IVF/ICSI Support Group

Thks so much for ur tips. U already bfp naturally? Congrat. ;) but american jinseng very heaty, not all pp can take it. Btw, wht u mean by doubke boil soup? What this mean? If i drink chicken essence daily, is effect same as good as drink the soup? Btw, how long u boil the black chix? Sorry for so many questions as try to learn to prepare for my fet. ;)

Mabel & ron>
me no stage yet. Rest for these 2mths, may start on aug or sept. Ron, when u do ur fet? We may be cycle buddies.;)

thks for the link. ;)

rest well gal. All the best to u too.

hi sarah,

i used a slow cooker, just buy black chicken from mkt, ask the stallholder to skin the chicken and clean out the organs. Then just wash it clean, put it in a slow cooker, put in your ingredients such as "dang sen, wolfberries, red dates (seedless) etc. For me i like it with "pau sen + cordyceps or maybe "pau sen + dang sen + red dates..Pour in 2 bowls of hot water and cook it for 2.5 hrs or more. 2 bowls of water will make around 2 bowls of soup just nice, i for yourself and 1 for hubby. I only know the simple way of cooking, u can also check with mums out there cos they may know what else to add in to the soup. You can also buy pre-packed nerbal soup ingredients from chinese medical stores or Eu Ren Sang. For me, my mil says just put cordyceps + pau seng will do and i loved the taste.

Using black chicken is better than normal chicken as it is more nourished, if u fear that korean gingseng is too heaty then can leave it out. For me i add only 2 slices of korean ginseng to my bowl of soup and just eat it as it is. Cos its too heaty for hubby so it only add to my own bowl.
Hi gambette,

I heard of this method from one of my cycle buddies, she recommended this to prepare your body and health before u proceed on ivf. But i was too lazy to try then and basically i don't know cooking very well. But its easy to make cos just uy pre-packed ingredients, hot water and bowl. As working adults i only have time to make double boil tonic soup maybe 1x a week and the rest of the day when u are eating out, u may want to eat out at stalls that serve herbal soup as well. I heard fr Dr zou that mutton herbal soup with dang gui is very good for woman as it helps to keep our womb warm. I found it at kovan mkt (just behind kovan mrt) and old airport road hawker centre, along the stretch where the famous kway chap store is located. I've tried once the store at kovan when my mil buy back some, the taste quite nice.

Or an easier way out, ask your mil to make for you lah, then go back and drink heeheee

On other days, i drink chicken essence like in the weekdays esp after ovulation.
congrats koric! you also do day 3 transfer rite? now you give me some hope..

share your tips ok...

kimmy.. then your af still not here yet ah?
Congrats koirc! So happy for you!

I too have hot and cold flushes.. It started sometime at the end of 2ww till now.. I would sweat excessively and feel dripping sweat on my body.. Sometimes, I'd just feel so cold but when I get under the covers, I'd sweat again.. I guess it's normal..
I'm glad I'm not the only one experiencing this.. Could be quite scary sometimes tho..
hi Sarah,

Yes. take all the way till your next menses as black chicken soup is very nourishing "bu" and well known to improve the overall health of your womb and the implantation of the embryo.

I made 2 servings, 1 for hubby as well as i believed it takes 2 hands to clap so both parties need to be in best form to perform.

And my sis-in-law who never take tcm and hates to take herbal soup used this remedy and got preggy so she advised me to try since both of us has been trying for years. And further more we are got nothing to lose as herbal soup is for the well-being of our health esp nowadays working adults eat out most of the time, with alot of msgs ect and we don't get to eat nutritious and balanced meals and with the workstress and everything. We really need to take good care of our health.
Silsilly ur symthom of sweating easily same as me. Sometimes I sweating until my clothes get wet easily. I think it is due to d hormon changes..
Bingo, ya lo. AF still not here. Sian I want to get things moving for my Jun cycle but looks like now will be delayed since Kkh will need to do my BT and all as prep work. Argh. I wear panty liner / pad everyday tho just in case cuz I keep feeling like something coming out and I got cramps here & there but so far its white discharge for like over a week :/
This is random but I'm sitting upper deck on this bus now and there's so empty and feels so fun (I usually won't climb to upper deck cuz lazy to climb back down)
Kimmy, nvm, wait for few more days... mayb u too stress over this so sometime af will delay. So u will start using the cycle after the coming cycle rite?
Sarah, I also think delayed due to stress tho not working should be less stress hor

