IVF/ICSI Support Group

Thanks Sun and Val. ok I will try to avoid. But I think beef still can eat medium right. Just one time :p
I am in my supression period but friend's birthday we are gg to steak restuarant to celebrate.

Shoes and Miracles, jia you, BFP next round *HuGs*
hi gals,
pls be patient with me...
bdct is currently overwhelm with abt 20 members... is alot on fb chat system and we trying to work out...
i acknowledge ur requests and will add individuals slowly to the group like one in a day kind... cos we trying to cope... cos the flooding can be as many as over 400posts in a day... which is too much for us to handle...
kindly add me in ur fb first, so i can process ur requests... =) cheers....
t eo _ cl a i re @ hotmail.com
take away the spaces in between...
if u cant find me prob is a bug on fb, pls try later at nite or at different timing of the day...
Hi sticky
Wht bdct u toking abt?? Me lost thread now... Me already ur friends in facebook.. Whts next??

Hi miracle n shoe
Hugz... Jiayou k n never give up.. U will bfp ultimately.. Taje care...
Hi all. I have just wake up from my nap. I was feeling sick this morning.

My tcm doctor said that my pulse is good. I told her that I have tender boob and I felt tired these 2 days and today is my 10dpt. She said that it is a normal sign of getting preggy wor.. She told me that those who are not getting preggy will already 'washed' after 4 or 5 dpt. Mense would have come already. but I thought we are on Progynova support that's why mense cannot come mah.... Not sure how true leh
Sorry to heard that, HUGss miracle, shoes and flower, you all have done your best, next circle will be your turn.

Yes you are right, should go and see doctor early, will do it dear.
Leor, I already down with runny nose & sore thoat. Too late to take supplements liao! Me taking stepsil & yellow flu tablet from doc..

baby, you having spotting? do you have any cramp? If get worst, pls go to 24hrs women clinic for support
Hi Mina
I dun have any cramp but just have some brown spotting since last nite until now. So getting a bit worry. As have called kkivf they mention is ok as long as not flow and red. So just want to check anyone with same situation b4
Baby: please dont have to be panic by my post. I really don't know what tcm doctor is referring. She told me that if I don't have any symptom by today, 10dpt, then is not a good sign. I really don't have any symptom leh...

Is the brown spoting come from your Crinone insert? if so, my gynae said that it is normal.
baby, pls monitor closely if spotting gone by tmr should be implantation bleeding but if not, faster go check it out!

I got spotting on 12dpt with af cramps so went 24hrs womend clinic to take early bhcg bt, end up chemical le.
hi calzz,
no baby cannot take yet... if she takes and baby onli implanting, then her blood will thicken and womb lining will not be ideal liao...
now can onli pray is implantation spotting onli...
Sunstillshines, I dunno wats tat but Dr Loh say bio-chemical pregnancy cos got detect pregnancy hormones in my blood juz the level is low. I got spotting on 12dp2dt so went 24hrs clinic take early bhcg bt & result came back low hcg level. I was only given oral support & schedule take bhcg bt 2 days later but hcg still drop then nurse ask me stop oral support & come back for bhcg bt again 3 days later. By then hcg level drop to 1.5 liao so the nurse say juz wait for 'miscarriage' so to be exact I lost my 2 darlings when I was 4w4d.
hi piggy...
oh today 7dpt liao... lolz... didnt realise so fast liao... i having af cramps... so =) not hoping high like u ar...

hi janice,
ya weekends more busy.... =)
hi moo
My af is here last midnight 3am as expected.. Full flow.. So today consider cd1..urs full flow yesterday? Today cd1 or cd2? So we r really exact buddy..;)

Hi sticky
May i know wht is the bdct membership abt?

Hi gals fr kkivf
Sorry to asks again as no one answer to my query yesterday...
May i check with u how long it takes to do e2 bt and scan at kk? Must go in the morning? Will they gives medical chip if i request since no see doc? Need the info badly as dun know whether shd i take leave or mc now..;( plsadvise sister.. Thk u...
Btw, my af is here.. Stimulation start next week.. Shd i start eat 5 egg white fr today onwards? Thk u sister.. Here is so quiet recently... Feel so helpless suddenly...;(
Stickybfp: Maybe that is not af cramps... it is the "pulling sensation" like what others who bfp-ed. Are you with Care or kkh?

I have no symptom leh. This morning wake up and having bad ache on my lower back. I wonder it was because of the Proluton jab on Thu.
Mina: Thanks for sharing... It must be a hard time for you...

Joanne: I don't think there is a need to start so many egg whites now... because during stimulation you will be eating egg white until .... important now is to keep yourself healthy. Take vitamin C and don't go to crowded places.
Sorry I couldn't advise you on the bt as I am not for kkivf.
Just back from kkh o&g. The mo said is too early to do blood test and there is nothing they can do just have to wait for bt on fri.
Hi Joanne
If I dun remember for mi is after jab lucrin for 17days I went for my e2 and after that start stimulation jab. U can refer to the paper tat kkh give to u when they do the briefing
Hi sun
Thks for ur reply... As my stimulation may start this week so thinking to up my protein now...

Hi baby
Still spotting? Do rest as much as u can now.. Hope it is implantation spot for u... Relax k...
Btw, i think u misunderstand my question.. As i will be doing e2 test n scan on coming wednesday.. Like to know how long for the whole procedure to complete on that day? As i dun see doc so will we be getting any time chit ? Can i do the test in the late morning or must be early morning? Thk u...
Hi Joanne
Sorry . U can go ivf centre as early as 730am. After the bt and scan u will get puregon from pharmacy and the nurse will give u a date to start the puregon jab. U will at least need few hours off in the morning
Melodi: we need to increase our protein to support the growing folicles during stimulation stage. You can start to increase just before the stimulation but I don't find that there is a need to take egg whites because you will still have a long time to take egg whites during the stimulation stage... keep your egg whites until that time.

Frankly, taking too many egg whites at one go per day does not really taste nice.... you can wait until that time.

I will say that drinking Immunocal and buliding up your immunity now is more essential.
Baby: I went to bath just now and saw my crinone insert gel which came out of my v has some brown stain... my doc has given an instruction that at times the crinone discharge may turn brownish and don't be alarmed...
