IVF/ICSI Support Group

renee, thank u thank u. we definitely need all the dust, luck and blessing !!!

from what i understand, fresh cycle or not, the chances are all the same one. u too jia you okie!!!

hope tonight prof is satisfied with the size of my 'eggs', than i will know when is my ER dates. will keep all posted.....

we all jia you for each other ok.mean while eat lots of egg whites.though it may be a little late s you will have to see Prof Chen tonight.Sure can one.I'm the fortune teller ma.I predicted missmoon would strike for her IVF,it came out right!!Ha ha...
Hi Renee, for eating egg white for follicle stimulation. Does it have to be hard boil ones? Can we eat half-boil egg white?
my Re told me can eat them in any form. After all is the protient that we need from the eggs. I always eat hard boil or pan fry if I want to eat egg and cheese sandwich.it taste alot better at the same time cheese also have good source of protient. You may try that.
I think soft boil egg white taste quite awfull though.
hi missmoon,

You can put black soya sauce n pepper to make it taste better. If you want it plain but cannot tolerate the smell of egg white, sip milo at the same time.

Soft boil eggs are easier to digest than other types so that is why it is more recommended for those with bloatedness.

Normally towards the end of first trimester, then you dun hv the see doc so often, provided baby's development n heartbeats are ok. Me oso had to spend so much money on the frequent consultations during e early weeks.

renee, seow
u hv to jia you and there's definitely BB dust to u both and all the sisters here
good luck on thursday, renee. remember, plenty of rest and stay positive ya! seow, keep us posted when your BIG day is, okie.

peacy, pebbles
prof detected heartbeat in today's scan
i can't see it but he did and since he's the expert, i believe him. hehe. ya, seeing him twice a week now, but i think i will miss seeing him when he starts cutting down the frequency :p thks for the advice, ladies. since i cannot take soya sauce still, i guess i have to stick wif milo while taking egg whites. i guess this is the time to stop eating fast food huh? pebbles, r u taking iron supplement as well?
hi missmoon

saw prof last night. wow! last night super crowded. i wait for 2 hours.

anyway, he wants to monitor for another 2 more days. so got to go back again on Wed before he decided my BIG day. is almost there liao. my 'eggs' are about 18-19 mm liao. but like what you say, since he's the expert, we just got to trust his judegement lor.

you must be feeling great hor! do take good care okie...hmmm.. wondering if he knows whether is a boy or gir...heeee
hi sunrise

no need pm lah. he is from Gleneagles, Christopher Chen Centre for Reproductive. contact no. 64743900

you seeing which dr now? intend to change?
hi seow, how long are you on stage 2 before you reach 18-19mm? Any particularly reason why prof wants to wait further since it is already big enough?
hi tch,

14 days to reach that size. think his ideal size should be about 20plus lor. that's why i only continue for another 2 more days. and he has also reduce the dosage for the next 2 days.

so, which stage r u at now??? sorry har, i really cannot remember at what stage everyone of the sisters here are at.
hey missmoom

Did you hear the heartbeat? How many weeks are u now ah? Ya doc can amplify the sound if the heartbeats are faint at this stage. You can also see the heartbeat diagrams jumping on his machine.

Before my first trimester I took folic acid for supplements only. Why r u taking iron? Is it blood pressure low?
hi missmoon

After my 12 weeks Doc gave me Sangobion n fish oil. I check the contents of the pills online.

Product Description:
An iron supplement.

Each capsule contains: Copper Sulfate 200mcg, Ferrous Gluconate 250mg, Folic Acid 1mg, Manganese Sulfate 200mcg, Sorbitol 25mg, Vitamin B12 7.5mcg, Vitamin C 50mg.
you can see prof in the evening, that's the good thing, no need to disrupt your work hours
good luck!

ya lor, i also waited 2 hours before seeing him. hey, he gave me ovidreel only when follicles were around 20mm or bigger leh, so maybe he can time it better for you, do ER on saturday maybe? since he is away on thursday pm and friday?

i didn't see or hear heartbeat leh
prof said he can see the pulsations thru the scan. i'm only 6 wks 6 days now to be precise
did u hear the heartbeat at 6 wks? i have been on folic acid since i started TTC and now on folic and gestrenol for supplements as well as estrogen hormone oral support and crinone. daily progesterone jabs too. he hasn't given me anymore supplements at this stage. the nurses told me to eat rich in iron foods cos she thought i looked a little pale. i was told not to take multi vitamins but vit c is ok. confusing leh.
hi missmoon

Yeah I heard heartbeats when I was week 6 plus. Doc pointed to me where the heartbeats was and showed me the pulsations on the screen. He turned on the volume to let me hear.

