IVF/ICSI Support Group

Fi_Hozali, you took only 1 tab of panadol extra right? Should be ok. Remember to stock normal panadol at home lah

Bb_nn, may be u can record the heartbeat sound n share w us
looking forward.

Mabel, no symptoms better than me so symptomatic. So torturing. Having diarrhoea since Saturday, every time I eat I will. My dh refuse to prescribe medicine for me. The doctor I see at the ivf centre also say let it be. Funniest part is I found my multi vit in original shape at the base of the toilet bowl after I flush! Lol! Enjoy your symptom free pregnancy!

Nell, think charcoal is effective for diarrhea and mild enough to be consume during pregnancy. Maybe u can check with ur doctors whether u can take charcoal tablets if ur diarrhea persist. Muz be really terrible to go without medication for it for so many days. Also, drink lots of water to hydrate.Take care...
bb_nn - congrats *clap clap*... Im sure ur bb heartbeat will b loud n clear like.. Will b music to u

Nell - no pro for charcoal pill as i was prescribe durin 2ww to help with the bloat. ;)
Jass - U r still unwell? Are u taking the anti biotics prescribed by doctor? U gotta take your food before eating it cos that one causes stomach irritations that will make u vomit too.
Nell - Sounds really uncomfortable for you but hang in there. Whatever it is, it is good sign
. Mine comes and goes and when they come is a few minutes of horrible discomfort. They tend to go off quick. Like I mentioned, yesterday I had zero cramps almost and not tired. Just last night, while sleeping cramps woke me up again and I had to gently relieve it by stroking my back. Then got really hungry. Perhaps I think your HCG is very high to begin with. take care and drink alot of water.
Congrats to all bfps. And to all going through stimulation n 2ww hang in there. Stay +ve n happy.

Glimmer, clb, melodi; how r u gals? A question if can help, when do we stop duphaston n proganova?
Hi sarah,

yes. you can add in dang gui cos it helps in promoting blood circulation. You can take it with rice. But for me, i prefer to take it empty stomach, ie before meals. If you believe in tcm, i'll recommend that you visit dr zou at the same time as she is very experienced and has helped alot of our sisters here get pregnant.
Hi Gambette,

yes, i bfp naturally. I've been seeing S F loh since 2009, and my last visit with him in Apr 2011 was to discuss on proceeding to do natural FET in Jun 11 to use up my balance frozen embies. And then i strike unexpectedly. I've been tccing for many yrs after my ectopic in Dec 2005. Almost gave up and is currently seeing Dr Zou (seen her since 2009). But I've not been very hardworking in taking her medicines regularly unlike my buddies. Just started taking some of her medicine in Apr 2011. I'm now 5 weeks ++ EDD 21 Jan 2012. My 2 buddies who has been seeing her after i recommended them to Dr Zou has already become mummies themselves. Dr Zou has always been encouraging me not to give up and keep trying.
Hi Nell,

you are not alone with the puking, i've been to KK 24hrs clinic 3x since last week due to the puking non stop and has to be put on drip as the dr say i was suffering from severe dehydration. And on Mon nite, i was admitted and put on drip for 48hrs with vitamin cocktails etc. Discharged on Wed and not feeling better. I now lost appetite in rice, last time i used to love rice now they seem tasteless to me.
Hi Nell,

if your diarrhea is severe you can take "charcoal pills" Last monday, i had gastric reflux, severe vomitting and diarrhea so KK dr prescribed me charcoal pills to take. You may want to check with your doc. If you have diarrhea got to stop taking dairy products such as milk until your diarrhea clears.
Gd morning!! Im feeling better today.

Chris, ahhh i shall take note. Thanks!
Nell, yup hubby went to buy last nite.
Bingo, i dun need to chk progestrone level. I wonder y. Yup its written 8th June.
Chris, thanks. I start seeing Dr Zou since 2009.
But after my fail cycle for FET i stop seeing her but now continue to seeing her. She is very caring and I always chit chat with her a lot of things. Last time she even ask me to help her calculate CPF etc. She really a very good doc and very knowledgeble on ivf things.
Hi ltjabi,
long time no hear..i m catching with the rest at the Dec thread. i m still taking duphaston n proganova, but lately forgot only take one duphaston. tink can stop after 1st trimester by then my supply will be over. Hv u started on the vitamins? i started but end up puking all esp the fish oil, so now i stop 1st until my MS stablise. when is yr 1st trimester scanning? mine is on the 13 June. but dr loh appt really stretch only seeing him 4-6 weeks apart. but i will stay put at KKH.