Ya using cycle after next... Arghhhh have to wait again. I want to join the 2ww club!!!
Hi Sistas >> Sorry to keep all of you waiting, this morning has been madness for me in the office. just got out from a battle field, so i am going to drop a message, i might disappear after this, but i will be back as soon as i am done with all the CRAP i am getting today.

Singleton : EDD 19 jan 2012 :D :D today is at 5 weeks and 5 days, manage to see heartbeat on the screen :D More inserts, twice a day till week 12. Next Dr visit wilbe on thw 11 June 2011 (this time arrange Sat)
BB-NN, congrats... must be excited when hearing the heartbeat. Hope I can have the chance of hearing it too...

Kimmy, relax relax ok. once u start the cycle u will feel the time fly but will slow down during 2ww.
Silsilly, sometimes these symptoms can drive us nuts! But it is comforting to know that at least it is normal reactions and we are not alone.
Thanks sisters!

I just came back from the hospital. Now still on Duphaston and given folic acid. My reading was 87.6. I can't remember what unit that's in though. My next visit is 10 June for the scan. I can't wait!

BB_NN - Congrats! Your baby will come out in time for Lunar New Year! :D How many embbies did you have transferred btw?
Congrat bbnn.. So fast can see hb. Thats great!

may i know u bfp naturally oredi? Thks for sharing the tips on how to made black chic soup. So u put whole black chic or half of it? Did u eat the meat? U boil to drink weekly? How much cordycep u put each time?

dun drink dang gui during 2ww, will result in mc if bfp. Drink before 2ww is ok.

Relax n ur af will be here. Is it first time delay? Hows ur tai tai life? Shiok right. ;)
i is so happy for you! can hear heartbeat!! so exciting!! congratulations! and celebrations!!
*throws confetti all over the place*

smooth smooth nine months ahead!
Sarah, hehe yea will do my best to relax so af can come then I can fast forward & join the girls for jun - one step closer to our dream! I rather be I'm 2ww than af wait lo ;D

Gambatte, not bad la... Can sleep in lo but it would be best if my body was functioning properly instead of keeping me guessing till I can't sleep :D
Gambatte - No, I'm from SGH.

To the sisters asking for my success story, please don't follow me! I was too under prepared for the process. I only following instructions from the nurses and doctor. And also pick up some things from the sisters in this forum.

Mabel - I read somewhere that red dates and wolfberries are great. But I guess depending on what other herbs you include in the chicken soup. The nurse just told me to avoid herbs in the first trimester!!! So no Chinese medicine for me till 2nd trimester!
Am drinking milk shakes to relax myself now. Wahahahha!
Next time if we go outing can consider chilling out at jams - the cafe at ion prologue bookstore
Sarah, no I didn't. I was so under prepared I didn't do anything prior at all. Just blur blur start the process with the Lucrin injection everyday which gave me much cold sweat!

I am not sure if massages help though cos I do go for massage every week. But I've been doing that for quite some time already. But since the IVF process started, I haven't been going. Now cannot go already!
Gambatte, I also will start my 2nd fresh cycle in Aug but is short protocol. Did u make it for ur Fresh cycle previously? sorry for asking so many question.
Sisters who hv did their fresh ivf>
actually i am quite confuse with the bill. I thought government suppose to subsidized $6k and the remaining then we pay? But why when i just now go n calculate mine, my medisave deduct $3.6k n government only pay 3k? This is not right right? Hows u gals calculate? Or am i wrong in how government will pay? Any advise? Thanks.

BBNN - CONGRATS!!!! ^_^ loud n clear ya ^_^

Koirc - So happy my dear!! U must be over the moon... Send me some BBdust... I can't wait for my turn next Friday man.. ^_^

All these news really makes my day.. can't wait to log in to see all the goodie news ^_^
