IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi ladies...

back from doc visit...

BB very active move here and there up and down turn back and front haha... do legs exercise also... haha so cute...

I did not do OSCAR but doc do and unofficial check and Dr say BB is consider low risk...

OSCAR cost $400... unofficial check $30 check + $30 ultrasound = $60... still can know the result hehe... save $...

Val, you had 3 follicles retrieved? How many did you put back? I only had 2 fertilized out of 5. Hoping for the best too. Bt is this Monday
dandelion - glad to know ur better now
im d10 today.. yesterday i had sharp pains in my back and tummy which seemed to be moving ard. also ard my pelvis..no idea why.. made me so scared i totally stayed in bed
funnily, i was also thinking the same thing today that i dun feel preggy rather light actually..maybe reading too much into it. have u decided to do preg test first or just wait for bt?
Thanks Val and grumpus. I'm trying my best to remain positive. But for me, it's because of the OHSS that I had. It's actually getting better. Hee. So contradicting. Don't know if I shd feel happy or not. Actually I think I shd la, cause I'll nvr forget how torturing it was.

Val, you are so lucky. 3 eggs retreived and managed to bfp. Wheee!

Su, be hopeful. Val is a good example.

Nur, don't think test can tell so early right? My BT is 27. How early can we test? Actually I'm scared to test myself also. You?
jus receive the call, 32 extracted, 25 mature, 18 fertilised... they so nice say tomolo call me again to tell me how my embbies doing... now i feel all is worth it... =)
Nur, Dan..
Thks.. Yeah still hopeful :)
I don't have a test kit at home but might want to get it later. Agree with u it's scary to test but guess let see if i have thr courage to do it once i buy.
dan, su - i oso dunno got courage to test or not.. which day that we can test anyone knows?
wah this is worst than waiting for exam results!

good luck to all of us
Stickbfp... Wow... So happy for u...
looks like things r picking up for u...

Dan, nur, pinkbubbles & su... All the best to ur upcoming bt... Hehe... Actually, I stocked up 4 hpt the day before my et... Dunno got the courage to test anot...

Nip & piggy... How r u feeling today?
Nur, agree with you, worse than waiting for exam results.
Actually, I'm taking part time studies and my result will be out next Wed. I am not thinking so much about that result but my Monday BT result.
Weird ah...
happybb - i didn't buy any hehe. but just downstairs i have shop selling .. so tempting to buy :p

mdmkhoo - if + ah i dun mind i will be smiling all the way to bt
BUT if reverse hor, i dunno how i'll manage my disappointment.. but actually sooner or later also will know so dunno why make things complicated for myself haha..
btw, i understand clear blue is the most sensitive result. Any other brands that you ladies used?
Is it a must to use the first morning urine? Will afternoon or night one will give a wrong result?
I did a bt on dpt10 and my hcg was only 8.2 And considering that our hcg beta should double approximately every 24-36hrs, I was tested positive on clear blue on dpt12 with morning first urine. I also used the high sensitivity 10iu online pee strips too and the test line was v.v.v faint. Guess it's not as sensitive as what they claimed to be !!! So for early preg test, will recommend clear blue.
Hi su,

Yes. I only had 3 follicles retrieved. I have a low ovarian reserve and hence very high fsh so very difficult to stimulate. 2 fertilized and I transferred both back. Jus bfp and keeping my fingers crossed that all will be well.

I would not suggest u test too early and if u insist, pls use clearblue and the morning urine (after u have not pee for at least 4 hours so that it's concentrated). Dun give yourself distress ahead of time. I tested on those cheap online pregnancy test strip at night 12 dPt and got a negative.. No line except for the super visible control line and I was sobbing for the next 2 days until the bt when the results was made known.. For some of us, the hcg levels do not rise as quickly s others due to a number if factors so my take, if u could hold off your curiosity, pls do
Thanks Val for your insight

My hubby did say the same thing too. Maybe i will just test if i happen to buy coz now no hpt
and will just take the result in a light hearted way.
BTW, how many weeks or mths are you now?
Pinkbubbles, good luck to yr Mon beta BT . Mine will be next Thurs and I think I will wait till then as no courage to test now.

