name appeared then disappeared again haha... Thanks for still remembering me. How are you doing? Which stage are you now? Me still the same havent graduate from ivf.. I remember many of sistas same period like us has bfp and maybe had pass the first trimaster... Really hope i can catch up with them faster!
grace, wat impt is e two embbies inside mi nw. i dun need e 17. ;p dr loh actuali say i k embryo donor. haha. u enjoy ur short trip n relax. take care. wil b waiting for u to b back in e forum.
Grace, you have bounced back so fast

Enjoy your trip ya.

Btw if you are taking TCM better let SF Loh know, see what he say first.

As for myself, I will be seeing him tomorrow and be prepared for lecture. Keep u posted.
Hi ineedmiracle, how hv u been? Me finally decided to try for another round after 2 failed cycles last yr. M on short protocol tis time n doing ET on fri. Nervous as not many follicles during last scan.

Me also had 2 failed cycle and decided one more round of fresh. Will start suppression in aug. You're with kk right? Looks like dr loh is into short protocol lately. The last time i see him, he also ask me take short protocol. You had er? Dun worry abt qty, cos we just need 1 to implant and grow ;) jiayou
