IVF/ICSI Support Group

i'm wif prof chen fr gleneagles. the cash outlay in total is between 15K and 18K, it is only abt 2 to 3 wks after ET that i received 2 cheques totaling 6K fr the hospital (cpf rebate to gleneagles). so far we haven't tallied the figures but my hb estimated ard that figure based on our visits so far up till ET.


was talking to the nurses. she told me prof will not leave his patient one if given the choice. that's why wherever possible, he will try to leave on Fridays instead and return on Monday.

we were also wondering why he needs to monitor his patients so closely. good and bad lor. good of course we know we are in good hands, bad is the $$$ lor...heee....sometimes only see him for less than 2 minutes and is chargeable...sigh !!! what to do...
he veli responsible doc hor. consider it money well-spent if he is able to increase the chances of success rates
Hi gals
just went for my blood test this morning. My beta level for D19 is 8738 compared to 990 in D14. Is it normal? Somehow, it seems to double quite slow ah.
dun worry, so long as it's going up, it's ok. mine too wasn't doubling each day and when i asked doc, he said it is consistently going up, nothing to worry about.
Hi, does anyone has the side effect of having bad headache during stage 1 (Down reg stage)?. Been having terrible headache. Feeling like giving up now.
Hi missmoon
You are right. As long as it is going up, I believe the baby is doing fine. By the way, do you experience backache problem? I experience quite frequently, sometime on the left and most o the time on the right side.
hi peacy
yes, i experienced backache quite a bit during the initial stage. it's getting better now though. dun worry, it'll go away soon
hi moonfairy,

I also don't know leh. The dosage of medicine that he used on me is quite heavy. Also, my hubby got to go for injection every alternate day. His injection is also very costly.

When i first started, i saw prof only once a week. As the date drawer, he monitor me very closely and adjust the dosage accordingly. Guess is because of all these extras visits and scanning lor.

My ER is confirm tomorrow afternoon. For the next 2 mornings, i will be free from jabs...haaa.. btw, after ER, how many days must I wait before ET har? you started your leave immediately after ER???
hi, moonfairy
i was quoted at least 12k. was told it will depend on response to the jabs. may be more. i didn't ask abt the success rate. i wanted to go kkh to save money but hubby thinks prof is better.

saw dr foong at the same clinic when i was waiting for my turn to see prof. he looks quite friendly. always stands up to greet patients and shake hands.

not sure if the charges are the same. maybe u can call the clinic to ask?
hi, moonfairy
no lah...not doing/eating anything special. even during IUI, i just carried on as per normal. maybe will be more careful for IVF. saw the list of dos and don'ts in the forum before. will take note of that.
haha, you must've been relieved not to get any jabs for the 2 mornings! i did
my ET was done 3 days after ER. but he will monitor your hormones levels first also to determine when to do ET. my leave started on ER actually but i went back to work in between ER and ET. from ET onwards on proper hospital leave liao.

ya, but hor, so use to it liao, this morning keep feeling that i have not done something. my husband got to keep telling me 'remember not to jab'... siow liao

btw, yesterday prof did scanning, my 'eggs' are now big - about 30mm. not sure whether it is bad. wanted to ask prof but he was so busy. it was already 3.00pm and he was rushing to the airport. but he told me the blood test report was satisfactory. i am really confused liao....
ya lor, become force of habit mah after so long and then suddenly stop. heee

dun worry abt sizes now, prof say tom can ER liao means good lah
u'll do another blood test just before they sedate you for ER. i think the blood tests so far are for monitoring estrogen and progesterone levels.
seow, did you say both the two jabs you did before today was done at home not in the clinic? Reason is I always thot stage 1 done at home but stage 2 will be done by clinic.

Also, did you started eating egg white after someone mentioned to do it so as to promote the growth of the follicle?

I just started my puregon today.
tch, for the first stage, i was put on suprefacts (daily self injection in the morning). this was continue even i started on my stage 2 of Gonal F. so in my second stage, i was given 2 jabs a day. morning self injection, and night injection at the clinic.

the last jab of ovidrel on Thursday night 11.30pm was done at the 24-hour clinic. this is in preparation for my ER on Sat. since than, no jab liao.

hope i did not confuse u.

i did not take any egg white. by the time i knew it, was already too late liao. so, i just let things take it natural course lor. luckily the eggs can grow. else, don't know when than can retrieve the eggs.
Seow, thanks for the info. So KKH practice is diff. Stage 2 Puregon is also self inject. Anyway, all the best for the ER and ET.
peacy, pebbles
saw my endocrine doc today and he told me that eating eggs at this stage is good. the cholesterol and protein from eggs will aid in the formation of bb's brain cells and something else which i cannot remember. so eat as much as possible, dun worry abt high cholesterol
Hi ladybird,
thank so much sister.i will rest to the max.i also pray very hard everyday. really hope miracle will happen to me,though i only have very lousy grade embroys transfered.you too, must jia you ok.
hi renee & seow,

as recommended by sis here, i was very kiasu and quickly borrowed from the library a copy of the book, "Fertility & Conception: The complete guide to getting pregnant" by Zita West to prepare myself for the FET.

there's a chapter on the 2ww and a brief summary on what to avoid. thought you all might be interested (though the points seems like common sense, nevertheless...):

What Not To Do during the 2ww, you must avoid:
- caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, drugs
- heavy lifting
- strenous exercise, including housework
- bouncing activities, such as horse riding or aerobics
- sun bathing, saunas, hot tubs, jacuzzis, hot baths
- swimming
- sexual intercourse.

