IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Libby,

Heehee at 1st my hb also think the same way as your hb and didn't want to take tcm...I nagged him a few times and manage to presuade him to take dr zou's medicine. Altho he didn't like it at 1st, he has grown used to it already.

Is your hubby okie to take herbal soup??? If yes you can cook herbal soup like chicken with cordyceps and 泡参 with some Gou Qi Zi. You can take it once a week. You can also ask your doc to prescribe vitamins to boost his sperm.

hi fresh,

do take care of your body...

don take any chicken, eggy, seafood thingy as it is believed they are posionous for those who have undergone operation etc... i think cos they might cause inflammation/infection to the wound...

when i had my laproscopy, i only ate fish... my MIL cooked fish porridge initally... the good type of fish... ngor he (i think it's called this. :p)

try to take more fish and veges....

and don sit down too often.... my MIL say no good also... sleep more and u will recover faster...

and drink lots of water!!!

after my op, i felt so thirsty and i think drink too little water... after that my throat was hoarse and i came down with severe throat inflammation...

take care!
Hi Fresh,

Is there a blood test to know whether had a rubella jab before? Because I remember you posted this info before.
Hi Fresh,

Yup. I understand how you are going thro as I've been there too. Dun worry, rest well and try to eat more fish as it will help in the healing of wound.
fresh - thanks for the infor and it did mention that the essence of chicken are produce in taiwan and for their local consumption but usually the ones in s'pore are usually made in malaysia
Of course you must be careful when making the purchase

The ones from yu ren shang might not be halal certified unless any of you could certified it

tnt - gd luck for your BT

Micky - gd luck
boon boon - there is a blood test for rubella

develyn - no need to cry as usually the ones in s'pore are made in malaysia.... please go home and check
Hi Develyn,

Yes, I will be there. Definately have to meet IVF hotline lady..hee hee.

I will be late as I injured my leg. Getting better now but can't walk too fast. So I guess I will be there later than 7pm

Btw, can you tell me where is Marche? Near Giant or near ...
Hi Zaza ,

Confirm no halal cert. Phew.. at least i still can drink mine.. thanks for the info on Malaysia made n Taiwan made...

Hi Fresh ,

Thanks too.. i will buy Eu Ren Shen the next time round to try the taste cos i hate chicken essence taste.. eekk.. :X
Ladies, thanks for all your comforting words. My BHCG results is out and I insisted on waiting at the clinic to receive it.

As expected, the HCG dropped by 50% so it's gone. Another chemical pregnancy, cried at the clinic but just have to come to terms with it. Doc given me few more days mc to recover emotionally.

'm really comforted by all you ladies here. Spoke to my 4 year son last night about the bb gone and I started to cry and he hugged me and sayang me and started to cry as well. And while he was trying to zzz, he was still tearing and got up from his bed and asked, "Mummy, will you grow old and die"? I don;t want you to die." I must have affected him. This morning, he's ok but said "mummy, are u still sad?"

Nevertheless, I thank god for still having 2 lovely children and I shld count my blessings, now just got to wait for AF to arrive.

In fact, I'm considered young, only at 31...still have 2 frozen embryos to try..

Ladies, let's all be positive. Things happen for a reason and we just have to continue having faith.
Hi Boon Boon ,

*Blush*.. haha.. anyway , i dressed super simple.. no make up.. just wan to be free and easy...
Hmm.. i just know it is at 3rd floor.. I have never been there as i went to Suntec one last time.. Ok, take your time , ring me when u reach okie.. I will come out to fu u in

Btw, some of gals cannot go today .. like Noi , Jas and Breezy ..etc.. We will mark attendance today.. The next gathering , new comers to prepare foods.. Ooppss.. what if all dun come.. keke.. joking again.. over excited today :p
Hi Micky ,

I guess the love and comfort from your 2 lovely children definately touch u... really glad that Micky is back - she has stand up and being positive.. Get your emotional and health good to prepare for the next FET. Hugs .. :D
Hi Fresh,
do take care. Don't worry about the chicken essence here, it is safe. When i heard the news, panic and started checking all the bottles, then the next day, news said s'pore sold ones are safe.

Hi tnt,
still hope for the best tomorrow.

Hi micky,
your older kids are still depending on you, don't give up trying. When i failed previously, my child was wondering why i cry everyday and ignored him. He console me and made me laugh again, then i pick myself up and told him that i will try again for his sake. Your boy is really mature, i am touch and tearing as he said "i don't want you to die".

Hi zaza,
send me the pics of the gathering too. Thanks. And is the collection venue of the essence convenient for you? Can get more to stock up since chicken essence expiry is usually quite long.
hi boon boon. yes there is this blood test that the nurse will ask u to take when u are new to kk.

thanks for all ur well wishes.

be brave micky. do try again. ur boy must be worried abt u. so nice of him to comfort u. good boy
hi develyn and zaza
thanks...will keep u guys posted...

and micky...yes..life gotta move on...furthermore u still have 2 frozen embryo to try... me got to restart all over again...

btw..anyone can advise..after this chemical pregnancy, how long later we shld start for another fresh ivf again...
cos after BT tmr, think will discuss for the next ivf cycle...i cant wait liao..34yr old liao
i've got this article abt using tcm to increase egg quality on a 45 years old woman whom doc had given up and asked her to use egg donor. she got preggy in the end.

can't post here cos file too big. any other way? email only?
Hi Tnt ,

U can start in 2mths time according to Dr Loh.. unless u need to do DC wash.. then u have to wait for 3-4mths to recover your womb..

