IVF/ICSI Support Group

thks jt, moo and melodi for the reassurance. mine is 10000iu also...haiz..

melodi, mine is icis also, coz dh's soldiers not that strong, dr loh made that comment last time..icis is to ensure the eggs get fertilised, as thru natural selection (IVF), where sperms choose the best egg to penetrate, some sperms might not be able to penetrate thru the egg shell, then that batch would have to be discarded...so safer bet if go via icis...dun worry too much... =)

Hi clb, thanks
but I don think I will have any left for FET already
hopefully my small small one can grow superfast today to catch up.
Clb, melodi
Yes mine also icsi, better chance for fertilizing, kk will do the job no worries.

After ER, is our condition allow us to go out before ET? Do you need to bed rest?
Hi Melodi. Dont worry too much now about FET. Just relax and work towards bfp this time k?

Hi Moo. After ER, u will feel overaries heavy and some pain after the painkiller went off in the evening. So need to have bedrest on ER day. I feel slightly better next day but still not advisable to go out as u wont feel very well. Better to rest at home and prepare for ET....
JO3..good luck in ur ET!

the procedure shld b w/in the next 2-3days..itz a relatively simple n quick procedure but the only thing..uncomfortable as u nid to hv a full bladder.best of all..ur DH will b there w u wen doc show ur embryos in petri dish/on a tv monitor and 'plant' in in the womb.it was quite an emotional moment 4me n DH.thereafter a black n white photo gvn of e embryos transfered as keepsake.do rest well durin e 2ww..no carryin of heavy stuff ya!oh..avoid BD durin tis period
Hi melodi - Our eggs have a mind of their own
even those which are slow in first few days after fertilisation can end up being the BPF one. Mysteries of creating life - the statistics are all man's attempt to better understand god's work.
Hi moo, thanks! I will focus on my 4 potential one now. Really hope they all fertilized n BFP. You too

Hi J03, any updates?
Hi sami - I know what you mean about the depressing success rates as age bracket increases but no worries - that's why got ivf!
some sistas need a few try and some hit jackpot on the first try. At least we have given this journey our best try.

You are so lucky hubby is trained to do jabs properly! I gave up asking hubby to jab as he look like mad man holding syringe. Make me more scared!

Yes, stim(ulation) jabs for follicle growth (ie. Puregon or gonal-f)
hi weaky,
dr.zou is @AMK tel:64560833,nearby singapore polytechnic.plz make appmnt b4 u visit.avoid weekends/evenings/nites as itz alwaz full.

if u r takin her herbs,only take 2hrs or more after ur western ivf meds.

$25 for consultation and frontal(20mins)+ back(20mins)accupuncture. herbs can cost up to $100 for a weeks supply,depends.oso taste can be 'unpleasant'..must endure..for bb's sake.
Hi clb
Wht time u going for ur hcg tonight? Me going at 9pm and will be doing er on wed too.,;) wht time is ur er?
Hope these two days still got time for my smaller follicle to chase up..

Hi melodi
Glad to know ur follicles are also growing...;) er shd be soon too.. Actually, my hubby just throw old soldier last night.. And wed will be er.. Not sure enough time to produce new soldier or not??;(

Hi moo
Mine hcg jab is same dosage as u.. So we only one day difference..;)
hi melodi,
yes wat moo said is true..u'll never knw wic ones will b fertilised..we can only pray n be positive!

i had 18eggs collected durin ER last year,only 11 fertilised.1st ivf..transfered 2embryos/grade 4/failed. 2nd ivf..3embryos/grade 4/implanted but miscarriaged.even dr.zou was puzzled coz e 3embryos was really 'sui' 'sui..

now embarking on apr FET w remaining 3embryos(still got balance 6).fyi,kkh doesnt allow partial transfer out of embryos to Care.hpefully w my daily buserelin jabs my lining will b ready.(had to abandon mar cycle due to lining not thick enuf/6mm..due to DnF procedure previously).
Hi Ron, menses came so -ve for me this cycle. Sad lor. Juz want to be sure tt my next FET is bpf cos age catching up n oso I left 3 embbies wif grade 3.
congratz...jab free for you also, all the best my dear!!!

Can you do something with your 6 frozen embbies with kkh? Are you start fresh ivf again? You are very brave...
hi weaky..sori to hear abt AF came.i knw u feel sad,take the time to grief w ur DH.only wen u r redy to embark on the FET,start to 'bu' ur body either by accup or just simply the recommendations by sisters here.i'm sure many sisters out there hv same grade as u but yet bfp.i had grade 4 but yet failed so dun read too much into grading ok?we should count our blessings no matter how small they are..coz they mite turn out to be the greatest joy..
Hi Nancy, it's nice to know thre's a cycle buddy from CHR too.

I will be signing the consent form on the 6th Apr and and collect injection for D21 on 14th Apr.

