IVF/ICSI Support Group

CLamby, last time I did my medicated FET cost me abt $2.8K inclusive of insurance (I transfer 3). No lucrin required for medicated FET. Last time I also have almost full btl of lucrin but discarded it as cant keep for long.

Queenie, wishing u all the best! Do update us k?

Thanks everyone for the encouragement
Hi iltjabi
Wah.. Ur bb is big.. Mine is 5mm that time., gynea say am at around 6wks 2days then.. How abt u? Wht did doc loh say? How many wks r u yesterday n when is ur edd?

Hi val
Oh dear.., do rest well n hope ur spot will stop soon.. Did they do any scan last wk? See sac oredi? Do rest well..

Hi queenie
Nope kkh wun call u.. U will know only during ur et day..

Wish all May fighters bfp soon too., btw, who is due for hcg bt tomorrow? Jiayou woah.. Hope the bbdust ball can continue the passing baton..

Hi melodi
My kkh apptment oso next wed afternoon.. U going for the pte suite too? Then we can meet.. Me will go next monday to tmc too as want to confirm am i having singleton or twin before decide whether to go kkh.. Looks like most of us r having scan next week.. Melodi n clb on next wed, val on next thurs n goh on next friday.. Stress week for us again.. Hope bbies grow well well..

Hi bingbing
I think i read ur post yesterday but maybe u remove it.. I suggest for now, u go see tcm n tiao urself well for at least 1yr before try ivf again.. I feel this tiaoing to make our body strong is impt before rush into any art treatment.. Give urself more time k... Take care n jiayou..

Hi silsilly
Rest well n drink more water..;) no durian for time being...

Hi ceraine
Nice to see u chat here again.. Time flies..All the best to ur this current cycle n may u strike.. Bfp bfp..
Hi lamby
U got to discard any left over lucrin as it can only open for one mth.. U wun want to take any risk using expire lucrin k..
J03, yr memory is the best so far..can even rem our scan dates. u better scan early it's exciting to see if yr 2nd bb is growing. so if twins u go KKH & singleton will be pte for u? Now only looking fwd to scanning day..esp 8-10 wks very crucial must see heartbeat beating constantly. I just pm u
To those graduate sister, mind to share what did u all eat most during 2ww? Can take fruit etc? If my body is liang type what is the fruit best to take?
Hi Goh
Ho ho ho.. Me very forgetful now.. Just can remember things that r related to bb.. Yes, u r right.. 8-10wk scan is very cruical for all of us definitely.. Thats why think i will stress next sun night again.. Ya, i do hope to hv twins but if singleton, i am oso happy.. So by next monday, i will decide shd i see tmc or kkh...
Joanne; I dont know edd. He didn't say.we were talking more on the bleeding. When is ur edd? Will ask him when I go back in 2 weeks times. Maybe urs twins so that's y different.think abt 7 weeks.

Valteen; doc loh only worried ectopic but he say got no pain then no need to worry. My spotting is like got blood with the white discharge. Juz like thread. How is urs?
Hi sarah
I ever post wht i do during my 2ww.. Hereby will post again..
During 2WW - I rest more time on bed for the 1st 2 days after ET. I start to nap only 15mins after few days and most time is watching tv on sofa.. On 10dpt, i go back to work as i very scare to think too much if stay at home at the last 2ww.. Hv walk quite a fair bit one day and feel the cramp.. I think walking help to promote blood circulation too. Ok, heres wht i eat: 

I ate:  
1. Double boil chicken stork for three times in the first wk of 2ww. 
2. Cordyceps powder in pill form (once a day) for first few days only 
3. Folic acid  
4. Durians (2-3 seeds fr Day 3-10) 
5. Brazil nuts (3 nuts per day) 
6. Daily Eu yan sang pure Essence of chicken except the days when i take chicken stork. 
7. The utrogen inserts, and asprin. 
8. Doc zou medicine 
9. One pkt of Immouncal daily 
10. two half boil egg ( choose first born or kampong egg) 
11. And alot of fish in my meals.. 

Thats all.. Most impt is i keep tell myself to stay relax n dun think too much..;) 
Hope can help u gals too...
Hi ltjabi
Oh.. U r already 7th wks this wk? Wah.. Ur bb grow fast.. Almost same wk as us (clb, goh, melodi) as we r 7th wk plus this wk too..;) whens ur next checkup? So u going to stick to kkh?
Day / kimmy / Goh / J03 / babybun,
Thanks for the well wishes.. I ll fight hard in tis journey & feel blessed for all the support tt u gals hv given me..

