IVF/ICSI Support Group

Shoes, hahaha ya lor even i myself oso forgotten abt it hehe but lazy to go n heat it up :p. My dh suppose to cook porridge, til now not back yet. By the time he finished cooking I faint already.

<font color="aa00aa">Janice - haha, oic, next time order home delivery? Pasta dunno what delivers right?I recall some ladies ordered during their home stay too...</font>
Sticky, haha waiting for my sis reply. Usually she's one who ordered but I think got to order quite alot then he delivers... Not so sure

Shoes, ya lah sticky very bad de lor, kept tempting us...
Btw sticky, u can eat spicy food meh?
hi janice,
can la... so far... no one say i cannot eat spicy food le... but not every meal and not alot... i dun really take too spicy de... then my mil like to cook spicy stuffs... i treat it as bu my body lor... so i cut on heaty stuffs... wat to do? mil aint gg to scarifice her sons' taste preference for mine...
Sticky, hmmm eat lesser ba. Like take the fish not the sauce. And stop tempting us!!!! Though I dun take spicy food so much but now that cannot eat I crave for it chay
if i just drive over, less than 10mins to reach your place...hahha....go get a house in sk...near me...wahhaa...i cater food from you lor!
Done!!! But everything doesn't seem nice to me
Janice , your taste bud changing? My sil say when she preggy she has this metallic taste in her mouth , everything that she used to like all become not nice, but it doesn't happen to everyone of coz
Hi all sisters
Ok will not test hpt again. As a bit disappointed and worried as my dh keep insisting tat I bfp so very worried I will disappoint him. As he really love kids more than I do
I am so full now. Had dinner at my mom's place where she had soup. Then my MIL prepared soup for us too. I had 3 bowls of soup! And I still have bird's nest from my MIL still to eat. Think I don't have to worry about losing weight from my stomach flu anymore.
I so envy janice, BFP n can off for three months..... I also want...Lolx

Such a torture for me at work today after nuaing for 20+ days... God damn sleepy n cnt concentrate on my work... Came bk Hm straightaway hit the bed n zzz for an hour!!! Pengz

Yeah, I'm very blessed. We bought a flat just 1 block behind my mom's so she took care of all my meals during my 2ww.

My MIL is very busy taking care of my SIL's children so she only brews stuff for us sometimes.
Ya better to be in fb as I can put comments immediately not like here after I have finish reading the thread I have forget who I want to write to. Think old already
Miracle, I oso want!!!!

Karen, hehe actually I'm very touched with my boss understanding lor. He's old le n due to work he didn't spend much time with his children. Now they all grown up le, but already too late cos he already miss their grown up time.
flowers ... mine 6867 la ... jump number lor ...

jus back awhile from Dr Zou there .. tonight quiet lei

piggy all the best for ET tmr ... all will be swee swee de !!! jiayou o!!! go dear go sleep now ... no more online liao ...

me gg to sleep soon sisters ... goodnight !!!
Piggy,all the best for yr ET today

Miracle, flowers, shoes and other sisters doing bt today, best of luck to u all. Showering tons of baby dust. BFP !

Take care. If the pain is unbearable, just take painkillers, ok? My TCM physician also advised not to "ren" if it's painful cause the whole body tenses up.

morning all sisters ...

Piggy ... ET today ... Jiayou All the best ... swee swee o!

Shoes,flowers, miracles ... today BT ... Yah Yah Yah BFP BFP BFP BFP!!!!!!
