IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Tickles,

Thanks. I will work hard & think positively, not only for me but for my husband mostly. That's why you can see why I am so KS to post and ask so many qns on Dr Zou and FET

I always suspect my lining is too thick leh..can improve my lining condition using acu or chinese med? Luckily I am ok with chinese med
Hi PrayHard, NUH told me to wait for at least 2 AF before trying another time. I was with Dr Zou for about 3 months now and trying 2nd IVF. My frenquency: Started with once weekly, once started Suprefact go twice weekly and 5 days b4 ER go daily.
Think positively but dun stress yourself too much too.. Relax abit!!

I always tot that lining thick is good? Cos can implant better? Am I wrong?
Hi Mimimouse,

Thanks for the info.

I will decide when to do my next cycle after my visit to Dr Zou & seek her advise.

Actually hor, my husband hopes to have a tiger baby cos he is borne in tiger year also..but I think I can't make it in tiger year leh cos after a few months of "tiao" my body then if luckily BFP also rabbit year liao..
Hi Tickles,

I read from website, the ideal lining thickness is 8 - 12mm. If based on this, mine is already double the ideal 8mm leh (my lining thinkness on ET day was 16mm)...how can it be good? That's why based on this info, I kept asking my doc but she didn't ans me directly, always said ok lah...Argg....
Icic... erm.. I always tot lining thicker better cos can implant better.. If you rest 2m then try again. Maybe still in time. Cos if mar try and strike, baby most likely is dec baby.
I am thinking of gg to KKH look for Dr SF Loh..can advise how to "book" him har? How long is the queue to do FET? Heard needs to queue up for your turn as quite a number of people is doing IVF in KKH.
Prayhard, you have really prayed hard enuff coz I have my appointment card w me...8P...

The appointment hotline is 6294-4050....You may have to wait slightly longer to meet Dr Loh coz he's really popular

FET should be faster than fresh IVF cycle. After I went to see Dr Loh for papsmear, he issued a letter for me to do Natural FET. As I had just stopped breastfeeding then, nurse told me to wait after 2 AF but I did FET only after 3 AF.

yes. U can put 3, it's yr choice. During ET, another doc put in the embies for me coz Dr Loh had to rush off for a meeting in Malaysia.

This is a quote from Advanced Fertility Centre at http://www.advancedfertility.com/uterus.htm
"We like to see a lining of at least 8mm in thickness when measured by ultrasound at the time of maximal thickness during the cycle.
There is some debate about "how thin is too thin", as well as to "how thick is too thick".

In general, 8-13 mm is good, less than 6 is potentially a problem, and greater than 15 or so might possibly reduce chances for successful pregnancy.

During IVF treatment, the uterine lining starts at about 3mm thick at the end of the menstrual period. After estrogen levels rise sufficiently, the lining of the uterus then thickens by about 1mm each day during IVF"

You probably should consider a natural FET next round in case your lining thickens too quickly in response to hormone jabs. Ask the Dr whether hormone jabs have this effect for you.

Zaza, did you take herbs in Stage 2 also?
Hi Zaza ,

Coming here to congrat u !!! More and more getting BFP... Great Great....

Hi Dec ,

Sorry , msn is down and i hope you will be bfp soon too.. best of luck...

Hi Lyn ,

My regards to u as well...

For those who failed or are trying , do not give up... look forward and stay relax... u will be blessed with our little one soon !

Have you scanned to check your lining thickness under natural cycle before? If this is within normal range, you probably don't need a fix - check with the Dr. Maybe the thickness is just your response to the meds (the gonal-f jabs stimulate multiple follicles which then produce estrogen and the lining is in response to estrogen). In a natural cycle, likely the lining is not so thick because you will only have 1 dormant follicle and estrogen levels don't reach such high levels. I know that my normal lining is about 9mm (at ovulation during one of my natural cycle IUI) but under stimulation, it increased to 12mm.