All the best to every sisters having their beta BT next week.
It takes lotssa of courage to do hpt. If you are not prepared for the results, wait for your BT on Monday. For me, I wanted to know if things worked out so I headed to my co. panel dr for v.early bt on dpt10. Turned out that my beta was still v.low and I made sure rested in bed for the next couple of days. Also headed back to my clinic a couple of times to make sure that my beta increases steadily. Testing on Hpt was my secondary source of reassurance too. Its not definitely for faint hearters and I still wondered where I got the courage then.
Piggy: me ok. Still feeling a little bloated. My er bloatedness also took 2 days to subside so assuming this time round still the same.
val - thanks for sharing. i think i will react the way you did too so maybe i just wait till my actual bt..no courage to even buy the test kit. haha

wah nxt week a lot of sista bt yah
hope to hear many many good news!
Hi girlS can I check is it really a must to buy the insurance ? I saw some girls posting that they didnt buy the insurance.. Really don't feel Like buying cause to be frank doctor say my bfp chances is low then I don't feel like spent the 900 dollars on nothing
anyone can help me on this ??
nur... if u r not comfortable using hpt, then dun buy... all the best to ur bt...

piggy... i'm still bloated... if move too much or press my tummy, will pain lor... so can only walk slow slow... but still ok lar...

nip... hope u will be well enough for ur cruise tmr...
relax & enjoy urself...
piggy... it's not a must... but personally i think it's good to buy... wat if u really strike triplets? u never know... but hv 5 days to submit so take ur time & discuss w ur dh...

just my own tots...

understand wat u mean by spending almost $900...
Having 3 embbies transfer need to pay for $800 plus close to $900 2 embbies only cost $180 plus so much different
if not a must then I don't buy loh hee hee Noti girl ;) Hope really can strike 3 hahaha
Dandelion: Beta test is the blood test to test the level of pregnancy hormone, HCG. HPT = home pregnancy test, also tests HCG but using our urine..
Hey all, is it common for 2ww for tummy to be bloated? I remember some said must eat egg white (nurse also advise this), protein shake and immunocal...anything else huh? How about brazil nuts?
nur > dear dun think -ve ur little angels can feel de... if u are not ready then best dun test so that will have less stress for now stress is not good...
Oic..thanks bb.

stickybfp...is it cramp fr the retreival?

nip, yes, its very common cause most women will develope mild to moderate ohss. Drink lots of water and take protein to alleviate the problem.
Hi stickybfp
Hope u r feeling better now.. Is it that all er need to go thru poking thru the tummy? Thot no wound as extract egg fr Virginal?? Sound so scary.. How many hole poke thru ur tummy? Rest well ya..
Hi all,

For those of you who are feeling nauseous, can try to purchase Sea Bands or PSI Bands from pharmacy to wear. I bought a pair of Sea Bands from Guardian at abt $13. I think it has helped me a little with the nausea and puking cos I have been puking a lot. And the nausea is ruining my day to day function. =(

Dr Loh mentioned not using Palmers Cocoa cos it has caused some allergies and itching in some pple. So he recommended Clarins. I dunno what product but will check once I am feeling better.

I went for my 1st u/s scan yesterday and I am expecting twins. =) Happy but scared.

BFP to all of you ladies!!!!!
Well when I am during my 2ww, I feel bored and just relax but now closer to my beta BT on next Thurs, I am getting a bit worried cos afraid of negative result. :-( I hv a clearblue pregnancy kit at home but dare not try cos afraid of the result. This is so horrible feeling, don't know if can take the result. Just want to share my feelings.

During 2ww, hoping that the beta BT will be soon but now it is approaching I wish otherwise....
Congrats!Its twins for u
.. Was recommended by many friends to use Clarins Huile Tonic Body Treatment Oil which prevents stretchie marks and I got it from Chinatown @ $56.

Lily, all the best for your coming BT
Lily, I'm also feeling very very bored. Every day watch tv, surf until nothing to surf, play games.

Can't do anything too rigourous so am thinking of catching a movie on Christmas eve. Can I? Can I? That would be Day 15 after ET.
Dandelion, think watching movies should be ok. :) my beta BT is just round the corner, now getting very anxious and just to worry.
How I wish after 2ww will be 100%bfp how nice!

Day, thks!
