IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi SARAH, thanks for the contact details.

Hi GAMBATTE, Thanks! How diff is medicated FET compared to regulated cycle? As for my MCs - after the second clinic ran a DNA test on both hubby and i, and several other blood test but all came back positive. As in they could not determine why my babbies heartbeat stops after 4 mths into preggies. Gynae concluded that its mother nature's natural selection. Fetus not healthy enough to strive on. I have been on prenatal vits and protein rich food to tiao myself. What else do i do?

Welcome any advise on increasing my chances this time around. I have embbies and praying hard they will survive the thawing stage and praying harder that i will BFP and carry it through to full term without any complications.

cheers, SarahN

Thk u ladies. I also shocked when the nurse told me tat. She cautioned me to take note of ohss. Yes 12bmom, my et is on sat. Hope i can hv decent no of fertilised embbies as based on last scan i hv many smaller ones so i dun expect gd fertilisation
Perper, only matured eggs will be fertilized. On Sat, ask the embryologist how many mature eggs u hv out of the 31 eggs retrieved. Then ask how many of the mature eggs are successfully fertilized. U will then roughly know how good the fertilization rate is.

Pls watch out for ohss. U may hv to do a BT on sat prior to ET to check if u hv ohss. If u hv, they may not proceed to ET. Discuss with dr Loh if u can do d5 instead of d2 transfer if that happens instead of aborting it. I know a sister did that n hv a pair of long feng tai. the rational is to transfer after ohss subside n that may happen on d5.
SarahN, I m sad to say there is nothing we can do much of. Is our fate, God's will. Unfortunate event happened once, it may happen again but it may not. I know of women who hv been through more heart breaking losses compared to u & me. Got one is full term somemore n it happened twice. Her 3rd time is a success.

Be strong n think positive. I m still trying to achieve that n taking each step carefully n not think too far.
Hazel, can check with you on the last BO, after d&c how long u rest or ms come. Planning a long holiday after mine so need some advice before i plan
babymaking, really admire you. And your hard work pays off. Good luck to your scan in 2 weeks' time
My colleague also recommend another Malay massage shop at Jurong East tel: 91823114 Nisa. Haven't call her to check out the price yet...
Qing22, dr Loh will usually give a week of hl. Sometimes, he purposely put it on a fri so that patient can rest over the wkend. Some return back to work on Monday. After d/c, there maybe some light bleeding. Menses should return the next mth. That is the norm.

My case is exceptional. My bleedIng after d/c wun stop one.. Two d/c also like this. My hormones will go haywire as the hormones hv not tuned back completely to non-pregnancy stage. I took medicine the first time for 2 wks to reset my hormones. 2nd time oral medicine dun work. N all these hormones resulted in a no of issues for me. Dr loh asked me to rest n I stopped medicine. It took 2 mths for the body to revert back to normal.

Thanks. Ya d/c on fri. Didnt knw that menses will return the next mth. Thot I saw on miscarriages forum that the ms will come a few mths later.
Qing22, everyone is different. My own mum d/c 27 yrs ago, the next mth after d/c, she pregnant again! My younger sis is 26 yrs old already. Who knows u may get pregnant naturally after d/c?
qing22 - glad for you that you have a clear answer and decision made to avoid further agony. Can move on and plan again. For me, still in agony, waiting. No AF signs perhaps due to support medication sometimes. All the support medication are not helping to give me much hints as to the final outcome of my pregnancy. Can't even measure my HCG levels. Quite frustrating.
SarahN, you did not activate pm. I cant msg you.

Perper, I tink 60% fertilized means good fertilization. Anyway don't think too much on the numbers, juz go with flow!

Nadia, *wave* so many familiar faces return to forum.
Hazel, my scan is at 10am. Appt to see dr LOH at clinic d ( I hate clinic d) - told hubby to prepare to stay whole day there.

Sorry to hear yr loss. After d&c, try to bu n do a mini confinement.

Hang in there. When is yr next scan?
Babymaking, dr loh's appointment is super full that day! I hate clinic D too n I wun go there anymore. Packed n I dun like the environment. I always see him at tps but went clinic D twice n twice the unfortunate happened! U can call me pantang but I m staying put at tps.

My scan n appointment to see him is at tps.

