IVF/ICSI Support Group

Minako I have a Bb gal from my FET.=) she is 6 mths old now . My FET was done on d26 coz my lining is not growing..... Grew like 1mm per week! Anyhow that cycle supposed to be aborted coZ last scan before ET, lining was 7.8mm but sonographer wrote 8mm so that I can go ET . Mine was d3 transfer n I transferred 3 embbies

Hazel, wow thanks another view. Haha i aso cant make up mind. I saw some ppl said oni if you carry the baby up to a few mths then need do confinement.

My earlier thots is just to cook some simple dishes then after 2 wks jus take tcm. Nv try longan tea before there maybe just drink boiled water n dun take seafood
hey qing
have a read at this article, it shows the benefits of the various ingredients for confinement food, so you can choose the ones you need and add in to your food.

most of the meals can be cooked via slow cooker, or all put in 1 pot and let it boil type, so should be minimal effort.


some confinement recipes

i think it's necessary to do a confinement when the pregnancy is advanced, if early pregnancy (less than 2 mths) then just do a mini confinement. but then having said that, i am not really really the traditional sort and did just a selective confinement.
interesting article, one thing for sure we never know for sure what we do/dun do now will affect our babies in future, but we can give them the best now, so that we will not regret in future.

i guess that's all what we can do now.
Hi shainie,
Yups! When is ur bhcg?

Btw, do you restrict ur diet during the 2ww? Or just eat anything (except cold drinks)?
Sunflower mine on 23rd. I only avoid cold drinks and liang food. Eat more vege & fruits. Ur bhcg 22nd right? do u get any sore boobs symptom? This time I dont have sore boobs compare to last time.
Nope, can't do anything. Sit down play with my boy for a whe, Grocery shopping online, menu planning, give instructions to maid and I am already dead on my feet. I'm either hugging the toilet bowl or nuah in front of tv cos too bloated to lie down.
Babymaking, oh u got maid! Then is easier. I also lie on bed watch tv or use my iPhone to surf. But next wk I m going bk to work! Sure going to suck up all my energy. My mum is helping me to clean the house now.....
Sarah, are you with kkh? You request to delay et for how long? Dr Zou told me best lining is btw 10-13mm. I'm still on progynova & 1st scan coming Tue.
Mabel, i know its not easy especially now u r in the midst of all the roller coaster rides, but have faith in your little one and trust God that he will make things right for u... Hugz...

Hazel, I dont have any MS except for elevated temperature, and yes, tired to the max... brought my son to taka for a couple of hours, i can feel my whole body aching to the max... totally drained
but the no MS also making me worried..
i went to my GP yesterday and she used her old ultrasound to scan for me, saw the yolk sac and she can see the heartbeat... its a singleton...

but she advises me to confirm with the actual scan on 21/6 and see what doc advise as she sees alot of growth in there, suspected to be quite a number of cysts
Daintree, how come this GP has ultra sound machine? So gd ah? She saw cysts? U hv that previously? I dun think is a concern, some go away during pregnancy.
Hazel, ya she have hehe. Older kind but attached to the patient tv so can see also
I don't hVe any cysts as at last nov when dr LOH did laparscopy for me. My gp said it is most likely due to all the stimulating jabs. Hope it's just cysts not fibriods
Hazel, thanks!!
shall not worry about this

Mabel, yes! It immediately improved my appetite last night. She was initially searching for the sac only, but when she told me she could see the heartbeat I was so happy I told her to pls take a closer look and I'll keep still, literally holding my breath for almost a minute. Hang in tight ok, I'm also waiting for your good news
Summer and Daintreez - yeap I am holding on to a glimmer of hope. Read that drinking more water could help with growth of the GS. I am doing that too. Drinking loads of water. Hoping that everything will catch up.
Yup mine on 22nd

My boobs are abit sore only, not as bad as during the stim stage leh... Dun wana read into these symptons too much, else will cause unnecessary stress.. U also dun thnk too much k?
Bbmaking, have u received your fresh cycle bill from KKIVF? I notice that the embryologist did laser assisted hatching (AH) this round for me. I wonder why.. Last fresh cycle dun hv. So though I used much less gonal-f this round, my total bill is more ex coz AH is ex.
I hv a question. Today is 7dpt. Yesterday I hv some pinkish discharge. This morning was fine. Then now i hv some brown discharge. Is it something I should inform my doctor? It those white mix with colour discharge. But I did progrestrone test yesterday, it was 285. Nurse say it's good enuff, no need to increase or decrease my pregnyl. I still hv 1 more last pregnyl jab On Monday.
Hi, i just started my ivf. today is my day 5 of mense, i had an U/S in the morning and my largest follicle size is 9.5mm (only 1) and the rest is between 5 - 7mm. Is this okay?
hi babymaking,

How's your nausea? you feeling better? try to keep hydrated. I had very bad nausea last weekend again. Went to see dr at raffles medical near my place, dr said its due to hormones that's why i got very bad gastric and nausea and asked me to stick back to the previous leftover medications that prescribed by KK 24 hrs. On monday, i dragged myself to KK to buy my vitamin B6 50mg from KK's pharmarcy (walk-in) cos finished my 2weeks supplies since i was discharged. Bought 1 mth supply off the counter 3, and took it and surprising my nausea starts to wear off the next day. You may wan to try vitamin B6 its supposed to help prevent nausea and it was given to me by KK and it works for me.
Really Hazel? Abit worried as it's quite intermitten discharge. Have then dun have, then now brownish mix. I pray n hope it's implantation. It's a 3 day transfer leh.
inplantation counts from date of ovulation. Ivf, that is ER date. So u r day 10 now. U count from ER till your bhcg BT date n the day on the form should match. U goggle online n will realized that d10 is within the range of implantation. if I didn't remember wrongly, the staining will not go beyond 24 hrs.
Feelingweird - like Hazel said, sounds like implantation bleeding esp if pink blood.

