IVF/ICSI Support Group

Wow!!! So happy for Pandawife
. My fren juz gave birth to twin boys on 30/12 too... Our turn are coming....

Oh sorry I always forget there are 2 Care.

Winnie, Angela gave my Dh her HP number, she said she normally give no to those who had started d prg lol
hi bobzai,
wats ur puregon dose?
ya, when the eggs grow will feel pain...
no worries... ample water will do, no need overdose... like 2 litres per day... is the egg white and immunocal that helps more...
Thanks sticky!
Yes kan Cheong...an super duper afraid of injection. I guess up to this point, it's still not real for me coz I am just on the ocp...but once injection start, then no turning back Lor..right?

Sigh..actually am still wondering if I made the right choice to start ivf. I know a lot of pple sure will say no need, it will happen eventually blah blah....
Leor, i m still lurking around occasionally.. so touched tht u missed me! hee....

Pink M, thanks for helping w the update!

Janice, yes, it will be ur turn soon! read about ur saizen episode..glad all turn out ok.

Bcube, i never regretted going thru ivf and did it not once but twice. i feel its being proactive in achieving our dreams of having precious little ones
once u set ur mind to do it, just focus on the end goal.
morning gals...
a brand new monday to start off 2011 work yr...haha....

hi bcube,
i would like to share my long winded story to u ar... =)hope u feel better after reading it... jus do the jabs step by step, dun think abt the results...

hi gals...
i would like to share my story...
and to gals who dun receive alot of positive support from ur dh...

i skip iui and soiui... becos i feel that if fertilisation is the problem then i should aim the problem and find a solution... now thinking back on my decision, i feel that i didnt make a wrong decision... cos if i failed my iui and soiui, i dunno how many disappointment i can take....

told my doc straight i wan ivf... and he keep insisting i can conceive naturally cos previously i got an ectopic pregnancy...
to me ivf is an option, a choice... which we can make at early age... there's a forum mate who did ivf at age 26 le... so young rite... i guess we are all educated and understand that when we wan babies, we mean business... not like previously generation can ttc for a decade... then seek help... the younger we are, the higher the chances of ivf... i understood this point... so i hit 30 this yr, so not gg to wait anymore... plus i got a very unsupportive dh lorz... when fertile wanna bd, end up in a quarrel... and he didnt wan any children... got me 6 mths to convince him into ivf... had a very difficult time to get him do the every 1st sperm test... he thinks he no prob is my prob... chey...

finally the 1st results is poor morh... then he starts to feel gulity... haha...
it was lucky that i chosen ivf le... cos upon his 3rd sperm test then we found out that his sperm got bacteria infection... aiyo... 3rd test then say got infection and is a very stubborn type of bacteria that may linger for more than 1 yr even after antibiotics...
so he took 3 weeks of antibiotics... and doc ordered liquid antibiotics during icsi, fertilisation. also hor, he failed his sperm binding test... means the sperm couldnt penerate into the egg fully...
aiyoz... after he failed so many aspects then now he's better and more positive in the ivf... =)

i am not pregnant yet and in the progress of ivf... i got 13 embryos waiting for me, and in jan i will do the embryo transfer...
ivf is not easy and i'm not encouraging anyone to go into it... but i have to warn your that docs and nurses do not offer very good support plus family and dh may not give u enough support in ttc aspects... their fav line is... aiya, let nature takes its course...

i told my mil, if its within my means, i will do everything and anything for a healthy baby... at least i will not regret as i grow older...
but fear not, cos u got us... ur forum mates to be by ur side... we may not noe one another by face or character... but we stand by ur decision and provide as much emotional support as we can offer u by words... =)
hang in there gals... sticky bfp is near... have faith and be happy...
Morning gals...actually I really admire those that tried more than once as I have just failed my 1st IVF and to add to the matter, I do not have alot of eggs so no frozen..:-( If I were to try again, it will be a totally new start with the same jabs...etc

IVF to me is mentally, physically and financially stressed...I spent $14k excluding CPF on my failed IVF and if I were to try again, its another $16k cos 2nd attempt...that's a lot of money...

To comfort myself, I already have a 4yr old gal so maybe 1 should be enough..I have been debating for a long time whether should I try again and still cant come to a conclusion.

Anybody here care to give me some advise?
sticky bfp
those words resonated with me lots and its sooo true... other pple will say 'let nature take its course'..but i am already 34..no more nature..now got to depend on nurture..i always believe, we shld let God decide how many beautiful kids he wana give us..but that aside, we shld put in effort too..i married in 2002, but only decided to want to have kids in 2006 (after cyst op in 2005)...tried 3 years then conceive thru 2nd ivf in 2009. Loong journey, many many disappointments, many guilt, mistakes...but i am glad i insisted my way too to have ivf and convinced hubby...he worried if my body can take it...and he is a laid back person...if have, then have..that kind of person...
Morning Girls
Wow a brand New Year...

