IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi develyn and Libby,

taking chinese herbs can put on weight too.

I am seeing Dr R Chieng from SGH. I started seeing him in 2007 and I was pregnant with the help of clomid.

To me, the nurses and sonagraphers have been courteous to me since day1. I only see a nurse lose her temp once when a couple did not follow instructions lor ... maybe the nurse was concerned for the couple's wellbeing during the process ba.
I search through my file, found this instructions for after ET, from CARE. I will add on to our To-Do list later.

DO'S :
Have plenty of rest.
Drink plenty of water.
Eat more fish and leafy vegetables.
Remember to take your medications.
Inform the clinic if you feel bloated or have any menstrual cramps, bleeding, diarrhea or vaginal itchiness or fever.
Do take prunes or prune juice if you have constipation.

Eat:pineapple, Watermelon, Banana-Green skin, Papaya, Coconut, Oysters, Sashimi, Rojak, Bitter gourd, Brinjal, Brown cucumber, Spicy food
Drink : Cold and gassy drinks, coffee, cocoa
Do strenuous exercise or carry heavy items
Take Chinese herbal tea/soup (eg. Bak kut the, etc)
Stress yourself
Hi Sunflower ,

Agreed.. I will still take one more time herbs before lucrin and will go on with accup. bahz..

Hi Tany ,

I just called up SGH Care.. they says every doctor have different day of service.. eg. Dr Yong is every Thursday morning.. so funny.. and Dr Yu will be every Monday afternoon or so..
I do agree that they are more courteous and patience when i ask abt. the gynae positions and experience on IVF.. One point for Dr Loh is that we can see him only at KK and he will not need to do outside hospital clinic..

Argg.. scratch my head man..
Gals who are worried over hb low sperm count, bad quality sperms - dun worry, that's why u r doing IVF. My hb sperm result in Jan just b4 my IVF was not very ideal :

Morphology = 0%
Rapid progressive = 20% (the rest were slow, sluggish or immotile)
Total no. of motile sperm = 55.2 M/ejaculate

Dr only needs to pick a few good soldiers to fertilise the eggs... so dun stress ur hb too much!
develyn - yes different doctor have different day of service
relax n c what doctor loh says this sat n proceed from ther ....

sunflower - really ah take tcm can gain weight?
Bee , i agree with you.. since doing IVF .. then no need to stress hubby unless there are zero sperm counts then get abit panick.. But even zero , also can take jabs to get sperms.. so u all dun worry okie..
U need to relax and hubby must be relax too.. JIA YOU
Hi Zaza,

Yupz.. paying him a hundred again to check on his schedule.. wakkaka.. Btw, gain a little only lah.. as long as u watch out diet and do light exercise will do... i trust yoga helps..

Btw, when will u be starting lucrin ?
I not a good cook leh... but can share with u what I cook for my lunch during 2ww. Since we are not supposed to stand too long esp near the stove (due to the heat), got to eat less oily/heaty/spicy food, so i cook porridge with slow cooker most of the time. Though, it takes abt an 1 hour or more to cook the porridge, at least I dun hv to "jagga" the fire and can avoid the heat from the stove.

What I cook - basically fish / pork / chicken porridge with a little ginger in slice n spring onion. For chicken and pork, u can add carrot/potato (cut into cubes size). if u dun mind, u can also add broccoli into porridge since we are supposed to eat more green vege. But I rather steam some leafy vege and add a little sauce (dun use osyter sauce, use the vegetarian eqvi type of "osyter" sauce)

When i am sick of porridge, I will replace rice with bee hoon, kuat teow, mee sua or instand noodle and throw in lots of vege.

oh, dun forget to add one or two egg white into the porridge or noodle.

If I am hungry and cant wait for the slow cooker, I will use the stove, bo bian. It will take abt 15-25mins to cook (must stir the porridge constantly and dun cover it, cos will overflow hor). Finally, always remember to prepare the ingredients in advance so that u spread out the ur standing time.
Yeps, i bought 2 sets of herbs from Dr Zhou on my last visit to last me for 2mths to bring overseas. Starting on the 2nd batch now. Gonna see her on my trip back this Friday too

Maybe give KK anthr try lah for your 2nd round since Dr Loh has handled your 1st case. Be kiasu and just go book slot 1st?? Since I manage to get Apr09 slot, I'll stick with KKH. I hope it'll be a one-time success. Was telling zaza, if 1st round not successful (choy choy), then i might consider moving over to SGH or NUH for my 2nd try. But since already registered etc with KKH, I'll stick with them for my 1st try.

