IVF/ICSI Support Group

ya hor, make sense, then i think i will have to wait till the scan to see whether multiples or not then see whether to change gynea or not. When u were with Dr Loh, was it under private patient or subsidise patient?

Spreading babydust around!
Hi, Dec

U mentioned something abt the progesterone BT, is this done after ET but b4 BT for BFP or BFN after 2ww? Am a bit confused. Don't remember any BT after ET until 17 days later for the result during my last fresh cycle. What is the purpose for this prgesterone BT?

Hi, Leo_Baby/Fandz/Ivftwins

Wish U all the best for yr ER tomorrow.

HI, Fond

We seems to be on the same page in regards to the concern on D5 transfer or change doc. Me too is with Dr Loh for my 1st fresh cycle & 3 subsequent FET. Am really in a dilemma whether to continue under him or change doc for my 2nd fresh attempt which is supposed to commence lucrin next week.
thanks may! =)
*catching them*

may, maggie, ickle
i read somewhere that discharge (white mucus) will increase after BFP, throughout the pregnancy cos the mucus is to keep the cervix lubricated and also to prevent any infection... but must be taking note of it if it turns colour etc cos may be infection.
so do start monitoring hor!

leo baby
during my first fresh cycle, yah, i was having symptons of ohss before ET, but was controlling it. So thought was well enough to go through (though my gynae did tell me that if BFP, the OHSS will get worse). Nevertheless, at my ET, i was still feeling ok (though bloated; not having difficulty in breathing etc), so went ahead with the ET... but definitely got worse after ET and hospitalised thereafter. Well, the rest is history but it's definitely something which I don't want to go through again...
white discharge can be due to the inserts u use, sometimes take a while to completely be expelled from the body. As long as it does not smell or not red(aka bleeding), its ok. It should go off by itself after sometime.
hi may,
brazil nut will not be necessary after BFP, chicken essence and ensure milk will be good for baby. Just take things easy from now on and take care.

hi humbug,
i read about how ladies in US can purchase lucrin, puregon etc directly from pharmacy counter. And due to their travelling distance from house to hospital, most will just jab on their own, not many doctor scanning required during the process. They could even source the internet pharmacy for the cheapest medicine and self jab. Therefore the cost is much lower.

hi maggiemee,
white discharge is normal.
Hi May, Grennie, Sunflower, Poppy..thanks for your info. ;)

Hi Elle, i am at KK with dr.loh and stay at toapayoh..urself?

Hi Maggie, Congrats on your BFP..horay..
Hi May,
Agreed with Lina. Brazil nut not necessary after BFP. Actually hor, during my 2ww and puregon stage, I sort of got sick with Brazil nuts but have to take lah that time! Haha..
wow, i'm amazed with the emails of u ladies posted.
I'm with Paragon CARE with angela ho, into my 2ww, i find tat its juz a torture to wait for the result. have to go blood test every few days to check progestrone level, u ladies need?? my arms now kana a lot of blue black.
juz to introduce a bit of myself, i got pregnant naturally in 2007 and i miscarriage at 9 weeks. i blame it to gynae's carelessness.
subsequently i got pregnant 3 more times, but all are called chemical pregnancy and after spending huge amt of medical fees, finally my TCM recommend me to go CARE PARAGON to try IUI, then i find out the reason why so many chemical pregnancy...its cos of my lining issue, not thick enuff to support each time.

i'm supposed to do my 2nd IUI this time round instead of IVF, however, over stimuated and hence in the end switch to IVF... in the end get 19 eggs out, fertilise 9 eggs. cos of lining issue, i can only put 1 inside my body...a bit wasted though... my path seems so long and i saw my friends 1 by 1 getting pregnant makes me more heart pain for myself.. however, i saw many of u perserve like me, tat gives me courage and i will walk with u ladies here. jiayou!
hi fond,

Sorry for the late reply. Yes, Dr Sad suggested doing D5 transfer for me. I was pretty surprised too as when I was doing my first FET with her, she is not in favour of D5 but during my consultation with her prior to my 2nd fresh cycle, she suggested it so as to increase my chance.

