IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hazel, I noe day surgery is covered. since need dnc is consider day surgery now I noe y can claim le.
All follow up 90days before hospitalise / surgery and all follow up 90 aft, all can claim de. Insurer count by days de.

For those that don't have medical insurance, please note that u must get it abt 1 mth before u tested bfp. If after bfp then buy, u will not be covered anything related to pregnancy. Coz there is a waiting period of 10mth.

I upgraded many yrs ago to income shield then to
Enhanced income shield n I bought a rider that covers excess n 10% co-payment. Ntuc income does not offer this rider anymore. Yes, blood tests u just did can claim. All expenses 3 mths before n after op, incl d&c can claim.

I stay in one bedded so tt hubby can accompany me. Anyway cam claim, no news to help insurer save money
Thk u Hazel
So if income shield, can claim? Btw, wht is kyrotyping? Is it choromsol test for fetus? I didnt test for fetus, shd i?As i think i didnt request for that, is it impt to test? Thk u so much for ur help...
J03, did u pay cash for any rider on top of income shield?
Income shield is payable via medisave. Rider need to pay cash. If dont have rider, need to pay deductible n 10% co insurance.
Deductible depend on the ward u choose.
J03, I m not sure wat's your coverage if u nv upgrade. Anyway the benefit table is on Income website. I didn't test on my bb girl coz I wanted her back in perfect state. We batipised her n gave her a proper funernal n placed her in a niche at a catholic church. So, the test was run on her plancenta. Yes, is to check if there were any chromosome defects. Since the results turn out normal it means embyro was ok? No one can ans that, incl dr loh...

Urs too early, plancenta not forms yet. Just the sac
Hubby bought a pretty white coffin for her, I placed most of the clothes I bought for her in the coffin together with her. She has a name & we got a priest to baptised her b4 cremation in mandai. Though so tiny, she has ashes n tiny bones.. When i placed her remains in her urn, I can easily recognize the bone structure that was her spine... Anyway, That's all that we can do for her....
Thanks hazel for telling us abt d insurance. I am going to check my income shield and health plan. Atleast make us prepare. If not just pay and nvr know when can use @ claim.

Jo3, hugs. Pray u be strong. Dont give up. Suggest u rest 3mths b4 d nxt round. Just to share my friend that had mc twice told me her confinment lady ask her ro rest 3 to 6 mths b4 d nxt preggy. Do take care.

Good nite ladies.
Babybun, I also dun have problem after ER. Better check w dr if recur.

Jass, poor thing. did u chk w dr about the pain. Think to play safe better check w doc before your ET on Friday in case it give u any road block on ET day.

Bingo, don't worry. No pain for me at all for procedure. At least I can't remember any. Only the other discomfort like backache from the overly stretched ovaries.

Summer/Koirc, I m feeling good emotionally. Get to go out gai gai n eat eat with my friends from SG here on holiday. Get to buy some looser clothes. Cos can't fit into my jeans. Still feel full quite easily so eat few but smaller meals now to avoid the bloat. Food here is good n weather is surprisingly cool. Today slightly warmer though.
Tom need to go hospital look off doc/lab so that I can do my pregnancy BT on Monday. Keep my finger crossed.

Ladies, good thing that you all do your procedure at KKH. Just tabulated my bill since my first puregon jab, spent a total of 10k+ cash excluding the 6k from medisafe. Sigh... If BPN then got to spend more...
Tanny, if ur blood test is done 90days before or 90days after u had any surgery or stay in hospital for more than 1 day. U can claim de. Just rem to keep all receipt.
Sorry got a question. Will kkh give mc for Hsg test that day? Mine is at 2pm so it's half day mc? I dunno I need to apply leave that day..

Then see dr loh just for doc apptm, will they give mc too?
Hazel, may I know is Aspirin shld start as early as possible? My previous FET i start the baby aspirin the moment i start the progynova. For my coming fresh cycle Dr Loh did not prescribe it. Can I request during the ER or ET? Will it be too late to take at that point of time?
Thanks Qingwei. I shall keep my receipts. I also got shield plan n shield plus on the co-share portion that pays 100% of bills... But it depends when I do the surgery. Wonder my insurance co is it also 90 days. Scaly it's shorter like 30 days.. Btw on ivf cost for grant n medisave use, does it include preliminary tests/ doc consultations?

JO3: Pls be strong. Dunno how to console u as I haven't gone thru the cycle yet... My sisters here have advices for you and I wish eveything gets better v soon for you.
tanny, for hsg test, u may request from the nurse otherwise they will not give. For Dr Loh appt, u can also request from Dr Loh. I take time off/Annual leave most of time for those visiting.
Nell, what is piriton? can we buy over the counter in pharmacy?

u in HK? i miss HK, i miss the shopping there..

k, will try ur milk method tonite, hopefully it helps me to sleep better.
Hi hazel n qingwei
Sadly, mine is only Incomeshield Plan MB ( the basic)?
Wonder how much is cover too? Actually i dun know wht ward shd i takeup, later if take A ward sure very ex.. Then end up i may hv to pay lots of cash.. Hazel, do u know whts the table# for dnc? As i call them n they say need to give them the table #.. now oso not sure whether got cover bt bo?
Sigh.. I shd upgrade my plan soon since is pay via medisave n not hard cash..