TCM and acu generally thicken lining and increase blood flow, so I don't know if there is a fix from TCM aspect. Can check with your TCM dr.
Hi miraclebaby,

I am not sure what is my lining thickness under natural cycle leh. But I remembered my doc in RH commented that my lining is thick while I was preparing to do my SO-IUI with her. That's when I was aware that my lining is at the thicken side..

And this is why I was sooooo angry..since she has commented before why didn't she do anything before or during my IVF this time? I have been with her since Mar 2008, I am not a new patient to her..my history has written in my case sheet, so she should know before my IVF cycle. The worst part is..when I kept asking her my lining thickness, she didn't ans me direct..Why?

Sigh..I have chosen RH myself, ended up like that, that's why I said I felt like wasted my husband's hardearned money for nothing

You should consult another dr for a second opinion on this lining issue..maybe around your ovulation time next cycle and the dr can scan and advise. On the bright side, you still have some frozen embies. Not sure what the RH dr could have done differently....maybe to freeze all your embies and wait for another cycle when your lining normalise. Some Drs are very fussy about lining before a transfer and they would rather abort the whole cycle and freeze everything...guess she decided to proceed on.

I was also with RH for many years (since 2004) till May 09 (Dr Thong) and moved on to Dr Foong after being mis-diagnosed with adenomyosis and a recommended treatment of 6 months of lucrin. A laparoscopy with Dr Foong later revealed that I do not have adenomyosis but some endometriosis. I saved myself 6 months of agony from the lucrin treatment and delay in getting pregnant further. When you no longer have the feel good factor with your dr, may be best to move on. Your dr is dr thong or sheila loh?
Tat's wat i scared too ... to choose a wrong hospt... IVF is already alot of $$ but we won't know the hospt 'good' or not until we have been thru 1 cycle with them .. but by then too late already ....

$15K lei ... not $1500 how can the hospt be so flippant in their replies to u, PrayHard !! I am getting angry on yr behalf !!!

So far based on hear-say I have short-listed:
1.) KKH (Pros: Heavily subsidised, Cons: long waiting time & short consult with Dr)
2.) TFC (Pros: Feel comfortable there, Dr LC Cheng is very patient & willing to listen, cons: $$$ is alot & only partially subsidised)
3.) NUH (Pros: Heavily subsidised, seems like a shorter waiting time, Cons: haven't heard of any so far)
Hi miraclebaby,

You still with RH? My doc is Sheila Loh. Heard she is good, that's why told my husband to go RH. Really & totally regretted.

Hi JJ,
Agree that choosing the correct hospital, under the correct doc & team of staff are very impt.
Think I will go to KK most likely. Hope I made the correct choice this time

S$15k is a lot, right? Damm heartpain. If their services are good and have tried their best, then I got nothing else to say...but you see there are so many grey/ unclear areas that I have listed out...how to explain? Think next round I will pay it myself, so paisei to let my husband pay again.
Hai ... its even worse if the couple is not financally able to go thru too many IVF's hence gamble their 15K on a hospt where they only hoped that they rec the best possible care & attention.

Only to have that hospital take their hard-earned money, treat them like dirt, no results & tell them try again nxt time !!! That's where i will go crazy & prob scream at the hospital...

Based on my current savings I can only try IVF (if private hospt) 1 time only. If not won't hv $$ for the future BB (even if successful). Hence my decision will most likely be with KKH. Have to weigh my options due to cost got to shallow all the cons of KKH.

Tomor going for the results on DH's blood test & 2nd sperm test, pray hard that its the least serious condition !! Even this I had prob with KKH, they didn't want to give my DH an MC for tomor.

I told them "but its to review his blood test" standard reply "but he is not registered patient" !!! Then register him la !!! in the end my DH have to take his own leave ....
Hi Singapoh,

But the area that I really, really puzzled is why she never, ever ans my lining issue directly? My husband also remember hearing she said my lining is at the thicken side more than once when I was preparing to do my SO-IUI. This is why I took special attention on my lining thickness in my IVF cycle..

