IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Kimmy, ha ha I only like bland champagne type wines. But die hard Tom Yum lover. Absolutely luv Secret Recipe Tom Yum glass noodle prawn soup, aahh drooling.

12bhappy> hmmm..not to sure wen they close but apparently wen i go makan changi V,they r alwaz open morn till nite.they hv quite a selection fm Amy Yip meat pau(u can imagine e DD-sized pau ;)) to lo mai kai etc.my fav is the normal big pau
u shld try all the selection n decide wic is ur fav.all hand-made n i thk they supply to shops too..so def confirm super freshly made coz u bought direct fm the supplier

shop called "johor Bahru Pau Dim Sum"...a few doors away fm Cheers.along the main road shophses..u cant miss it!
Anyway, if u r going on ivf, must abstain from wine hor. I usually drink only on special occasions but stop absolutely 3 months before ivf.
Pink ~ hummm... I shall definately try. Hd actually bypass tis shop so many x but always gv it a missed as nt sure nice ma n e shop is very simple n plain. Mayb tmr ask hubi go n tabao. ;p
ritz - ya depending on brand it can be too sweet. but some brands not so sweet and i know when i get for my girlfriends they drink machiam like drinking water like that

joanne T - yeah, moscato is not bad. i indulge once a while esp when i can sense af coming then I will be like 'heck care! enjoy first' cause a bit sian liao.

Ritz - ya now staying away from alcohol prior to ivf and so when ppl ask to go wine, i say i not free or what. then they always say why I so wet blanket cant join...
12bhappy> yes the shop is simple n the price is reasonable oso..tatz wat i like abt it.rather than some nice looking fancy decorated shop but the food taste lke factory made or just plain lousy..they r just profit driven.i believe wat makes a food delicious is u can 'feel' the passion of the person who made them n they made them w their heart n soul..tatz the difference!

i hope i did not put very high expectation of the humble pau...in case itz not ur cup of tea..
Hi, pink,
Million mega hugz for u... U ll always b loved & supported by all of us here... & shall one day b blessed with baby in ur hands.. sooooooonnnnnnnnn....

As far as i know, Dr Zou has 2 types of treatment path.. My fren went, telling her wan to try natural, Dr Zou ask her to go accu 3 times bef O period..
While I go same timing as my fren, with intention of ivf, Dr Zou put me on 2x a week accu plan, to tiao the body, while I stil continue to try naturalli.. Perhaps u ask her urself wat route she tinks works best for u.. My personal views yah...
I have a favourite thai food stall.. Along Alexandra road, somewhere opp Alexandra hosp.. Nice & cheap.. Thai chefs, if I m not wrong.. Help me whack the Tom Yam soup yah.. & nice prawn cakes & stuffed chix wings there..

JT / kimmy,
Whn I m in office, I ll make the "cheating" method of the red dates drink.. Put all ingredients into a thermal cup, pour boiling water over it.. Cover it.. Let it stand for a few hrs.. Woola!!! Office pantry very limited resources & rushing to work all the time, so got to make do.. Can put in more dates to compensate for not putting the ingredients to boil...
JT, u can start drinking tis drink now.. Need not wait til 2ww.. Warms the womb.. & oso good substitute for us who got to forgo all our chilled tea / soft drinks..
If u get too heaty over the drink, do it alternate days.. Unless u like me, super liang tt can drink everyday til Dr Zou shocked.. Haha...
Day / babybun,
For the ginger drink, Hw many slices of Ginger & how many longans huh? All bring to boil?

Bingo / sisters,
I'm back fr ER.. Cramp cramp here & cramp cramp there.. & like Whitetiger, go toilet super cramp.. But bo bian.. Stil got to hv water parade & go toilet often.. Realised tt cramps is worst if I sit up.. Lying flat works best...
Now praying tt a good number ll mature & fertilised & good grades too... Fingers crossed....
hi Queenie> glad ur ER went smoothly..u shld b feeling much better tmr
wish u all the very best in your comin ET

thnx for the gazillion bbdust by all sisters
i'm truly touched!

i will def try the thai food u recommended..it sounds very authenthic n wld like to be transported bk to thailand just by tasting their food..yummy..
Hi PinkC, mega hugz. Rest & tiao ur body till u r ready for another battle.

