IVF/ICSI Support Group

kimmy, mine is long protocol... normally first ivf will be long protocol ba if i am not wrong..

congrats 12bhappy!! so you tested -ve but blood test shows bfp?? wow!!! share your tips leh..

12bhappy - *jumps along with 12bhappy*, that's great news!!! I just sms bbnn to tell her the news. ehhehhe.
if I'm not wrong, you are from CARE right? and on the long protocol too?
bingo >> orh because dr loh put me on short one then when I heard how the cycle can be easily abandoned if i ovulate too early and all...then she said dr loh decide one. -_-

j03 >> are you from kkh too?
that's great today! 2 bfps!!!
Congrats to 12bhappy and bbnn.....
Hihi rainzz,sarah,joanne,bingo,blueosebear, kimmy and ron - thk u. Thk u!!! But as said.. Nuting is definate till scan is done. But reri a great news.

Bb_nn - congrats.

Joanne - am fr Care. Ive tried testg at hm but neg. Tested at Care tis mornin was wz a v v v faint + ... Tts y waited till bloid test result. Readin was abt 290 [which passin mark is 100].

Kimmy - np, my mobile 97939022. ;)
ron >> ahha thank-u. i love to spread good news so that everyone (esp.in their 2ww) can continue to be positive

12b >> have sms bbnn yr reading and mobile number liaos. thank u. rest well
kimmy, dr loh also putting me on short protocol in Jul and on dhea medication. Suppose to start in June but he wanna me to take dhea so push 1mth.
12b >> long protocol starts from day 21 of menses then stimulation starts on next month of menses. its about 2-4 weeks longer than short protocol.

oh btw, bbnn was saying her reading is 64.8 and passing mark is 50.

Blurlet - wha's dhea medication? Yeah i heard from Dr zou (accupun. in amk) that he's been putting more ppl on short protocol as heard from her patients. when i start in jun, i let u know how it is?
yep ron is right, bbnn from parkway east. haha same pte doc as me. damn! now i wished i chose to go under him instead. wahahahah.

J03 >> great to know yr under sf loh. gives me assurance.
how was yr experience w kkh? so i know what to expect...
Kimmy: okie.. ^^^ dhea is suppose to have better quality eggs or more follicles i cannot remember. Short protocol is usually for cases with hormonal issues or with low eggs reserves so that they dun need to be suppressed. But the problem is there may be 1 dormant egg and the rest lagging behind..

12b: care is good?
Blurlet - ahh i see. hopefully dhea works out in jun!
yah that's the thing about short, i'm prone to ohss so by putting me on low doses, most likely i will only have 1 dormant... or too many small ones...
Queenie is now officially the QUEEN!!!
Carrying 2 embbies inside me, telling them to b strong warriors juz like their mummy!!!

Juz woke up fr zzz.. Mind very active, keep tinking of my little ones inside.. & m amazed tt I m finali @ tis stage...
kimmy, you are doing short protocol? hmmm... i thought normally first timer and if you are younger they will put long protocol.. but since is dr loh decision, it should be for your own good ba.. short protocol also good.. faster .. haha
Hi kimmy
Government service cant expect much.. Think this way n ur expectation will not be so high.. For me is ok.. Just hate the waiting time to see doc Loh only..
bingo -ya I can only hope short is not only fast, but just as effective on me as well. Hehe. jiayou, soon u and Queenie will be here shouting for joy and spreading bb dust

J03 - I know wat u mean.. true but hopefully not at the expense of us like overlooking or lesser monitoring
Million congrats.. Please pour baby dusts.. Keke...

Kimmy / Bingo,
Bb_nn SMS me too.. So so happie for her.., & asked her personali for baby dust... Haha...
I m on long protocol.. Kimmy, I suggest u goggle abit & oso ask Dr Zou pros & cons of both such tt u can understand beta y Dr Loh put u on short.. @ least tt gives u one thg less to worry abt..
The ET was okie.. Juz the full bladder part not nice.. But rem, reali no need full bladder.. Nurse say if quite full can Le, don't
drink anymore.. Cos the nurse ll press smthg on ur womb & u know wat ll happen if u can't control lo.. Haha...
My bloat stil ard.. They ask me monitor myself.. If too severe, got to admit Liao.. :-(
Bingo -> todae d6? Got bloat?
Kimmy -> u managed to push ur ivf to may?
I ll shout for ur if wan makan during 2ww.. But whn bingo is okie to go out.. Yeah...

They took my BT todae whn I went for ET.. They say norm for > 15 eggs, they ll do tt.. Dunno leh.. I got 1 egg less than u.. Keke...

