IVF/ICSI Support Group

Leor, yes still hv. Yesterday ok, today the pulling came back. How abt u? Any ms sign?

Apple, I oso dunno how to go abt it. I'll pm u my email add. If not I'll go OG to buy 1 box this fri
Janice, Leor: did you have any sore boob during the 2ww? My sore boob seems quite different from the normal sore boob I had when af is coming. This time is not so sore....

Renovation upstairs begins....
hi blue,
bt soon soon... good luck for ur bt this week

hi joanne,
all the best for ur stimulation jabs today...

hi sun,
heard from the gals say is normal le...
renov so long? they using gold or diamond in their house? haha
Hi stickybfp
Me not start yet.. Shd be end of this wk.. Me go scan on coming wednesday then see when start..;)

Hi gals
Anyone has kkivf number pls?

Good morning gals..;) monday bluz..

Can any sister advise during 2ww, do we still need drink immouncal? For? How many pkt per day if need drink during 2ww?

Thk u gals..;) may i know who is due for bfp bt this week?
Moo - Day5 of stims on short protocol. I am with TowYung Clinic.

Sunshines - boobs sore different this time? maybe good news
fingers crossed for ya! The crinone brown staining could be old blood from ER after all the extraction poking, or implantation!

BNB - your BT this Friday?

Apple - how is week2 resting for you? are you on HL/MC until BT?
hi sun,
haha.... they close the door cos maybe they dun wan u to peek... maybe they hacking all the internal walls... haha... make it into 1 room flat...
i done my first ivf in dec, with er no et... cos ohss... so did fet in jan then failed... then another fet in march... now in 2ww lorz...
Can i check, for Natural FET, is really that important to correctly pin point Day 1 menses and thus start Asprin on Day 4? If Day 2 = Day 1 and Day 5 = Day4 can or not?
Janice, i dun feel any pulling le. No ms sign too. U also no ms sign? Care havent inform you when can u/s for you ah?

Sun, am having puffy and sore boobs on/off. Think your is a good sign too. Keke...Btw, when is yr BT?
i describe my senario to nurse then nurse say today is day 1 instead of yesterday wor...so i scare i say wrongly n she misunderstood...actually i also blur la...i see red blood yesterday morning when i wipe, then whole day i didnt bother to see, till nite, 8pm+ i see my urine red but ididnt tell nurse morning i see red in the morning la, just told her nite time i see red...never mind one la hor?
Hi gals, morning.

Btw I would like to ask if I have started my stimulation this friday, can I go for a whole body massage on Sat? Been feeling quite stress recently so thought of going gg relax before ER and ET. Maybe I skip the jacuzzi and sauna service they have.

Anyone can advise?

Stickybfp: you are right... maybe they hacked into one super big 1 room! I keep on hearing the drilling sound...

I did my 1st IVF in Nov. Also because of OHSS, the et procedure cannot continue and I waited until now.

Day: not in chunks. It looks like brown tissues mixed with the crinone discharge. TFC gave paper saying that it is normal to have brown discharge. So, i also try not to think too much.

Ron, Leor: I really hope what you said will come true!
Leor, no ms but juz feeling something stuck in between esp after eating. I was told either end of this week or early next week. Yours on 18/3 right?
never mind la bobzai... =)
soon le... ur fet will be this mth...

hi melodi,
can go la... =) go enjoy... cos later in stimulation jabs hor... ur ovaries will swell up so bad, u cant massage liao...
Joanne, Yap just saw yr email. Sorry, cos i dont check emails everyday de. Had also reply u le.

Janice, Yap this Friday. Very excited lor...btw, i only feel my mouth tasteless...sianz...

Btw, is this week consider our 6week huh? So this Friday i might be able to hear heartbeat hor?
Morning ladies : ) did not access the forum since last Thurs. Any good news?? Anyway my af was here, tomolow going for us. If my cysts cleared, will b starting stimulation jab tomolow : ) Hope for the best : )
Leor, yep my mouth tasteless too but I can still eat lah. Yep yep 6th week le but I dunno when can hear heartbeat leh. Me oso dunno when is my scan, prob next week ba
So u doing fet this cycle isit? Am still testing for my ovulation this cycle but til today which is CD14 still negative on opk. Just wondering if i shld just email dr loh if still negative in the next few days. And see if there is any concern to do fet next cycle.

So after two days of stimulation jab still can go right? Will not affect the ovaries right. I have some 3 cysts in both my ovaries actually so scare it will worsen it.
Hi Melodi - if you worried, you can call up the clinic to ask ok or not. At least you go massage with peace of mind ... otherwise, after massage come back more stressed, defeat purpose
Hi gals,

Btw if you are doing FET, what is the estimated cost for that? Usually do you use the government grant and medisave for FET cycle. Will it be better to use the grant for fresh cycle cos it is more expensive.
For kk natural fet, its abt $1000+. i choose to go for cash as i dont wanna waste one time grant. Save for fresh if need be.
hi MeloDi, ur cysts are not big right? Ur doc said is ok to go ahead wif stimulation jab?
Coz I developed 6 cysts bet 2-3cm after 2 weeks suppression jab during Feb. I was told to abandon tat cycle as stimulation jab will cause the cysts to grow even bigger which will affect the growth of follicles.

<font color="ff0000">HI LADIES!!!

Finally got the chance to join in to chat cos on mc ... i was on/off this forum asking for advice but no time to come back in to check advice given...SORRY!! ...bz with work and at wkplace... not allowed to come in... use iphone also a bit obvious...

Let me intro myself...=D i'll be starting my maiden IVF journey next mth... not sure what is going to happen ... a bit scare... but i'll be with KKIVF...

so what will be happening on our 1st appt with KKIVF ah?? i was told to bring marriage cert and IC... i'm totally like a headless chicken..no clue as to what will happen next... want to be mentally prepared for any "torture" to come...so can any ladies with KKIVF advice??? thanks thanks!!</font>
