IVF/ICSI Support Group

sorry, just some background. my hubby is based in hk. i m based in sg. we meet 3 times a week. 1 weekend i fly over and 2 weekends he flies back. cos he will not be able to come back next weekend and the last weekend. So he expect me to be there this weekend (my in-laws are there visiting him).

babybun - wow! you have so many embbies. i only managed to get 1 healthy embby for transfer. Dr prefers not to hyperstimulate so only manage to get 10over follicles with 5 eggs, only 3 managed to fertilized and only 1 is fit for transfer.

I really dont have high hope. and if this fail, i have to start all over again. i think i may have to quit my work. cos i m feeling bad for taking long mcs.
No letters from insurance company leh.. I think must wait long long.. But I know they have already 'taken' $291 from the cheque we submit lor..

Dr zou said maybe ohss?! My progesterone reading was 414 leh!! Don't scare me!!
Nell > sorry to hear dr teoh recommended not to fly this weekend. Which stage of 2ww are you now? btw, congrats on making the journey to ET even with all the travelling.
Ron, Thks. My ET was done on Monday. So today is 5th day. I realized that programme seems to be different from you gals. I m still having jab now every alternate day on top the v gel and oral medicine. I also taking BT every few days.

Is this norm?
nell> I am not sure what is norm anymore
What support jabs are you taking?

I guess the next few days is critical days for implantation so dr teoh prob just wants you to be super safe. Quite easy to catch a bug on the plane nowadays too..
Nell, the nurses at TMC says that I belong to the group of people who are very sensitive to stimulation. I'm on 150 gonal f and have 40+ follicle on day of ER. Don't give up hope too soon. U just need that special one to stick!

Ron, my ER was on Tuesday, freezing today. So is that d3 or d4?
babybun - should be D3, i think. but good results for 8 to freeze

How are u feeling - ok after ER? no OHSS symptoms?
Ron, 1ml Progestrone every alternate day. I thought he is just a bit too prudent. Cos hubby commented that he more of risk adverse kind from the way he handled my post op management. I have an opt on 30 Dec last yr to remove my fibroid not key hole, the traditional c-sec kind of op. i was hospitalised for 5 days and went without food for 2 days. btw, my hubby is a ICU specialist in HK. but he asked me just bear with it cos better to be safer.
Hi babybun, we r suppose to be cycle buddy, remember? U hv so many eggs retrieved, must be very bloated and uncomfy, must take care. So ur ET two mths later?

Hi Nell, it must be very tired for u to travel so often. Like what Ron said, I think its better not to travel during this period. Take care.
babybun, I started with 116.7iu then slowly step up to 158.3iu. Wah, 40+ follicles must be tough for you. Well done!!!

Summer, why the ET is 2 months later. I have mine on the 3rd day. I actually i m quite used to travelling. not tiring at all. i felt more stressed not seeing my hubby. think i too sticky liao, worse than superglue.
hey all
i'm new here. just started IVF/ICSI at SGH Care Centre. I'm on short cycle. Anybody here doing IVF at SGH? (cos i see alot doing at kkh)
Just received the insurance thingy... You should be receiving yours anytime soon k..
My boobs no sore leh.. At this time I'm like hoping to have sore boobs as a symptom..

Are u gonna do a hpt b4 the hcg blood test nxt week? I hate negative surprises..
Hi Gum, my new too

Hi ladies, may i ask what is short cycle/long cycle? Never heard until I visited this forum. Also, need help on a few acronyms BFP n BFN? Paiseh Paiseh so many question

RitC/ Summer, I m also settling my own meals alone...
Hi Gum, I will only start my cycle in Aug. I will on short protocol too. What is Cetrotide for? Do u know y u r under short protocol? is this ur 1st try?
Ron, was very bloated and crampy for 2 days after ER, now better. No OHSS symptoms yet *keeping my fingers crossed*

Summer, Dr Cheng wants me to transfer 2 months later to avoid OHSS. I'm so envious of all of u who can do transfer this cycle. It's another waiting game for me. Good luck to u and pass me the baby dust when u strike ok?

Thanks Nell. May all our hard work pays off
Summer, my progesterone bt on 19/05 n bhcg on 30/05.
I had been on my sofa all the time except lunch time n toilet break.
I'm having cough now coz since ER no water my throat start to sore. Trying to take vit c hope it don't go worst.
Sarah: Cetrotide is to control my ovulation. After i've completed Puregon then doc will review again to see if i need more Cetrotide. Doc said that i'm under short/antagonist coz i have PCOS. Yeaps my first try. excited and scared. heh.

did doc tell u why u r on short protocol?
Thanks, Silsilly, I go check my mailbox again later. Think I will just do the kkivf BT next fri, not intending to check at home earlier. No point getting stress out twice or thrice.