Hi queenie, am also cramp & uncomfy after yesterday ER but today ok le. Rest well tonight. I asked the nurse if no embryo need to go tmr, she said just come.
Just put a few slices of ginger and probably a handful of about 6-8 longans and bring all to boil. Putting dried longans will enhance the taste. But if u r worried of being heaty, don't put them. These should make you a cup or 2 to drink.
pink, <<<<hugs>>>>
i am sure you will bfp one day, celine dior also tried for many times (11 times I think) and finally a twins! of course i dont wish you go thru so many times, but it shows that when one dont give up, we will be parents one day.. you will be a pretty mummy ok.. yes we can meet up for thai food! enjoy talking to you alot..
hmm, whats the difference between the
1) wolfberry/ red date/ longan drink
2) ginger/ longan drink?

1) is for warming the womb?

i think i belong to the liang type..will dr zou know whether im liang or heaty type by pulse reading? how much does her medicine cost? can dont take medicine but just do acpuncture? usu dr zou recommend how long to tiao body? 2 mth enough?

im cycling prob july or sep..
queenie, today Dr zou called you rite? when she called you, i am poking inside.. heard you retrived 19 eggs, good number.. so when is your next appt? when you will know how many eggs fertilized?
omg cramp... "scare"
thanks for the Ginger drink receipe.. Will come in handy if the cramp / bloat gets worst..

Don't worry yah.. The cramp is stil bearable, as of now.. Juz pulling sensation here &amp; there.. Bb_nn is gg to ask me wat is pulling me Liao.. Haha...

Yup.. So qiao!!! Dr Zou called me @ 5pm.. Mayb she saw u, got reminded of me, cos I told her we went makan together... Haha.. My ET is on thurs morning.. I tink I ll oni know on thurs the number fertilised etc.. But hor.. KKH called the other gal who did ER todae lo, according to Dr Zou..
Now I keeping my fingers crossed tt the number fertilised ll b good &amp; oso good grades... U counting dwn to sat? Keke...
queenie, haha ya bb nn will ask "who is pulling?"
ya i told her i am one of the 5 warm waters, she said yes, you mentioned my surname.. haha
she also told me that KKH now will call and inform how many fertizlied.. but later she said maybe only those who has little eggs..
ya i am courting down to sat!

what is your linning ah? ET on thur.. wow excited for you leh.. !
Nice chatting with u 2days back. I was looking fir u in Er room today :)
Yupz, the girl dr Zou referring is me. Kk called me.. But I guess only low nos matures r called upon ...
I have 7 retrieved( better than d expected 5) but only 2 matured as of this afternoon... Hope they fertilized n can proceed ET .. Remaining 5 under observation gir maturity Tmr.
Did u receive call? Should be good news then that yielded good matured eggs n fertilization.
Learnt fr dr Zou another girl who did Er yesdae received call fr Kk.. Retrieved 4 n 2 matured. Kk called to infirm her today 2 fertilized n ET proceeds Tmr.. Hehe.. I thinks it's summer right? Read her post...
Hi, ceraine.
U r here! I tink I know who u are le.. U r the 1st gal to sit &amp; wait for ER &amp; reading a mag rite? Ur surname is Ong? I m the one who walked in juz aft u.. Sat 2 seats away fr u... I was pulled into the ER room shortly aft, while the nurse was briefing u...
U r in yellow printed dress rite? I saw u last fri actuali.. Whn I was @ kkivf for scan.. U were in front of me buying the pregnyl med &amp; carrying ur gonal f in a red cooler bag...err.. Did I get u rite?
No leh.. KKH didn't call me @ all.. Keeping my fingers &amp; toes crossed.. So I don't dare to email my colleagues of my HL.. Yet they hv SMS me todae to ask abt work..

