IVF/ICSI Support Group


Why are you feeling low today? Tomorrow is your ET liao. Be cheerful, ok?

Your laogong couldn't comfort you but we are here.
Winnie, cos dh said cannot tight tight wl affect zzzz

Flowers, the thing is everybody said I lost alot of weight. My Pt cleaner, brother, parents...

Apple, yes I do but now stop already

I've read that maternity pants are preferred to skirts, dresses as they provide more support to the tummy muscle. If you have lost weight, your pants should not be tight, right?
hi ceo,
use heat pad twice to thrice a day for 10mins each... dun use heat pad during 2ww ar...

hi dawn,
u can boil water and remove it from stove top then throw heat pad in for 10mins... will be hot enough for u... put on ur lower tummy for 10mins...
Dawn, dunno why pple say I lost weight. My tummy is bigger now n my pants are tight... I can wear but not for long cos will not be comfortable. I've a few loose dresses lah cos dat time dh only allows me to buy those type as tcm said dun wear too tight for blood circulation. but I dun want to wear that now hmm

Sticky, dun be moody.... All the best to yr et tmr

My butt very sore and only 5 days of jabs, wonder how u ladies tahan the jabs for so long...

I am sleeping le, tmr got to wake up so early n no more nap for me. Good nite everybody....
my dh having exams blue... his exams whole of next week... then i find his attitude towards me super sux... so very moody and upset over it...
cos i need alot of attention and support ma... but he always dun offer de... he so insensitive...
then when i complain he fake a smile etc... argggghhhhh.... so irritating... y on earth am i in a right mind to have his baby... so idoit....
he such a jerk...

thnaks gals... *hugs*
hi dawn,
tell ur mum boil a little less... like boil till water lesser... there is no min or max... u will noe when u feel to heaty de... so u can take 1 cup per day... or alt day...
Thanks Sticky!

What time is your ET tomorrow? Go to bed soon yeah? Your Hubby didn't mean to neglect you la. Don't be so sad ok?
Stickybfp... Ur dh stressed, tat's why... U can always come in here... All the gals here support u...

Tmr et... Must be happy... Ur babies waiting for u...

Loads of bbdust for u...
Hi ladies,
When do u take conceive well?I just bought one box. Would like to know when do I start taking it?

Stickybfp - hugss* all the best to ur ET tml.
hi janice, jus read e past post tat u bfp. congrats to u

hi blue, finally in ur 2ww. rest well n up ur protein intake. do u feel boated? by e way other than e insert support, will nuh giv us any form of support injection? when do u need to go down to see prof again?

hi ladies, i wonder do ur dh produce e specimens at home or in e hospital during ur er? i wonder produce at home will reduce e amt of sperms, as during e journey to e hospital, some might have died along e way. n do hospitals request to freeze sperms b4 hand just in case dh hav difficulties producing or sick on tat day?
<font color="aa00aa">Sticky, cheer up...I'm sure your husband doesn't mean to not sayang you the way you expect it to be.

Sleep well, and enjoy your ET.

I'm struggling with sleep, think too bloated. So going to eat something then take a packet of Immunocal</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Serene: don't think much difference if produce at home or at hospital if you bring it within an hour to the hospital. You can request to pre-freeze sperms if you want but I recall KKIVF only processes sperms on certain days of the week, unless my memory fails me</font>
I did my first scan on thursday, and second scan on fri, total 23 egg, there's 4 17.5mm on friday.

How do you hold your bladder duringe your ET?? Am so worried...

O tat a good no for 17.5 as I only have one 17.5 for my last scan. Haha as I am very bloated after ER so I dun have a full bladder for my et.
Serene, it is up to your hubby which one he prefers. home or in hospital.
In NUH, there is a room. He can do it there, just beside CHR clinic.
The nurses suggested to freeze a sample before the actual day so that there is a back up if there is a back up. But they will still use the actual day sample. You may want to find out about this more from CHR just in case if there is a change in procedure.
Morning all! 1st day of work...morning so many things to prepare. Hope I can dong later

Sticky, all the best again!

Apple, all the best to yr er today. Don't worry about holding bladder, u can de. Anyway kkh doesnt need to lie down for long. The last time I only lie for < 5mins cos waiting for nurse to prepare, else immediately I can get up le.

Shoes, hehe my dh asked me how's yr result cos that day u waiting for yr results. I told him yours bhcg is this fri together with miracle ^^
Baby: I did my FET just one day after yours! I had mine last Thursday.

You, BNB and I will have very closed dates. Hope we will BFP together end of next week!
Sticky &amp; Apple - good luck for your ET/ER .. <jia> and stickyvibes!

to the sistas on 2ww, keep the spirit up! i know it's agonising getting to the later stage of the 2ww but it's all in God's hands, we just do out best (eat tons of pills, jabs, wear socks to sleep, pee slowly.. hahaha... ) - BFPs on the way.

Hope everyone has good news today..
Ronnie, I can't remember. Way b4 suppression stage I already taking. I think I take > 4 boxes

Sun, I no timing in drinking. I drink when I remember but always in the afternoon. I hv no problem sleeping cos of all the medication esp utro that will make me drowsy.
Sticky, Apple,

All the best for your ET/ER!


Did you manage to sleep after the Immunocal? Did you sleep on the sofa or in bed?


Hope you feel better today after seeing your GP.


How are you feeling today? Did you have a restful weekend? I had very painful cramps during my AR after bfn - hope yours wasn't so bad. In any case, if your AR hasn't reported, do keep some painkillers on hand as one of the other sisters who bfn around the same time as me also had very bad cramps.
morn dawn, thanks for asking... yup enjoyed my weekend to the fullest... my af not here yet... prob due to all the prog jabs... my bbt still high high so i think will only come in a few days time... i already started feeling cramps on and off... like af wanna come out but cannot come out...
Calzz: good to hear from you! did you have a good sleep last night?

Sticky: we will be waiting for you to join our 2ww club!

Apple: all the best to your ER!

Shoes: hope you had a good sleep after the pack of immunocal. Looks like it was quite late already...

Ron8129, are you also in your 2ww?

sun, haha no i didn't sleep enuff... watch too much korean drama at nite... haha

oh ya, i think i still have side effects from progynova... my boobs still sore loh...

Af faster come... i need to move on...
