IVF/ICSI Support Group

tweety: Elo...for frash cycle it depends whether u r long or short cycle..mine for e.g. is a long cycle..so takes abt 6-8 weeks..short cycle sorry can't advise though..

For FET..it takes abt 2 weeks plus from D1 of menses..

hope the above helps...;-)

Hi Nadia, grateful for your quick response.

I have 6 embroys at TFC but they cannot proceed with my ET due to MOH ban and they have no idea when they can resume their business.

My AF will report around 28 Jan. Wondering if I should proceed to do my FET this cycle at kk or wait till the next cycle which is probably in Mar.
Anyone knows kkivf will be closed for how long during cny period?

Alternatively is to start a fresh cycle at kk. really in a dilemna now.
tweety: KKIVF is only closed during CNY period only which is 3rd & 4th only...but I know that Dr Loh is away on vacation..but not sure which period...though...

oh ya TFC is suspended..U can call up KKIVF and seek for advise if u want..;-)

U can do Fet with ur balance 6 embbies if u wan..so at least dun have to put tru ur body on so much stress when staring fresh again...that's my thot..
Hi gals
Me now at kk... Checking whether the spotting having is due to infection after polyp removal.. Then today, it suddenly become like menses flow.. Omg.. How come this cycle so fast.. Am totally confused!! My last af is 25th dec and today only 18 nia.. Last cycle i takes two month to come.. Think my cycle all haywire.. I hope is menses and not other problem (touchwood).. Which means i am starting ivf this month?? Didnt expect so soon.. Wht do i need to do? Inform kk? Need to take any medicine now or wait till 21st day for the lucrin injection? Alamak, my 21st day is on 6th Feb which is cny..so can i collect the medicine today then no need come down again? Any advise? Caught in surprise as i dun expect my af so soon so not ready yet..;( thk u gals..

Hi mina
We maybe cycle buddies..;) u really give up on ur currect cycle? Why not try on Feb instead of on March? How u feel today? Better? Drink more water and i hope u r recovering..;)
Hi ceraine
U seen doc Foong before? He is the best gynea i hv seen so far and the longest.. Hv did three IUI under him but bfp and mc..;( je is very gentle and prompt help in email..it does not hurt at all whenever he does virginal scan.. If not bec of the cost, i will sure choose him for ivf..;) all the best to ur fet.. When u plan to do?
If I am correct, dr Loh leave ends 19th feb as the nurse not encourage me FET same mth. U can call to reconfirm.
Dr Loh very cute.. Ask us Wana adopt boh, he has lobang in china. Majiam so real! Ended telling us a joke nia..

U Bfp fir all d three soiui?prob womb weak?
Dr Loh has fixed me on feb FET but I Wana see if this cycle Af stabilize boh. Coz last mth quite haywire delayed 10days with poor ovulation..He is putting me on natural FET.. If still haywire quite hard to pinpoint ovulation day.
But I dun understand d part where he mention if this mth not regular.. He put me on pills to regulate n proceed natural.prob if that's d case, have to delay a cycle?
Anyone has experience to share??

tat day i chk with the nurse and she confirm on record that Dr Loh VL will be till 14th Feb. so he will be back hosp from 15th lor ...

so if my af comes beginning feb. i won't clash with his VL... so sisters plan ur schedule

You have to call KKH at your Day 1 menses. Then the nurse will advise you further. If your menses period not regular or too long cycle, then might sugguest you to start off with OCP then inject Lucrin on cycle day 16 (count from menses day 1) but ocp can start during menses day 2/3.

Hope the above help

Me also from KKH
hi gals,

Hi ceraine,
Thats wat i said... Then they say is ok de... Thicker the better... I wanna puke blood... I insist, they still say cannot....
hi leor,
ya lor... hopefully embbies thaw and culture well... Else like day must do emergency transfer... If all ok will be 27th... U le?
hi stickyfbp and nadia,
thanks for your words of encouragement.
Will try to stay positive
hope it works. also not too sure what i can do now to increase my chances..also never acu.

hi Germenie
my eggs quality is also not good and low ovarian reserve.
Nedia, ceraine
I just called kkivf.. they advised me to see doc first to see if my embryos quality is gd enf to transfer the embryos over or to start as fresh.

