IVF/ICSI Support Group

Wendy - talk to your embies to stick tight2 to u and hopefully your BHCG would increase ... dun panic and think positive ...

Bing - congrats

Morning !!
Understand that its fashion_spree's result day !!

Wishing her lots of sticky luck !! Embie to stick stick stick !!
Fashion_spree: BFP! BFP! Wish u all the best for the BT tdy!!!

Wendy: Take a break..dun read those symptoms anymore..it will even worry & stress u more. BB dust to u! We will all pray for u.
I want to ask u gals who have already gone thru' IVF. Did u tell yr boss & colleagues that u r gg for IVF & hence nd to take lv for 2 wks OR juz give any story?
my soiui kkivf will give 1 day MC (i try to request for more)... then tell immediate boss i going woman surgery.

Whereas tell close co-worker taking urgent leave to settle family matters.
Suppose to go for BT today but my AF came this morning...so cruel.....all my effort has gone down to drain again. This is so disappointing! Sigh!
Pls advise if it's ok not to go for BT since my AF came liao? I don't wish to let them draw my blood and get poked again.
JJ: For my SO-IUI, I oso told my boss I went for my routine medical check-up. I told my close colleagues the same too. But I tink if I reali go for IVF, then either got to tell real or make up story liao coz the lv is longer.

Nesnes: Jia you again... btw, u did IUI or IVF?
Called KKH nurse and she said she will just note it in my file that I'm not going for BT since AF. However, it will be good to go so that they can check for ectopic pregnancy or biochemical (something like that). She has also booked next week appt for me to meet up with Dr Loh...probably will tell me the reason for failure. However, I heard from some of the sisters here that he may not tell oso. Therefore, I'm wondering should i go and consult him or not to waste the consultation fee if there's no outcome....
Yup, full flow and it's heavy.
Blissful - for my 1st IVF, I only told my immediate boss that i'm gg for IVF but I found that the collegues would be querying to find out more what happen to me during the 2weeks plus i'm away

As for my 2nd IVF, I told my whole team that I'm gg for IVF and keep me in their prayers and I felt glad dg so cos they will not have any grudges covering my job in my absence
They had been supportive and they do not even disturb me during 2WW to ask about work ... they only call to check how am i ??? So i guess it depends on the closeness of the team
my team made up of mostly guys lei ... if i tell them i go for so-iui .. i got to give them back story of why i need to go so-iui in the 1st place ...

then with my situation the lesser pple knows the better
Nesnes: Did u ever go for TCM to "tiao" yr body b4 IVF? Maybe u can try tat. Alot of ladies here had tried prior IVF. So I tink more or less contribute to the success? Anyway, dun give up!

I tink my colleague is gona annouce to us tat she is pregnant. I feel happy for her..but deep down in my heart, I'm so envy & bitter... when is my turn to annouce??
Wendy, keep yourself occupied by watching tv/ reading/ sleeping/ listening to music today and don't think about the hCG level anymore. it may not be as bad as you thought and your are just stressing yourself by reading and thinking too much. we will give you our full support and hope everything turn out well for your BT tomorrow.

yes, this is my first fresh ivf cycle. i was initially very worried that if i fail this time, my only 2 frozen embryo may not survive thawing to go for FET. according to the nurse, about 90% of the ivf are done by Dr sf loh as he's the head of the ivf centre. i am not sure whether DR Sadhana does ivf, probably you have to check with her during your next consultation. not all doctors from clinic d do ivf. i was with Dr Bernerd Chern from clinic d before i decided to do ivf but since he doesn't do ivf, i had to switch to Dr sf loh instead. both the ER and ET will be done by your ivf doctor.

Fashion spree, all the best for your BT today. hope to hear good news from you soon. i'll pass you my baby dust!!!

BabyChloe55, JJ, Working_wife, Zaza,
thanks for your well wishes! baby dust to all of you and hope that you will strike BFP soon!
I have been seeing dr zou some time already. She know the protocol of different hospital pretty well and can advise us accordingly. I have seen other TCM doc before, few dun agree to IVF, the rest not even sure what IVF is. So dr zou is the most well versed TCM doc i have seen. She is very friendly and I am not afraid to ask silly questions.

Acupunture can be quite scary the first few sessions but after a few times, it's okay. Just need to relax the body while the needles are getting in. As for the medication, some days can really taste quite yucky but with more warm water it wont taste as bad.

I am with dr cheng too. Started the Lucrin yesterday. This is my first FET as the last time I had so many eggs i had to terminate due to OHSS. I rested a year before embarking this FET. This break was good. Get my mind away from the stress and start again. JIa you !!!

Dr Sadhana does have her own ivf patients.. me included. i am starting my cycle now...

hi ladies..
does anyone of you have Dr Sadhana's email address? i need to ask her something.

i was started on microgynon for 21 days to regulate my menses. but at the same time.. there would be an interlap of Lucrin and microgynon for 7 days,, i am afraid the meds will over-suppress my hormones leh..

any one was in the same protocol as me?
I am taking the birth control pill too. But in the TFC clinic is known as Marvelon. Yes there is an overlap of 7 days with Lucrin. I have asked this before and the doc said should be this way. Lucrin jabs in the am and pill at night. Once the pills stops, menses will come in 2-3 days and call clinic for appt when AF reports. While all these are happening, lucrin continues before u see dr
Sorry...can any1 give me KKIVF contact no.? I tink I want to call them to check if I can abandon my 2nd round of SO-IUI & go straight to IVF? Mayb they 1 me to book another appt wif Dr Sadhana & sign the IVF consent form??