And do you know that during my SO-IUI period, my eggs were big enough to come out, so I went for the jab to release the eggs on Sat I think, no operation on IUI on Sun, so she asked us to do it ourselves at home, by sex...I was really XYZ that time..I paid for the jabs and scans and all these, then she told me to do it ourselves at home...what is this?

But bcos she is good like what I heard some said, so I told my husband, we still stick to her as she knows my body & history, rather than going to a new hospital and start repeating the tests, scans, ets again...ended up...

Nothing will be wasted, just that it is more expensive on the "hope" we are betting on
. what is most important is to get a caring and good doctor. As far as my experience, Dr Loh is very very busy and he will give no special attention to individual. All the best to you.

Though I have failed 3 cycles and had a very bad experience, I still have no regrets that I have tried...the only regret is that I should have choosen a better and more concerned Doctor who will explain what happen after each failure cause till now I still do not have the answer to the failure. The only answer I have is "JUst too bad" sigh...

You mean no IUI was done for you in your SOIUI try? You did all the jabs etc and then only had intercourse? Did she follow-up with an IUI on Mon? I am angry for you...

I am now with Dr Foong at GenE. He was recommended to me by my acupuncturist at Raffles (the irony of it!). Said that his success rate is quite high and my experience with him is that he is patient with good bedside manners.

Since your next try is FET, the cost should be quite manageable. So if time is of importance and you find individual attention from dr necessary, then you may want to go private and go for a consultation asap.
Hi humbug,

Actually hor, I do not need any special attention from doc lah but at least ans my qns directly and honestly, can liao..if the ans I received is negative then we see how to solve it. If the ans I got is good then at least I do not have to worry and stress over this particular area..this is actually what I am looking for.

We pay for their professional knowledge leh..I should change to another doc or hospital after the So-IUI incident...actually I blame myself more than blaming the doc..really..that's why I feel so guilty to my husband cos I made all the decisions & he just listen...

And, my husband is so nice to tell me that we paid S$15k for those frozed embryos so not wasted at all lah..so nice, so touched...
Hi miraclebaby,

Yes, no IUI for me during that time. So we tried at home...my husband was so stressed that he can't perform that night, ended up he broke down and cried...1st time seeing him crying in front of me & kept saying sorry to me..so sad right?

I feel like crying now...
So you know why I feel so guilty towards my husband now...not only making him paid so much for nothing but making him suffer becos of my stupid decision..

That's why in my earlier message, I mentioned that I will try my very best in my next round for my husband mostly..

Oh my goodness...I am so sorry to hear about your experience and honestly, I find it quite unbelieveable. Even if clinic is closed on Sun, they can do the IUI earlier as the sperm can survive inside for up to 3 days. If hubby has strong swimmers, normal intercourse works...otherwise the outcome would have been compromised.

Yes, definitely move on...you need to have chemistry with your dr and trust in him/her, as he is steering the ship for all these ART treatments.
Hi miraclebaby,

You also find it hard to believe, right? Imagine you were me, hearing this in the doc's room. When we heard this, I looked at my husband and he looked at me, we were so shocked...
Don't be too hard on yourself. You made all the decisions based on what you thought best then. It is always easy to look back with hindsight when things don't go so well. So, treasure your hubby for being so understanding. Money spent is very heart-pain but it can always be earned back. What is more important is that you come out of this stronger in your relationship with your hubby. It's the tough things in life that make us stronger....
prayhard, this is a pte hospital n shld be more flexible.. A sister here is supposed to do D5 transfer coz of she suffered from ohss so dr loh of Kkh can't do D2 transfer. D5 happens to be a sunday. He is prepared to go down on a sunday n even asked the nurse to come in to assist him for the procedure. This is Kkh okay.. Even dr SF loh can be flexible.. I dunno wat to say abt RH.
Hi Hazel,

To be fair to RH, my ET was done on Sunday, my doc and her nurses did come back..but dunno why the IUI can't do on Sun..too low cost?
prayhard, if money is the problem, can tell patient n maybe patient will pay? if they r so particular on cost, then why patients r not refunded the cost of procedures not done? Treat patients like suckers. :p