Vi4n, thanks n all the best to your FET too!
Next scan is next Thursday morning. It will be another detailed scan which I guess will be more accurate that the normal ultrasound. Dun wish to have unclear conclusions anymore. Need to know my directions. Now I still dare not do much chores, quite like a sick patient, having to be careful all the time. Can't swim with my boy, do rough adn tumble stuff with him. Sometimes feel guilty towards him and hubby when I think that this whole pregnancy may not work out afterall.

This whole journey to me seems literally up and down. First, my response on scans during stimulation looks pretty fine (up). Then on ER only retrieve 3 eggs and of which only one fertilized and transferred (down). after 2ww, got BFP on day 14 (up). Scheduled scan at 6w 2d, can't see a thing, not even a GS (super down). Then 4 days later found GS and YS at normal uterine position but seems a little slow in devp (a little up).....dunno what is next. *arrrgh** Sorry, just need a listening ear ladies
Hazel, many thanks for your comforting words. I do try to stay positive.

12Bmom, apologies i will activate PM. didnt realize.
I wanted appt at tps but the nurse told me there's no clinic/ appt available at tps, so no choice go clinic d. Kinda upset to find out that dr loh has clinic at tps on that day.

It really has been a roller coaster journey for you. I also feel guilty at not being able to carry my boy as well - ESP these few days when he's frightened by the neighbour's renovation drilling. And I am feeling very down at being on house arrest - hubby dun allow me to go out at all - becos of previous experience.
Babymaking, u can still call the hotline n change! Insist n insist n keep up a fuss that the nurse at clinic D bluff u! But his tps clinic is usually from 3pm onwards. He dun hv tps clinic in the morning.

My appt is tps appt to see dr Loh. AMC no appointment. Just go one HR earlier b4 dr's appointment.
Piggy, i still have 4 more frozen so can still try 1 more fet but i plan to rest for few months first... Sorry to ask ah.... May i know whether u have bfp from last fresh already? Now trying for 2nd one?
i am too tired to argue.yesterday had a bad time at the tps/24hr. was there at 530pm walk in to tps to see sf loh as i was puking the previous night and whole of the day. waited 1 hr at tps before even got registered, was told by nurse mgr that walk in will be seen last despite i was puking my stomach out. i ask her to check with dr loh and she said he said to go to 24hr. when checked with 24hr, the wait is expected to be 4hrs. by 730pm, still puking, i gave up and went to thomson medical instead. by 830, i was on way home after anti vomitting jab and THEN, i rec a call from tps saying they called but i was not around. super pissed off with KKH service.

previous preg was spotting all the way from 2www to about 20 weeks. was on bed rest for most of the pregnancy. but then i didn't had such severe nausea. sighs - all i wish is to enjoy my pregnancy but it seems like it will never happen.
Babymaking, so bloatedness manageable but bad MS now. Can u still drink or eat something. If u continued puking like this without input, u have to be warded and be put on drip to prevent dehydration.

Well, MS is better than spotting right? Yesterday was a bad day at KKH. I was there too. Packed like mad everywhere! I was at tps at abt 5pm though I was at KKIVF since 330pm. the tps reception was so crowded until I dun hv a seat. Guess I was lucky dr Loh gave me the MC thru his assistant within 5 mins. I checked yesterday, his schedule is v v bad! He saw his last appointment which is 720pm after 9pm. Pardon him, I think it was a super long & biz day yesterday for him.

Usually, not so bad.
Mabel, ya a positive note for my apptment today is manage to close the whole episode. Went for the apptment have no expectations therefore no disappointment after that. Eventhough so, still fighting back my tears when talking with dr.

I fully understand your agony but i really think yours will end well and a smooth 9 mths. Miracle happened already and it will continue.

Hazel, haha i thot after d&c cant hve sex so soon something abt infection.

Babymaking, thanks for your consolation. Ya still trying to find a confinement lady for mini confinement then after tat take tcm. However, its all luck again. Doing all this jus trying to have a peace of mind. Everytime after all the sad things, jus cant help to think bakc what i did wrong.

Now i m enjoying back all those no no food n drinks.
Gan, surprised to see your reply in this thread. I have not done any fresh cycle (mine was soiui converted to ivf, not counted). So, I really dunno what to expect. I intend to transfer my remaining embbies so I can't afford a long protocol this time round as my girl is too young and needs me around. My DH has been accompanying me most of the time last year when I was expecting her last year - I hope he can concentrate on his work as he is the only one bringing in income now.