Congrats to many BFP sistas in May! this mth also very high hit rate, hoping many will succeed along the way after collecting all the abundance of bb dust. Many dragons bbies coming soon..Jia you IVF sistas!
wah!! U r so lucky to be able to strike naturally. Pls share ur tips on wht u do prior? U drink the black chic soup weekly? So u put whole black chic or half of it? Did u eat the meat? How much cordycep u put each time? So is it sufficient if we only drink the black chic soup once weekly? U drink for how long before u strike? Need to drink chic essence too daily too?
Wht else u do? Exercise? Accu twice weekly? Got take doc zou medi daily? Hope i can bfp naturally too.. Sorry for so many questions but i think the sis here will love to learn fr u too. ;) take care n hv a smooth pregnancy. ;)
Hi Goh,

I'm currently in my 6 weeks, and am thinking whether to continue to see S F loh cos the nurses who arranged my appt told me that scans can only be done in weekdays and if i want to see dr in weekends then have to make separate appts.. i'm quite puzzled cos isn't scanning and seeing dr done the same time? Cos my hb can only make it during the wkends to accompany for the check-ups, hence if KK is unable to accommodate then we'll have to start looking for other pte gynaes.
hi Gambette,

I took the black chicken (1 whole chicken) soup weekly and shared the meat with hb. i avoided cold drinks during this period, took the red dates and wolfberries tea daily and used the ovulation calculator http://www.babycenter.com.sg/tools/ovu/?intcmp=tnav_precon_ovucalc

I don't know if all this works cos I happened to change my diet patterns in April cos went to see Dr Zou and she also agree that i lack of blood.
Of cos i took Dr zou's medicine too and i went for 1 acupuncture session 1x b4 ovulation. After ovulation, i continue to take black chicken soup, wolfberries + red dates + longan (add longan in max 3 days, cos very heaty) tea and also if possible drink chicken essense either alternate days or daily if you are not too heaty. At the same time. I also took folic acids + multi vits daily and if possible take fruits. I normally buy fruit juice (without ice) during lunch as I seldom take fruits at home.
Daintreez, learn to relax so that you can sleep well. I don’t actually didn’t take much egg whites until I read from the forum that most of the sisters do. During my 2WW, I think I’d only taken 4 eggs in total. I drink ginger drink and red date drink on alternate days. Ginger drink was recommended by the embryologist and nurse after my ET. And red date drink was recommended by the sisters here. :p Since we’re supposed to take everything in moderation, I just alternate both to ensure I don’t OD (overdose) on any.

Mabel, ya! Parents always tell us that… It’s amazing how bring us up just like that!

Nell, thanks for sharing this. I shall monitor my weight from now. I don’t know if it’s a psychological thing… Now that I know I’m pregnant, I feel that I get hungry easily!

Btw, I went to the library yesterday and borrowed the Mother & Baby magazine (I think it’s April issue). It has pretty good tips! So we’re supposed to eat greens, red meat, anything rich in fibre, wheat, dried fruits. I didn’t bring the magazine with me but I will type out and share with the sisters when I go home this evening.
Hi Gambette,

it's best to see dr zou to understand your body better...for me all the while my body is on the "cold" side, heehe bad blood circulation, tired easily etc.. It has been a hectic week during my ovulation period so we briefly BD 2x and we didn't really try hard this time round. maybe when we are more relax we are more likely to concieve... I only charted my temp from ovulation onwards and it has slowly rise from 36.75 - 36.8 ++ consecutively over 14 days. Even Dr Zou was very surprised when she did the urine test for me and she was very happy as i've been her patient for the past 2yrs ++ and my buddies whom I recommended to her have all graduated.
You can try to click on link to the ovulation calculator in my previous mail, my sis-in-law sent to me and said her friend has been using it for her 3 bbs.
Chris, the nurse wan u to do the first scan at AMC. That is why on a wkday. Anyway, dr Loh can do the scan in his room too on a wkend for u. But scan image not as clear n sharp compared to AMC. So is your choice. Subsequent scans are Done in his room unless the specialists tests on DS n 5th mth scan then will do at specialist clinics again.
Hi Gambette,

Do you take beef? I used to avoid it cos from young i've not been introduced to it. However heard from my colleague that beef is rich in iron and the fastest way to build up red blood cells, ( cos i abit anaemic, giddy easily) so this time round I took beef ard 3 x a week if possible. Like korean BBQ beef with rice, BK mushroom swiss, big mac etc... i tried to find dishes that served beef near my office. You can also asked Dr Zou and she will advise you on what to eat.
chris, ur body also cold type? if cold type, can we still take lots of fruits? what type of fruits u take most? or any type of fruits shld avoid? Thanks for ur adv.
Thanks, ladies! Just called my doc in sg, now have to go out to buy charcoal pills and liquid vitamins. Cos all my vits were out immediate after they get in. So doc ask me to buy children's multivit with folic acid either in liquid form or chewable form so that can absorb better. now too critical to miss my vits esp folic acid.

