IVF/ICSI Support Group

dawn: I have also quit my job and concentrate on ttcing until now... 2 years already... but my family does not know why I quit my job. My FIL maybe also think I am a lazy bum.... only hb understand what I am doing...

What is the different between bhcg and hpt?
Dawn u r right. I knw I Wnt give up. Just feel very disappointed not making it the first time. Cos it means I'll have to go for second try n arrange with my work commitment again. Gotta ans to my boss n colleague n u knw sometimes not everyone is considerate n can understand our plight n Wat we r gg thru. All I want is a BFP n it has to b Tat tough

Bhcg is the blood test that gives us the exact level of beta hcg. Hpt is home pregnancy test kit - we should test positive on the hpt as long as we exceed a certain level of hcg in the body. I am also not sure why my good friend tested -ve on the hpt even after her bhcg confirmed her pregnancy but it was the same for both her pregnancies.
Shoes, ok thank you. I go and register hehe cos very blur abt this.

Flowers, by then u oso cannot drink kopi leh... Other drinks can lah hehe

Dunno why, everytime come to off I get running nose... Maybe I sensitive to work wahahaha
Dawn - thanks for sharing. Didn't realise many ladies quit/change job to focus on IVF.

I also nego-ed with my boss to cut to part-time since last year too (paycheque also cut) to TTC naturally, but nothing so this year stared IVF can really feel the pinch with the meds. My mum also thinks I am lazy - go to uni, then dun want to work but no kids at home to take care anyway... but somehow cannot tell them going for IVF otherwise it will be more stressful.. The tots of going back to work full time is weighing heavily each time I get my AF, but hubby say dun give up yet and give another go.

Karen - stay strong, and keep positive.
calzz, literally means yin not enuf 阴虚, sypmtoms like soft stools, palm feels hot, chest feels hot something like tat. Best to check with your tcm

you mean ur friend always tested hpt neg even she is positive? quite strange lor...hehe. what's her beta level? did she try HPT again after BT is positive?

I tested neg starting 8dpt to 12dpt. I stopped testing le... because i know it is going to give me same result.
calzz, i ever try using chicken without skin but somehow, i still find it oily...haha...i want totally oil free mah...lolz.

I knw this by asking the chinese medical hall people whether i can brew it without putting any meat. They say of cos can. Just add in dry longgan and red dates for the sweet will do. So ever since, i brew without meat le.
Shoes, not optimistic lah...day 14 liao leh... HPT shd b able to detect if really preggy rite..faint line maybe? mine is one line nia, no 2nd line at all...
Hi apple
All the best to ur er today..;)

Hi stickybfp
Wish ur et success n thaw all successful..;) bb waiting for u already.. Woah.. U r so fast and me still waiting.. Zzzzz..

Hi Leor
Wah.. Thats very detail..;) how many eggs u retrieve n fertilized? Hmm... U eating 4 egg white during suppression? Me only eat three egg white and 1pkt immouncal.. Think i need to up my intake hor? Wht juice u use to drink immouncal? Oh.. U go back to work after 10dpt.. Me also plan to rest for one week only as plan to take my own leave.. Not want to let collegue suspect me go for ivf.. R u very relax thru out ur cycle? How u spend ur 2ww? Sorry for so many questions as me start to feel stress le..;(

Hi sister
May i know why we cant eat prawn, sotong during 2ww? Any reason behind? Also, why cant take local fruit? Means apple , grapes also cant take? But we will get constipation if no fruits.. Really cant take except durian huh?

Btw, does one bottle of lucrin enough for all of u thru out the cycle? As i think i will need to get one more bottle since i start since day 16 and will hv use up 20injections before puregeon start. Then puregeon need to inject for another 12 days together with lucrin right? Which means i short of 4days..;( is it true for sister who start lucrin at day 16?
Thk u...
Dawn, BNB: Spent a lot already on this IVF journey. Now, I just guai guai take medicine and supplement from morning until at night. yes! hopefully 12 more days later I will present a BFP to everyone!
Sisters, s u knw I'm only taking folic acid, I wan to take med from morning to nite too! lolx. So means I have to go get conceive well, coq10, royal jelly...anything else? where to get ah? I knw conceive well can get from guardian...coq10 leh? any other supplements i shd take?
Back from GP. so tiring.
Give cough mixture. Dr taught me how to use my inhaler as neubiliser, since I dun have one at home. and wel..it clears my lungs pretty well, and now can breathe much better.... hope it clears up soon.
Just took Care's med...ph dear, today all med gg to be pushed back...