Let's just all pray that everything will go well for us all
Haha! What luck! I called KKIVF just now. Just called 1x and someone actually answered! Finally got the details of my D3 BT. The nurse said, everything normal. But what do these figs mean? Can help to explain ladies? hehe ...

FHS: 5.7
LH : 1.31
E2 : 206
Prolactin: 25.14

Go call KKH now and ask for your detailed BT results! Think they're not so busy now, that's why answered my calls fast
Went for my scan today... everything is well thusfar. bb is 12mm long and heartbeat 152BPM. Dr said bb is growing at the correct rate and heartbeat is also normal. This is so unusal.... Dr said next scan is two weeks time. When I told the nurse, she said she preferred one week cos they usually take care of IVF patient till week 8 and then we can go back to our own gynae. So, I was stuck and told the receptionist to double check with Dr and nurse. She came back and said "Dr said upto you, but nurse would prefer u to come next week". Well, since I need to come back for jab, I decided to see Dr next week. The nurse won!! haha

Develyn, nurse said at this stage, fetus wont split anymore.. haha, who knows the other one may be blocked by this one... i dreaming

Dr Loh will not refuse to do IVF if you are overweight la. I saw him early this month and he didn't mention my weight at all ( I am 15kg above my idea weight -scary right hee hee).

One thing I forgot to highlight to you all that in fact he told me he doesn't believe in TCM. He said last time people asked him he then say maybe can try out. But now he quoted India lady didn't see TCM and the sucessful rate is higher than Chinese.
To those @ ER stage, will pray tt u hv more than sufficient good quality eggs retrieved and can proceed to ET.

To those in 2ww, rest well, eat healthy. Good luck and BFP BFP !
It's so exciting to be able to hear such good news of your baby! Looks like you're really on the way to a healthy and safe pregnancy
Sierra, thanks... i hvnt really told anyone yet except inlaws n my mum. to those who knows abt my ivf journey, i will reply everything is good/on track thusfar when they asked. Am waiting for week 12 to come, meanwhile, will continue to observe the donts... just to be very safe!
Yeps.. hope you'll see through to Wk12 safely and baby will grow stronger. Happy for you!

Boon Boon,
Thanks for your assessment of my BT figures. If need less medi, then happy! Now hv to boost hubby's soldiers. Think gonna try the Tribestan. Hee...
Hi guys,

Anyone happen to have Dr Loh's email?
Apparently I remember doing D2 BT but then when I call the nurse to check, she says I did not do D2 BT.

Her record shows that I only took the progesterone test (For ovulation tracking) and the latest one for IVF purpose (Rubella, HIV etc).
I am having my first day of menses, so if can I will go down to take blood test. Thanks!
Hi girls,

I managed to call the nurses at KKIVF.
They asked me to go down to take the blood test tomorrow. Lucky!

Sierra, big thanks! If you never post about it, I think I wouldn't know I never did my D2 BT!
Heng my menses come today, tomorrow can rush down
Hi Ladies

Was just wondering if we can do some exercises like jogging during Phase 2 before ER? Am thinking of losing some weight & keep fit.

WY Koo
Hi Sierra,

I dun have BT lah.. i mean my previous IVF period :p

Hi Boon Boon ,

Yes, Dr Loh will not reject overweight patience cos he feel that everyone worth to give a try..
As for why i am losing weight, it is based on experience from my 1st IVF.. No need to loose until super slim but at least some..