Lily: I just fail my 1st IVF too and i also spent $15K on it but im not going to give up till im BFP
Money can earn back and children is forever
Why not try again since you still got 2 more chance on using the CPF.. If you don't mind you can try with government hospital don't need to be private and still got government $3K subsidy to reduce overall costing
Lily... Think the best persons to decide will be ur dh & urself... Take ur time to think it over, dun rush into anything yet before u do anything... R u w pte hosp? If yes and money is a concern, why not consider govt hosp...
Happy: nurse said to go back either today or tomorrow after results out to take medicine for support.

Lily: you have to think through cos ivf is not only mentally draining but resource draining as well. But I feel at the end, it is what you want and by what means you are willing to go to get there.

Sticky: thks and same to you too. I like your never give up spirit.

76: you too, if really want it then try cos it seems like you got good support frm family
wah, u read a bit of my post, you know i got gd family support?u v observant leh, considering here got so many posts every day...
hi gals,
jus got my schedule... 17th then scan my lining, 27 then do fet... and will be day 5 embryo... means i transfering Blastocyst le... =)

but then hor... the lab told me that they thawing my embryos in 2 batch le... =( thawing 6 at one time... alamak... means 2 cycle then bye bye liao... should i let them thaw 6? hm.... i go think think...

hi nip,
=) thanks... no choice lor, must be super positive de... our culture and generation tend to be negative... and my dh family & him are pessimistic people... so is my family...
i really envy very positive family, the children being brought up are full of energy and happiness... i wan to create such a family when i have children... and everything whether habit, character or attitude must start from ME.... =)

hi lily,
did ur dh says have then have, dun have then dun have? is yes, then u got to take it easy... if no, he do wan #2... then go for one more round of ivf... rem, one of our mates posted... celine dion went through 6 cycles...
Nip... At Sq 2 now... Maybe meeting fren for lunch...

Stickybfp... Blastocyst higher chance of bfp? 6 is a lot leh... High chance of wastage... U putting how many embbies? Got 1 silly qn... If they thaw too many, can freeze back? Cannot, right?
hi stickybfp, wow day 5 embryo. All ur embryo must be good grade. BFP successful rate is definitely higher : ) Hmm it really not easy to make decision whether to thaw 6 or lesser. The lab scared tat not all embryos might survive after thawing. Therefore suggest to thaw 6 embryos. Also have to depend how many embryo u intend to put in ur uterus. If u decided to put 3 in, then to thaw 6 embryos might b reasonable. But if u wanna to put 2 in, then thawing 4-5 emryos should be fine.
Hey all, just got a call frm kkh, it is a bfp for me! Let the reality sink in first. Have not even check my hcg level yet. Jia you all.
hi serene
hi happybb,
thanks... putting in 2... thats y 6 is like alot... prob i will request for 4... the embryo usually could not survive another thawing, so they dun usually freeze back...

hi nip,
congrats again... sticky sticky bfp ar...
Bcube, mi also scared of giving myself jab. I dunno whether i can bear to jab on my own. currently m waiting patiently for my Jan af to come then cd21 will start the stimulation jab. I will be dragging my hub along to learn how to jab in case i last min freak out, then he will do the jab for me.
Nip: Congratulation

Stickybfp: Fully agree with Serene.. SGH consider Private or Government huh? Private then can put 3
Sure BFP liao la don't need to worry so much because Blastocyst stage ET meaning you just need to wait for it to hatch and implant to your uterus will do
skip away alot of waiting
BFP BFP BFP soon for you !!!
pandawife, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I was sharing your triplets with my dh and sisters, they were very amazing cos 1 of our fren oso juz gave birth to twin boys on 30/12 and her babies are quite small 1.7kg and 2kg

LOL ya so kan jiong esp my dh... after that it's heartache cos 1 drop $200+ gone :s

Bcube, you will be on buserelin? so when will be your ER/ET? I will be starting on 11 jan and ER on 12/2. angela didn't give me OCP cos my womb is hard and i think got fabroid so she gave me a jab instead. currently i'm bleed cos the womb is soften and purging out the impurities...

Happybb, Congrates!!!!! Grabbing your babydust
Happybb: congratulation to u too!!! Wow happy for u n nip ;)

Stickybfp: sure cAn make it through no worries ;) Personally i think u better let them decide how many to thaw I believe that they must have their reason in thawing 6 ..
nip & happybb, Congrats! Grabing bb dusts from both of you! This New Year really brings good news early.. hope be spread bb dust like you soon!

Stickybfp, transfer 3 must thaw 6 meh? I only have 3 frozen le.. nvm la.. must have faith in my embbies.. hope all survive then transfer all & strike triplets.. haha!
hi mina,
they mean possibilities la...
not neccessary transfer 3 thaw 6... =)
yay, healthy and sticky bfp for u dear....
which day are u liao?
Thx, janice, piggy, mina, ceraine & stickybfp!

Nip... Congrats to u too... Collected ur precription already? The level of hcg is written on the appt paper...

Now hv the urge to go pte gynae to scan how many sacs...
Thks all for congratS and well wishes!

Happy: Now waiting for collect prescription, very long queue. My hcg level is 2357.3.

Babydust to all!
