IVF/ICSI Support Group

Is ok dear. No, didnt make it so want to tiao myself well for my fet. U try fet already? So we maybe cycle buddy then. ;)
Oh Sarah, when I started the process, the nurses asked me to relax and don't be too anxious. So I listen to soft music before I sleep every night when I started the process. Eh, maybe can try?
Gambatte, I was confused like you too! I thought govt subsidise $6K! But only to find that I was wrong. We can use $6K from medisave for IVF. Govt subsidise $3K. Hope this helps.
Gambatte, I try fet last yr but fail. Left with only 1 precious embryos so have to start again but is under short protocol so I estimate my er/et shld be around mid aug if everything smooth.
Daintreez, hang in there! One more week to go!!! Jiayou!

Nurse asked me to eat well, rest well because this is still not the end. Must make sure baby develops well!
Koirc - I keep losing sleep at night... hard to fall asleep, keep waking up in the middle of the night... then my son usually wakes me up in the morning 7am to help prepare him for school (DH drives him there) but once I wake up can't zzz anymore... gotta hang until 10++ am then take another short nap...

I am still eating eggwhites now... and drinking longan/ red dates/ wolfberries drink and chicken essence, is it ok?? or not necessary anymore...

Takes about 4-6 EW everyday...thanks dear
Gambette - Hi dear, its correct.
Gov. subsidize only $3k
Medisave useable
First IVF - $6k
Second IVF - $5k
Third IVF - $4k

Alot of money hor .... And gov only subsidize $3k
Koirc, must eat well! I just saw this on the weight gain during pregnancy

How Much Weight Should You Gain in Pregnancy
BMI -> Recommended Weight Gain
30+ -> 11-20 lbs
25 - 29.9 -> 15-25 lbs
18.6-24.9 -> 25-35 lbs
18.5 and lower -> 28-40 lbs

I actually lost 2kg these 2days. Can't eat much. And suddenly the taste of beef makes me puke! This is so unbelievable! Cos I love beef! And 2 days ago, when to my favorite burger place for the angus beef burger. I couldnt bring myself to finish it. Then the next day, dh brought me to morlton to have my favourite steak. I can't even swallow 1 bite. Then have to reorder something for me. so sad... I have very bad nausea every night since Monday. Now don't even dare to eat much. Puke until I scared. Hope you gals don't have the same problem!
Koirc - Thanks! I also dare not anyhow drink herbal stuff. My hubby even more cautious. He kind of inspects the food my MIL cook if there are new stuff (esp when she came back from holiday recently from China and brought back alot of stuff) he will not let me eat. I think better to safe than sorry. The journey is so tough. That day my MIL cooked liver and say is good but I just ate two pieces cos its her effort mah....she and my mom ate alot of liver last time cos they all think it is the best for pregnancy then but actually it is not. Vit A too high. But when you explain to them, they will say last time we also ate alot what. YOu all turn out fine....hahaha
Nell/ Koirc - Yes, Nell is right... tastebuds change and so does your sense of smell... Try to eat little each meal but take more meals... this will help to ease some of the MS...
Whitetiger - Everything ok? If not red/fresh blood, still got chance & not game over. The last few days of 2ww is a killer waiting game, so hope you try to stay positive, ya.

Gambatte - doing fresh in June long cycle so 2ww likely in July if AF <guai-guai> report on time these 2 months. but will be cheernig for your FET in Aug/Sep. Do <tiao> the body these few months for next round. Hopefully all BFP this round!
Oh ya hor. Sotong me. Thks gals for ur kind advise. I forget they only subsidize 3k. Paiseh.

i see. So u going start next mth? Woah, thats fast!! Ya, pls be here after u bfp to cheer for me. I need support. ;)
Wow so many sisters in June cycle. My next apptm with doc only in late June so unlikely I can start my cycle in June right? Sianz... Sianz.... I wanna join u girls.....

A bit lost - so for short protocol, the whole thing from injection until BT will take how long? 1.5 months? For long protocol, I heard it's 2 months from injection to BT after 2 ww?
Just woke up from long sleep. Needed to calm down.