I'm kiasu but I dun 1 2 delay any more time....

hi nancy

i am confused.. i wasnt asked to call kkh when my menses is here leh.. she gave me a pc of paper w all the dates to tell me when to go for scanning. i rembr nurse said if menses come while on lurcrin.. dun have to call her. .

wah!! u efficient w the email address leh

i was told i can take the pills anytime. just same time will do. then the lucrin she nvr say AM or PM to jab..

gosh. i am so lost...
yes, microgynon & lucrin will overlap by 7 days. for me, i took microgynon after breakfast then lucrin at nite.
i prefer to jab at nite cos more relaxed. i had to go work very early, so very rush to jab

I took my Lucrin in the morning coz I can control d timing. I dont have a fixed timing to go home at night so I find it easier to jab in d morning. I guess there is no fixed rule about d timing as long as you take them around d same time everyday (+/- 1hr)
Tks Nesnes! Will call when my colleague is not around..coz she is juz sitting beside me. She is a nice lady but not tis stage to 1 2 inform her 1st. :p
Better call or email to double confirm. Don't worry I am sure they will clarify ur doubts.

Yes i agree. Lesser pple knows better. Sometimes all the explaination can be stressful. I am sure they are concerned but sisters here will really understand the journey we are going thru.
Zaza, can u share with us on your preparation on IVF? Eg diet. Wat did u do during 2ww? Just wanna to learn more before i embark on 3rd attempts. Thank you in advance.
Before & During IVF - I started my IVF journey with more exercise, went for accu once a week and more frequent be4 my ER, eat more fish and vegetable ... During 2WW, I was on duphaston 3 times a day and I also took Doc Zou 2WW herbs ... I talk often to my embies to stick tightly to me .. pray constantly for strength and do not think too much for the signs of 2WW ... watch DVDs, went for walks, read plenty of books and plenty of sleep .... I only started leaving home on day5 of 2WW for my blood test and only started gg for walks in the 2nd week of 2WW .....I do not take daily temperature and HPT as advise by the nurses and I also avoid barley, pineapple & watermelon
With KKH? Duphaston is something like progesterone to help the implantation? How long to TCM before u embark on 2nd IVF? During 2ww, u oso eat many fish and veg? May I know wat's the grade of the eggs?

I'm with KKH and told to inject myself every 3 days during 2ww. I've also realised that many sisters here have different kind of drugs which is different from mine during 2ww. I'm puzzled too...

need some advice from those ladies seeing dr zuo. i am already into stage 2 (going to inject Gonal F) this week. Is it too late to see her now? Does anyone has her contact number?
Nesnes, why can't you u attempt your ivf soon?
Anyway, don't rush into things that is impt like ivf. Do when you are ready. I guess it will be better.
In fact, I wanted to do it in nov but my menses after my miscarriage was haywire. Dr told me to wait till dec. By then, my expected er might coincide with NUH lab maintainace closure. U decide not to just in case it really happen that time and my cycle will be a waste. On top of that my Hubby just started his new work in jan n he doesn't feel good taking even time off or new pay during me ER and ET.
So now we make it in apr. All thus delay make me do all my blood test again. I don't mind doing so though I have to pay for it again.

when r u doing it?
Hi Su yana,
I'm doing it at KKH. Suppose to do BT today but my AF came this morning. So sad. I actually took 1 year unpaid leave to stay stress free and relax myself as my job is very stressful. But sad to say that all my effort has gone down to drain now. I'm going back to work in May and I'm afraid that i can only do it maybe at the end of the year. I'm so paiseh to tell my boss that i wanted to do the 3rd attempt at the end of the year. How i wish i don't have to work and i've 1 less worry on how to bring this up to my boss...again.
Came across this useful tips from previous post which was posted last yr. Some of u might 've already saw b4.

Do’s and Don’t

Stage 1 (Lucrin)

- Chicken essence
- gentle rotate in circle motion clockwise after u have jab ur abdomen.

Stage 2 (Puregon / Gonal-F)

-gentle rotate in circle motion clockwise after u have jab ur abdomen.
- Ensure milk or Anmum milk
- Chicken essence
- Soya products
- Brazil nuts 10 pieces
- Egg whites (after ET increase dosage of egg whites)

Stage 3 (2WW)

- Continue egg whites for at least a week
- Ensure milk or Anmum milk
- 2-3 pieces of Brazil nuts daily
- No pineapple and water melon
- No squatting or carrying of heavy weights (anything that stresses the abdominal muscle)
- No hot sauna or soaking of lower half body in bathtub
- No intercourse
- Do not stand or sit in a position too long. good to walk a bit to promote circulation
- No raw food and avoid oily and spicy foods as it may cause an upset stomach. High hormone levels cause bloatedness and hence add to discomfort
- No strenuous exercise
- No other medication (eg. TCM) other than those given by your Dr
NeSneS - I'm with SGH .. I only took Doc Zou herbs during 2ww and not be4 it ... During my 2ww, I also eat plenty of fish n vegetables ... My grade was grade 4 with grade 5 the best

Rabbit - you can still go for accu but make it more often for the follicles to grow
Her no is 64560833
To all the sisters here,
thank you for all ur well wishes n babydust. My blood test is BFP and I'm pregnant with my 1st ivf cycle.

To all those still in ur 2ww or waiting to start ur cycle. I will pass the babydust to u gals too.

babydust to u too for ur bloodtest tomorrow. All the best n rest well.

Nesnes, I am do sorry to hear this. *hugs*
I now how you feel. Taking no pay and the result is not what you want. Taking another round of leave of absence is usually our main problem. Why not you inform your boss your intention before you start work. I'd she/he is fine, you don't have to worry anymore. If your boss is not really giving good support , you may want to extend your no pay n do it during this period. I do hope your boss is supprtive of your decision.