My first IVF was really tiring.. i feel bloated (normal) but plus carrying my heavy fats (abnormal).. i have some thick zona which has high chance caused by obesity & diet.. I am not only losing weight but i am also trying to get myself to best health (within my means) for the 2nd shots.. Although Dr Loh dun comment on weight - Gleneagle / Thomson / Care Paragon + woman specialist clinic says that BMI plays apart on the sucessful rates.. So, I will continue to try my best to cut down weight lor..
Hi Koo ,

Try going for light exercise such as walking fast or going down steps or relax swim... let your womb rest for ER & ET + u r stimulating the eggs under puregon/gonalF stage..so dun stress the eggs too :p
Yes, agreed with you Develyn. Weight is an issue for infertity caused. That is why I am trying to reduce weight as well. But I will not force myself to the extrem, but to have moderate intake and watch out the diet hee hee (must enjoy life):>
Thanks for sharing.. so for slow cooker type, just dump everything inside let it slowly cook by itself, then can eat liao ah?
Bad news, repeat my BHCG test today and it was only 31 vs 25 on Sat. Doc said something is not quite right and the pregnancy is not growing well. Most likely is a gone case. Tomorrow to repeat blood test to have it confirmed.

SAD SAD SAD..this would be my 2nd chemical pregnancy!
Yeaaa! Lucky manage to find out. So tomorrow better quickly go dwn for D2 BT!

Me also want to know what exercises are ok during ivf. Maybe swimming is a good idea. It shouldn't be too tough on the body rite? And I think i'll go for walks in the park etc too. Although some said shouldn't walk ard too much??
I don;t think there is any hope, 4 days apart and only increase 6, no way the pregnancy would be viable. Something is definitely not right. I'm sobbing as I was typing this.
I went in with a open heart, and when doc told me i'm pregnant i was really happy, and the news of "pregnancy not growing well' really hurts
Hi Boon Boon ,

Yes, dun force yourself.. For me , i just demand more since i am going for the second shots.. dun wan to fail again.. i just hope this time , there will be more embies for freezing :p

Hi Sierra ,

Before IVF (If u are not trying natural) :

Gym (jog on treadmill , cycle ..etc )
Two weeks before lucrin , rest your womb , go for only brisk walking.. I cannot really jog so i go for incline + brisk walk..

Swim - Breast stroke (slow and steady)

Sauna / Steam bath (for detoxing too)


After every exercise , drink a cup of warm water so that u will detox by urinating toxic (yellow urine)..

"Again , not the quantity that you do but the consistency " Dun go for 1 week then rest two weeks..

During lurin , just go down walk walk or light exercises such as go shopping to strenghten your legs muscle.. keke.. Yoga will be good too.
Or u prefer to exercise your muscle by doing warm up stretching.. to allow better circulation..

Stage 2 ---> Stop all exercises .. rest and relax.. eggs are developing.. some stretching are fine

Hi Micky ,

I went thru' the sobbing or i should says "big cry" when i know that my HCG level drops tremendously.. Meaning it is gone.. i took a week + to cry.. Just remember , do not blame yourself .. Stand up again and try again..
Hi Breezy ,


Hi Micky ,

Call me if u need listening ears.. or sms me if u feel more comfortable.. i am gtg off from office.. 98560606..

hi ladies
was found myself have some brownish stained like on monday, happi tot was implantation spotting... however, nightmare came on tues, brownish became red..so i called hosp and rush for urgent BT..HCG results only 9.8 . nurse said go home n rest and come back again for the actual schedule BT which is on friday...
reali hope miracles can happen now
I do not pin any hope, search for HCG information and though those started with low HCG, it was increasing, but look at mine...cannot help but feel that oly fresh cycle will suit me.

really upset, and hubby (now away) said we went in with a open heart to give justice to the embryos, and we have done our best. BUT..the feeling of being pregnant a minute with tons of jabs and tons of medication/supplements to the next minute of "Pregnancy not growing well" simply tear me apart. I guess if from the start it was a failure I would not be so upset.

thanks..thanks all to the ladies who have rendered support but it just hurts so much...

u still have chance, so long it is increasing, u will be fine.
hi micky
we just hope for miracles will happened now...lets pray together
my hubby even more supportive than me said he is actually happi liao cos is >5...he is so positive than me...
Hey, I wonder how come i got no notification from this forum...

Have fun tomorrow evening girls!

Office work and bb is getting taxing for me..