Hw u feeling todae? I see u tmr @ Dr Zou, yah...
Haha.. 1 of the 5 warm water.. Wait til kimmy goes &amp; tell her she is another of the warm water...

Yalor.. Excited for thurs.. To see my embryos.. My lining is 9 during my scan last fri... Update me on sat of ur scan, yah... Then ur ER / ET shld b next week Liao...
Ron, thanks for your explanation. That is precisely why Dr Loh was suggesting Natural FET. My thought is what if the thaw is successful, than I hope not to have controllable stuff like medicated which I did not adhere resulting the whole cycle.
I will be going for Fresh Cycle after FET. Dr Loh has blocked July. Is it too early?
Awoken in the middle of the night sweating like a pig and mr flu decided to visit me with an extremely painful sore throat! I swear I could cry.. :'(
Trying to get back to sleep.. Must fight! Must fight the darn flu!! The sore throat is killing me! Everytime I swallow, it hurts a bucket!

Silsilly, I usually take a glass of maruku honey whenever I feel sore throat coming. Think honey should be ok right, at least feels safer to take now than lozenges. Drink lots of water, it will go through a peak and subside.

Thanks.. I just had my honey.. But my sneezing has not subsided.. I want to take medicine but I'm trying to tolerate as much as I possibly can.. My eyes are itching, my nose is blocked, my throat is sore and I'm still sneezing.. Haizz...

Anyways, wat time you going to kkh later?

about 10 plus. U take care, if flu that bad, better see gyne for medication. I called kkivf previously to ask about charcoal tablets coz had bad diarrhea before ER. The nurse should be able to advise u.
Hi CLamby,

I am on medicated FET. U only need to buy progynova tablet. And some patient need to take baby aspirin as prescribe by Dr.
Mount E just called. Out of 27, 21 are matured, and 14 are fertilized. Wonder how many will make it to freezing. Till now, 50% casualty rate already.
Hi, ceraine,
Nope.. I wasn't tt gal.. I was the one who was remained sitting inside waiting while ur had ur conversation in the changing room.. Then u came out of the changing room &amp; sat on my rite side...
I wonder hw my eggs doing.. Reali praying hard for them...

J03/ clb/ Goh/ Silsilly/ ritz/ other KKH sisters,
Ur waited til ET day to knw number of fertilised eggs? Waiting game again..
Hey don't worry!.. You should have a decent yield to freeze. Just remember that u need a strong embbie to make things happen!

Stay happy &amp; Relax to receive ur embbies.
queenie >> ya ya, next time I go see dr zou i will tell her I was one of the 5 warm waters. wahahahahaha.

oh I'd be at kkivf tmr for briefing, signing consent form and they only take a bit of blood test also right? what time's your ET? all the babydust to you !!!
Pink, it's ok u just need another gd try..who knows u will strike with twins make up for yr disappointment this time. U really lift up the spirits of IVF mood u need to be ard to sparkle more happiness behind the tough path. Rest well &amp; hope to see you striving hard again for yr utimate prize. It's heartwarming to see u gain so much friendships &amp; make this battle so encouraging..

babybun, u considered have very gd no &amp; quality, i retrieve 22 &amp; 9 fertilized, fail one fresh cycle and strike on FET, so in theory u just need a couple gd fighters to stick well. Gd luck on yr ET/BT!

lots of ER &amp; ET coming up..bb dust to all May fighters..BFP BFP BFP, jia you!

Hi Queenie, sadly to say KK standard is letting you know only in ET. I rem mine was on the ET chair then they will tell how many eggs fertilize. but in pte they will call you one day after ER how many eggs fertilize before u go for ET next day. No choice KK has too many patients &amp; they just can't offer personal touch. no worries everything will go smoothly have faith in your embryos. Rest well in yr 2WW &amp; pray hard for a BFP! gd luck on yr ET/BT..sparkle more bb dust to all