Most of my frens were given multivits when they were in 2nd trimester. Folic acid is the basic supplements before week 13. So dun worry abt the supplements

didn't know prof is going away leh. thot he just came back. nurses never tell me anything leh.

sorry har, but what is ovidreel. is it the last jab before the ER?
anyone heard of Zita West? she's a fertility guru in states and the gals in the american fertility websites are crazy about her.... i'm trying to find her books in singapore but can't seem to find. anyone knows where to get it?
Hi msh,
i just borrowed my copy from the library, its ' fertility & conception'. u may check nlb website n c which branches carry the bks, i remembered seeing quite a few copies. It is very informative and there is even a chapter that cover the 2WW.One of the best fertility book that i have read so far
Happy reading!
Hi miss moon, seow..

Thanks for the advice. I am seeing gynae from SGH. Having some problems with husb. SA, and have a fibriod. So, the gynae suggested IVF if i am not preggie by Feb 06.

So thought of seeking 2nd opinion.
hi sunrise

if u go see prof. i am sure he will suggest u to go for an op to remove the fibriod. that was what happen to me 3 years ago. subsequently, he suggested us to go on ivf, but at that time, we were not prepared for it yet. that's why drag to now and we decided to go back to him again.
Hi missmoon
So good that you can see or hear your baby heartbeat now. I still have another 1 week to go before I can see and hear the baby heartbeat.

Hi sunrise
Which gynae are you seeing in SGH? I did my IVF with CARE in SGH.
Hi Sunrise

I hv received yr pm. Is de sinseh fr Cheena?

Hi Ladybird

Hahahahaha... fyi, i consulted yr sinseh b4 too. Think she is consider a specialist in infertility cos she is one of de sinseh in the infertility group in Thong Chai. She oso did accupuncture for my hb. We saw her for about 6-8 mths then she suggested us to try IUI. Sigh. So we r really beyond rescue. This is wat happen to JE sinseh too. After seeing her for almost a year, oso suggested us to try IUI.
Hi Potato Chip,
Wah then I must give the MP sinseh a try. Thanks ;)

Hi Sunrise,
Can you PM me abt yr sinseh too? Bcos' based on the charges you mentioned it seems like one of my friend's sinseh.

Hi Maxxx,
Sorry for the late reply. "MIA"-ed these few days.

From what I know, the doctor will decide upfront based on her med history whether the patient is suitable to go for a natural or artificial cycle. For an artificial cycle, they will actually prescribe med to induce your menses, after the menses, then put you on a contraceptive for a month, then injections and all the next mth. So, the artificial cycle actually stretches to abt 2 mths before the embryo transfer.

Meanwhile, for a natural cycle, they will start frequent scanning for ovulation ard your mid-cycle. But the thing is at KK they made it compulsory that we take up their unlimited scanning package which is at $300. Even after one scan and they found out that you're not ovulating and have to abort the cycle, you'll still hv to pay the $300. I kena twice when I was gng thru SO-IUI. So boh hua hahaha. But of coz, as compared to what the other sisters paid at private clinics is peanuts. But still argh! you know.. Hopefully what I've wrote here helps.
Hi Seow,

Yar, at 1st thought of removing.. but gynae said cannot guarantee if it affects fertility from the laser. So now, wait and see get preggie naturally... but it's been so long

Hi peacy,
am seeing a. prof tay at SGH. which doc are you seeing at CARE?
Hi P-Chip,

think going to see the MP sinseh this weekend. Not sure whether my prev. sinseh is from China. But he told me he was working in KKH for 18 yrs in OG clinic.
right now, i'm most concerned about growth and development of bb, praying hard that bb is developing well
how many wks along r u now? into your second trimester now, right?

dun worry
1 wk will pass very quickly. r u still resting at home or back at work?

prof busy man hor...heard fr nurses he flying back only sat morning and then start clinic at 11am. good luck wif ur appt later today
yes, ovidreel was given 36 hrs before ER.

maybe just seek second opinion and see where u stand. prof is a very experienced doc and will do anything to ensure max results. may i ask how long you've been ttc?
hi miss moon,

I wanted to TTC last year Sept.. but discovered fibroid & cyst. So did a laproscopy to remove cyst and see fibroid's location. did not remove the fibroid.