I'm with Doc Stephen Chew & Dr Anupriya. What about you?
Hi all...tks for all the luv. Last Thursday when I had brown spotting I went to kkivf to do the hcg blood test and see dr loh. The level of the hcg was too low and not viable for pregnancy
Hi moo, u sure kk nurse told u like tt. Cos I thot u must go BT then at d same time they will arrange an appt for u to c doc. My previous cycle, I call them, they ask me to go down for BT le.
hi moo,
after my last FET(natural thaw)w kkh failed i had balance 6embbies.all tis 6embbies will be transfered to Care for Dr.Paul Tseng to do e ET procedure wen the time is rite.(i will opt for 3embbies transferred).

all documents..consent forms signed by both DH n i ordy done @both kkh and Care prior to tis..now just waiting for AF to come then evryth will proceed fm here..ultrasound/blood test/more meds kick in.

moo..thnx!i cant say i'm brave but felt am stronger emotionally now as compared to last time wen i was a newbie to tis process.i had experienced fear(needles/jabs/accupuncture),jubilation(bfp) and then had my whole world crushed(miscarriage) wen it was taken away fm me...i can only hope sisters here dun hv 2go thro wat i've been thro.i had cried many nites but as long as i stil hv embbies i told myslf i'll persevere and hopefully b rewarded soon..

after much discussion w DH we decided to do 2nd FET(Apr) w Care..angela recommended regulated..meaning w meds like buserelin jabs now and baby aspirin/progynova/crinone later.
Frankly grading means nothing...I had 2 grade 4 embbies and they didn't make it to. Dr loh himself told me that the grading has no impact to the outcome.
Weaky, sorry mine is so-iui, maybe different from ivf, kk fix my next appt with dr loh during 2ww and told me if AF came then no BT and wait for next appt to see dr. Thats all.
hi weaky..i remembered wen my AF came after my 1st fresh cycle i had to go down kkh to do a blood test.itz a confirmation tat preg was not viable.sometimes e AF could b implantation blood so we never know until BT results are out.

btw dr.zou's herbs hv ingredients to increase lining before u do ET and different sets of herbs after tat to 'support' the embryos.not exactly sure wat Marine Parade concort 4u but u can alwaz ask if in doubt ya..
Hi Farisah, actually, how would you know which doctor will be attached to your case? I have seen all 3 of them, i.e. Dr Stephen Chew, Dr Anupriya and Prof Wong. I have already signed the consent papers. Now just waiting for my April menses to come, which should be next week..
van..*hugz*.am doin FET w Care,whole process abt $5k not inclusive of meds.can use medisave.

i wld suggest u call Care te:63338608 n speak to Angela/chief embryologist to get more info on costs n their protocols coz itz totally different fm kkh.the best thing i found out was they can "custom make" your schedule to ensure ET is done on ur prefered date by increasing/decreasing your meds dosage.oso no more long waiting time!
Hi pinkcapri...Actually I truely believe in Dr Loh skills but I was quite upset that he wasn't there to do my Egg retreival...Dr sandhana did it for me. I will do my FET in kkh because I still believe in Dr Loh...However if he bails out on me again I think I will switch to CARE.
ER was most tramatising for me. I had 25 eggs and when I woke up after the sedation I was a pool of blood, the size of my buttocks. I was very tramatized but the nurse say it was normal. I didn't expect to see that much of blood though..
Hi Vann. When Dr Loh did the ER for me, i didnt see the pool of blood u mentioned when I woke up... guess the doctor's skill really matters in this case....
weaky - Sorry for the sad news. *hugz* & hope your mind & body will get some rest & come back afresh soon for your FET. How many snow babies do you have?

Pink - your journey gives inspiration. thx for sharing.

Vann - While not viable, at least you now know from BT the embryos were strong enough to implant. Hopefully bfp the next round.

Nancy - if you are already taking one form of multi-vits (ie. Women's multi-vits), you may want to check the ingredients carefully before u take Conceive Well too, as so some vits should not exceed certain daily level.
hi vann..sori 2hear u were traumatised by e ER.mine was done by sf n later ET by sf oso.i had 18eggs collected,had to ask for a pad fm nurse coz i was oso bleeding,i can see blood drip as i slowly walk to the toilet to clean myslf up..itz normal.ther's oso some 'rawness' pain inside 4awhl.

initially wen i 1st started w kkh last year,it was bcoz of all e praises i heard n read of sf in tis forum.after my ivf journey w him tis 2years,i realised he's very temperamental,abrupt(too many patients too little time),insensitive and upto a point of being "cold".e last straw was wen i miscarriaged..he din even utter a word of encouragement or consoled me or DH..he was very "inhuman" coz we were in total shock n tryin to grasp the devastating news and yet he was quick to schedule DnC.We decided to wait for anoth week coz our bb's heartbeat may b stronger by then and we oso demanded for anoth scan..just to confirm early preg failure.btw,sf had misdiagoned on me since i bfp so i dun take his words at face value.

initially i din wan to divulge alot of my 'unpleasant' memories of kkh,afraid it mite affect some of our sisters here..so i'd rather keep it brief.
hi nancy..not adviseable to take 'multi-vits' in addition 2wat was prescribed for ivf.there mayb duplicate ingredients and tat affects e dosage per day taken.

sisters who mayb keen on buyin folic acid..5mg..Unity sells a box of 100's tabs for $2.50...so,very affordable esp now wen we hv to take 1 everyday and every cents saved goes a long way wen ivf journey is not cheap..

oso u may wan to take CoQ10..to supplement folic acid durin tis FET..helps our body get ready.