Mabel, last night i also got woken up by crampy colic stomach. 3rd night already. it lasted for about 30min for me. i dh rub my back and i start to burp and burp, burp until i puke then i felt better and can go back to sleep. only manage to sleep for an hour then wake up diarrhoea again... so torturing...
Hi Hazel,

Thanks for the clarifications

BTW what is AMC? Sorry abit blurr here.

We are still undecided to choose SF loh or my ex gynae cos KK has all my results since i started IVF in 2009. However the nurse told me that they do not have any pre-natel check-up package like the rest.
Hi Sarah,

Try to avoid taking too much watermelon. For me 1 serving is fine. And Dr Zou advised me always to keep the womb warm so that fetus can implant and stick on. She advised me not to eat fruits straight from the fridge. So I normally buy back the cut-fruits from stalls and eat them when i back in office. And i avoid cold drinks and very important avoid tea. I heard from mil's friends that tea is very "liang" to the womb and one of her friends was unable to concieve as her womb is too "liang", she has been drinking alot of tea since young.
hi nell,

i had gastric too. i just took 1 small sip of apple juice to ease the nausea feeling. Discovered this method at when i was eating my breakfast at KK hospital, they served me apple juice too.. i was scared to take cos i had very bad gastric and no appetite. But i just took small sips to try out and it works for me.

try to drink more water or fruit juice to keep your body hydrated esp now you have diarrhea + vomitting. KK docs n nurses taught me this cos I had the same symptoms.
chris, Thanks. If i take apple is ok rite? Kiwi is "liang" rite? I nv take cold drink/tea/coffee since 2008. For coffee, only sometime take those cake which is tiramisu/coffee flavour but guess only 2-3 time in these yrs. However I took ice cream once recently after so many yrs but feel guilty after i take.
I really hope I can strike for this coming ivf. Will try to do my best for this coming cycle.
Btw, did u go for exercise etc?
Hi Sarah,

I'm a very lazy person, do you call window shopping exercise
heehee. I tried yoga in 2009 and eversince i started work in 2010 haven't done any exercise eversince. Just take a balance serving of fruits and do not indulge on any particular one. Just eat what you like. I only take coffee ( a few sips in the morning) cos i've very bad gastric so hb controls me, so i ended up sharing coffee with him. As for tea, avoid green tea ( very liang) I used to love green tea alot till i can take 2-4 cups in office per day ( as we have green tea bags in the pantry).
Me actually anemic too but due to religion, i didnt take beef.;(
Here r my few questions
1) before o, u took black chic with cordycep n pao sheng weekly? Then after o, u took black chic with dang sheng,wolfberries, red dates weekly? Or alternate?

How much cordysep u put to brew each time?

2) u drink chic essence every alt day for ur whole cycle?

3) U drink the wolfberry/red date tea everyday to replace ur plain water intake? Or only drink 2cups each day?

4) u do accu only once in ur one mth cycle before o or weekly once before o?

5) u really time ur o using the website n bingo? Without test for urine?

6) u take doc zou medi daily for whole mth before n after o?

7) for doubleboil soup, can i take the black chic weekly as u mention is sufficient for diet change or must be twice or thrice? Did u take pure brew chicken stock too?

8) did u do massage and exercise prior ur bfp mth?

9) for ur hubby, he only take the double boil soup? No other vit?

Sorry for so many questions as i want to learn how to tiao myself strong before fet. If possible, i want natural bfp too like u. Though i know not easy as i dun even know whether can i ovaluate every month. Sigh.