I find that her points on what to do seems more helpful. Maybe I'll summarise it later today/tmrw. Hope I'm not violating any copyrights here :p
Hey, thanks so much for taking the trouble to do the summarise for us. I think it will be very useful for me to reach the max to succeed. Really must thank you!!I Don't think that would violat any copyrights as you are not printing another book or issue the same copy to the public,as you would address the info to me and seow.Can't thank you more sister. MMMUAK!Ha ha...
Hey Eesh, P_chip,

Went to consult MP sinseh on sat, he is a very nice man. thanks for the recommendation.

Sigh... most likely cause by fibroid pressing against uterus and HB low spermies.So he prescribed herbs to 'tiao' the body... fingers crossed
Hi missmoon
Thanks so much for your info.
How have you been? Do you still have bloatedness and MS? I think I am suffering a bit of MS. Feeling nausea now and then.
hi peacy
no more bloatedness...yeah!!
just dun have appetite at all and feel a little nauseous in the late afternoons. this will be your 6th wk yes? good luck
hope you can see the bb's heartbeat pulsations and hear it too!
Hi all,

I am new here and will be starting on my puregon jab this week,feeling excited and scared. Hope to join this group for support and advise
no problem
i'll be on leave till yr end. spoken to my boss already and he's given me a month off, until the i've reached the full first trimester
wat abt u?
Hi blurblur,
Welcome to our thread.which Dr are your seeing? When I was first started the program,didn't really know what to expect,though I knew about the jabs taking for every stage.All I had in mind was to know the result.I guess it was wrong... Good that your are excited.May your IVF be a positive one in a month to come.. Good luck!!
Thanks Renee.

My doc is Dr Sheila Loh (KKH), how about u?

What stage are you at now?

In fact, I am quite stressed, was put on depot (to suppress hormones cos I have endomemtrosist) for 3 months...I am in my 3rd month. Very scared of needles, heard that Puregon is quite stinging...is it true? How much was ur daily dose?

Anyone have suggestion to make the jab easier? Anyone at the same stage as me?

Thank you.
hi Sunrise,
sorry for not responding earlier. ya, i agree he's very nice & pricing is reasonable also right? he may not treat u completely but i truly believe he tiao ur body to get ready for whatever western asssited methods.

hi Ladybird,
may i ask which library did u borrow the book fm?
hi renee
how r u feeling? still got food cravings or not? take care ya

hi blurblur
the initial start on puregon may be a little stinging but you'll get used to it. i started on puregon on a higher dosage for a week and then subsequently reduced by half. dun worry
Hi blurblur,
I'm with SF Loh.(KKH).I"ve failed my fresh IVF cycle. Now almost a week after FET.Patiently waiting for the result in another week or more.
I'm always a 'HERO'.not really scare about needles though. yes,puregon a little singing compare to lucrine. But I think the progestrone is more. Like what missmoon said, you will get use to them in no time. Cause all you can think of is to have your baby at the end of the treatment.Don't worry DR Sheila Loh,she's very good.I'm sure can make it!
hi hi missmoon,
I'm good so far. Not anymore craving,but got hungry quit fast after each meal. eeh...like hungry pig eat and sit/lie all the time.As if I already pregnant need to eat so much. Sure I'll take care,pray hard hard!! You too,relax and be happy all the time ok.AND PLEASE PRAY FOR ME WHILE YOU PRAY HOR.Ha ha....
hi renee
that's good to know
having a good appetite is good also. yes, praying hard hard! and u too, relax, stay positive & happy okie! you'll be able to test in a few more days?
Hi missmoon
I am a teacher so I am having my school holiday now. However, still have to go back to work sometime. Your boss is so good to allow you to rest for 1 month.
Hi blurblur,

I just started my Puregon jab last Fri. It was quite sore when the nurse did it for me the first time. Maybe the needle was in for a longer time as she needs me to try how to use the pen.

However, when I am at home, there is no pain at all. Infact the needle is finer and shorter than the insulin syringe.

So Don't worry about it.
Thanks missmoon & renee, I am taking my first jab tomorrow. Didn't have Lucrin so in way very blessed to be spared all more needles. I will try to as brave as possible and update u gals

Renee, I'm sure you will make it...jia you okie? Meanwhile rest as much as possible ya. How many days of rest were you given? u back at work yet? Must you still jab for FET?
I'm thinking whether to test out myself or really wait till due for blood test or if I see mensus earlier, whichever come first.what do you think huh? in fact I don't have much faith though.
Thanks tch, I went for the scan and E2 on last fri

Which doc/hospital for you?

I heard can try to numb the area with ice b4 jab will be less painful.
tch, I also have the same question that you posted earlier...don't know what to tell my office cos I don't intend to let anyone know.

Any one have suggestion for what to say for the 1 or 2 week mc huh?

Renee, though I don't have experience, I just want to let you know...must have faith...will pray for you and your embies
How many did you put?
I'm on the natural thaw cycle,which don't need to jab at all.Heng ar!!but only twice aday progestrone tablets insert for 17 days.Yes, I've been trying my best to rest as much as possible.watching tv all the time.hehe....

I'm a full time housewife.So,MCs not really an issue for me. I can understand that most sisters here who needs to work while doing IVF can be very SIAN.cos MCs is something that may cos more stress.For what I know that KKH doesn't give long Mcs even after ET.Unless you got OHSS.(which I had quit a bad one)So you may have to see GP out side to get MC.
Just post to anyone of us here if you have any doubts ok? I'm sure all of use are very willing to help.
Hi all,

pls advise if there is any food to avoid during Puregon. Can take multivit? I need to take calcium supplement as the lucrin depot makes me lose bone mass, can take calcium supplement?

Sorry, I am very blur
Thank you

I put in 3 this time.Same for my fresh cycle.But all are lousy grade leh. That's why I so FAITHLESS.hehe...Well, I just have to learn to take it as it comes.
Very much appreciated, you pray for me and my embries.Likewise,I'll do the same ok.
