IVF/ICSI Support Group

Snnuggly, congrats on stage 2.. Mia for some time hor?

Stickybfp, Wah! Your bill very exp le.. Mine only 7k plus for previous fresh cycle @ KKH, need do assisted hatching cost additional 1.5k.

Today is the 6 session of malay fertility massage & she told me my womb like got worst today! Everytime she massage my womb, she will put her thumb in my belly button (right, center, left) to feel for pulse. Today she say my pulse like sleeping.. Last session she said my pulse getting stronger can feel strong pulse from left & centre but the right side still very stubborn. I now feel hesitated whether to still proceed fet tis mth liao
Hi stickybfp, i bought the immunocal yesterday. Wow veri exp 100bucks for 1box(30sachets). Bought 2boxes. think i will eat more eggs. much more affordable tis way. keke..
since u dun like tcm, did u do accupuncture?? u can jus do accupuncture dun need to take the med.
Miracle, yeah.. The malay Aunty come my place for 1hr massage & she charge by location. I usually massage after af and the following wk to aid ovulation. I pm you lata when home.. Now outside having dinner with family
hi happybb,

Hi serene,
No accu for me... Cos i got too many needles daily liao.... Dun wan more... Thats y i compensate by having and doing other stuffs
Hi mina,thx for the advice..i was so paranoid abt pushing back the liquid into e bottle thinking it will be less effective..i m going to kk this 13 jan to do blood test n ultrasound..do u all noe hw long is the aboveprocess?
Sticky, are u on stimulation now too? I do not drink milk, so didn't date to get immunocal wor. Eat egg whites only can? Then again, eat so many egg whites a day very jilat ley. Got alternatives anot?

Minako, I went away on hols, tats y never login
how r u doing? Still going for tcm? I think I will not go liao. No time ley.

Fet also so many jabs? I will oni be on suppression jab.
Sgh fresh reaali ex. My fresh in kkh, after medisave and grant, i dun hv to pay anything le. And medisave oni deduct ard $3k+.
hi snuggly,
Wanna try protein shake? like immunocal can mix with ur fav drinks... This protein shake can even add to ur food or soup... I email u later... U accept pm rite?

This fet no stimulation for me... onli lucrin jab...

Hi miracle,
Oh dear... Then y my bill so high.... High until abit ridiculous... Since i no et and on short protocol... Monday i go complain...
StickyBFP: Wah! Your cost so ex ah! Moreover not yet ET wor. So how much you going to pay for only the ET? Can it deduct thru medisave and still consider 1st attempt?
Whats extended culture. Hw much will ur fet be? Me too will be using medisave for this cycle. Are you transferring 3? Buying the insurance?
Rashal, u still lucrin stage right? After scan & bt, they will tell whether you are fully suppress a not then can proceed puregon stage so estimate abt +/-3wks. Must see how well your body react during stimulation stage. Once u start stage 2, time will zoom very fast!

Snuggly, yes.. I still taking tcm and go acu with Dr Zou. Mon after scan will go acu cos lining only 5 today. Hope can do et by next wk!
hi miracle,
I transfering blastocyst... Should be 2... Not sure how much, but i dun have cash budget for fet now... So opt for medisave lor...
Hey gals I'm gonna to do fet in feb. Any idea what I should eat n do to improve my chances of conceiving? Also what goes on during fet stage? Blur!!
Sticky, fet still need to jab lucrin for so long? Geesh!
Now I also dunno when is my et. Estimated u think will be when ah if all goes well?

First night of puregon, stomach churning like wanna poo poo. Issit normal?
Can anyone advise if bd during this stage is ok? Notes from kkh say ok but need to practise safe sex anot?
Sticky: buddy, how are you? I still around la but like happy, silent reader.

Happy: my mom never fails to remind me that it may be the crab I ate during pregnant that my son is so active! Ha! Ha!
<font color="aa00aa">morning all, how's everyone? I just woke up from taking some cough mixture last night - a bit blur blur now</font>
Snuuggly, during puregon stage.. no need protected sex. If horny, juz do.. Ha! I dun have any symptoms until day 4.. can feel aching on the sides of womb, maybe eggs growing.

itjabi, if natural fet then no need take any jab. On cd10, go for scan on alternate days until lining >8mm and must test +ve on opk. Once confirm ovulate then they will do et. Which hospital are you doing fet?

ladies, yesterday i told my parents tat I'll be doing fet soon &amp; they ask me wait till after cny which will be less busy. But I calculated tat my et most likely will fall on coming sat or next mon, so reunion dinner won't crash during 2ww. Haiz.. dunno izzit i stubborn or wat?
Hi miracle! Hi everyone!