Karen, peko
understand how you all feeling, sianz hor. Although we still pinning a hope, but que sera sera, whatever will be will be....

desire for child is strong. but I dun wanna trigger another asthma attack again and to get a failed cycle again. The last fresh cycle gave me a bad asthma attack, then this fet was even worse...duno why. So if that's meant to be will be. Though I really admired ladies who can go through fresh after fresh.

Just tabao lunch back,,,lazy to cook. Bough rice, pork chop and broccoli.
Tonight will have steam salmon, mince meat...w rice or noodle...see how bah...not much appetite.
Hi stickybfp, good luck for your et today!

Hi Joanne, you doing fresh cycle right? Need to eat 6-8 whites a day wor! For immounocal, you can mix w OJ or yakult but remember to bring it out of fridge for 5-10mins 1st. Try eat more high-protein food like fish & meat. If want improve lining, eat red bean soup. Dun take seafood is becos scare in case get food poisoning. As for fruits, just avoid 'liang' types like pineapple, watermelon, payaya, banana, dragonfruit. For lucrin, I complete 1st bottle (28days) & use only 2x for 2nd bottle so a bit wasted but its medisave deductible. How come u start lucrin so early? I start only on cd21.

Ceo, you can get Coq10 from quardian also. Can try blackmore brand.

Calzz, great to see you here! *wave*
Hi! Just wanna share two incidents, I had two friend whom DH soldiers are tested not optimum for conceiving natully. Subsequently they ordered this product which specialize in enhancing the soldiers quality like motility, counts and density. Both managed to conceived naturally within few mths but may vary to different people. I am not a sales person though for this product as I just wanna share. It is not for sales in
Singapore and it claimed to have no side effect and herbal made. In fact this brand had shampoo, herbal tonics, facial
foam etc for sale here so should be quite reputable. It is
called Himalaya Speman, perhaps if u all interested google for more info first b4 commit. I was told order from eBay is cheaper than other website. Shipping in mght take weeks though.
calzz, i think my off is dusty...

ai! cannot hide my tummy... my kpo colleague can tell then i told him NO dun anyhow say... u wait lah haha... then he understand hehe
Hi mina
Yes.. Is my fresh cycle and first time. Hence so many questions..;p

Btw, wht is OJ? When do we start to take 6-8 egg white? Me supression now so take only three white n one immouncal, enough? Huh.. I buy lucrin that time cant deduct thru medisave neh ..2nd time can ma? Me start with ocp follow by lucrin at day16.. So if u start at 21 day also not enough then me even not enough woah..

Hi Leor
Woah.. U got good number in fertilized it.. So u start immouncal two pkt straight and drink at one time or separate to day n night? Whe else u does during suppresion stage to hv good number of eggs..;) how many egg white u took that time? Take care gal..;)

Hi stickybfp
So happy for u to go into 2ww now.. Jiayou!!
<font color="aa00aa">Janice - haha, so cute your colleague. Good to know you are doing alright, was wondering about you just now.</font>
hi ladies,

My clinic does not prescribe immunocal but i would like to take it for my next cycle. Can you share what is the benefit of immonocal and where to get it from? Thanks!
Thanks, Sunshines.

Maybe I will pop by OG now since can take early lunch today - boss not around.. yeahyeah!!
Miracle- great yo hear that u feel better.
Take care.
Sistas had yr lunch already? Today don know why like so
hungry le. Manage to finish fish with rice, &amp; soup + some French beans. But all in like in 3 spoonful kind, think later sure hungry again.
