IVF/ICSI Support Group

Snuuggly, congrates congrates!!!!!

Sticky, your turn soon ^^

Calzz, I m done. Gd luck to u
Snuuggly, congrats! Esp in this rabbit year! So happy for u..btw can u ask, durong ur blood test for progrsterone, did kk ask u to come back and take more prog inserts? KK said my prog lvl is gd so i jz cont the jabs..anyone else exp this before?

StickyBFP, stay positive okie..nothing is confirmed till bhcg..we will be here supporting u no matter wat the outcome is..
Hi gals
U all are the sweetest here..;) my headache for pass few days have resolve after seek ur help on the part time cleaner.. Thk u gals so much for willing to share..;) now my last worry is... Hope she wont fly me kite on that day..

Thk u all.. I feel one load off my mind.. Now is trying to get a swimming instructor for my son around lavender area..;) hope i can get one good one very soon.. Followby my ivf next..
Thks gals..

Hi stickybfp
Jiayou!! We will be here for u k..;)
Joanne, thank u
I think my Dh stress too said now my crucial period nd to rest le, dun let me go out. Now gg Paragon Care for his soldiers storage... Today a visiting day to clinics - fr dr paul to tcm for Dh to Care lol

Btw, I've a fren who is a swimming coach but not sure he goes lavender or not leh n dunno whether he's gd cos me no kid yet for him to teach hehe I help u ask?
Hi Janice
So sweet of u.. Oh.. One to one instructor shd be very ex... I think i will go to the swimming complex and engage one fr there.. But must see see whether he good or not then engage.. Hee... If cant find then i trouble u k..;) in the meantime.. Like wht ur hb say.. U must rest well..;) btw, how much unit u inject for gonal f or puregon?
Leor: hi hi..u here mah? How's ur Puregon going? I'm on 3rd day and stomach is like bloating and got tight feeling around chest area. U leh?
Joanne, okie let me noe if u nd me to ask. Me on 300iu gonal f + 150iu menopur so total 450. M on saizen growth hormones too.. Hmm... Wl rest these few days to prepare for my ER next mon... Cannot b stubborn hehe
Hello, ladies..
First, a very very HEALTHY HOPEFUL happie new year to all of u.. May tis year be filled with happiness for all of us...
I hv been a on-off silent reader of tis forum since 2yrs ago.. Now ll convert to an active one with my ivf planned in mar.. Any cycle buddies doing theirs in mar?
As tis is my 1st time, I juz felt soooo lost & scared... & hope to seek guidance fr u ladies here..
Fr nw til mar, wat shld I look out for/ do/ not do? I m with KKH & been gg to Dr Zou.. Thanks for any kind advices..
Stickybfp: No sad No sad.. You have us here...

Joanne: No worries the one i recommend won't fly kite one
i use to have one that always fly my kite but her charges is low lah
stickyBFP, Big big HUGZ to you! Pat* Pat* Jia You again k.

lynn, today is my 5th day of puregon. I only feel some aching on my left side wor...will go for scan this thursday. When is yr scan day?
hi valteen,
thanks... i'm ok... my embbies really couldnt survive the thawing... abit mad at the doc for not transfering during fresh cycle... but becos i tested daily, so most prob my embbies died before they can multiple and implant...
my next step is to see doc this week and do one round of soiui before fet... i feel my chances higher on fresh embbies...
jus now call my dh and f* him upside down... i say if his sperm cannot make it one more time... i'll jus kill him... cos he doesnt take care of his diet and he not cooperative...
whats ur cycle like this round?
Stickybfp: Will you consider to change doctor like me
I think your lining a bit O because you saying by the time you ET is like 16mm to 18mm right? Seek for second option to see what you should do next?
lynn, dun think so much...do up yr proteins intake. I will up my immunocal to 3x from today onwards also. Heehee....let's jia you together k.
nah piggy,
i believe 16mm lining can implant well de... moreover i test with 10miu strips daily le... they didnt survive at all... no budget to change doc le... i got remainding gonal f and lucrin left... will tell doc abt it... my apt on fri... so will request do one round of soiui with my remainding meds... also i see wat other meds need to buy... i suspect this round should be cheap...
Stickybfp, nw is the time to sit dwn n discuss wit dh wat shall both of u do next..altho itz -ve, it is nt the end yet..muz keep on trying n dun give up..all of us here are still trying wit some hope we will bfp some day..must persevere k..n tell dh he muz cooperate too n give u support..jiayou ok!

Leor and lynn, muz cont ur egg whites n immunocal k..i felt my lower abdomen bloated too during puregon stage but lucky for me i did nt OHSS..though my er only 3 eggs but doc said to continue procedure..so hang on okie..
Sticky: u so funny on the part abt ur dh. But sometimes they need to wake up their idea lor. Anyway, dun quite understand abt the fresh embbies part. U mean u gonna start off again for fresh embbies?

Haiz, my piles has come back after I removed it 2 yrs back. Am thinking if I shld go see dr and hv it removed before I start new cycle. But I dun want to delay next cycle timing (as I too old Liao lah) but work will be bugging me at it's peak till mid march. Sickening!
Hi queenie, welcome to our world of ivf..
Since u r starting yr cycle in mar, it is best for u to
Start taking supplements like blackmore's conceive well gold, vit c and folic acid..get ready to buy lotsa eggs and immunocal for these 2 r useful during lucrin and puregon stage..u wit kk wit wic dr?
hi rashal & snuuggly,
ya lor, dh so idoit de...
i not as lucky as ur le...
rem i said my dh opt for no children lorz...
he never fails to remind me everyday de...
so no one to discuss abt, somemore he everything also dunno... he dun even noe wat is iui, soiui and ivf lor... he dun even noe my ivf bills... lolz...
terrible dh, he like everything also cannot be bothered... maybe all guys are like that... so usually i make the decision and he jus go with the flow... =)
else we discuss will end up with no results... not that i didnt try... he didnt try hard enough... haha...
snuggly, congrats!! grabbing ur bb dust!!

stickybfp, dun b sad & concentrate on tiaoing ur body...jia you ok, maybe u can be cycle buddy wf valteen & me in apr.
rashal, Thanks, will contiune my immunocal. Btw, may i ask if Dr says ready to go ER, the puregon & lucrin jab will stop how many days before the midnite jab huh?
hi piggy,
techically yes... =)

hi valteen,
i mean i doing one round of soiui...
fresh eggs... now need his sperm quality to improve...

hi mina... =)
i'm good and ready to move on...
i got lots of faith... =)

hi gals,
thanks for all ur wishes and support... becos of ur, i am stronger emotionally... and becos of the right diet and ur advices, i'm stronger physically... =)
i'm good... very good...
Stickybfp, u r so funny leh..
Then juz talk to ur dh his job nw is to cheer u up n cooperate..
The rest u can do it on ur own..best still, ask him to treat u to gd food and shopping till ur nxt fresh or FET cycle..
Hi leor, my pregnyl jab was at 8pm on wed as my er on fri..
Last lucrin jab on thurs morn n last puregon jab on tues morn..but it all depends on ur dr wat they feel is best for u..my jab was at thigh wor..at first nt pain then the next day i felt like someone just punch my thigh..