In any case, if i want Dr Loh, seems like I cannot do it this cycle leh..
next AF will prob appear in Mar already.

Seems like dr loh is the most popular doc at kk. Anyone with Dr TanHH or Dr Suhdana?
Rabbit: Staying positive is important in our journey...any negative thots will increase our stress..then our hormones..egg growth all affected mah...u r in midst of your cycle is it? If u r..and got the time do accu mah...do exercise to regulate good blood circulation to the womb..eat healthy...

tweety: good..lots of sistas here r under Dr Loh..me under Dr Sadhana...

I hv appt with kk tomorrow for signing the IVF papers for fresh cycle. Nurse told me to come on 19th Jan as it will be my Day 2 menses, but then I still dint get my menses for this month. When I called her,she says I still can come over. Iam bit confused wat will be the procedure now?
I finally let myself vomited, can't stand it anymore. Its only day 4 after my ET, how do survive the 2ww? Think i really need to go GP to get some anti vomiting pills.
hi hope,
u are like me... no day 2 of menses...
is ok, can start de... jus a slight change in protocol...
they will explain in details... very easy de...
but ur last af is when?
prob they will ask u take ocp to let ur menses come and wait the next cycle...

hi blue,
*blink blink*
how r u?
Rabbit: ic 2ww....Hepi 2ww..so dun worry so much now..rest n relax..enjoy the holiday...hehehe..i miss my 2ww rest without werk..hehehe..can wait for my turn...NPL here I come..

Bobzai: u r under KKH? dun wan to go KKH 24hrs clinic?
I am having OHSS, stomach bloated, waistline lost(cant see my waist le), what's worst is that I am feeling nauseous, since sun, I been wanting to vomit bur controlling myself, I called dr zou just now ask her if i can vomit, she asked me take a stool, sit n vomit. Finally, I am feeling better after the vomiting.
Sticky: Dun worry, your embbies will be nicely thaw

Me today just started Lucrin. So not so fast. But going back to KKH for BT and U/S 31 Jan.

tweety: FYI, am with Dr TanHH but many gals go to Dr Suhdana. Think she is the second popular there
I only can be silent reader at the moment. Would be seeing Dr on 27 to review my blood result then hopefully he would give me green light to do IVF for this cycle.
Bobzai-maybe U can try to drink some H2o or 100 plus to relieve the nausea? At the same time replenish what the electrolytes that loss during vomitting.
Bobzai: if really cannot take it..then go to KKH 24 hrs..u will dehydrate very fast if keep on throwing out dear...sometimes u will be observe while on drips abt 2-3hrs..like me...no warded...u must pump in more water like wat Bluebosebear says...do take care..cannot tahan..go 24hrs KKH k..
i see blue... =)
sry sort of lost track to who doing wat liao... =)

gals ar,
who has the link for the ivf spreadsheet... i forgot to save...
hi bobzai,
dont think that way about straining your stomach. i was feeling so terrible after the ER, vomitted 3 times and I did feel better after vomit. I think also the hcg injection could have played a role in the nausea?

hi nadia,
yes, 2ww is the best time to laze (but also stress as it approaches the end when you will get the report card).

hi stickybfp
good luck for your fet.

hi nadia, u doing fet?
Bobzai-Agreed with Nadia, if after the drips & U felt better, then U also can opt to rest at home, rather than warded. Don wait till the situation got worst then go in.
At least now they can solve the vomitting problem & hydrate U 1st.
just now was the 1st time i vomited, past few days i dun allow myself to vomit, but just now, i surrender le. will go kk if vomiting worsen.
Hi ceraine
3 soiui, two bfp but mc at 6th wk..;( maybe due to poor blood flow.. Oh.. Rest well and tiao urself well for the next fet k..;)