Thk u chris.
Nell - if the charcoal doesn't work, do go see doc. Keep puking so much is gonna hurt your gut. are you coming back to Singapore for scan?
Nell~ u r most welcome. Juz wonderin cud ur tummy discomfort due to gastric? Durin my 2ww, i hd major gastric (without knowin),as i nvr hv gastric bfore. Hubby cant touch me to comfort as i felt even more painful. Everytime almost puke n always hv soft stool. To make it worst, it attack mi durin mid night n morning n e pain last at least an hr...Till i went to Care n was tol it was gastric n was given Strocain (it acts as a protective layer to our gastric). You might wana chk wz ur doctor to ease e pain. Esp ivf is alrdy v tough. ;)
Sarah, thanks. Tomorrow, will only know how many eggs retrieved. Dr loh will retrieve all he sees regardless of size. So at least 12 since yesterday can see 12?

I continue to drink my coffee daily n didn't take much egg white this round. I didnt take immoducal also. Just bottled chix essence now & then.

Well, alot of things r not within my control. We will see how it goes...
Hazel, rest well after ur ER ok. so for this time round u will also take HL till BT? For my case I cant take HL. Can only take MC + annual leave.
Hi Chris,
Congrats! u did it naturally extra bonus for u..at least we know if one time IVF doesn't mean next one can't be natural. Hazel is right, dr loh scan very fast & in his pte suite no doopler machine so i cannot hear bb heartbeat. but at AMC the visual effects are gd just rite in front of u..& another thing no package unlike other pte gynae, but if we don't see him often the cost will be much lower than the pte gynae. now i m paying $68 consult, $28 scan & $10 routine urine test. total $106. I ask him abt twins package he also say don't hv, but i will still stick with him cos multiples & overall cost lower than my pte gynae, if any complications KKH has all the facilities. yr hubby cannot take half day accompany u for a few appts? my hubby overseas often so i will go alone too..just make sure he is ard for the impt scans, can see bb longer.
Glimmer; I'm good. My 15week scan somewhere in jul I think. Oh! So medicine finish can stop. I haven't started vitamin. Doctor loh say when feel better after 1st trimester can start. Can u give me the link to dec forum.
Hazel, hope u retreive lots of quality eggs & beautiful embryos for yr ET this wk! U will bless this time, i wish u a gd journey ahead..lots of rest & success cycle!
ltjabi, the link below:-
A Singapore Motherhood Portal for the Singapore Parents Year 2011 Mums (2011/12) Dec 2011
Gd to hear u feeling gd! yah lor, finish them all so far i hv no side effects. this dr loh must hv tink i ok give me vitamins then i puke..no hurry u take the vitamins when u r better then can absorb everything with food. mine 1st trimester scanning at 12 wks at AMC, then 15 wks at dr loh. r u doing the abnormalities scan? if so can book slots already..

Hi Gambette,

Due to religion i also didn't take beef, my mum is against me taking, but for my own health I ignored and took beef cos I was pretty weak and keep having giddy spells.

Here r my few questions
1) before o, u took black chic with cordycep n pao sheng weekly? Then after o, u took black chic with dang sheng,wolfberries, red dates weekly? Or alternate? ==> i just take what i fancy, as long as its herbal soup for me. No hard and fast rule.

How much cordysep u put to brew each time? 6-7 stalks.

2) u drink chic essence every alt day for ur whole cycle? O i very lazy only drank after ovulation. U should try take protein foods and chicken essense daily before ovulation as it helps to build up eggs.

3) U drink the wolfberry/red date tea everyday to replace ur plain water intake? Or only drink 2cups each day? O just drink 2 cups will do. U still have to drink plain water daily.

4) u do accu only once in ur one mth cycle before o or weekly once before o? Supposedly should be done once weekly as recommended by Dr Zou. But I was too busy and happened to drop by and did once before ovulation.

5) u really time ur o using the website n bingo? Without test for urine? Yes. Without urine test.

6) u take doc zou medi daily for whole mth before n after o? Supposed to, but I started seeing her the weekend before my ovulation so she gave me the 2nd course tat is the course to take after ovulation.

7) for doubleboil soup, can i take the black chic weekly as u mention is sufficient for diet change or must be twice or thrice? Did u take pure brew chicken stock too? My sis-in-law suggested to take 2-3x normal herbal soup (ie if its not too heaty for you cos different body differs). And weekend just drink double boil soup. Yes.
8) did u do massage and exercise prior ur bfp mth? nope.

9) for ur hubby, he only take the double boil soup? No other vit? Yes.

I've also took around 8-10 roasted almond nuts as tibits after ovulation, don't know if it helps.
You should go to see Dr Zou together with your hb and tell her you trying for natural BFT and she'll give you a course of medicine to take together with your hb. Tats what my 2 buddies did and success.