I have a brand new bottle/vial of Lucrin to give away. I was asked to buy a 2nd bottle but didn't get to use it and it's been in my fridge all this while.

If you would like it, please PM me. Otherwise, I dunno how I should give it away... I dunno if KK IVF will give it away to a needy couple cos it's medication afterall.
morning gals...
Ok snuggly will do later...
Ur stomach churning should be ok de...
Rem ur immunocal ar...
Jiayou, jiayou...
If everything smooth smooth, ur er should be abt 18th to 21st jan... Depends on ur egg growth... =) prob ur et and mine on same week le... *high five*

Hi mina,
My mil also ask me do after cny cos my 2ww falls within cny... But hor... I feel every cycle we postpone need to wait another mth, and every mth something may crop up, and we got to postpone lor.... Chop chop get it done may not be a bad thing de... =)
Minako, no horny la. Hahah no mood liao la. I very long ago no mood ley. Oops hehe.

Sticky, I dun dare to take immunocal ley. Also u are not stubborn. I was also told to wait and not start during dec coz going for hols but I insisted. Waiting n waiting is no fun. There will never be a right time one lor.
*high five* I think we will end up same time for 2ww. Yay!
Stickybfp: haha I Mia for a day ;) so much to catch up .. So when is ur ET huh??

Faith : I ask the tcm she say won't break the Lining for being too heaty la ;) hee hee she say can eat durian
stickybfp... had lunch already? me had fried rice fried by urs truely... hehe... nice... but hor... felt a bit breathless... maybe stand too long...
mil today cook tian ji porridge for me... suppose to bu body... =) with dried scallops... is very nice... satisfying homecook taste...
ur beehoon sound nice as well...
ur spotting stop le ma?
Lily, pm you liao

stickybfp, me also home alone.. Dh working.

snuuggly, I agree.. there is never a good time to do ivf/fet cos something will always crop up. The thought of delaying &amp; waiting is killing me too! I wanted to do fet using dec af but Dr Loh on leave, now decide to do using jan af may crash cny. Feb af will come in mar cos its a short mth and my cycle is 32days then if do fet in mar maybe kena financial yr closing. Aiyo!

The worst is my neighbour downstair complaint say my toilet water-proofing got problem causing leakage to their celing. The HDB guy already took 2mths still haven settle, this is already 3rd mth. If i begin fet, how to let them do reno??
stickybfp... sounds nice... yum yum... and home cooked... mine is fried rice lar... keke... got limited ingredients in my fridge and lazy to go downstairs buy... so can only cook fried rice...

still spotting but i noticed that the spotting usually appears later part of the day... wondering if it's bcos of gravity cos morn just wake u so dun hv...

snuuggly... there is really no best time... just make sure ur health is ok... i can't stand waiting &amp; waiting too...

mina... maybe go back niang jia if they really hv to do reno?
sry sry... brain process wrongly... heehee...
u fried rice so lunch dine with dh as well?
spotting usually reduce with movement... thats y i ask u to bed rest lorz...

hi mina,
i got the same prob as u le... my toilet ceiling leaking plus my neighbor downstairs complain my toilet leaking on her ceiling as well...
guess wat the hdb guy told me... he say must redo the whole toilet floor... *faintz*
Stickybfp: can't wait to have my FET done in feb
so eager to get my mc so that I can rest n do nothing at home hahaha don't feel like working
tomorrow Monday blue again ...

Happybb: when is ur scan to hear the BB heart beat must be very excited hoh ;) rest more on bed don't walk so much okay ;)
ya... dh benefited as well... haha... poor guy has a lazy wife... so seldom has home cooked food... haha...

oh... like tat ar... but can't possibly full bed rest leh... i feel so lazy lazing at home already... but so far only went to dinner and downstairs buy things...
piggy... appt on 18 jan but dunno can see heart beat anot...

mon blue... i also hv... keke... u in ins right? me too... wat class of ins u r in? i'm doing group...
Happybb: I'm working in insurance company but more of the support ;) I don't need to study or get any insurance certificate hee hee cause I'm not selling... U check with Stickybfp ;) she is also working in insurance company ;)

so more of admin? and non ins related? i'm also not selling but hv to get the ins cert le... stickybfp... i know her 'background' already... hehe...
