IVF/ICSI Support Group

<font color="0000ff">Congrats happbb &amp; Nip!!!

Thanks for sharing your story. It's definitely not easy for you initially when your dh is not supportive. But now that he is, I hope things go along swimmingly for you!

According to the schedule, my er is around 26 Jan &amp; ET 3 days after.
How Angela know ur lining thick etc? For me, she never see or say anything leh. Just straight ocp..and that's it. Anyway, I am not going to be seeing her much I think?? Since most of the appt is with gynae, in my case, Dr Paul Tseng? Am I right??
Cannot depend on my dh to jab coz he travels a lot...so I have to DIY.

Am supposed to see Dr Zou tmr at 11, but have to cancel due
to work. Will be going to care in the evening though...scared scared....</font>

hi piggy,
lucrin to suppress O

hi leor,
urs should be long protocol... using take abt 2 mths to finish... be patient ar... lucrin suppress ur hormones thats y scan so late de ... cos onli furing stimulation, puregon jabs then need to scan more often to check the eggs and lining... once u start the cycle, time passes very fast de...
<font color="0000ff">just curious, anyone know why they use short &amp; long protocol, and is there any reason for using a particular one on an individual.
I guess mine is short protocol??</font>
Lily, just thought I would give you some information on my cycle so that you could calculate your next cycle's expenses more accurately. We are of similar age, so I would guess our medication/protocol would be quite similar too. Up to date, I have spent close to 24k,(1300+ support medicine for 3 weeks, and I am only at 6 weeks now) I would estimate another 3000+ on support medicine before the first trimester ends. I just thought of sharing this with you, as I, myself had never expected this cycle would cost so much! If money is an issue, then you really need to work it out with your husband and ask Angela for a detailed breakdown of the protocol, so you can budget the next cycle better.

Good luck and I wish you all the best in whatever you have decided to do.
Cycle post IVF will b heavier.. I had a thick pinkish red clot.. Unlike normal cycle which I assume should be it.
Realize this cycle I m feeling on off cold.probably body really weakens slight.
Hi Nip1 and HappyBB
Woah!! Two good news in one day... So happy for you gals... Nip, you has high HCG level... what's your DPO today?? Gals, thanks for your bb dust... care to share what you does before you start ur IVF and during 2ww, what you eat and do to achieve it?? Did you always bedrest??

Hope to get some tips from u gals soon...:)
Hi bcube,

I was on the short protocol ie no suppression stage. Once I have my menses, can't recall if it's day 2 that I start my puregon and menopur stim jabs till day 13/14 ( when follicles are deemed to be close to maturity), remembered going for my pregnyl jab 36 hours prior to ER. Pretty straightforward. My gynae put me on the short protocol coz I have pretty high FSH at 17. No point to suppress further for me. What I understand is also that the long protocol provides the gynae with more control over the process if the patient is one who has a good range FSH but for poor responders, short protocol might work better. That's my understanding... hope that helps!
Hi everyone!

Happy New year! I need some advice from you girls.

I just started my ocp and will start the lucrin injection on 18th Jan, but I have PCOS…the nurse said there's a high chance that i'll get 'ovarian hyper-stimulation' or something like that.. anyone knows anything about this hyper-stimulation thingy? What do I need to do?

gd morning sisters/ pinkM,

does FET need to jab lucrin again? what is it for? I ask Dr Loh last appm he say no need to jab anything? PinkM did u jab when u doing ur FET?

Good morning ladies


Hi, we can be cycle buddy cos me also start lucrin injection 18th Jan. R u from KKH?

Here a link regarding the OHSS. Hope its help.

Hi all, just to share with u on my ivf cost with kkh. The bill about 6k. Need to pay cash for blood test and registration which I round up abt $500. So total cost abt 6.5k. This is my first fresh cycle. The 6k all settled by medisave n govt grant.
i am at day 2 of menses liao...surprisingly not so heavy leh...i wonder why...i usually have clots on and off..so i cant 'identify' which is my poor embryo....
Jok, it depends what type of fet you are put on. If on medicated fet, you need to jab. If natural fet, no jabs just scan on cd10 until lining is >8 and opk shows +ve. I'm on natural fet this mth.
Pinkbubbles, thanks for sharing. Well if I am pregnant, I am ok to spend the $$ as it is money well spent. The problem is when it is negative.