My appt is 9am tmr.. U?

Muz reali hv full bladder for ET tmr? Or near full can liao? Tough hor..
& hor in 2ww, can continue to eat conceive well? I tot since we r considered pregnant, shld we eat the pregnant supplement instead?
queenie, i wonder how my follices is growing... i still dont feel any bloatness leh.. today is my day 5 of gonal f.. inside got grow or not ah? haha!

jo3, thanks for the 2WW tips.. some ppl said preg cannot eat raw and half boil eggs during pregancy.. so sometimes also confused dont know can eat or not...
Queenie - i also have to release few times before it's my turn for ET that time. ACtually near full also can one la... no need full till want to explode. Haha....

Bingo - If u worry about the half boil eggs, then take sunny side up lor... :p
thanks jtp! will eat sunny side up instead..

queenie, actually i also very worry abt the bladder cos i get full bladder very fast..
i very excited for your ET tom.. offical preg starting from tom.. ! jia you jia you!
hi BNB - take care, ya. Did Prof say can still contiunue with the fresh (ie. doesn't affect chance)?

Hi Bingo - it's ok if don't feel bloating since today only d5 of gonal-f. You will feel bloating for next 9 months!
hi Lamby - i guess no harm giving the non-med FET a try. it'll just be like TTC at home except w legs propped up in KK, and if successful no need to do another fresh. Have you decided if medicated or non-med? Good luck ya!

But dr loh is quite nice to slot you in for July for fresh. Did he mentioned if he will do any changes to your next cycle? Also if you do medicated FET, will he allow u to do next fresh in July?
Hi sarah
I took apple n grapes only...;)

Hi bingo
Actually if u dun diarrahoe easily after u eat half boil egg before ur 2ww, i think is ok to eat half boiled during ur 2ww... The reason why we not suppose to eat half boiled is due to worry diarrhoe only.. Half boiled egg protein absorption is better than full boiled egg which is more diffcult to digest..;)
Hi, Queenie, u can always check with the nurse when is ur turn to gauge the timing to go to loo before ET. Example, if you are the third person, you may have enough time to make a quick toilet break then go back to the waiting area to down more glasses of water. The nurse will advise u if you ask them

Ladies, the last time u discuss about facial cleanser. Just to share, today I tried using extra virgin olive oil to clean off my eye concealer, it works very well just like any oil based cleanser! A tour guide once recommend me this technique. I tend to get dry allergic skin and cannot use the topical cream now so uses olive oil to moisturize instead. Can be a bit yucky though coz oily la
Pink - jia you!!stay positive and 'tiao" body for nxt round!

Valteen - did they ask u to stay hosp to bed rest?
I was advised to stay in hosp so that they can monitor me during the bleeding.
Nurses will come every 2-3 hrs to check the pads.
and were compression socks prescribed to u to wear at home?
this period of time try have less movement.
really stay in bed.
Hi queenie,
I will be there @ 9.45am for briefing and blood test and screening. arghhhhhh...

Oh sisters I have another question,
I've been taking conceive well since seeing Dr sf loh. and he also prescribe me folic acid. I haven't been taking folic acid since I saw that conceive well also has folic acid present. Is this correct? Or should I also be taking the folic tablets on its own too.
Hi rainzz
Nice to see u here again.. When was ur last scan? At wk? Can see bb waving already?? Btw, u r having twins right? When is ur edd.. Paiseh.. Maybe u say before but i forgetful now... Hee..Btw, whts ur bb crl size when u do wk8 scan? Will we be able to see bb shape at wk8 huh? Anxious n stress..
Hi kimmy
I take conveive well n folic as is better to take more than less.. Any excess of folic will pass out via urine.. No harm.. Btw, i continue take conceive well n folic during 2ww too.. Only stop conceive well after bfp... Still continue folic..

Hi rainzz
Where else can chat with u beside here as here may not be the best place to discuss abt ur pregnancy.. Can find u in nov thread?
No, they sent me hm. I guess at my early stage, they really cant tell what is happening ba. They din give me anythimg too except for the first time, was given p jab.