It is scary seeing the discharge (and no one can tell us what/where it comes from). All I can say is don't read too much into it as long as it's not AF. If see red then need to call clinic to check but brown is likely old blood, and could be discharging from ER or otherwise.

Just rest and try your best to stay positive until bhcg (I know it's easier said than done
). Good luck.
Thanks hazel and Ron. I'll try not to worry and think so much.

I'll need to keep all the good luck in my little wooden box and by my side. .. 
Thanks Gan and Shainie... medicated fet sounds easy and stressless. Haha... Progynova is to be taken orally? sorry, need to brief my DH and get his green light before I proceed with FET. Haizzzz.....
Got the bill but just chuck one corner. I know from the embroyolosit that all of mine is via ICsi n none via ivf.

Thks, when did you start taking vit b? After yr scan?

COngrats, u must be so relieved and happy - may I know who yr gp is? I am going crazy waiting for the 1st scan.

I am actually more moody now then during 2www. The nausea n puking n bloatedness is so bad that I can't read or get online for long before getting a huge headache.
Hi ladies,

If you are considering to purchase OPK/ HPT, Pre-Seed, Conceive Plus, Clearblue Digital OPK/ HPT, basal thermometers, and TTC supplements, do check out http://babydustshop.blogspot.com

Recently, Jacelyn Tay (ex Mediacorp Actress) shared one of her success tips in conceiving easily is drinking organic raspberry tea that improves the health of her womb. Do try out this tea which is now available at Baby Dust Shop.

PS: One of the partners of Baby Dust Shop is now pregnant and all products are now sprinkled with tons of sticky babydust (for good luck)!
Babymaking, other than vitamin B6 that helps in MS, did u try ginger or lemon? For some, just by sniffing on the cut stuff helps them feel better. Of course, fresh ginger or lemon flaboured drink help too.
hi Babymaking,

i started taking vitamin B6 when i was hospitalised for 2 nights at KK due to severe vomiting and dehydration. It was prescribed to me by the doc. You can google the topic on vitamin B6 in the net and it covers topic that how it is able to ease vomitting in some cases. I used to be able to take milk, but after I preggy, I;m unable to take anymore and always puke everything so now taking daily calcium supplement.

Now i started to take frequent small meals, try not to eat ab out 70-80% full, cos when preggy our progesterone level will increase n this slows down our digestive system which causes bloatedness and nausea.
I am avoiding ginger cos of.cramps but lemon didn't work for me. Fresh cold orange juice works to reduce the nausea but then it worsens the puking.

I am only taking 2-3 mouthfuls of food these few days, the puking is that bad. Drinking about 100ml every hr or so in small sips in order to hydrate. Cannot take plain water at all. Will try out vit b tomorrow when I go to pharmacy.
hi babymaking,

vitamin b6 is only available at hospital's pharmary, i went to raffles medical and other guardian pharmaries but they dun carry such high dosage ie 50mg. I was told to go back to kk pharmarcy to buy. Did you tell the doc about ur nausea cos they will give u anti-nausea medication to take at the same time..

Are you able to take 100plus or H2O? if you are dehydrated u can take this as my gyane told me they contains the same about of substance in the drip that the doc gave me..so i bought 2 bottles of 100plus on standby. Are you able to take apples juice? i sipped abit when i felt nausea..

I normally take fish soup beehoon with lots of ginger and drink the soup when i got no appetite, think the ginger also helps to ease my nausea or when i got no appetite to eat.
Hi everyone, thanks for sharing your experiences.it has been quite enlightening. I just started ivf 2 weeks ago, on long protocol. Currently I'm having lucrin. I'm due for a scan this wed to check if my ovaries have 'shutdown'. Just wondering, are we meant to have had our menses before the first scan? Cos I haven't, but somehow o thought we are supposed to... Anyone knows? Thanks so much!
Babymaking, but cold drink may worse cramps.

Wongval, menses will come, at times delayed coz of lucrin. Only after menses then can go to stage 2, stimulation. So if menses is still not here during E2, then will delay abit even if u are suppressed frm lucrin already.
Thanks Hazel!
Just wondering, do you ladies feel hungry or eat a bit more when you started? Cos I have these cravings every night! Yikes! I'm worried about putting on weight, so if its just me trying to find comfort food, rather than cos of the medication, I'll control...
Babymaking, yous MS better today? Always pack some snacks in your bag or near u, eat in small meals n spread them, hang in there k.. When I was preggie with my son last time, I literally walk around like a merlion. Average is 5-7 times a day... Usually ms stops around 14th week, I had it till 24th week and it came back again on the 32nd week till my delivery.. :p

My GP is located opposite red hill mrt station. If u need the details let me know I'll pm u.
don't worry, your ms tells it all that the baby making is in process, big job in there
Hello sisters, haven't been here for a few days. How's everyone doing?

Daintreez, congratulations! Take good care for the coming months! *hugz*
Jass, I still haven't decided. My FET will be in August so I'm taking my time to think. Am going to speak to my doctor again to see if she can address my concerns.

Today seems quiet in this forum!
