IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi all,
I have a story to tell. Please pardon me for such a long post.

In year 2009, I find myself pregnant but it was an ectopic so got to remove it. And I remove it in April. From there on, doctor says I gonna safe sex for at least 3mths so I had 1 to 2 slice of pineapple every morning on an empty stomach ever since I remove the ectopic. Guess what, I find out, I was pregnant again in July 2009. During that time, I keep telling my hubby that is impossible lor...coz I keep eating pineapple daily lor...pineapple is such a liang fruit yet can still strike. I really puzzle. However, this pregnancy is an ectopic again. So went to remove it in early August 2009. Although, my pregnancy is an ectopic, but it still manage to implant. The only different is it implant at the wrong place for me lah.

Snuuggly, after reading your post, maybe pineapple really does help during implantation hor. But I believe those who have very cold body better dun eat pineapple lah.

Hi StickyBFP, am thinking after I had lucrin for 14days and do E2 test, what is the E2 level inorder for me to start 2nd stage mah. So my E2 should be in range of 100 – 600 inorder to proceed to 2nd stage?

yes leor,
if so early, most prob onli 100+ onli
me also ectopic... but doc very harsh, told me to remove my tube... after reading up after my op, didnt regret remove the tube... cos it causes recurrent ectopic...
Hugs to sticky & leor. Really very sad after know that U are pregnant, but must terminate it.
I agreed with Leao, depends on yr body condition ba. Like for me, I can't take too bu soups or drinks, if not I would be too heaty & become sick. Think is the liang type of body ba.
Hi hi,

Doc sd it ws discoverd that there are polyps in my scan report. however need to further check through advanced scan SIS to confirm. He said only if report is good, they can do IVF. I ws worried, what wud be the next proced if polyps are confirmed. please hlp
Stickybfp: Well prepare for ur coming ET
hi bluenosebear, cant get ur help to jab for mi. me live at hougang. Will pluck up my courage to do the jab : )

hi lynn, most likely will b able to bump into u since my appointment at 7.15pm. U also fix ur acupunture every Mon and Thurs?
serene, yup..i fix every mon and thurs..now start lucrin already..i think of stepping up to 3 per week coz Dr Zou close for CNY period. Then before er/et, will go everyday…hope that will help to reduce severity of OHSS.
StickyBFP, Yr Dr removed your both tubes at the same time ah?

I only remove the effected tube coz Dr say cannot save le...So I keep another tube. Then another side kena ectopic also but very small so they remove the ectopic and save the tube as per my request coz I really hope can pregnant nature mah. However, I kena the 3rd ectopic in August 2010 and had to remove my final tube. So now have to go thru ivf lor in order to BFP

Anyway, the Dr did not encourage me to start ivf with one tube left also wor...coz they say ivf might also kena ectopic de. Coz before they implant, the embbies will run around de...they might struck in the tube and implant there. So they ask me to continue and try natural.

Haiz...had to go thru 3 times sadness. Anyway, now is over le...me now looking forward and hopefully will BFP soon
hi leor,
i had mine remove with the tube in march 2009
my tube was abit narrow in the middle, so the baby got stuck there cannot move to the womb...

the doc check my other tube say ok to try naturally...
i see try for 9 cycles of clomid no use... so hop to ivf... then i knew that my dh sperm got bacteria infection... prob thats y naturally failed...

we'll bfp this yr... =)
My first one is half in the tube and half in the womb. So when Dr remove, still have to cut little bit of my womb to remove wor... but lucky still can proceed to ivf after SIS scan

Yes yes we will succeed de. BFP is coming very soon we all must Jia You! Jia You! Keke
stickyBFP, Jok, *muak* thanks for the offer. i will shout here if i need help. then coming running to ur doorsteps. keke..

Su_yana, i just shifted to hougang last yr. wanted to b nearer pil, bil and parents. i live opposite to festival market aka hougang point. So happy to know we r hougang neighbours.

BTW, can i check wif u isst all ivf done in NUH all using ICSI even if the sperm mobility is good? coz i remembered when the nurse breakdown the cost for me, she also indicated ICSI. I asked her based on my hub's SA result, we shld not need ICSI. But she mentioned most like need.
Leor, do you feel hungry and tired after starting the lucrin jab? Cham lah..i'm like always craving for food and very tired from 3pm onwards..
hi Leor, *hug* so sorry u hav to been thru such traumatism. One thing for sure both ur hub and u are veri fertile : ) We will all bfp tis year.. Huat ha!!
Thanks to all the ladies. Yes we all will BFP de
We all Jia You together ba.

