IVF/ICSI Support Group

Happy; ya, will ask doc loh abt it. I am still spotting/bleeiding. Went kk 24 hr last sun and doc said it is like that and it meant preg not stable yet. She did not even give me mc nor a jab. So working for past few days liao. But I walk less and try to go home early to rest. Pleas la, this doc think we like to be like that meh, if we dun spot and can function as normal, we will be so happy, right?

Hello everyone! I just completed my day12 scan. I am thankful follicles are growing albeit at a slow pace.

My readings today:
Endo: 12mm
Right: 15.5, 13, 12.5, 12.5, 13, 11, 15.5, 9.5, 8
Left: 16, 12.5, 11.5, 10.5, 11, 10.5, 10.5, 8,8,9.5

Endo kept increasing. Anyway to reduce that?
Snuuggly, Congrats your follicles are finally catching up! When is estimate er date? The endo is it same as lining thickness? Endo is not good you know. Dr Zou did mention lining is between 11-14mm is best. As long not >14mm, you are can still proceed er.
I finally made it to the next stage!!!
One more day of puregon and er this sat!!
Yippie yippie!!
Thank u all for your advice and support. Otherwise, I will just keep being upset that follicles dun grow.
hi snuuggly,
Sounds great... We'll be in 2ww together... =)
I suspect our bt will be same day....
Stop ur red bean soup and cut ur red dates longan drink.

Hi bobzai,
Hows ur scan?
Minako, tks! I asked the doc about lining. She say 12mm ok coz still need to adjust. I am just glad to be able to proceed!

Sticky buddy, yes I got company for 2ww
red dates also will increase lining? Ok then I stop.

Hi Rabbit- how are you feeling? Continue to relax and enjoy your 2ww, don't entertain any negative thoughts. Stay positive! Jia you
nip... since the doc knows pregnancy not stable, i'm puzzled why they did not at least give u a jab or increase ur oral support and give u mc to rest... ya, if we dun spot, we will be so happy for our little one...

snuuggly... wow... can sense ur excitement... congrats! u will be officially 2 wks preg next mon...
Hi...long time never check this forum :D

I've been on lucrin for 9 days. this morning, my AF came. is it ok to take panadol menstrual while you're taking lucrin injection? so far i still can bear the pain, just in case... :D
snuuggly... next mon when u hv done et, u r considered 2wks preggy... just like natural pregnancy, at the time of conception, is 2 wks preggy cos counted from date of last menses...
nip & happy,

i thk i ever see from tis forum got sister say spotting can cook glut rice with lotus root porride issit? Dr Zou advise huh? any sisters know pls advise ... tks
Hi everyone,
I was admitted yesterday. A bit of struggling and quite emotional when i know they going to do a urinary catheter insertion, scared and cried and dun want be admitted. But hubby say if i dun admit,he will be worry, so to ease his worries, I do it unwillingly.

I was moderately dehydrated. Was put on drip and amt of urine was monitor, blood test.

Anyway, I'm discharged today. So happy. I ask my MIL make big pot of soup everyday so that I can have enough intake of fluid daily. Will drink isotonic drink too.

Thank you everyone for the concern..
Hi, bobzai
Hope you get well soon

Yipee! I manage to buy the soft boiled egg maker le. From Hong Lim Complex @ $8.90. The Auntie says got two version. Another version cost @ $4plus but cant find it so i buy the more expensive version. Keke....And it pink color...haha

Snuuggly: All the best to your ER and ET coming soon. Jia You!

Habbybb: Please really rest well and everything will be fine yahh!
<font color="aa00aa">Hi all!</font>

Just had my Day 7 scan. Am in bed now. Feeling very nauseous and extremely fatigue!  Side effects of the hormones I think?...hope it doesn't get any worse than this!  Am thankful this is happening during my business lull period and I can still afford not to clear work! 

On a good note, the scan today showed good results (that's what they told me...).  My lining is thick enough but not too thick (8.7mm) , I have 3 follicles (11mm, 10mm, 9.5mm) on my right and 6 follicles (10, 10, 9, 9, 8, 7.5) on my left.  According to Angela, it's textbook results, so nothing to worry about.  Phew!  Will continue with the same dosage of drugs.  Have to go in for another scan on Fri to check on the sizes again.  So it looks like I will at most have 9 (hopefully!) eggs and hopefully they are good quality and will fertilize and grow well.  My egg retrieval (cluck! Cluck!) will most likely be on the 25th and the transfer on the 28/29th.

Just wondering, are 9 follicles considered too few? And it doesn't exactly mean can extract 9 eggs right? And even after the eggs are extracted, they might not survive or fertilize (under ICSI?)?

I think you are having hot flushes, a side effect of buserelin according to what I read.

Good to hear you are discharged. Don't worry and drink lots and get over this OHSS ok?
Bcube, I think so too, having hot flushes. Few days b4 buserelin already like dat but not so bad Thot after buserelin, d decap effect wl b gone but buserelin is worst. Nite time WL wake up n can't slp sian...

My previous cycle I've oso 9 follicles ... How many u transferring?
bobzai... get well soon... ur efforts will pay off de... dandelion was also hospitalised for ohss and bfp... wonder how is she now...


bcube... will hv more eggies retrieved de... i had 16 during scan but retrieved 35... continue on ur protein intake... jia you...
hi babybaby75, i do it at nite... :D

the nurse told me that you can do it morning/nite to your convenience but you have to be consistent.

if you choose to do it in the morning...then you have to do it all the way in the morning. vice versa... :D
hi bobzai, remember to increase ur water intake and protein intake. If ur tummy is veri veri bloated, can do acupunture to increase the blood flow and minimise the bloatness.

hi gals, will ohss cause us to unable to pee even if we hav lots of water intake??
hi bluenosebear, u go to see prof wong on 27th Jan while i go for my 1st suppression jab on 28th Jan. Remembered I told u b4 i m scared of giving injection to myself. Dunno whether i can do it ornot. The thought of jabbing myself really make me shudders.
Serene u k one. Actually I also scare of needles, I can tahan pain, is just the needle.
I told myself I k do it when jabbing Overidel, so I jab myself &amp; I have to ask my hubby to wait outside.
If u need any queries k pm me or post here.
I believe u k one. Think it as is to BFP.
hi gals, do we need to hav protective sex when we are on suppression jab? coz i remember the nurse told me suppression jab will not cause any harm if pregnancy happen during the suppression jab. But I read from web tat suprefact cannot be use in pregnancy. Tats veri contradicting from wat my nurse told me.
Serene, don't worry abt the jab. After a few times, you'll get the hang if it. Relax and all the best to you. Chr nurses are very helpful and understanding. They will do all they can to help.
Serene, b4 suppression we were asked to hv safe sex cos lucrin wl affect pregnancy n I noe got ladies ask to abort baby when they get pregnant n was on lucrin jabs. I did ask when suppression but didn't really get an answer, so I'll still practice safe sex lor
hi serene,
ohss cos peeing difficult... if totally cannot pee or pee too little, must go a&amp;e for help...
on lucrin must have safe sex...

hi baby,
i did my jab in the morning for fresh cycle... and my stimulation jab at nite...
but for my fet cycle, i did my lucrin jab at nite...
Serene, i ask tis ques before.. You must have safe sex during lucrin stage and resume normal intercourse during puregon stage. You won't get pregnant during stimulation stage becos you be given pregnyl jab to induce o so can do er. During er, all potential follicles are already extracted. But after et, no sex hor! So enjoy while you can bah! Haha...