Btw, do you have any idea how medicated fet works? How many cycle is needed?
Hazel, thanks for your encouragement for all sisters here. And I kinda agree that luck and fate really plays a big part. For all sisters on this ivf journey, please stay as relax as possible. I know easier said than done. I didn't have any TCM or take any supplement when I did my SOIUI. As I have PCOS, I just made sure that I take enough egg whites to reduce my bloatedness.
Just faith, medicated FET process quite simple, no need worry about ovulation, only need to make sure your lining is of right thickness for transfer. once your AF arrive informed kkivf and you will start taking progynova on ur D4(i thinkk), then D14 go scan to check lining thickness, if at least 8mm can go for ET. ET will be like 3 days later, you will start your cyclogest then ET and continue with your progynova and cyclogest till BT. So quite fast if your lining is good. if not like me, drag till D26 or something like that then ET.
may i hv the massage lady contact number too? Thk u.

hugs. Rest well n eat well but i think no need confinement lady, just take some confinement food n red dates drink will do.

positive thots. U wilk hv another miracle.

Gambatte to all of us here!!
Faithtan, if u have pcos most probably Dr will advice u to go for medicated FET. I do have pcos with irregular af and have done medicated FET. Not much to worry about it.
Hi Shainie,
I'm here! Have been a silent reader past few days.. Feeling much much better from my ohss already.. The egg whites really works

How are u feeling so far?
hi sunflower! Im ok. No symptom for me except the bloat. Happy to hear u recover from ohss. Few more days to go for us B4 bhcg.
yeah forcing myself to drink at least. but food is just so yucky now. i got to cook for the family too and now it's just not working - even the thought of handling raw food send me to the toilet.

most prob no need confinement lady but if you can, cook some food that has lots of ginger which helps to contract the womb and drive out 'wind', and keep the womb warm as well.
Daintree, did u get MS? Other than some bloatedness after food and twitching I dun feel pregnant! N ya, feeling tired... Kekeke
Babymaking, btw, forgot to tell u, duphaston will give u nausea n it will be worse if u can't take any food before taking
Sarah, thanks.. no wonder I find Gan very familiar

Hazel, I read about your story too! You are a very strong woman.

Gan, even on medicated fet can drag until cd26 then et ar? Are you doing day 3 or 5 transfer? How many embbies did you transfer? Did you take any tcm or acu? I doing scan on cd15. My body usually absorb medication quite well so i worry lining too thick cant proceed et.
Minako, which stage are u now? For medicated FET the most important thing is lining. As long as hit 8 will proceed with ET. For my case I hit 8mm n dr ask to proceed eventhough i request for additional few more days.
im not success anyway....
I just read in july's women's weekly magazine that a lady with no left ovary and no right Fallopian tube got pregnant naturally after a few m/c n 2 failed ivf attempts! She has endometrosis too! Her healthy daughter was born in July 2006. The article was shared from her hubby's narration & the pain /loss he went thru. There are indeed hopes & miracles in life! Sisters, dun give up trying!
There is another article in the magazine that discussed how the first 9 months of the foetus in the mother's womb shape the rest of his/her life. It states that nutrition the foetus received, the pollutants, medicines infections the mother exposed to, mother's health, stress n state of mind in that 9 months in the womb permanently influence the wiring of the brain, the functioning of organs such as heart, liver, pancreas, how prone the bb next time is to disease, appetite, metabolism, intelligence and temperament. V interesting article.
Babymaking, actuali wan to cater for confinement meals but reviews nt so gd. Told husband i cook myself but he asked me to rest so i aso duno wat to do nw

Qing, I did confinement in first m/c coz I insisted. My mum obliged n didn't say anything. 2nd time, OB, she told me dun do confinement just watch the food I eat, eat well n she prepared boiled water for me to shower for 1 wk. She said old folks believe in being patang, n if I wan a successful preg next round, dun do confinement for m/c. 2nd time I listened to her.

Mths later after 2nd m/c, I was chit chatting with a elderly shop lady who happily told me her customer's wife was preg. So I shared with her my experiences. First thing she said was dun do confinement after m/c! Not supposed to.

I dunno wat they said are true or pure pantang. Just sharing with u only.