First time was pinkish and brownish discharge when i wiped. Second time was red and got a little clot came out wif it. That was the time i told myself 'high chance game over alrdy'.
Valteen - i was sent in ard 6 wks,have p jab then admitted immediately,
coz the blood was gushing and dripping onto floor liao.
perhaps u monitor for the time being and if u find yourself very uncomfortable..request to be admitted.
thanks jo3, will take note of that..
btw, conveive well better or pre-natal from GNC better? all along have been taking pre-natal, but it seems like more sister taking conveive well.. thought of changing since i am finishing my pre-natal..
valteen - yes, once off episode.
just that during my stay in hosp and afterwhich at home gradually bleeding was juz brownish stains n spotting after the P jab.
Duphaston was also increased.
monitor the pads u use eg- how many.
Dr.Sadhana gave me very vague reason - like there are many factors which might caused so still have to check.
but the hosp discharge form put threatened miscarriage.
but i suspect is the 3 embbie waving goodbye
Heng arh.. No need totali full bladder.. Else very bad feeling.. So during 2ww, u continued 2 soft boiled eggs & conceive well, rite? Oni whn confirmed bfp, then stop conceive well hor.. m using ur notes as guidance.. Heehee. Hope u don't mind..

Okie okie.. I go ask nurse tmr.. Cos my appt is 9am.. Then I scare Dr Loh smtimes ll b late.. Then hw to hold full bladder for so long...haha.. Wait for me here.. Shall join u all in 2ww tmr... :-D

I can totali comprehend hw u feel.. I day 7 & 8 of gonal f then got feel bloat.. & was worried if my follicles were doing well inside.. So u don't worry yah.. Choose to tink +vely.. Perhaps the EW & immunocal we took help ease the bloat well.. Haha..
bingo >> when u bfp liao after your this round no need to change already becuz will be taking preg supplements already right? jiayou!!! I think as long as you're taking a pre-natal vit be it conceive well or from GNC should be okay because this is to ensure you have enough minerals in yr body

Yay, are you excited abt Sat? I can't wait for my turn lo. I feel like asking the nurse tmr to put me in May can?
Rainzz, yah possibly so. U put in 3 embbies and hv they ever saw 3 sacs or all along 2 leh? For me they see one sac but of cause still too early to tell if viable or not then.
Valteen - supposed to go scan 1st time during 6wks 6days but end up got gush of blood so scan at the O & G 1st time thru V scan..
oni saw 2 sacs.
Doc on duty ask whether wan hubs to see i was so paiseh coz blood was dripping out even onto floor that i reject.haha
but on the day i was discharged,i was scanned again to cfm how many sacs there are again.
Err.. Sorry again.. My post shld read:
Heng arh.. No need totali full bladder.. Else very bad feeling...

So during 2ww, u continued 2 soft boiled eggs & conceive well, rite? Oni whn confirmed bfp, then stop conceive well hor.. m using ur notes as guidance.. Heehee. Hope u don't mind..

Soooo sorry for the mixed up...
hahaha.. Queenie, when i read also i blur for awhile..

No need to drink until super-full bladder (i was so full I "chope" toilet-break & ran out of the theatre during my ET). About 1 full glass is enough.

Tons of good luck for ET tomorrow.
J03, wow your memory really good.
My scan is next wed but not to the private suite yet. The nurse said must see doc next week at least once as a first time patient then can change. I will go one more time then see want to change to which private gynae
I was having lower backache suddenly yesterday evening so have been resting more
Do you have that too? Yes really hope can continue to see the healthy heart beats next week. Same for the others sisters
queenie, ok so is normal not to feel bloat at this stage.. i am waiting for the feeling of bloat.. haha

kimmy, thanks! thanks for being so positive for me ah... haha!
My embryoist called . My ET postponed to fri or sat. She said grading is average.... What does that mean? See some of the sisters posting there is grading 1-5 but mine didn't have. Worried, man. She gave me a scare earlier and asked me bat medication but my dr didn't give me medication to take after ER..... So kan cheong spider me went to bug clinic.

Sisters - usually after er got medication?

Todaynot a good day. Went back office and originally I didn't hv bleedingafte er. But move the pile of files here and there, then suddenly got bleeding. Got me doubly worried.

Valteen, lucky u chk with rainzz..at least get some assurance fr her. Possibly it's yr 2nd sac implanted but not viable..must be a nerve-wrecking experience keep monitoring the spotting. Next scan will be a gd one showing yr healthy bb heartbeat ok..rest well. Hope Apr sistas pass 1st trimester safely & enjoy the rest of the journey.

Ltjabi, happy your bb is growing well. how's ms better now? try to eat even tot yr appetite not gd, we need to pump in more nutrients always for our bb.

melodi, pte suite is to see Dr loh, shorter waiting time more cozy envt. pay abt $10-$15 more. so i opt for that..my butt hurts sitting 3 hrs waiting at clinic D. But since u seeing Dr loh for once then better stick with clinic D for your next scan don't waste $$..