J03, other KKH sisters,
Wat support were ur given for 2ww? I oni hv the v insert.. Then I tried juz nw.. Insert while squatting then quickly walk to bed to lie down.. Is tis ok?
queenie, still no bloat leh "worry" inside got eggs or not? haha.. i feel fatter but dont know that's the feeling of bloat or not?? but i only know i feel tired all the time...
yup so you transfer what grade?
hi sisters> just got back fm work n catchin up on today's posts..eagerly checking for my dear cycle buddies 12bhappy n bb_nn. Am truly happy to hear tat both r BFP..i genuinely wish u both a smooth 9months ahead ya
CONGRATZ! *Bear Hugz-tight tight*

i'll still check periodically the progress of my 'juniors' whom i recognise in the forum ya..n i will surely jump for joy for each n everyone of u wen BFP.So,plenty of bbdust to spread around again after another twin celebration today.. woohoo!!
Thank you...

Thanks for having faith in me & my embbies.. Now all in Heaven's hands...

Todae not too bad.. My appt was @ 910am.. Managed to do ET abt 1030am.. Dr Loh quite good mood..

As a gauge, I oni started to drink water juz bef I left my house.. The occasional sips of water thru out journey & waiting time.. Total drank abt 1.5 bottle of water...
Ur appt early, so shld b beta.. Jiayou!!! Waiting for u here...

Out of 19 eggs retrieved, 8 usable.. Transferred 2 grade 5 embbies.. But as all of us knw, grade not so impt.. Muz stick stick.. Now for Heaven to bless me...
U tt time transfer wat grade?

Haha.. Like me lo.. Oni bloat on d7 & 8.. I oso wonderin inside got eggs anot.. But don't worry.. They r growing fine.. Whn the time comes, they ll shine as warriors..
Thats great! .. Chances increases with D5 transfer. Your embbies should be doing well in the lab. I wanted to do D5 transfer but in the end only managed to a D3 trf as 2 out of 3 of my embbies were not growing well. Stay Relax and u will be officially preggie on Sat
Wow. 1.5l of water. If I drink that much will be very full bladder wor. I'm thinking drink only abt 700ml or 1l only.

Ya very early leh hope can finish early n go hm zzz n wait for dh to cook for me. I'm craving for chicken soup.
I ask dh to get durain n brazil nuts for me by Sunday.
I was the 2nd one to do ER yest I wonder y my ET so early.
thks for the encouragement!

if hubby wants to go, why not? but timing clash with my hubby's schedule, so he can't go.
Not 1.5l of water lah.. It's 1.5 bottle of water.. Abt 800ml.. So long as quite full can Le.. No need absolutely full.. I oso number 2 in ER.. Heehee.. But my ET not #2.. haha.. U early appt good.. Won't b so delayed by earlier cases..

U win liao lo.. Bfp got to do with Dr Loh mood? Haha.. Let's jiayou & bfp together yah.. Yak here more leh.. Else hw to survive the long long 2ww.. Haha..

U insert the progesterone lying down? The pharmacy ppl ask me use gloves.. U got use?
wow queenie grade 5.. chances should be higher..? though they said grading doesnt really matter..
so your dh looking after you? now preparing food etc...
Hi hi,
I m new here. I m currently in my 2ww after my 1st ET last Monday.... The days seems to be crawling so slowly...
Find the chat here so lively so just drop by to say hello!
So upset with my uncle boss.. Not understanding.... Saying my work need to be spread to others and I should be more cooperative....

Ron : thanks for the detailed info on dr zou. For first apptm , should I go after my menses is clear or can go now? My menses shld be starting bythis wend..can don't take her medicine a not?

Blurlet : I'm also on short protocol _ I think I have hormonal issues...I don't understand why got dormant egg?? then hor For long protocl is for what type of issue?

Yeah queenie! Stick stick stick
tight tight!

Happy12 : big congrats! So exciting!!

Kimmy: hey we may b cycle buddies in June if Dr need to do it earlier.... Got to waitfor my test results... Still awaiting to do BT and Hsg...

So excited

Congrats to bb nn! I need that $2 too!

Dr zou - she got how many beds for acupuncture?

Nell : welcome to the family!

Kimmy:: If I'm out of job later, I shall be able to meet up with u gals, silsilly / bingo.
How do u pass yr time?

White tiger: also heard about jamu massage and last time one shop that I went to also do ginger wrap to warm the womb... But I did not sign up. May I know roughly how much per session n for the entire package? Last time that shop says need to buy that jamu cloth.. although mine is a Indonesian lady but she can't speak English so a bit to communicate with her during the massage..