I transfered 2 blastocyst embbies and both implanted this time round. I'm into my 10 weeks now.
Hi, Shiny
I am with SGH and stayed at Sengkang

What day are you now for Lucrin? I am on my D10, will go for scanning next Monday to check whether can proceed to stage 2 or not

For BFP ladies ,congrats. Please pass all the baby dust to us.
lina & orangey,

hahaha, i am also quite sick of brazil nuts liao but i start to like the taste of chicken essence more and more....
think i will just finish up my opened pack.....I am scared for the upcoming scan as i will only know babies development then...it's unlike the 2ww where i can still do HPT, but for this, there's nothing i can do to prepare myself.....scary scary.....

how many weeks are you know? Do you have ms?
i change gynae after 1st trimester and i'm having singleton.. of cos if i have multiples i would have stay on with dr loh.... not becos dr loh is not good but i thot he's too bz with ivf and waiting time for him is quite long so decided to change to another gynae... but still at the same hosp so that my file can be transferred intact to the other gynae...
so, after u change gynea, r u considered private or subsidized patient? is it with kk clinic c? Did u choose the new gynea? sorry for the many questions but need these info to 'present' to my DH....hahaha...thanks
Hi May,
Currently into my 8 weeks. MS was quite bad during my 5 and 6 week then 7 week, it got better. So far, its not as bad but then it will hit me occasionally. I really hope I can go into 2nd trimester fast fast! Telling my baby to grow healthy everyday. Hehe..
nope... i'm still with tps cos the gynae i chose is still a consultant.. so still a pte patient... clinic c is the subsidized clinic? meaning u'll see MOs? must consider carefully cos u wouldn't know who's going to be there for ur labour even tho u pay subsidised rates
very fast one! just 4 more weeks....very fast one....i am also telling my baby/babies to grow healthily everday, i even tell them that they r going for scan on 15 sept, so they have to be good, grow well and let us see the heartbeat/s! my DH says i paranoid liao....hahaha....

ya, really must consider carefully.....but i don't know what is the private rates....hopefully not significantly high....ya, clinic c is seeing a team of MOs.....thanks for the info! will discuss with my DH nearer to end of 1st trimester. Fingers crossed and pray that baby/ies grow healthily!

when will ur DH be back? U r such a strong lady. Alone in this journey.
Will u be bored at home? U r not working right?
leo baby,
no specific techniques la....i just love to sleep
, even before i am pregnant, i will sleep for as long as i can...but i find that ever since i start to take the chicken essence and the tonic soup that my mother in law brews, i tend to sleep easily...in the past, it will take me long long time to fall asleep....but now, i will fall alseep shortly after i close my eyes and will sleep soundly till next day.....
Hi Ladies,

Kit mum2b, I was with CARE at Paragon too. And yes, I was with Angela Ho. I will say she is a nice lady and is very very patience. If I am not wrong, I was with them for IUI for 2 or 3 times. All failed. She did suggest IVF but at that time , i was not prepared as the cost is quite a huge sum. I think I did that in 2006. Since the govt introduced the co funding of $3k, i decided to go NUH. If they had accepted private clinic i would have gone back to CARE...coz they are a group of CARING ppl

Meow, are you really going to switch to another hosp for ur next IVF cycle?

I just met Prof Wong to review after my D&C 2 weeks ago. Everyhting is fine. We are thinking of doing another round of IVF at the end of this year. But I am hoping to get pg naturally so that I do not have to go thru another cycle.

BTW ladies, can i know how many of you have have a positive BFP at D3 transfer and not blasto embies?
Seems that those who have a BFP had blasto embiess frozen.
I wonder since I do not have any blasto embbies is that the reason why I miscarried and embby did not grow well. Just want to find out the relationship.