Hi Hazel
I start Asprin only on ET day.. N i request fr Doc myself..else he wun give..

Hi gals
Thks for ur console.. Life still hv to go on.. Will tiao myself well n prepare for my Fet after few mths but still very tired mentally n physically ..heart very ache when wakeup today.. How i wish this is a bad dream..;( sigh..
i read from the past posts that it is not advisable to use SKII facial pdts? may i knw y? what's in SKII that we cannot use?

i'm using a range of facial pdts fm dr, which 2 of them indicated not suitable for pregnant women, so i bot SKII to replace those 2 pdts. but now read that we cannot use SKII, there goes my money..
Hi Hazel, but I thought those medical insurance don't cover such tests if it's for IVF. Hmm... I think I will try claiming too.

I am having a very bad morning today because of work. I got so frustrated that when I called my hubby to complain, I was so worked up. I hope it will not affect the embbies.
Hi j03, *hugs hugs* sad to hear that and happy for your positive vibes, you are strong mom and you will definitely make it in next round. I have an aunt who are natural conceived and MC for few times within 3 years before her cute 1.5yo daughter now. I am still stuck to go for FET as my body still not in good condition to do FET, so i am still waiting.
Perper, ya I m in HK now. Piriton is the brand name, chemical name is Chlorphenamine. It is an antihistamine used for treating allergy, such as itch, sneezing runny nose. It also has the little of anti anxiety property and make you drowsy. You can get over the counter. Recommended dosage is 1 tab 3 times a day. Check with the pharmacist when u buy from guardian.
j03- heartened to hear u will continue to try for a dragon bb. did the sister from the other thread get back to u on the doc in tiong bahru? really good if there's such a doc specialising on this issue.

hazel- paiseh i'm confused on insurance..u mean we can claim for BT done during IVF period if we have certain insurance coverage?
Hi koirc n clb
U gals r mistaken.. Now we r not tok abt ivf claim but dnc miscarriage surgery claim as we need to go thru a surgery so is consider medical surgery so can claim.. No one will want to come to this stage so u gals dun think too much k.. As mine is surgery so insurance can cover consultancy n various bt claim too.. If do ivf, of course cant claim for bt.. As no surgery involve n er not consider surgery..;) btw clb, no one reply yet abt the tiong bahru doc.. hows ur scan yesterday? Twins growing strong hb now? Now i So envy of u gals...

Hi moomoo
Long time no hear fr u.. Thk u.. may i know wht ur aunt do to succeed this time? I need all inspiration story now...;( btw, How many mth of af pass ur er already? Got go scan? The white patch is disappearing soon n u going do ur et next mth? Happy to hear fr u again.. I will remember ur nice n thotful bread whenever see ur post..;)
J03, incomeshield plan MB, is not the latest comprehensive medical plan. It got limit to each claim de. Currently in the Market shield plan are all "as charged" no limit de. N only limit to yearly claim. My plan annual limit is $500,000.

Example, in the hospital there will be break down for each item. Room rate, doc fee, surgery fee etc. So for ur plan, room rate limit to $450 Per day. So if room rate on the bill charge u $500, bal $50 u need to pay in cash.
If is "as charged" then no limit to the room rate.
Clb, if ur blood test is done 90days before or 90days after u had any surgery or stay in hospital for more than 1 day. U can claim de. Just rem to keep all receipts.
j03- u are already so upset with your loss, still so thoughtful to rem my scan yest, yes they r fine, tk u girl...really really hope ur next bfp will be a sticky one..now i know u r doing all u can to find the root of the problem, and i pray u will. JY!...i read the other thread the sister said shld be embryo problem as sperm swim far to fertilise egg,so sperm is strong, but we did ivf, so by right the embyrologist wld have eliminated any bad embryos? so i sorta think her theory not applicable for ivf..jus my own tots...

moo- *wave wave*..wa u baked bread for j03, so nice of u =)
J03, we are cycle buddies of cos i feel for yr loss and so much effort you have prepared yrself. this is worst fear of any pregnancy & each time u overcome it & try again which is very encouraging. i believe one day you will succeed & hold your bb with yr determination. Pass my FET luck to u and hope to see u recuperating well & back in action 3-6 mths time. U & Hazel are indeed an inspiration to many of us who struggle with BFN but still are better off then gg thru MC & yet never give up!