Ron, Mabel - already bug nurses 3 times already, but they say better wait. Will wait till Tom and see how. If it is af, by Tom shd know. Praying hard that it is crinone discharge, though I hv never experienced crinone discharge in this color before.

Need baby dust power!!
Hi Mabel / Kimmy / Sarah / RitzC / gambette / Nell / Silsilly / Daintreez/ Bingo >> thanks so much, have only manage to see the heartbeat but have not hear, dr said I m still early, next time I m back should be able to hear hee hee
kimmy... it happens, the more you want af to come, they will play hide and seek with you.. haha

bbnn, congrats!! hmm ... can see means can hear already rite?

anyone sisters in 2WW still drinking red dates every day or alt day? i hope i am not over drowning myself with red dates... haha
Did acupuncture with both dr tan n dr zou.


dr zou poke at lower leg and higher in the tummy (no ears I think) while dr tan poke lower like nearer to womb/ ovary, foot and ears. (dunno y but prefer to poke lower cos feel that poke nearer to womb like better leh)

dr tan session is just 15min for front (15min for back to be done next time). but dr zou is 40min for front n back- longer!
Bingo, i m in 2ww. In fact my et was same day as u.
i m drinking red date/ longan daily. I tink it may b too heaty for me. Correct me if im wrong. Now im having sore throat n low grade fever.

Ladies i need advise, ok to take panadol? Im dying. Feeling achy/ feverish.
so hozali, you also with kkh? i am also drinking red dates everyday, so far throat still ok, only on the 1st day i got fever, now ok liao...
i have cramp like af this afternoon... hopefully af dont come!

i heard normal panadol is ok, but not the extra panadol...
Summer, thanks!
Bingo, yup im wif kkh. Dr Hendricks. My Bt 8th June.. Looooong way... Cramps i dun hv much. Bt just last nite i started hvg sore throat. N temp went up today.
Andreanie - I haven sign lei cos my husband not around den he need to do blood test so nurse told me when i call say if hubby dun do blood test den may delay... sad
I already did all my blood test... have been gg alone for all the appoinment...
did blood tests and hv bruises all over,... nurse say cannot find veins.... she even told me tt i am gg to suffer when i start IVF cos hv difficulty drawing blood....
super discourage....
but i am starting to take all possible things tt are good for me to keep blood circulation well... hopefully when start cycle will be smooth...
Fi Hozali.. Oic.. Rest well in ur 2ww.. How did the payment structure at KK? Is it after et we pay lump sum or every scan we pay 1st. They only told me my fet cost ard $1.5k excluded insurance. My 1st scan is on d 1st June.
Good luck Summer!

BBnn - envious envious
Can see heart beat already a big big step liao. We are anxiously waiting for that day to know the truth. Now just waiting....waiting....waiting. Dunno how is little one doing inside. Some days when no cramps at all, no discomfort, no signs, start to get worried too.
Hi Daintreez >> thanks so much.

Hi Bingo >> dr said still small can't hear but we saw the heart bet, very cute.

Hi Shainie >> thanks... I can't wait too.

Hi Mabel >> just stay happy, when is BT?

Hi white tiger >> baby dust baby dust, just get more rest ok.
fi.. how come we do ET same say but our BT diff date? haha mine is one the 7 June..

bbnn ..oic... i always thought can see means can hear liao.. i am sure is a nice and amazing to hear the heartbeat.. i think both dh and me will hug together and cry when this day happen.. haha
Shainie, every scan, if gt BT/ urine test we pay for tht. Scans dun hv to pay. Then aft Fet, kkh will bill us. The meds tht we collect aft ET we hv to pay cash.
fi, yes i am doing down tom for the progestrone BT.... so the KKh slip stated 08 June?

hazel, is 16 days post ET (consider day 1 on my ET day)
Hi Bingo >> actually I did not know that if too small cannot hear also first time hear from Dr.

Hi Mabel >> sori I blur blur one to be honest sometimes I really lost track of the sistas activities, when is ur scan?
