IVF/ICSI Support Group

Nadia, janice. Thank u for your kind support. If not for this forum, think I will explode with frustration.

Sticky buddy, how many packs of immunocal can we drink a day? I am tempted to drink up to 6 packs. Issit ok? I mixed with orange juice that is not so chilled.
Snuuggly: dun b too disheartened..we r here to support u..our DH wun understand why there is a need to get all fussed up abt our journey esp in getting all the vitamins n supplements we need..as long as we noe wat we r doing and is gd for our ivf journey..jia yoh for u! Dun stress..mayb can go for back massage?

Mina: i hope u will recover fast..take care okie..health comes first..

Nadia: though i m a newbie but i heard D5 blastocyst is gd to implant..hope it will for u n result un bfp = )

Btw sisters..i am day 9 aft AF n on puregon n lucrin since sat..i hv sum brown discharge..is this normal? Anyone hd this before?
Nadia, mine is thick shell not hard. I spent additional 1.5k for AH but I under KKH.

Piggy, TPS = the private suite

Snuuggly, dun take so much immunocal in a day le. The max is 3 pkts. Can also mixed with yakult.. nice!

Ladies, I email Dr Loh & asked if can change to medicated fet because i too stress. He said ok & asked me to rest 2mths then start fet in Mar.. Yipee!
Sisters, these few days I tried to add milk powder to my immunocal, taste ok leh... Take both at a time hehe save time :p. N I can shake it still foamy but not so much

Sian, I think I get flu attack again. Can take flu tablet m painkiller? On buserelin now
Mina: ic ... Hard n thick diff hor... Hmm i tink me willngo ahead on D5.. Hope at least 2 survive mah.. Meanwhile u take care... Hope u get well n do FET in Mat.. Gd to hr DrLoh says .. Less stress
Minako, glad to hear u can do in march. Gives u more time to tiao body.

For yakult, issit one pack with one bottle? Very small bottle ley.
Piggy, TPS is only for consultation. When you do ivf, you will be doing @ ivf centre. You will not see Dr Loh until er/et. As long you fresh cycle @ govt hospital & meet all criteria, you get the 3k grant.

Snuuggly, 1 bottle yakult enough for 1 pkt immunocal. Remember to take out from fridge & leave it for 10mins then mixed.

Ladies @ Dr Zou, can confirm when she on leave for cny? Also when is Dr loh on leave in feb?
hi gals...
Was busy this aft...
Logically thick lining is ok... As long as got af the previous mth, the lining will not end up too thick... internationally there are alot of pcos gals, and they are pregnant though they missed their af for a few mths... So their lining is actually a few mths old... =)
We got no choice as to the isotonic drinks... Liang also must drink cos of the risk of ohss... But actually is not that liang la... Cos these drinks are not brewed like beer... Beer then liang...

Hi snuuggly,
Immunocal is max 3 to 4pkt per day... U take 3 times per day... I also take with yakult...
Lynn n Nadia : haha is me who is talking to my friend who also doing acupuncture too hahaha didn't know u girls r here too if not say hi to both of u ;)
hi lynn, was tat u i saw when u open e back door. i am sitting on the chair playing wif my hp. i m wearing a pink adidas shirt?
Hi Martini, Angela just said mine hormones level is low. Today No chance to talk to her, she rushing to JP... Ning on leave today. Ning told me before E2 at least 1000. Prog at least 100
this is my soft boil egg maker...
jus add hot water, after it finish dripping the egg is done...
Hi!...Wow, your FET is coming soon... If condition permits, do both AH and D5 transfer. If you still have a handful of embbies in storage, then D5 transfer makes sense. Thaw more embbies and the strong ones should make it to blasto stage. If you only have a few left, then don't take the risk and better do D3 transfer. Else if those few darling embbies aren't toughies, they might not survive in the dish for so many days and at the end there will be nothing to transfer

I wanted to do D5 transfer and I thawed 7. All survived the thaw but 4 stopped growing the next day and out of the 3 that survived, only 1 is growing v.well so in the end, I did an emergency D3 trf. Guess thats my little one in me right now.

The FET thawing process is a test of the quality of our embbies. Talk to your doctor before deciding if you should proceed with D5 trf.

Good Luck ya!
Your softboil egg maker so cute. Where you get?

My fresh was a d3 transfer, meaning if i thaw, it will become d4?

