IVF/ICSI Support Group

Thank you very much for sharing with us...

think KKH only give the standard kind of support. if worried not enuff, can spk to the ivf doc in-charge to give more support
I failed my 2nd cycle.:-(

I went for my blood test this morning and when i come back, my menses came. Haiz...no need to wait for the results. I feel so down again.
I need to rest awhile before thinking where to go next.

Congrats to those who succeed.
Really?! U mean can ask for more? I didn't know that....kaoz!

Fashion spree,
I"m suppose to do my BT at KKH today oso but my AF came this morning...Sob...sob...wat kind of drug support r u given during 2ww? wat's the grade of the eggs?
My doc shared this with me, i hope to share this with you as well. The job will always be there, 5 yr, 10 yrs down the road. But our chance to conceive will not. Once we miss the boat, we cannot reverse the biological clock.
I"m in my 2nd cycle too. BT today and AF came this morning. Don't be sad, understand how u feel now. Try to get more tips from our sisters here who BFP. Prepare ourselves for the 3rd attempts. Never give up...
Congrats to those who BFP this week! Feel happy for you and at the same time so envy......

For those who BFN, don't give up. Take a break, have a good rest and lets 加油 together.
JJ, I just called KKH and they say if I need my medical report they will need to charge $5.25 for it & I need to fill up a request form. If DH's medical report is needed, I need fill up an authorisation form and submit with a copy of DH's nric.

They will only process the request after receive completed forms and sent us by post within 5 working days.

OMG! Why so many procedures one? Why cant they just give us a copy directly afterall we paid for those tests, we should get a copy mah!
I will have to do fresh cycle as i've only 2 eggs retrieved during ER and put in 2 eggs (grade 3) during ET. No more extra eggs. Sad, right? I will check with Dr Loh whether I shd do medicated or natural again during next appt. Just realised few days ago that they r different.

fashion spree,
R the grade of the eggs good?
Hi all,
thank for all the best wishes. I just bed rest most of my time at home during the 2 ww. I not even step out of my house unless go hospital. I eat alot of fish, drink alot of warm water, more veg n fruits. Not a single drop of cold water.
I juz called KKIVF. I told them I want to opt out 2nd x SO-IUI. Expected, they want me to c Dr 1st, then sign the consent form. So, 've booked appt wif Dr next wk & tell her I dun 1 2 do IUI, will embark straight to IVF. Hope she is ok wif my decision.

Wonder wat's the queue for IVF now? Do I need to wait very long?

Minakochang: I oso 1 2 request all my medical reports fm KKH. So mafan 1, 've to fill up the request form ah?? Since I'll be seeing Dr next wk, I must well request on tat day hor.
Nesnes, fresh cycle can be natural ?? I thought only frozen cycle can do natural. I am starting my 2nd fresh cycle next week.. feeling abit nervous about it already.... have been preparing the body since end Jan.... and trying very hard to relax...hee....
Oh i didn't know anything abt it. Bliss has posted the Dos & Don'ts today at 1.48pm. I think will be very useful to us. Keep that...

Good luck to u and catch as much baby dust as possible from those who graduated.
minakochang Hai Lor ... pay some much for testes & still need to pay for the results ...

think juz pay & for subsquent results request for a copy on the spot ...
huh! So long ah...sob...sob...wait until neck will break!

i juz found out fr a fren of mine whose colleague now preggy 8mths liao via IVF, 1st attempt. Her doc dun allow her not to 've twins, so he oni gave her single. His reason is: u r still young. But hor, her colleague tis yr already 37 yr old leh. If she can 've twin, then she can close shop mah. Can save the "mafan" to go for another round, rt? Then my fren deduce tat her doc might 1 2 earn extra $$$ fr her.
Missfairlady - Hugz for you ... cry it out and take ur time to pick urself up for the next cycle ...take up a new hobby and try not to think too much of the failed cycle ... bond closer with your hubby as both of u need to support each other during this difficult time ...

fashion spree - congrats
fashion spree,

Congrats.. Take good care ya..


Maybe take tis time to build up your body for the next cycle.

How come d doc like tt?? She cant choose to transfer 1 or 2?? I tot usually they will gauge on your age then advise if transfer 1/ 2 or 3..
Don't think so ... cos self collection would be at another section of KKH (the radiology there: 1st floor) so they still need to pull out yr records & photocopy then pass to that section sort ...

U want to call them to state the urgency ? then see if they able to process quicker then u self collect & make payment
kkhivf hv a file on our records of all tests done. jus go to the counter & request, cannot mah?
anything u ask them, they also refer to dat file mah
haiz.. I called liao, they say have to follow their SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) unless the request is by police. May I ask, did you fill the form and sent request by mail? Can I ask u which is the column to write to release DH's SA result?
Congrats to all who BFP!!
See you all BFP makes me feel so excited and happy for you! Wish i can do another cycle soon!

Wendy, stay positive okie? Just another 15 hours you can do BT liao. May your HCG level shoot up to beyond 50. As long as got increase 66% is normal.

NeSNeS, missfairylady, *hugs* Take a break first and nurse your womb to tip top condition. Next try will be better prepared ok?!
Skies: i oso find the doc very funni. Tot the older u r, the more eggs to trsf?? Or mayb depend on individual's size. If the person is of small size, carrying multiples is quite a burden & risky oso?? *shrug*

Next wk after seeing Doc Sadhana, I will then know how is IVF queuing status like.
JJ, all these yrs, diff doc in kk hv given e same dosage -- 5mg... My friend (under another hospital) was also given same dosage when she was ttc-ing... Since same same, I guess shld b ok? Let's c what pandawife says when she's back frm CARE...
I have 13 ER but implant 2 and only left 1 to freeze. The rest all stop growing.
I consider lucky cos the 2 ET is only grade 3. Doc say all my eggs so so only.

Don't give up. I ttc for 5 yrs n all method try. Go tcm, try so- iui all fail me till I told my hubby try the most stressful method which is ivf.
I think the 2ww really must minimise walking which I most walk ard my house only. I try to lie my body flat most of the time. All my washing is done by my hubby as I try not to bend so much cos mine is a front loading washer.

My next challenge now is to make sure bb grow in
my womb.
JJ, prof from NUH asked me to take 5mg before my next attempt.,I miscarriage for my first one. I guess 5mg is not overdose. When I was confirm pregnant he asked me to take twice a day that means 5mg.
my pelvis pain then went to see doctor at kk 24hours last nite the doctor told me my homos low and pain might be miscarriage already or menses coming.... GOD his remark me me feel so sad...
U mean e doc at 24-hr clinic did another bloodtest for u? Dun let his comments make u feel so bad... Think positively, maybe it's early pregnancy discomfort? Dun give up yet... Hugs hugs...
Nsenses and msfairylady, sorry to hear abt ur results 2day... rest awhile first then think of ur next step..

Nsenese, sorry to ask is this ur first attempt? U had 2 follicles retreived and both fertilised? Perhaps u can request dr to increase ur sitmulation drugs in hope of getting more follicles..