I don't trust my symptoms coz I usually have sore boobs and nauseas before AF. So think BT will be the best gauge..
Hi, Tcc,
We hv fought hard in tis ivf journey.. So we deserved to b feeling good.. & being a QUEEN brings on a smile.. Even if dh or family members or frens don't treat us as one, it doesn't matter.. We juz make sure tt we treat ourselves as one.. **a pat on the shoulder** haha..

Hv u figured out wat is progesterone reading? & wat is a good range? m gg for mine next week...

Wat next cycle r u toking abt? & wat move in to ur mum? Don't tink abt all this cos it shall b a BFP for u.. Ur embbies will appreciate their mummy handling all the stuff by urself while hving them comfortably in ur womb.. Tink ++ k? I stil need ur babydust next week.. Heehee...
Kimmy / bingo,
Shhhhhhh.. Okie okie.. We don't tell bingo's caring dh tt we gonna kidnap her next next week.. Haha..

U can bring fwd ur insert timing.. The nurse inside the ET room told me tt is juz a guideline.. No need do it @ 12 midnite cos we wld hv zz by then..
U oni hv the insert as support hor?

Queen Queenie, really like double like what you said...

To all the Queens,
Have a great feast tonight!!!
Queenie, thanks
Ay, I just venting la, coz too bad stay near unsupportive mil who can't be bothered to help. My mil is the v active type of CC auntie and her leg pain is just 1 off incident. Anyway, Mum's home cooked food is still the best
Queenie, only have the insert. How's ur bloatness?
I stop that antibotic. It badly upset my gastric.
I ask the nurse, she say can don't it if it make u feel worst.

Ask dr Loh for permission. I had that before n I throw out everything I ate. So when I was giving I super *10000 times sianz. This morning I throw out water I wonder if becoz of that.
Summer, I had alot of water after ET. I throw out was before ET.
Coz cannot eat anything before ET, only can drink water. So I only throw out water.
Qinqwei, perhaps you can try taking antacid. I was having v low tolerance as well. I have non stop diarrhea n vomit after taking antibiotics. So was taking anticid n lacteol fort. Better 2 days after I stop my antibiotics.
Summer u mean while I'm at kkh? No leh. Coz nurse say can walk n pee as normal but I walk very very very slow.
I went to kopitiam for breakfast.
Only lie down on my sofa when I reach hm.
Ron> Tks!

Burlet> I like the holistic part! Exercising? Hmmm I guess not those too strenuous like jogging kind?

Next week I need to make 2 trips to kkh - one for BT and one for HSG. HSG is usually done which day of menses?
Queen Nell,
U enjoy ur royal feast too.. Haha..

Urs oso mum's home-cooked food.. U as a mum to ur embbies.. Loads of nutritions to them.. Jiayou!!
Dear whitetiger, ron and joanne,

Thank you so much for the valuable info. I feel much more positive and encouraged now with the support here. Will ring up Doc Zou pretty soon.

Was wondering about the excel spreedsheet with most of the info. Anyone still has it. Is it possible to email to me at [email protected]?

Thank you ladies.
Poor Queen.., No mood to go out eat so cooked instant noodle. Vomited everything. Pek chek lah! That guy eat good stuff me here eat Maggie Mee. Mei liang xin de...
qingwei, I thought u can lie down and rest cos not many people do ET that day. I also go toilet after ET, cant ren anymore. Haha...

Hmm.. Dunno y.. Tis post was not posted...
I watched DVD til 3pm then nap.. Actuali I do walked abt in the house.. Can't imagine bed rest 24/7.. Bored..
I m oni on progesterone v insert.. No jabs.. Dr Zou told me got diff support types.. Perhaps diff ppl more suitable for diff prescriptions. :)

Although my ET 1 day later than u, my progesterone & BHCG BT exactly same as urs.. on 18/5 and 27/5.
I guessed KKH didn't wan me to do BT on sat, so they make me come 1 day earlier.. My form states 28/5 but they crossed out & amend to 27/5..
Nevermind, we hold hands & BFP together, yah.. r u a patient of Dr Zou? If u r, both our names ll b on her calendar on the date 27/5.. :)

After my ET, I went to the loo.. High tide then.. Then I tot since dh with me, might as well go for lunch & then home to rest.. Somemore tt time I stil bloating, home is the best place for me.. I m abit worried on tt too.. But like the nurse said, activities can b as usual, juz no big movement & heavy thgs.. So I walked super slow lo.. actuali cos of my bloat..
Anyway, we have to have faith in our embbies.. They ll hang on tight tight to us...

After my ET, my bloat reduced le.. But during each meal, I stil hv cramps occassionali.. But I sort of miss the bloat.. Cos it's signs of BFP, esp. fr d7.. Haha..