Hi lynn, hmmm....i dun feel anything leh....
I always craving for food when my menses is near wor...but now still on with OCP so craving food feel not yet paging me...

And i dun really feel very tired and yet very alert while chatting in this forum...keke
Rita, me with Care, paragon.

My 2ww breakfast is 1 slice of bread and 2 egg white. Lunch is porridge(handful rice) fish stock with slice fish or pork or chicken. And steamed cod fish or red snapple with little 豆酱,ginger & few drop of 蔴油。
My MIL cook dinner, steamed or fried fish with ginger, veggi with ginger and sesame oil, steamed meatball or 蔴油雞。
thanks lynn
thanks blue...

hi serene,
mind if u share the cost of ur flat... me planning to move to hougang this yr... wanna buy a flat there... =) hopefully not too exp, cos onli using my dh cpf...
Serene, I am staying at St 61, not that far from your place. Its 600+ block number.

StickyBFP, sorry to interrupt. My parents just sold their 4rm flat to downgrade to 3rm, in hougang too. If not wrong, they sold they 4rm around 300 plus k. Not the high end, but the low 300. They bought their 3rm around 200plus, the low end too. So hope this helps
Serene, not too sure if all ivf will use ICSI. I think they will use if they number of eggs are not that high. To ensure all fertilise rite. For all my cycle, all use ICSI.
You may clarify with Prof when u meet him. Maybe you can insist on ICSI if u feel that is good for u.
guys accu can improve their sperm quality, quantity and mobility... some sistas here go accu with hubby de =)

i noticed that your food are similar to confinement style except no alcohol. Good for warming body i guess, esp ginger, can ease the wind in the tummy. =) Will try your recipe during my 2ww.
Hi snuuggly

So sweet of your mil, so u better take care of yourself and eat a balance diet I think hee hee I have no ideas on wat to eat and wat can't hee hee. I brought brazil nuts tot can eat but think if lining too thick cannot eat. Hee too confuse now
hi lynn, i m thinking to ask my hub to acupuncture to improve his sperm quality when near to er. mayb for 2 weeks. but he told mi he so busy at work. no spare time for acupuncture
recently he rushing for project again. sianzz so worry his project will affect my ivf timing.
Just to share, hubby can also go for accu to improve sperm quality. But i think it is over a period of time. When we did our 2nd fresh, he went for accu almost for a mth for 2 times a week. The quality of his sperm was better than our first attempt. On our 3rd attempt, he went like only a few times before er and the quality was not so good.
hi mill, miracle, i hav asked dr zou whether shld we eat confinement minus e alcohol during 2ww. she told mi after birth, women body tend to be veri "cold" han therefore they can eat veri heaty food. As for us, our body is not veri han, so dun need to eat confinement food but can eat abit. she mentioned most impt is well balance diet.
Mill, wah tks for the details! At least now I can give idea to mil on what to cook.

Babybaby, yeh I am thankful for wonderful mil. I also bought big bag of brazil nuts. Stopped eating Liao, still so much left.
I just went for my pregnyl jab.
Can someone advise me what I should expect for er this sat? Go before 730am, then what? Wait? Then what happens next?
Jok: thks for concern.

Syrah: thks for tip.

Happy: my follow up was good. Dr loh increase my dosage of Duphaston to 2 times twice a day. And the biggest news is I am expecting 2! Very very mixed feelings.

Ladies, do persevere and all will bfp. Babydust to all!
Snuggly... Remember to fast... When u reach there the nurse will give u alittle briefing on wat to do after er... Hubbie submit his soldier... Then u say gdbye to ur hubbie off to the changing room... Once change they will insert the needle at back of ur hand...wait for ur turn outside op room.. For me i was abit scared la.. Cos nvr go op before mah.. But not to worry the nurses they r nice n comforting.. Once ur turn come they will let u in the room to prepare u once they put the anesthetics u will konk out less than 5 mins n wont remember a thing.. Oh yes 1 thing.. Dr will come n day hi before u pengsan.. Fast procedure abt 20-30 mins
