IVF/ICSI Support Group

I think doing hpt on DPT7 is too early and may make you demoralized if u see a negative but infact your maybe preggie and your body is still producing hcg which the hpt may not be able to detect yet. Like you, I wanted to know if things worked out else I would continue with life. I did a bt on DPT10 and my beta was quite low and it got me worried sick. HPT indicated positive on DPT12. Being curious created unnecessary worries too. So u must be prepared if you want to do early bt/hpt. Anyway best of luck

I am closing to 10wks. EDD in July2011. All the best for your coming fresh cycle.
Heh, heh. Piggy, watch some tel or sing some Xmas carols, anything to take mind off. I also look at every little sign, twinge as a indication. Very bad, hor.
Piggy - I did hpt on Dpt9 and it was -ve. I did not give up hope and went for DPT13 it was positive. I only do hpt when I was 6 to 7 weeks preggy cos my hubby wanna take photo to document my pregnancy
Dear ladies, can I know what can I supplement to increase my FSH? Any ladies here that did not take the HL during the 2ww but still BFP, can share some dos and donts...as I dont think I can take another 2weeks of HL if I were to try again.
Hi Lily. Why do you want to increase your FSH? If FSH is too high, the body is in menopause stage....

Hi Janice, I saw the thread that got 2 boxes of immunocal from OG. Is there a 20% discount on it?
Winnie & daylesford : will be good girl for now till next Monday then test hahaha ;)

Nip &76 : my ET is a surprise to me so not in time to borrow books or buy magazine to read
my hb say he don't know what to borrow for me too
will think of other ways to make my mind busy hee hee ;)
sunstillshines, there isn't any 20% discount. but if you have OG card, you can have 5%. i bought it at full price $100/box. if you don't go there you can call the supplier to order. they do free delivery for 2 boxes and above.

My cousin told me, this supplier wanna make it exclusive, so they only sell to clinic that's why clinic sell so ex. but dunno why OG sells too and in fact they take phone order as well...

Loo Lily, your FSH too low? actually FSH cannot be too high, too high is no good.
Ladies, TCM dr said purpose of egg whites is to reduce reduce bloatedness, water retention. she said after jabbing, the more bloated the better but not water retention. mix 4-6 egg whites to milo and drink it can prevent reduce the water retention.
On the positive side, if you see a solid line on the HPT by Day 10/11, it's likely that you'll be experiencing multiples as the beta will be in the 100+ region already.
I supposed you are from KK? KK gives a standard 17-19 days after ER for BT (depending if you hit a weekend). That's the norm. Your mens shld not come now that you've done your ET cos you're supposed to be officially 'preggie' and in 2ww. If you see red before your BT, do not assume it's a BFN. Go down immed to do early BT. There's a chance that you're pregnant but having low progesterone levels and require more support that's all.

Even after BFP, we do not calculate the weeks according to last menstrual date. The weeks will be counted based on ER date which is the day of ovulation. Your cycle is probably longer now cos your stimulation stage took longer and hence delayed trigger of ovulation. So by ER, we are considered 2 weeks into the pregnancy and by end of 2ww BT, we'll thus be 4 weeks pregnant if BFP.
Su yana
When i was preggy the last round with my twins, my HCG was 120 at day 11 after ET (fresh cycle) with 2 8-celled embryos. Wats urs?
Congrats!!!Its a good sign, coz it shld double every 2 days.how many did u put in? How many cells?what symptom did u have durin 2ww?
Thanks syrah for the info. Just wondering coz I read some ppl get their menses before their HCG test despite being on luteal support. Anyway, good luck to everyone and may we BFP.
I'm having twins n my beta was 440 day14 counting ER as day 0. There's still a possibility yours could be twins.
76, frankly, I did not look for symptom as it stressed me out.
I did have af cramp throughout 2ww. Sometimes, after waking up from nite sleep, my back hurts so much.
I transfered 2.

Syrah, yours is after retrieval, mine is after transfer. And it's day 3 transfer. If I count after retrieval it's day 17.
Good morning gals.

Thx happybb.

Thx Bcube and janice, how do u find the taste?

76, I'm with KK this cycle (fresh cycle). BT is on Monday. I ask cause I'm exploring other possibilities in case BT bfn

piggy, try not to test so early. Remember i tested on D9 and -ve n all of u said it was too early? you'll get demoralised if u get a false negative.
Dan, when stirring I can smell something n I dun really like d smell. I mix it with ribena, taste ok not as bad as I think. Yesterday I shook it as per instruction but all foam, today I stir it quite ok, easier to drink too...

Btw, Instruction says not to mix with any warm or hot water cos it's heat sensitive. But it oso says will not be so foamy if mix with Milo, milk powder. But these are hot/warm drinks leh, very contradicting or maybe after dissolve it's alright le. Me oso blur
for immunocal, i put the powder in a cup...
then add a little yakult and stir it into a paste, then add somemore to make the paste smoother... then after i add the rest of the yakult... best...

hi piggy,
i understand the urge... actually regardless of advices, u will still test early to satisfy ur curiousity de... if not u, is me lor... haha...
jus do after christmas... christmas can bring u lots of good luck... =)
dear all
cant believe i actually slept from 10-now...12pm..i cant belivee i am such a lazy bum with 2 toddlers banging toys screaming outside and i can still koonz...gosh...hope by the time i wake up, i can take BT, but its not that way leh...hehehhe..i still got another half a day to spend..how?now i go bathe, lunch, then koon again...
Thanks gals, I'll place order then. BTW, those of u who ordered fr fung n goh pharma, how much was it? cheaper then OG?

Piggy, understand ur eagerness. Maybe just wait a few more days?
Dan, same price but if got OG card there's 5% discount. Fung n Goh got delivery charge of $10 if order 1 box. 2 n above free
Dandelion: yup yup will wait till Monday Hmmmm 10dp3dt ;) hope to see the result remember because I haven't buy the insurance yet so need that day result to determine buy or not buy hahaha ;)
<font color="0000ff">Dan,
I tried the Immunocal today. No taste at all. I mix with soe orange juice. Very easy to drink. I ordered from Fung &amp; Goh, paid $200 for 2 boxes. They have very prompt service.</font>
I understand from prev ladies that if u can get around 3 person to share, get 3 boxes each, they'll give u a free 10th box if i'm not wrong.
Piggy... Hehe... Me also wan to test but still too early... Bought 4 hpt before et... Hehe...

Started to hv cramp last nite... More on the left side... Woke up a few times, can feel the cramp... But lucky, it's those can tahan type...

Me not guai... Now sipping kopi at ya kun... Wah... My daily must hv... But nowadays, I dun hv it everyday... Trying to cut down... Later gg to lunch at iciban... Evening got gatgering at bro's pl...
Stickbfp... Starting lucrin today... Hehe... 1 step closer to bfp... About ur short lp, could it be bcos u r not on progesterone, tat's why? But I see it as good to come early so can start on fet... Rather than wait until neck long long....
Gals, Gals, How many packets are there in each box? HOw many packets do u drink in a day? Sorry for asking so many qns.

Piggy, I'm also testing on monday but that the REAL one liao, no more testing only. hee
Dan... There r 30 sachets in a box... I started w 1 per daily then increased to 2 per day... Depend on urself... But think min 2/3 sachets for u daily w egg whites? Cos ur ohss coming back...