So after recovering since April 05, been TCC very stress.. to see AF come every month. It's driving me and hub crazy.
there r a few of us here wif gleneagles' Christopher Chen Centre. there's another centre on level 1 at gleneagles, O&G fertility centre, i think. which one r u referring to?
i also did laparoscopy or wat my ex-gynae called ovarian drilling. and she lasered away some blood cysts. this was 3 yrs ago, been ttc since then but no results until i went on ivf/icsi. it is a stressful period for any couple but musn't give up hope, must stay on course and be positive. u and hb must believe your turn will come soon
hi moonfairysgp,

missmoon and myself are currently with gleneagles.

eerrr... the cost that u see is only an average cost. before i started, i saw all these cost as well. but now, seems like different story leh...heee
hi sunrise

don't over stress yourself. got to tell yourself it will come. just a matter of time.

if u so decided to go on ivf with prof. u definitely got to stay positive and patient. prof monitor his patients very closely one. sometimes one week may need to see him 2-3 times esp when the important dates are drawing nearer.
Hi sunrise
I am seeing Dr Yu Su Ling in CARE. She is IVF specialist.
Hi missmoon
I am still resting at home. I am going for blood test every mon and thurs to monitor my pregnancy.
hi missmoon & seow,

what kind of med did Prof. prescribe to you all after ET? other than progesterone and anti-biotics?

cos i read from the net that med with aspirin contents could help implantation.
Hi sunrise
This is my first IVF attempt with Care. I do have very good experience with them. The nurses are very nice and approachable. Dr Yu is the head of CARE.
Hi Ladybird,

Many tks for your reply. Understand more of the artifical / Natural cycle.

Anyway i think all sister here shouldn't feel too stress up abt the $$$ if money spent can help to fullfill your dream...let's just strike on!!!
Hi maxxx, thanks for your encouragement.

My husband also said that too. Able to have a healthy baby at the end of the day is priceless! Best of luck to your sis and myself too. Hopefully we all get to achieve our dreams
hi ladybird
i wasn't given antibiotics at all after ET. i was on estrogen pills (dosage varies wif each visit to prof) and crinone inserts. after the 2ww, i was given progesterone jabs daily, even until now.
hi missmoon, i see. thanks for the info.

i was given antibiotics after ET in case there's any infection. other than that, it's just the progestrone jabs daily during the 2ww.

by the way, anyone here's on metformin during their IVF cycle?
hi missmoon

Yeah I am going to my week 14 soon. It was indeed worrying when I was in my first trimester. After the first tri, you will still kinda worry if baby is alright. I think that is the greatest love from a mummy who tries so hard to conceive. So hope all of us be well.
hi moonfairy

i think prof ng is also a well know dr in the ivf field. i read a lot about him too. just that i saw prof chen 3 years ago, so automatically go back to him lor.

as to the cost, yes, his charges is indeed steep. for me, he also put my husband on medication. so our average bill per visit varies from $400 plus to $600 plus. of course, it depends on individual & the medicine he used.

hi missmoon,

saw prof last night, got to see him again this afternoon before he flies. he says likely my ER will be sat. the eggs are all ready, about 20plus mm liao.
hi, moonfairy
i'll be doing my ivf with prof ng in jan 06. started seeing him in jan this year and gone through 4 IUIs with him. still no success so doing ivf as my next option.

hi, to the other sisters
i've been reading this forum all this while but didn't post. now the fact finally dawn upon me - i have to do ivf as the next step. hope to learn from u gals...
you're right
the worry will most likely stay thru the pregnancy, i think. so long as pass the first trimester, i think can relax slightly but for us especially, the worry will always be at the back of our minds. i'm sure we can all pull through

most ivf/icsi cost varies for every couple. i spent about 15K to 18K (fr start to ET, including hospital charges), not counting cpf rebate of $6K. when we first started, nurses told me that i am prob looking at the range of $13K and $18K not including hospital charges. i'm not sure about O&G centre but am sure that they will advice you on the range you'll most likely be spending.

suprefact is nothing compared to puregon but the progesterone jab is the worst! it is oil-based and given on the butt by nurse, so it's quite painful, especially after jab. must massage after jab. wah, so today prof will determine when your ER will be. should be sat liao lah. good luck!!
we're all here to learn and get support from each other
like u, i've gone thru 4 IUIs and all failed. having to accept that i had to go thru ivf/icsi to conceive was really tough and an emotional one. but once it has sunk in, the journey was so much easier, of cos wif the lord's blessings. so good luck to you!
hi missmoon,

oh no !!! that is scary... but since already come this far... think we just have to pull thru lor.

anyway, still early for me lah... just have to take a step at a time.

ya, that's what prof say last night. high chance to be sat. but he wants to see me again for some 'fune tunning'.. that's exactly the term he used, and he start laughing himself.. last night he must be in good mood....
hi, missmoon
after the 1st few IUI failures, i'm more or less numbed and when i failed the 4th try last month, i was not too upset surprisingly.

when u say 15 to 18k not counting cpf rebate of 6k, does that mean actual cash is 9 to 12k? which doc are u with?

hi seow
haha, sounds scary but actually not that bad when going thru it lah. dun worry abt that now, you have to prepare yourself for sat

seeing him on sat. one of the nurses told me he will be doing ER/ET in between seeing patients. he very on. going away must have put him in good mood :D