I am counting down with excitement.. waited for abt 2 months from MC.. Btw, after my AF in January .. AF didnt report already.. :S
Hi Zaza ,

I will go Dr Zou there for accup at 7pm as 6.30pm is full.. Any ladies want to go Dr Zou tomorrow evening ? Can join in man.. we crowd her beds and chat :X
hi develyn, yeah, think singapore one should be ok. next time try yu ren sheng type. i find it taste better and more pure cos no caramel added.

hi december, cannot take chicken? how abt chicken essence? also cannot right?
Hi Tnt ,

DC is to remove the remaining foetus.. since AF reported then u should be able to see tissues clots.. think no need DC liao.. u wanna join us tonight ? I mean if u feel better..

Hi Fresh ,

Ok, i sure try it.

Hi Tany ,

When u read to this point , you have completed the *speed reading*... haha ... :D

Hi Fresh and Tany ,

Sorry huh.. both of u coming today right ? Sorry , my sms flooded .. :X
I cant join u today, coz me coming down with a bad flu... i "sell-fish" dont wanna share my "virus" with u all leh... will bring food when we meet the next time. :p
Hi Tany ,

I will write down that u will bring lotsss of food.. haha.. Ok, u better take care of yourself..

Hi Ladies ,

If the crowd is not as big as 16pax then i will arrange the meet up at my place the next time :p
Then we tabao halal food outside k.. :p

Hi Orangey ,

U wanna come tonight ? Sms me okie..
hi develyn
yes..lots of blood clots..nvr seen so much in my life..scared may go into hypovolemic shock..

will join u guys next round definetely...right now..handle my bld clots 1st..

hi fresh
had finish read the article...TCM is amazing...think will go try with dr zou (as some of u mention her is quite gd rite?)btw, as now AF coming, when shld be the best time shld see TCM? and anyone of u actually measured ur BBT?
Develyn, can publish your mobile number again? I stay near vivo, if not tired from carrying this ball, I will go meet you gals tonight! Must give my support to all of you!!

Or u can sms me at 96774244. Thanks!
Hi Zaza ,

Caught u .. i cannot put inside your "back" .. haha.. cos your "back" dun have pocket.. wakakkaa.. :p

Hi Fresh ,

Aiya my blur brain.. ya .. u take care.. i will eat for u .. :p Btw, thanks for the article

Hi Tnt ,

Is fine with blood clot as it is clearing up .. just take those "bu xue" stuffs like cod fish..
Hey Develyn,I want to go!!! But cannot
my colleague on leave for this whole week so I'm like clearing her duties also
plus tonight got conference call o.0 -US timing some more.. I want to sleep

Yes, I have your no! Next time got gathering I want to go! Hehe..

Btw, just now i went down to KKIVF for my D2 BT. Guess what?
The lady who told me I did not do D2 BT gave me wrong info! I did D2 BT already!
Nurse Sara check for me and confirmed that I've done and the BT results are good.
Lucky Nurse Sara is there, if not hor I sure throw tantrum :p

Nurse Sara is really very nice and approachable! First time meeting her and I like her so much already!
Hi Fresh,
thanks for the file. Copied this section from the article for those who has not received the email.

<font color="0000ff">"Chinese medicine can effectively improve ovarian and uterine function and other fertility markers, and thus optimise the chances of conception and pregnancy. Whilst it cannot turn back time and improve egg quality in an older woman, it may

- by improving the growth of the dominant follicle within an ovary that functions more effectively through treatment
- improve the environment an egg matures in, and thus indirectly influence its maturity and quality.

Chinese medicine also improves the thickness of the endometrial lining (and thus the endometrial receptivity to an embryo), increasing the chances of a successful conception and pregnancy. Research as well as clinical experience has shown that both Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture can improve ovarian and uterine blood flow, regulate the endocrine hormones FSH &amp; LH (luteinising hormone), increase oestrogen and progesterone and normalise both the follicular and luteal phases of the menstrual cycle.</font>
Hey Develyn,I want to go!!! But cannot
my colleague on leave for this whole week so I'm like clearing her duties also
plus tonight got conference call o.0 -US timing some more.. I want to sleep

Yes, I have your no! Next time got gathering I want to go! Hehe..

Btw, just now i went down to KKIVF for my D2 BT. Guess what?
The lady who told me I did not do D2 BT gave me wrong info! I did D2 BT already!
Nurse Sara check for me and confirmed that I've done and the BT results are good.
Lucky Nurse Sara is there, if not hor I sure throw tantrum :p

Nurse Sara is really very nice and approachable! First time meeting her and I like her so much already!
Omg.. i didnt bring camera today.. but i have high hope that Sierra brought hers.. :p

Hi Jane ,

Oh ya.. i recalled... just send u sms.. heez..
Btw, have u started your lucrin ?