I also thinking abt d5 transfer, but scared leh... Hee
Today i also go accu but did it in the afternoon.
Day... Hi...so u BFP alreadi huh..wow hope can be like u... Wow D5 is indeed a tough journey for our embbies... I also worry on my bal 8... Dun noe whether they will survive.. Like wat u said possibility nothing to trf if my embbies cant survive... A huge risk I am taking.. Will give a shot though... Ya lor will discusd with my dr.. See whether she can advuse me on doing both AH n D5... Or just D5 alone.. So they call u to do emergency D3 trf? U r with kk? I need to check with Dr how they will update me on the progress of the embbies thawing.. Thanks for the info... My Fet seems to be flying fast... Hehehe.. Time really zooming... Scary process and decision.. But hope all goes well.. Thanks once again for sharing ur journey with me ... Take care
Inneedmiracle: ic gd u r back accu.. I scared too but give a shot la.. My heart feel strong to do D5 ... Hope embbies will stay strong for Mummy... We shall pray for our embbies mah...
Yes I m wk13+ now. If u can know the condition of your embbies (eg; tough or hard shells or combi) then it makes it easier to decide on AH. My embbies shells was the combo deal but was told me since my natural fertilization rate was better it showed that chances of hatching out from the hard tough shell was better. But I still proceed with AH to maximize chances. I was with TFC then ... I was still so hopeful that 2 out of my 7 embbies will make it to blasto since all survived the thaw. But the next day was asked to go down for transfer at noon. Was quite depressed that all my 3 will knock out ;( but thankfully I remained positive throughout my 2ww where the whole mixed up saga was at it's peak ! Urgghh... What an traumatising period ya ! Hope u can strike this time and join the mom to be thread !

When were your embbies frozen ? For mine, they were frozen on the third day ( consider D2 embbies) after my ER. So during thawing day and after they have survived the thaw, the 2nd day from thaw is considered D3 transfer.
Ineedmiracle: my accu is 2x.. Just went for massage on sat.. Will be gg 2x before Fet again...;-) .. Ya ask ur dr n let me noe wat he thinks too..;-)
Wow u r alreadi 13 wks...So hepi for u... Of cos hearing ur experience it's a real roller coaster indeed.. Thawing part is alreadi a risk... Then come for D5... Another ride.. Not easy but u made it tru.. Inspiring story... Really make me feel good... Congrats to u... Will discuss with my dr further on this...ur story really makes us strong.. Hmm dr can tell whether our egg shell is hard, combi or tough? Didnt noe that.. Will ask her abt that too.. Thanks for the info...
So enviousof ladies with quite a number of emboss for FET. Can hv choices of day 5 transfer, AH etc.
I hv 2 Oli. Will it b a wise to do it at private, considering LC foong, or juz get it done n over at KK since left 2 nia to save all d hassle?

U r back to accunpuncture? That's great!!! Jiayou.
Me probably going this sat. Supposedly hv a session today but on mc coz no reason, leg hurts n I m limping quite badly Going another Tcm to accunpunture..

Ger, Hvnt see u ard. How have u been??

R u ard?
Lining cannot b too thick for ET.. As it will affects d implantation. Ranges 8-14mm.also lining shd grow progressively ..
Hope this helps
Hi Daylesford,
U done FET cycle and had bfp rite ?

I've a questions...do u know when is yr implantation start during yr 2ww time?
Do you find tummy bloating in a day whereas morning stop bloat then continue afternoon bloat with a bit of cramping? Any feeling whole body getting suan suan in the afternoon?

Any feelings that you came acrossed, could you tell us to share.
Morning Sistas...

Ceraine: doesn't mean u have onli2..cannot BFP rite..Have faith in ur embbies...Hmm it's really up to you...If u tink u r in good hands in KKH and wan to save all the hassle..can give a shot in KKH..but if u can afford gg to private...then u can consider too...when r u planning to do ur FET?
yah back to accu le....yesterday was 2nd session for year 2011....I'm doing once a week only....
then will also go for massage, brisk walking to improve blood circulation....Hope all this will help.

There's a tendency you could be left with 1 after thawing, so I would advise you to stick to kkh for FET. but fresh you may consider LC Foong.
FET, wait for natural one cos I dun wan you to waste the money if thawing don't turn out good.

In fact, even though I'm left with 6, I actualli worried that they dun survive the thaw.....got such possibility right? haiz......

All depends on luck..
Piggy: even it is 1..no harm trying rite..Daylesford is one good example wor...she BFP by transferring the 1 n onli..;-)

hi ladies, I'm considering to go kkivf. Can the kk gals advise me what is the protocol for fresh cycle and fet cycle. What is the duration for the fresh and fet cycle?

Thanks so much.