Hi Leor
Bingo!! I just speak to doc Loh.. He didnt even scan me.. And abit unhappy that he actually did the polyp removal after i ovaluted.. I feel so innocent as the polyp removal date is set by him and i didnt expect myself to o so soon this cycle.. I think my cycle hormone all mess up.. So he say i shd expecting menses now.. Anyway, last cycle take two months and this cycle only takes three wks to came.. Make me so confuse.. So he wants me to start ivf using ocp method as u mention above and inject lucrin on day 16 after one more cycle.. Not now.. This month i will be taking another hormone medicine (norethisterone) which can make sure my af come after finish this 21th day medicine.. Wonder will i still ovalute if take this medicine.. Anyone take before??Then i can officially start ivf..
Wonder if using OCP method will be better for me to hv more egg ? As earlier doc loh want me inject 300iu puregeon and now he says 200iu puregeon is sufficient for me?? Hmm..
Dr Sadhana should be able to advise you on your embbies and what fits you best.For me, i did not thaw all my best ones as I made a personal decision to thaw a straw of strong and another straw of weak embbies and I gotta to accept the thaw shock that greeted me. The journey to parenthood is a roller coaster ride with endless of worries. But as long as we persevere and try our best, we will have no regrets when we look back in the future.

Have faith in your 2 embbies. Always remember that quantity doesn't equate quality. You must need 1 tough embbie to make things happen
Be positive and good luck in your coming FET.

I was given progestrone supports (proluton jab/crinone inserts & progestrone pills) immediately after ET and these supports made me bloated the following day onwards. Cramping started from DPT7 and I suggest that you should read too much into symptoms as it adds on unnecessary stress. Some of the ladies also fell pregnant w/o any symptoms too.
hi bobzai,
i too... vomitted 2 days straight after er... was feeling terrible... but i jus keep pumping electroyles drinks and immunocal... didnt take anti vomit pills... cos i took down the first day, before it could work, vomit out liao... u need lots and lots of water to flush out the drugs... when the drugs are flushed out, u will feel ok de... jiayou... pump 2 to 3 litres water daily... till u feel better... i took 1 litre of 100plus in a day...
rest well and take care...

hi rabbit,
hi nadia,
yeah. worst is that no sure win or lost. haha. from being pregnant to worry about pregnancy and then about the kid.
Good luck to your fet.
Hello everyone, after the bad day yesterday, I woke up refreshed and happier.
Managed to eat 6 egg whites and 2 packs of immunocal yesterday. Mil also cooked danggui, made me drink 2 bowls. Should be ok hor?
This morning, I ate 5 egg whites and 1 pack of immunocal with yakult. Mil also made red dates, wolf berries and longan drink for me. So I have not drank any water yet.
Is there anything else I can eat or drink to help my follicles grow?
Daylesford: oic...k will ask Dr Sadhana then..i only thot abt grading only..nvr knew got things like whether egg sheel r tough/hard/combi...thanks for info...ya lor we must persevere and try our best...so at least no regrets in the future..will update u more after my 27th appt...take care dear...

Rabbit: ya lor non stop worry u know..pregnant alreadi..still need to worry whether baby is healthy..born already..must make sure all needed is taken care of..then come education..so many things in tow..well take 1 step at a time bah...Wish u all the best..;-)..Rest well and Stay positive...

bobzai: they will check ur BP and also use the ECG to check on ur breathing level and heart pumping rate...go 24hrs k..dun wait..it will worsen for u..if water gets to ur lungs..u will even worst...They will give u the drips and anti vomitting jab...it will make u sleep for awhile..
hi bobzai,
if u feel breathless, ur lungs accumulating water... go kkh for a drip... they will give u iv meds to get rid of the water... hang in there...