Clb, how's yr scan? confirm twins? Sorry i m not in DEC thread i feel it's very overwhelming with many MTBs & not as cozy here. tmr is my 2nd scan getting anxious & keeping my faith high..
Sarah, start aspirins early. Some dr r more aggressive so Start very early. Ie, start b4 embyro implant. I m starting on ER if I didn't wrongly the form dr loh wrote.
Queenie n summer, how ur progesterone bt?
Mine only 40plus. Start to worry.
But nurse say passing Mark is 30.
If pass 30, shld resume current insert.
Hi Qingwei
Ya lor.. Thats wht i notice so plan to upgrade my plan now.. Actually i got buy other insurance fr AIA, do u think outside medical insurance can claim? Also, me only do day surgery, didnt stay overnight so can claim too? U r so knowlegeable.. R U an insurance agent..;)

Hi clb n goh n koirc n nell
Thks for ur encouagement.. I will try to forget this bad incident but the impact for this time is harder compare to 2yrs ago.. Maybe bec i put in lots of effort for this ivf n energy.. Also, doc Loh say is double miscarriage which is consider my 3rd n 4th mc in a year.. Sadz n heartpain.. Now hope my dnc done smooth n this bad dream over soon...;( look forward to do my fet maybe in sept.. By then my cycle buddies will be coming to 3rd trimester... How nice... All the best to all ivf buddies, may all not only bfp but carry our healthy bundle of joy soon..
J03, Opps, 被发现了。can upgrade now meh? Upgrade le can claim in so short notice?
AIA which plan? Pink of health? If is pink of health I think can claim.
Problem w Ntuc n AIA is they have new plan they don't auto upgrade n still leave the old plan available.
qingwei- dun read too much into progesterone bt, as long as pass, is fine. =)...oh meaning if for example i buy insurance now, i cannot start claiming after i paid the premium. isit due to some 'cooling period' of a few mths?

glimmer- i agree, overwhelmed at the other thread...somehow not as comfortable there as I am here...yup scanned, twins, next scan is in 1 mth's time. dun worry, u have always been the one to keep ur cool, sure tomor will be smooth-sailing results!
Hee qingwei
U so funny.. See the way u tok, can feel.. Of course cant claim if upgrade now but at least i want a comprehensive one since now know my current one is insufficient.. Btw, do u think my bt over thousand plus done yesterday can claim for income shield plan mb? The bill is too ex for yestetday..;(
Thk u n appreciate ur free consultation..;)
The Insurance for ivf is it must buy thru the hospital? Which insurance company offers this cover? Price depends on what? Like no of embryo?
hi hazel,
i have mc once last year as well, issit too late to ask Dr loh for the aspirins? my ER is this Friday.

Hi jo3, i really admire your strong will, jiayou jiayou! let time heal your wound..

HI perpur, i am a fan of SKII too, so read that some ingredients are not suitable, so i just stop using lor, also did really know what's the real reason.
tanny- hsg (is the check for blocked tubes one right? in case i got it wrong) dun need to take painkiller b4 hand...it's not really as bad as it seems...jus feel "exposed", as the procedure takes quite a while.. and after that feel cramp/bloat for 1 day...but i recalled some sisters take panadol b4 procedure for jus in case purpose..but maybe u can confirm with the nurse again?

j03- thks. nope. i started taking my annual leave, feel less paiseh tat way..but will be going back to work beg jun...see u have been on this thread since this morn...do rest abit. =)
tanny- insurance is fr great eastern.. i think only great eastern offers this kind of insurance... qingwei, pls correct me if i m wrong. =).. price depends on # of Embroy transferred...nearly $300 for 2 transferred...
Hi Qingwei, pardon my ignorance. What's progesterone bt? And what insert are you talking about?

I think I am same cycle as Queenie and Summer. But I am not doing any insert leh... Kiasu me am thinking if I'm missing out something!

Perpur - I didn't know cannot use SK-II products too! Think I will stop using also.

Tanny - I got my IVF insurance from Great Eastern through the hospital. Just checked the product fact sheet. clb is right. It's around $300 for 2 transferred.
Clb, example I not feeling well headache now n went to see gp n after 1 week still same went to see gp n another week still same n see gp again Then gp refer me to specialist then got alot examination n bt. Then report out n require me do a surgery. I panic n went to buy a medical insurance that cover 100% of my bill n i fail to declare my illness. Happily go for surgery n I submit all my gp, specialist bill, hospital bill to bill.
Insurer are very smart de, they will noe that my illness is pre existing condition meaning before I buy the medical insurance my illness is already there. So all my claim will be rejected.

If I already have my medical plan 1 mth before or years before I see gp then my illness is not pre existing condition.

Always rem, medical insurance need to purchase when u are healthy. Else once declare it might be excluded.

bingo, in that case, i shall stop using SKII too. anyone knw which ingredients in SKII not suitable so that i can look out for my other pdts. i knw retinol is not suitable but SKII does not have retinol in it.

tanny, i personally felt that hsg is pain for me. the cramp is like something sharp passing through my tube. after that, my cramp lasted for the rest of the day. for the next few days, i can still felt the pain when i went to toilet do big business or when i let out pass.