Can I know if you have alot of eggs as I only have 4eggs you know?
tks mina,

i'm on medicated fet lei... than lucrin need to jab for how long? I taking the pills for menses end of Jan. as I planned to do ET in Feb. Am I in time?

so when ur ET? u doing at KKH? Dr Loh?
I was on medicated FET so need to jab to suppress the function of the ovaries &amp; let medicine take over. Jabs were from D2 - D14 &amp; ET on D18.
If you do not need to jab most likely u are on natural FET whereby ET is done when the body naturally ovulates.
Hi Jok &amp; Stickbb, sorry unable to advise as I'm doing natural fet. I heard some women need to take aspirin for natural fet too. Maybe different people have different protocol. I'm under Dr Loh from KKH.
minako... I m oso with Dr Loh. He gave me aspirin too wor... but no jab. Aiya... I leave it to him lah... dun think so much as long as can bfp! wahahahaha
Lily, I am sure you know there is no definite answer if your cycle will succeed or not, so money is really also an important issue, especially if you have invested so much and the outcome is otherwise. One would raise their expectation and when it didn't work out, this could also casue resentment and conflict between couples. I just think we should be realistic and also factor in all aspects, this is just my opinion anyway. A long, thorough talk with your husband is a must and be prepared for all contingency. Both of you must support each other throughout this journey, then I am sure there is nothing you cannot overcome! Good Luck!

I had 12 eggs, 9 fertilised, by day 3, there were 8 left, so Angela and I decided to run all 8 to blastocyst stage. I was prepared that I might only have enough for Day 5 transfer with no frozen ones left.

My last fresh cycle was in March, I had similiar number of eggs (but was put on short protocol and on a much lower dosage of stimulating drugs)in fact, I still have 4 frozen embbies at Glen. But since my cycle ended with a blighted ovum, and the subsequent FET in July failed. My husband and I decided maybe we should try a different protocol this time and hence have chosed to do it at CARE.

I hope my experience has given you some insight. I think you mentioned your FSH level was high, did you do a AMH test too?
Hi Gals,
I want to ask question.. during 2ww can we do usual light activity? or just lying on bed?
Coz i am thinking to go back to work ..

today I did my scanning, only 3 follicles that mature in size, the rest only 8mm and doc give me another injection of puregon. I am worry it will be there is no egg to be pick up
My body dun naturally ovulates and still need to take medicine to induce menses for Jan. I was given
aspirin too ... was told to call kkivf on D4 of menses... oh no ... i so confused.
hi gals...

hi jok
hi lynn,
me doing my fet this mth... i'm already on day 12 of lucrin... and need to jab till 17th jan... =)

lynn, is ohss u are talking abt... most gals in dec cycle got ohss... but mild or moderate ones, they took medication and recovered...
while me got more severe ohss... jus pump urself with half boil egg whites and electroyles drinks like 100plus... will help... me also pcos... so 1st scan reflect i got 35 follicies but the last scan saw i got 60 over... means too much, and over stimulated...
SarahN, Congrates!!!!

BCube, so you are abt 3 weeks ahead of mine. at first i thot i could make it b4 d CNY too as my company close for 1 week. actually, angela intended to give me ocp too. but during my 1st day of af, i went to see her, i was having cramps so i complain my tummy cramp. she decided to scan for me cos she said af cramp can be due to many factors. after scanning, she said my womb is hard and there's a fibroid so she decided to give me decapeptyl jab instead of ocp lor. i starting my buserelin on 11 jan, i think by then i will be having 2-3 jabs at one go =.=""

Wow! Must take care k...dun carry heavy items hor.
Have a smooth 9 months ahead yayy!

Where u from? KKH? U doing fresh IVF / FET?
Thanks everyone.... babydust to all who await their BFP. Have been there and know how it feels. Hang in there and will pray for everyone to BFP too!

Hey Leor, this is my third fresh IVF attempt and third time lucky i guess. I m from SGH CARE
SarahN: OIC. Yes! U have made it!
So happy for u.

Janices: Jia You! Jia You! Yayy!

Me going to start lucrin on 18 Jan. So u are one week ahead of me in terms of injection...keke...
hi mina,
we have 4...
sarah, nip, happybb, dan
all dec cycle... =)
so happy for them

piggy dear,
u start work le ma... next one bfp is u... =)
hi gals,

Any tips for painless injection? my dh helps mi w d lucrin jabs every morning..sometimes no much pain feelings n sometimes painful..
hi vio,
1. gals here use ice on the skin before jab...
2. 90degree jab, angle wrong can be painful
3. put pressure on the jab area longer... like 1min or so
Stickybfp, oh yes.. I forgot Dandelion also BFP! Hope to be like them soon!

1) put the alcohol swap in the fridge so it cold.
2) sit down on a chair.
3) grab 'spare tyre' tightly &amp; let DH jab in @ 90 degree angle, while jabbing slowly release your grab totally.
4) while DH remove jab, lightly push the skin away from needle.
5) use cold alcohol swap, apply light pressure &amp; rotate clockwise @ the injection spot.

Any ladies going Dr Zou tonight?
minako,will remind my h to gv mi a 90deg jab or i will tell him i jab myself liao.

mi will be going to see Dr Zou nxt wk after my menses end. u going nxt wk?

usually, is her clinic veri packed? Nid to wait veri long there?

Yes i rotate too. Left / right / left /right by then i m already sore i had to shift a lil up or a lil down. Also find a comfortable position, some prefer lying flat on back and i prefer seated a lil hunch so that i can grab my flesh.
Just follow all the veteran's advise given here, you cant go wrong.