Your DH left his soldiers behind in the freezer and left for so long period. So your BFP was from frozen soldiers for how long?
don't know leh, maybe end of this year bah, but most likely for 2 weeks only....not strong la, just fat only hahahahahaha
.....very bored at home, but luckily i've got my dogs and mother-in-law to accompany me....no choice leh....have to be 'guai guai' till 1st trimester over so will not go out that often....ya, i m not working....i tend to be very committed at work, so DH wants me to rest till at least after birth, then decide.....but now...i just take a step at a time.....don't want to think so far first....
su yana

yup.. would be switching from NUH.. cos really no pt w him lah.

i would wanna try naturally first bah.. dun wanna take so much drugs also. hehehe
my DH is working in a bank, not in military service la....he is too fat to be in military service.....hahahaha.....when both of us walk together, we look like humpty dumpty.....hahahahaha
I was with him overseas since i left workforce, wanted to try naturally and with clomid but didn't work, so no choice lor, back to do ivf lor....i wanted to join him after BFP, but he says better don't fly, so stuck here lor....

so, you thinking of trying naturally right? still continuing TCM?

have u heard from miracle baby huh? She has not been in here lately, wonder how is she? Hope she is doing well.

i see.. yah.. dun fly there first till after 1ts trimester.. :p

yep.. try naturally for now.. anyway.. cant do ivf again so soon.. cos working mah.. cannot always take leave although i got to take block leave every yr lah.. so every yr only can do once loh.. hehee

no leh.. nvr heard from miraclebaby..
Hi Everybody,
This is my 2nd cycle of IVF. I had ER yesterday and today they call me that out of 7 follicle, only 2 had been fertilized, i'm so worried.......................

Basically can test if your body is acidic or alkaline through urine or saliva...depends on the test stick you use.

Reasons for being alkaline is better for conceiving :

1) For overall health http://www.naturalstresstherapy.com/alkalizing.php

2) Sperm require alkaline conditions for optimal survival, so if your body is quite acidic it does not provide such a sperm-friendly environment.

- Some links for you to read if interested

Leo baby

Body alkaline is more for ppl trying naturally however its also good for overall health. For IVF not so essential coz embryo already fertilised ... but important is if it will implant successfully.
Hi leo baby

yes because Dr Zou was not around and i dun know where to go. That day u mention DR jin where i previously went. I remembered i have 1 last session with her from my previous package.She ask me why so long never go...i told her you reminded me of her haha...but im still hesitating if i will go again. Too expensive...(almost triple the price after credit card discount..)and its almost the same as DR Zou..i realise now they do the back as well..last time they only do the front..

i just went to Dr Zou today...She is finally back!!

all the best to our ER tmr...ivftwins and leo baby...im a little nervous thou...2nd time
Good luck to all of us, esp leobaby and fandz.we must graduate together...
i must try hard to increase intake of protein and water to prevent OHSS. besides egg white, anything else to substitute? beef?
hi ladies,
i was at kkivf last tuesday to start my controlled/ artificial fet (round 1) only to see the team getting smaller. they are actually down by 5 staff, 2 on maternity leave and 3 resigned.

There is a husband of a patient being a little impatient with the senior nurse, on the verge of yelling at her. It is so sad that these nurses receive such treatment and they get disillusionalised. If you guys are at the centre, wonder if you will consider cheering them up in your little ways?

Who resigned? Can understand their workload...they must be really maxed out. With the government subsidy the patients really increase many folds

Oh ya.. if you interested in testing whether you are alkaline let me know i can pass you some sticks to test when i pass you the protein powder next week. We can chat further also, its important to have good health when we are trying naturally. Let me know lor.
hi cdah,
stay positive, the quality of the 2 fertilized egg is more important. All the best for your ET.

Hi yumyum.
that's quite sad to know so many resigned.
